After the Storm

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After the Storm Page 2

by Qwantu Amaru

Blowing away with each puff on polluted peace pipes

  Light-headed leaches bleeding a rainbow blood type

  Orbiting lasers looking for lost cities and drying fountains

  As blind youth dig mole holes underneath multinational mountains…

  Parade of Fools

  every person eventually plays the fool

  even after spending years in school

  learning his story and rules

  to find out if it’s cool

  to talk of revolution

  to doubt the constitution

  to clear up the mental pollution

  and confusion within which we have been bathed

  my people slaved

  built two continents on strong backbones

  and could call neither home

  because of the infiltration and infestation

  of the virus that pursued us

  used us and fooled us into believing

  that there was no deceiving

  when we were told we were less

  four hundred years of stress

  adds up to increasing death rates

  due to overwhelming heartache

  and defines the choices that we make

  this is why we should hate the fake

  those among us walking as chameleons in hated skin

  not knowing that if they were to only look within

  they could see themselves among god’s children

  not among sin

  so let us begin to love all, not just one

  so that we may all run

  unshunned, into the valleys of the sun

  or else at heaven’s gate

  the amount of inner turmoil and hate

  will determine each of our fates

  for though the lord did each of us make

  that which he makes can he choose not to retake

  into his blissful, heavenly pool

  so remembering the golden rule

  that we are only god’s tools

  will prevent you from burning among earth’s forgotten fools

  Slime Like You


  You live to kill another day

  Slime like you

  Give good cops a bad name

  Cowardly lions with guns

  No heart or brains

  Time keeps passing

  But some things never change

  Like those more than fifty shots

  With no aim


  is not

  a videogame

  You should have gotten life

  For taking Sean’s away from his wife to be

  And now society pays the price

  I’m so angry

  I can’t even write right

  I’m so scared

  I need to drive with a night light

  Or maybe I should drive with a gun

  At least then you’d have a reason

  Other than excess redbull

  Driving you to commit redrum

  So you may live to kill another day

  And you may have gotten off easy

  But you won’t get too far

  Because now we all see you

  For the slime

  You truly are


  pressure surrounds me.



  trapped inside the mouth of the python

  i scream mutely

  no one can hear the me within me.

  even if they could hear

  no one can help me

  from being eaten alive

  swallowed whole

  by the black hole of my insides turning outwards

  fangs as cell bars surround me from salvation

  in this self-made prison

  i dream of escape

  from this venemous abyss which i have created

  but only a fool would invite the serpent in

  so instead it creeps in stealthily

  on it’s victim unaware, and ultimately

  eats him alive from the inside out

  for this synaptic snake slinks in my mind

  searching for sustenance with its infrared snout

  by slithering silently until it wishes to be heard

  and suddenly it attacks

  using my fears and frustrations for fangs

  it sucked me into the inner darkness of myself

  but within here i have found

  to my dismay

  that the only cold-blooded intruder

  is me


  I could not sleep at all last night. The air was hot outside yet I was chilled inside with fright. My fears like tortured, confused souls performed for me in the darkness. These spirits mocked me increasing my distress...

  They were daring me to simply close my eyes and see, horrible demons awaiting me. I scoffed at their dare for I can view demons anywhere. They walk the Earth freely trying to capture their share...

  Of human souls, with which they are filling in the gaps. Between Hades, Earth, and Heaven there is a steadily shrinking map. In the witching hours off the walls their wicked whispers echoed.

  Compelling me to join other lost souls at the crossroads…

  These voices were attempting to fill my mind with such madness, but I was aware that this was only another of life’s tests. You see, the disciples of the devil are only fulfilling their purpose. So when next you are challenged there is no need to become nervous…

  For on this night I learned the weakness and weapon of the whisperer. He attacks your weakest points and lulls you with his purr. But you and I have a strength that he cannot defeat. For the gift of free will is the protective sacred sheet…

  The dark derelicts cannot penetrate. So I utilized the virtue of patience and decided to outwait. With my choice made, the silent speaker lost his power, but he bade me beware the coming of the next witching hour…

  With that warning given he let me be. It was then that I realized just how good it is to be free. Not one constrained to a one-track mind. For free will is God’s greatest gift to mankind.

  It sets us apart from all of his creation. Even demons and angels cannot make choices as we do without hesitation. We may win some, and some we may lose, but at least we get the opportunity to choose...

  Just which path our short stays here should take. Remembering to tread carefully listening for the slivering of silent snakes. For if given the chance they will poison your soul. Then only another lost one will you become, no free will, no control...

  I realized these truths with the dawning of the day, so my next choice was to simply silently pray. For me and you and all human beings. Protection from the dark powers and all demonic things…

  With only that one silent prayer my soul was eased. And off to sleep I fell feeling tired and pleased...


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