Don't Judge a Book

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Don't Judge a Book Page 5

by Suzanne Steele

  “Ok fine little Miss Independent, no sex and no money but if you think you are getting out of working here in my office you have another thing coming. You work your accounts from my office and you keep my mother happy, or that last spanking you got will seem like a walk in the park by the time I’m finished with you.”

  “Fine,” I muttered. As long as I could keep my independence and integrity intact, I could care less what Billy boy did.

  He pushed himself off my chair with his palms and chuckled when I jumped back. I’m glad he thought all of this was funny because I sure as hell didn’t. I just kept telling myself he would tire of me. I could only hope it would happen soon. I wanted as far away from him as I could get and the sooner the better.

  I had no intentions of letting her go. It had been the reason I insisted on her coming to my office to work. I meant it when I told her she belonged to me now.

  Angelica was proving to be much more of a challenge than I had anticipated. It was going to take longer to get her into my life but I’m not a man who gives up once he sets his sights on something. I had to have her, and have her I would. Let the games begin…


  I hated him for what he had done to us. I looked around the dark and empty room from my dirty mattress on the floor. We didn’t have enough money now for real furniture. It took my mother a month of crappy waitress tips to buy me this mattress, but she didn’t know that I knew that. There were a lot of things she didn’t know I was aware of. I made it my business to know what was going on. Being a kid hadn’t stopped me from growing up long before I should have, he made sure of that.

  It was true, I hated the circumstances we’d been forced into by the man I no longer called father. Living in government housing was nobody’s dream come true. It wasn’t the loss of the material things or the loss of the prestigious private education I had once been privy to that bothered me so much. Hell, it wasn’t even the loss of my so called friends that hurt so deeply. It was her.

  I could hear her sobs through the paper thin walls and my body was racked with a pain that went much deeper than anything physical—it cut to the core of my soul to see my mother betrayed and hurting this way due to his lack of principals.

  I promised myself I would make it up to her somehow—some way. I promised myself I would get even with him if it took me a lifetime. I would make sure he paid for what he had done to us, to her.

  I covered my head with the pillow and attempt to drown out the agonizing sound of her sobs. It wouldn’t matter if I drowned them out or not, because tomorrow when the sun came up it would only reveal the pain that was now permanently etched on her face. A pain that went so deeply it showed on her face and radiated through her eyes.

  I vowed to myself I would never allow myself to be out of control of a situation again. I would take control of the things I could—and right now the only thing I had control over was to make sure that I got an education. Granted, I wouldn’t be in the private school I had once been in, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t be self taught through books. I would use the library to my benefit. Getting an education would provide me with the resources I needed to get us out of this rat hole. To get her out of this rat hole. Gun shots in the background only solidified my decision of doing the two things I knew had to do: get an education and make him pay…

  I sat up and ran my hands through my unruly copper curls. The dream was always the same, though the circumstances or the setting was different at times —one thing remained the same—her sobs in the background. Even though I had done all I had set out to do, I still had this over powering need to make sure she was ok.

  My mind drifted to Angelica and I tossed around in my head whether I had made the right decision in my choice of her. I had seen the way that her eyes had welled up with tears when I revealed to her that my mother was the reason for the charade I was asking her to take part in.

  I couldn’t help but wonder what had motivated her to research me on the internet. I knew her well enough to know why she had done it—I was her adversary and she knew that researching me would give her power for a game plan.

  She was smart, I would give her that. It couldn’t be easy working in a man’s world. Working in a world full of double standards. I was one of the few men I knew that respected business savvy women. Hell, I was the only man I knew that respected business savvy women.

  I could feel my cock thicken as I thought about being buried deep within my little vixen Angel. I hadn’t wanted to bed the same woman more than once in years. The same way I made up my mind to take control of my life, was the same way I made up my mind to take control of Angel. She didn’t know it yet—but she was as good as mine.

  I made my way to the bathroom and then the kitchen to the coffee pot. It was evident sleep would elude me. If Angel had done her research on me, then it was only fair I did mine on her. I had researched her as far as her career, but I needed more than that. I needed to know what made her tick. What made this woman so determined to maintain control over her career? Was she just a type A personality, or had something happened to make her this way? I needed to know—I needed control.

  I exited the shower plagued with thoughts of how I could get out of going into the office. Even though I had forced my hand about working my accounts with the leverage of agreeing to be Bills fake fiancé, it still bothered me that he was telling me what to do. I am a grown woman and I don’t like the idea of any man trying to delegate rules to me. I have worked too hard for my independence to let any man have control over me.

  My biggest concern was how good he was at it. He had this way of putting me in situations where I had no choice but to give in to his mandates. The little shit was smart, powerful, rich, and he had connections.

  A trifecta, great… A triple threat…

  He had been smart enough to not just use one aspect of gaining control. He started out with using business connections, moved on to sex, and now he was going so far as to use his mother in the form of a guilt trip. The business connections I couldn’t do anything about, his mother I would put on hold, the sex I would not allow again. No more sex with Billy boy!

  I felt better as I continued putting on make-up, after all I had now gained some control over the situation. I have always been disgusted by women who have to have a man. Or women who give into men just because the sex is great. I most certainly was NOT that girl. If Billy boy thought a roll in the hay was going to have me bowing at his feet then he sure didn’t know me as well as he thought that he did.


  Bill sat listening to Mrs. Taylor on the phone as he cut his eyes at Angelica.

  “Mr. Covington, I’m not quite sure what type of information you are looking for on Angelica, but I thought it might be wise to see if I could find anything out about her personal life on her social sites. I have found some very interesting things about her, but they are more of a personal nature than a business one. Are you interested in me sending you that information?”

  “Absolutely, when I said everything, I meant everything. I don’t care if it’s her preference of dog breed, if it pertains to her, I want it. E-mail me everything now, please.”

  “Oh yes sir, I’m sending it right now.”

  Mrs. Taylor immediately got off of the phone and began working on it. She didn’t know, or care to know Angelica on a personal basis—all that she did know—was that since her little run in with the boss; Mrs. Taylor had been given a substantial raise and she now had much more clout with the women who worked in the office. Her promotion to head secretary had seen to that and her favor with Bill Covington hadn’t gone unnoticed. Yes, for Mrs. Taylor life was good.

  “What are you doing Billy? Gathering Intel on me?” I sat up straighter when I saw him get up from his desk and approach me.

  He casually leaned against my desk and crossed his arms as he narrowed his eyes at me.

  “This type of behavior is what makes me believe you enjoy the discipline I freely administer. You
purposely antagonize me and we have already been over this. I don’t like having to repeat myself, Angel.”

  “Two things: my name is Angelica and I’m sorry, I must have forgotten one of your many rules.” I met his gaze feeling quite confident since I now had the issue of his mother in my corner. In other words the little shit needed me.

  “I distinctly remember informing you that if you are going to conduct yourself in a juvenile manner, then you will be administered discipline. Just as a juvenile attitude would warrant.”

  “What is it with you and this spanking thing you have going on, Billy?”

  I jumped as he rapidly grabbed the arms of my chair and pulled it forward as far as the desk would allow.

  Oh shit.

  I knew that I was playing with fire, but I couldn’t help it—I had to fan the flames a bit.

  “Quit. Fucking. Calling. Me. Billy. You want to push the envelope with me Angel, then game on little girl. Do you want your spanking now or later?”

  I looked at him horrified and I noted that he had raised a brow and was actually expecting me to answer his ludicrous question. I had all but convinced myself I held the power now due to his mother. He clearly wasn’t getting that—he for some reason still believed he had me over a barrel. Perhaps if I explained my thought process to him, it would help the little twerp to see the error of his ways.

  “You need me more than I need you.” I hated how I sounded like a petulant child and I hated even more how I was having to explain myself. A sardonic raised brow informed me he was still awaiting an answer.

  “I’m not answering that question, Bill!”

  He leaned in nose to nose and growled, “Fine, I’ll answer it for you—keep fucking with me Angel and one by one I’ll alleviate you of your accounts. Even you are intelligent enough to know that in our business, it can still boil down to being about the good ole boys club.”

  “You bastard!”

  He grabbed the back of my neck and yanked me towards him before he locked his lips over mine and purposely sucked and slobbered. It wasn’t a kiss—it was an I’m fucking your make-up up because I can move. His next sentence only confirmed to me how facetious he was being.

  “You may want to use the private bathroom over there to go and fix your make-up. I’m sure the secretaries know I’m fucking you by now, but I know how you are about your ‘professional reputation.’”

  He smirked as he made his way back to his desk as if nothing had happened. I made my way to the bathroom with his words ringing in my ears.

  I’m sure the secretaries know that I’m fucking you by now…

  He watched me throughout the day—hell, he watched me like a hawk every day. He studied every move I made. He watched me as if he was a predator and I was his prey.

  I couldn’t help but be curious about what he and Mrs. Taylor were discussing on the phone earlier. Where was the allegiance that was supposed to exist be between women who worked in a man’s world? It was evident she and Billy boy were now the best of friends. I couldn’t believe it when he went so far as to promote her to head secretary. That bitch had no problem betraying me, if I expected any allegiance from Bill’s employees I was only deceiving myself. I was in this alone.

  I looked up because I could feel his eyes on me and I had to bite my tongue from telling him to get back to work. His voice cut through the air in an accusatory manner.

  “What are you doing, Angel? Are you plotting how you are going to manage to escape the grasp I so tightly hold on you? I can assure you that there is no escape for you. You’re mine and you just haven’t realized it yet, or you don’t want to realize it. Rest assured Angel, I will keep a very protective and heavy hand over you. There is nothing you can do or say that will change my mind. I have full intent on keeping you around. The sooner you realize there is no escape—the better it will be for both of us.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He was blatantly admitting that he would do whatever it took to keep me around. I’ve been around underhanded, sneaky, conniving people, but I have never been around someone who looked me in the eye and fully admitted that they were manipulating me. This guy had a set of balls, that was for sure.

  The rest of the day was spent working. No matter how I tried to push it out of my head, the nagging thought remained—would he make good on his threat of spanking me?

  I guess the thing that bothered me the most was the anticipation not only scared me, it sexually excited me. Keeping the promise I made to myself that I wouldn’t sleep with him again was going to be much easier said than done. It would be so much easier if he wasn’t so damn good looking. It wasn’t only his looks that had a magnetic pull with me either—there was an undeniable sexual chemistry between us. How was I supposed to fight it when he refused to let me out of his sight?

  Yes, there was no doubt that I had met my match in Bill Covington. If any man would be able to break down the barriers I had spent years building, it would be none other than Bill Covington.

  He had masterfully manipulated my circumstances to put me in a situation of being under his control. Not only did Bill Covington like being in control—he had mastered the art of it.

  It wasn’t just his hard body that held me to the wall as he pressed against me, he pinned me in with his words. It wasn’t with one leg thrown over me in a hold that would keep me captive so that his large manicured hand could slap down on the tender skin of my ass. It was with his eyes that he held me captive and restrained me, making me unable to move or even look away from the intensity of his gaze. Even though the front of my body was pinned to the wall, my head turned sideways so I could see into his piercing gaze.

  “Why are you doing this Bill? Why are you so dead set on me? Why don’t you go and fuck one of your many girlfriends? Is it because I resist you? Is that why you have to have me, Bill? Do you want me because you know you can’t have me; the whole forbidden fruit concept?” I listened to his answer that came out more like an anguished hoarse whisper.

  “What do you mean why don’t I go fuck one of my other women? From the day that I set my eyes on you there has been no other women, there’s only been you. How am I supposed to fuck another woman when my cock won’t cooperate?”

  He took my hand and ran it over the hard bulge in his tailored pants. “I need to feel your skin on fire after the leather of my belt has connected with that sweet porcelain ass of yours Angel. I need to hear you crying out my name as tears stream down your face begging me for mercy. Begging me to stop and then begging me to let you come.”

  I felt his hands slowly begin unbuttoning the buttons on my shirt, everything in my head screamed, no! But my body ached for him.

  “You can’t tell me there isn’t a part of you that wants what only I can give you. Look at me and tell me you haven’t thought about the first time I spanked you. Look at me and tell me you haven’t gotten wet thinking about the vile things I did to you. Let me control you in the bedroom. I’m not asking you to control your life or to take the independence you have worked so hard for. I’m asking you to let me own you behind closed doors. I’m asking you to give me a part of you that no other man has ever had. Tell me yes Angel. Tell me that behind closed doors you will be mine completely. Make a deal with the devil and tell me that you’ll be my pure little Angel to defile and corrupt—I need for you to tell me yes.”

  I couldn’t. I couldn’t tell him I didn’t think about it. I couldn’t tell him that my body didn’t enjoy the discipline and the humiliation he subjected me to.

  “You are so fucking beautiful, girl.”

  His lips and tongue licked, sucked, and lightly bit and on vulnerable patches of my skin as he continued undressing me. Never once removing those sky blue eyes off mine

  He led me over to the footboard of the bed dressed only in the heels and thigh highs I had worn today. He pushed between my shoulder blades forcing the top part of my body down, leaving me bent at the waist standing—spread open and in full view to the man who had not
only seen me physically, but also emotionally.

  Bill Covington had seen more of my body, mind, will, and emotions, in the little time we had been together than any other man had ever seen. He had seen deep within me because he wanted to. He was so different from any man I had ever been with. Most men didn’t give a shit about seeing into the true essence of a woman, Bill Covington demanded to see the true essence of me, he would settle for no less than all of me.

  I jumped as I heard the swish of his belt and I clenched the sheets fisting them as white hot pain seared through me. The warmth of his hand stroked over the mark he made and soothed it. Tears streamed down my face as I listened to his voice in the distance.

  “I love marking you. I love knowing every time you sit and shift your weight in your office chair tomorrow trying to find a comfortable spot because your ass is sore, you will be thinking of me.”

  I cried out as a lightning bolt hit me once again, but this time the sting of his leather connected in a different spot. My core clenched lighting a fire that only he could stoke with each strike of his leather belt. Strike after strike enflamed me until I finally disconnected and there was no longer pain, only endorphins that crashed through my system and carried me away to a different place. Carried me away as if I were on the wings of an angel; such as my name implied.

  I groaned in a mixture of agony and ecstasy as he pulled my female lips apart toying with my opening which was now soaked, my body told on me, it told him how much I enjoyed the things he did to me. His fingers slid up and down me as he spoke only confirming what I already knew.

  “You are so wet and ready for me, aren’t you baby girl.”

  I clenched my fists, grabbing at the sheets as he pushed through the barrier of resistance my body presented due to being tight from lack of sex. I stretched to accommodate him as another form of pain overtook me—the pain of him taking me.


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