P'yxx - Syl'kie and Ellie Rose's 1st adventure [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood spin-off series]

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P'yxx - Syl'kie and Ellie Rose's 1st adventure [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood spin-off series] Page 12

by Robert Iannone

  “Am I authorized to defend myself?”

  “You mean like shoot things?”



  “I remind you that we seem to be dealing with non-organic robots.”

  “We don’t know anything about them. What happens if they’re more than that; it could make thing worse. If you get into trouble, leave while you still can - I’ll figure out something else.”

  “Understood. For your benefit, I will keep up a running commentary as long as I can.”

  “Great. One last thing; if for any reason you lose contact with your backup program on the capsule, get out of there.”

  “May I ask why?”

  “Putting you in danger for a good reason is not that hard, knowing that your butt-brain is continuously being backed-up. If that wasn’t the case, then I wouldn’t do it.”

  “Princess Syl’kie, I do appreciate your concern. However, I must point out that though I possess a highly advanced AI, I am not sentient. As witty, intelligent and charming as I appear to be, it has all been programmed into my computer.”

  “Not everything.”

  “To what do you refer?”

  “You being my wingman. Am I right?”

  She wasn’t but Zani was programmed to respond appropriately. “True dat, Princess”.


  Oh’tezla had one of his minions bring food to his room. The reprogramming effort was a lot more complicated than he expected . . .

  . . . and he didn’t want to break his concentration by going down for dinner.

  Someday, assuming he didn’t land in jail for his bad behavior, the Big Oh could be one of the great programmers of his time. But to achieve that success would take many more years of increasingly complex classes and an equal amount of on-the-job training under a qualified mentor.

  Right now, as they say, he knew enough to be dangerous.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t know how dangerous. Assuming he could even complete his reprogramming, when Z’spon sync’d with the other ALF Primes in the quadrant, these changes would be uploaded to them.

  Though it was never their intention, the scientists and engineers that created these robotics to emulate humanoid thinking inadvertently created sentient beings. The computer code at their core should have been considered one of the great achievements in the Andromeda Galaxy. And because of its complexity, any changes to it required years of testing under controlled conditions. Furthermore, the Primes would be continuously monitored for years to ensure that some unforeseen series of events didn’t cause those programming changes to create some unanticipated problem.

  Even if he had thought it through, Oh’tezla would had just laughed off the concern. He was going to make a very small change to just one ALF – a change that only he could trigger.

  It was all in good fun.

  What could possibly go wrong?


  Ellie was lost in concentration when the door opened and a tall robot-like being walked in. She yelped involuntarily, stood up and pulled the chair in front of her for protection.

  “I am ALF Prime. You are trespassing on these premises. Explain.”

  The girl took a deep breath to steady herself. “Are you in charge of this facility?”

  Instead of answering, that now familiar beam of light from Z’spon’s eyes shot out and scanned the intruder. “What species are you?”

  “I’m human. My father is from Aerianna and my mother from Earth.”

  “Neither planet is familiar to me.” The Andromeda Galaxy was pretty darn large and Z’spon only had experience with one quadrant. It was unusual, but not unheard of, that travelers would come from distant parts of the galaxy. “You did not travel via the Displacement Gates.” It was a statement of fact not a question.

  Ellie realized he was talking about that contraption back where she had been captured. “No. We . . . that is I . . . can generate my own gate.”

  “Fascinating. Why have you come to the Infinite Requiem of Scientific Insufficiencies?”

  “Say what?” She had no idea what he just said.

  “Why are you here?”

  “I was just exploring and discovered this planetoid. It had an artificial energy signature so I thought I’d take a look. I’m sorry but didn’t realize that I needed permission to land.”

  “You seem very young to be an explorer. Is this typical in your culture?”

  “Not really.” Since this robot was not being aggressive or threatening, she decided to try something. “You see, my mom is the Queen of Aerianna. It is with her permission that I’m allowed to explore.”

  “To what end? What information do you seek?”

  Whoops, this could lead to a wrong conclusion – that she was on a spying mission. “We are a peaceful people. Finding others who would accept our friendship and perhaps engage in commerce or an exchange of cultural ideas and scientific information. The Queen believes that all of humanity . . .” but she stopped herself. Yet another thought came to mind. “Allow me to rephrase that. She believes that all peaceful sentient beings are stronger if they can cooperate in ways that they find mutually comfortable.”

  “Why did you rephrase your statement?”

  “Because I was being narrow-minded. You are sentient though an artificial life form.”

  That statement intrigued him since not even the scientists that created him realized that he and his brethren had become self-aware. “Do you have knowledge of others of my kind?”

  “Yes. My honorary aunt and her husband were once sentient AI’s. However, we have given them organic bodies.”

  Z’spon’s eyes opened a tad wider. “I should like to test your theory of cooperation.”

  “Let me guess. You’ll show me around this facility if I tell you about the avatars we grow for our artificial life forms.”

  “You are very perceptive . . . the second biologic I have met with such a quality. Do you accept my proposal?”

  Ellie hesitated because she was thinking of her sister. Should she tell him (funny how she assigned that pronoun to the robot) about Syl or keep her in reserve in case this wasn’t as friendly as it seemed. “Absolutely. Did you want to start right now?”

  “It must wait until tomorrow morning. In the meantime, are you hungry? As it happens, we are entertaining students from Ooz’tari World who are close to your own age. I invite you to join them for dinner in the main commissary.”

  Except for the fact that her sister wasn’t with her, this was turning out to be better than Ellie could have hoped for . . . a chance at more than a casual first contact. “That would be great, thank you.”

  “If you would kindly wait here, I will summon one of the students to escort you. Her name is P’yxx. You will find her an excellent example of the best this quadrant has to offer in the way of biologics.” Without waiting for her to respond, he turned to leave. Then he stopped and turned back. “What is your name?”

  The girl smiled. “Ellie Rose.”

  Z’spon, to her surprise, nodded his head and said, “Princess” . . . then left.

  Just out of curiosity, Ellie waited a few seconds then tried the door once more. It still wasn’t locked . . . and that was a comfort.


  Needing a place to wait, Syl’kie found a rocky outcropping that overlooked the city but at a safe distance. Unfortunately, with nothing to do, she found it difficult to ignore the rumblings in her stomach. She looked down at her belly and demanded, “Shut up, will you? That’s not helping.”

  The stupid thing growled in response.

  Mercifully her thoughts were interrupted by Zani. “I have reached the building and have flown past a few robots without incident. I’m going to enter.”

  “Great. Listen up. Once you’re inside, find a place that’s out of sight of everyone. Then, try to contact my sister.”

  “Again, an excellent plan.”

  Syl’kie smiled at the compliment. “I’m guessing that once you go in there, we
won’t be able to talk to each other.”

  “The deeper I go into this structure, the more likely that will happen.”

  “Okay. You have fifteen minutes to try to find out what you can . . . then come back out and update me. If I don’t hear from you in that time, I’m going in.”

  “That is putting yourself in danger needlessly. Please allow me an hour to find Ellie Rose.”

  She was about to say, “Too long. I’ll give you thirty minutes then I’m coming after both of you,” but changed her mind. On instinct, she replied, “Okay. But I’m going to use that time to explore the city from the outside. No use wasting the time. The more information we have, the better we can plan.”

  “Understood. However, I would like to log my disagreement for the record.”

  “Whatever. Just go. Oh, and Zani . . . good luck.”

  “I will endeavor not to disappoint you.”

  “By the way, if you see something to eat . . . I’m starving.”

  “Understood. Nothing green, I presume.”

  Syl’kie smiled. “And that’s why you’re my wingman.”


  There was a knock on the door then it opened slowly. A girl’s head peered in. “Hello.”

  “Hi. You must be P’yxx?”

  The girl entered the room. “I am. And you’re Ellie Rose?”

  “Yes, but all my friends call me Ellie.”

  “Are you really a Princess?”

  “Technically. But I don’t feel like one.”

  “Why not?”

  “My future isn’t to govern my home world when my mom retires. It’s to be my sister’s brain when we take over the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  P’yxx scrunched her face. “Apologies, but that made no sense.”

  Ellie smiled. “I have a knack for talking in Galactic Gibberish. Sorry.”

  “I’ve never talked to a Princess before. If you don’t mind, I would love to hear your explanation. I have to admit - the way you phrased it – makes it seem like a scientific impossibility.”

  Now that statement got Ellie’s attention. It sounded like this girl was a cut above your average intelligence. Her sister had no interest in theories or abstract concepts. And to be honest, they had few other friends . . . none of which shared her love of mathematics and physics. “I know that sounded weird but the explanation isn’t that exciting. I’d be glad to explain but if you’d rather get back to your friends, I would understand.”

  “The only friends I have are back on Hal’sea-on. Besides, we have about an hour before dinner is served.”

  This was great. First contact with a girl her own age, what could be better? “Terrific. Let me ask you a question first. What species are you?”

  That was weird; who wouldn’t know what she was? “I’m a Shazarette, of course. How do you not know that?”

  “Why would I know? Oh, never mind. I guess the big guy (referring to the ALF Prime) didn’t tell you that I’m not from around here.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I’m from . . . very far away.” She was reluctant to tell a stranger that she was from a different galaxy.

  “Really? And you’re here by yourself? How old are you?” Ellie was a head taller than the elfin P’yxx.

  “I’m eleven. How about you?”

  “Thirteen. What species did you say you were?”

  “I didn’t. My mom was from Earth and my dad is from Aerianna. That’s where we live.”

  “Never heard of them.”

  “As I said, they’re a long way away. So, what is this place?”

  This time P’yxx laughed. “You came a great distance and you didn’t know what was here?”

  Ellie shrugged. “I was just exploring . . . boldly going places where no Aeriannian had ever gone before.”

  “That’s pretty brave. I wish I could do something like that.”

  “Your parents won’t let you, I’m guessing.”

  “Oh, I see you’ve met them,” teased the other girl and they both chuckled. In this universe, there are many things that can cause a bond to form between people – love, grief, shared experience. Laughter was one of the most potent.

  “What do they do – your parents?”

  “They’re scientists. In fact, they just left on a mission to investigate a cosmological anomaly.”

  “And they left you alone?”

  P’yxx got a little defensive. “I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.”

  “No, no – I didn’t mean that. I meant if your parents can leave you alone, they must have a great deal of faith in you. So maybe they would let you go exploring. Have you ever asked?”

  The Shazarette broke eye contact and looked down at her feet. “No.” This girl already had figured out that she was all talk and no action.

  Again, acting on impulse much as she had with Z’spon, Ellie said, “Maybe you could come with us sometime.”

  “Who’s us? I thought you were by yourself.”

  In a weird response that was more than a bit of a non-sequitur, Ellie said, “You can’t know this, but my mom is like a superhero where I come from. She and her Sisterhood used to go around saving people from trouble. I’m not talking about one or two individuals – I’m talking about whole worlds with billions of inhabitants.”

  “Is that why they made her queen?”

  “In large part.”

  “And did that story somehow answer my question? Are you alone?”

  Ellie smiled. “I know we just met but I get the feeling we’re kindred spirits. Too bad you didn’t attack me.” She was referring to Spirit’s Thought Weave, of course, where her aunt said someone would attack the girls but would end up being a very close friend.

  At that remark, P’yxx shook her head in confusion. “You say the strangest things. Are you alone – no, but my mom is a super hero. You like me even though we’ve only known each other for a few minutes – so would I please attack you. You don’t want to be queen because you have to be your sister’s brain.” Ellie was about to explain but P’yxx continued, “For what it’s worth, I hope we are kindred spirits. You seem to be the person that I want to become. But, you need to find a better way to express your thoughts.” That sounded harsher than she meant so she hurriedly added, “I’m not trying to be mean . . . just less confused.”

  Ellie had to chuckle. “Sorry. We’re meeting under strange conditions and my mind is going a mile a minute. I was actually getting to the answers in a roundabout way. First, the story about my mom – one reason she was so successful is that she instinctively knew who she could trust. I think maybe a little of that ability rubbed off on me. So, even though we just met, I’m going to treat you like we’re best friends because I think I can trust you. I have an identical twin sister and she came with me. Well, that’s not fair. We came together.”

  “Where is she?”

  Ellie explained what had happened at the Gate. She finished with, “And that big robot and I are going to exchange information tomorrow.”

  “His name is Z’spon.” P’yxx wanted to return the favor by revealing her ‘secret’ information. “Please don’t tell the others.”

  “Mums the word.”

  “The word for what?”


  “Mum. What is it the word for?”

  “It’s a stupid earth saying. It means I will keep your secret.”

  “Oh. Okay, thanks. Would you like me to talk to Z’spon about finding her?”

  Before Ellie could answer, her communicator came alive. “Calling Princess Ellie Rose. Do you read? Over.”

  “That wasn’t your sister, was it?” The voice was definitely male.

  “No. That’s our dragonetta . . . a mechanical flying contraption.” Taping her communicator, Ellie answered, “Zani, it’s me. How’s Syl’kie?”

  “Hungry. But not to worry, I found some food I can bring her. Can you tell me where you are? Your sister and I will endeavor to rescue you.”

  “What d
o you mean you have to bring her food? There’s plenty in the cap . . .” She stopped when the answer became obvious. “They took the capsule, didn’t they?”

  “Indeed. But I was able to track it down to this structure, one level below ground.”

  “Well that’s a problem. If we don’t check in with Aerianna every two hours, they’ll send someone to look for us. Syl needs it for shelter and we all need it to get home.”

  “Your sister and I shall endeavor to resolve this issue. As to you, are you in danger?”

  “No, no. Everything is fine. Tell her that as long as she can manage on her own, I prefer if she stays hidden for now. Once I’m convinced that the situation isn’t dangerous, I’ll send for her.”

  “You are not harmed?”

  “No. They’re treating me very well. Tell Syl that I met a new friend – but she refuses to attack me.”

  “Understood. I’m sure your sister will have me make contact with you later. Stay safe.”

  “Thanks Zani. Ellie out.” She then turned to P’yxx and gave her a big, silly grin.

  “I mean this in the nicest possible way,” joked the girl, “but is your sister as weird as you?” She was referring to the crack about her not attacking Ellie.

  “Hmm, no, I wouldn’t say that. She’s sweet – a lot less complicated than yours truly. By the way, I should tell you that she’s blue.”

  “Blue as in sad?”

  “No. Blue as in the color of her skin.”

  “Does the word ‘identical’ mean something different where you come from?” teased P’yxx. She didn’t understand how she could be so comfortable with this stranger. Part of her insisted she should be on guard for some kind of duplicity. But that was just a small part - the old P’yxx who was bullied and meek and easily frightened. The newly emerging, more assertive P’yxx felt a bond with this girl the likes she had never experienced before. Not even with her two best friends back home.

  “Sorry. I tend to forget about stupid things like skin color. Other than that, we’re a matched pair. Let me amend that. Matched physically. As I said, personality wise, she’s different – she’s much friendlier than I am.”


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