Fast Glamour

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Fast Glamour Page 20

by Maggie Marr

  “Haven’t you and your family done enough?”

  I turned to Tom. His words came out bitter, edged with anger. His eyes were once again dark and his body filled with a righteous rage.

  “My family? Do you mean my mother and my father? And even you?”

  He squinted and his hands fisted by his sides. “I’ll not have you involved with Rhiannon. Do you understand me, Sterling Legend? I’ll not have my daughter caught up with the likes of you.”

  “Tom,” I said and stepped closer. My eyes focused on Rhiannon’s father, the man who, with my mother’s help, shattered two families. “I will always respect you because you’re Rhiannon’s father and I know you love her and she loves you, but who Rhiannon is involved with isn’t your choice. I intend to find her, and if I am lucky enough, keep her, and never let her go.” My voice was calm and my gaze didn’t waiver. “I won’t pay for my parents’ sins, nor do I expect Rhiannon to pay for yours.” I looked back to Gayle and my heart hammered in my chest. I needn’t waste my reasons on Rhiannon’s father. I needed to find Rhiannon.

  “Where is she, Gayle?” I asked. “Where can I find Rhiannon?”


  The sun warmed my skin. I closed my eyes to the view that I would remember forever. A breeze whispered over my eyes and my lips, the most delicate of touches. A broken heart would mend with time and care. But the love I felt for Sterling, I realized, would remain forever. I might, one day, find someone, a person to love, but my heart would forever be his. Emotion thickened my throat. How could I survive this loss? What had it been like for Sterling when I’d left him? If his pain had been half as bad as mine, I could barely stand the idea that I had been the cause of his heartbreak. That I had been the reason that he had to protect his heart. I clasped my hand over my mouth and stifled a sob that threatened to break free. I might want to stay here, but I wouldn’t. This place, this spot, would always be linked to Sterling and now, now the pain was too fresh.

  “I love you, Rhiannon Bliss.”

  The air shifted around me, the scents of soap and the outdoors and something else caused me to stop breathing and my eyes to fly open.


  My heart beat fast in my chest. Did he just sit beside me on the overlook, under the tree, at the very spot I held most dear to my heart? His hand gentled under my chin and tilted my lips up to his.

  “Did you hear me, beautiful? I love you. Do you think that you can love me?” His eyes held a wounded ache, the desire for an answer to his question, a hope that we could be together, finally and for always.

  “I will love you forever.”

  His lips were on mine in a world-ending kiss. Soft and gentle and filled with the haphazard fears from the past and the promises of the future. His hand wove through my hair and he pulled me closer.

  “My God, Rhiannon, I am sorry.” He gazed into my eyes. “Please don’t ever leave me again.”

  I smiled through my tears. How was this moment real? How could I have this, the very thing I had dreamed and wished for? “I won’t ever leave you again.”

  His arms wrapped around him and our lips pressed together. Heat and longing pulsed between us. My hands needed to touch him, to feel his skin under my fingertips. I pulled at his shirt and let my hand roam over his chest. His body was something I would never grow tired of. His lips roamed down my neck and I lay back onto the flannel blanket beneath us. I wanted this. Together we would seal this decision, in this sacred place created by us.

  His hand slipped under the strap of my dress and pulled it over my shoulder, his lips finding their place on my breast. My sundress fell from my body and the warmth of the sun caressed me. Sterling pulled his lips from my skin and his eyes gazed upon my naked flesh. “You are beautiful, Rhiannon. I … My love for you will never end.”

  His lips were on me and he slipped my nipple into the heat of his mouth. A searing pulse flashed through me and my hips arched against his hardness.

  My hand scrambled to unbutton his jeans and pull them down over his hips. Here in the expanse of this place we were together. His hand trailed over my belly and to the edge of my panties, his fingertips teasing along the edge. Again my hips thrust upward. He pulled and rolled my nipple in his mouth, the heat causing my sex to clench.

  “Sterling, please, oh my God, please.” His fingers slipped beneath my panties and pulled them from my hips and over my knees. His fingertips trailed up over the smooth sensitive flesh of my thigh and stopped at the edge of my sex. Wet for him, tight for him, wanting him deep inside me with a need that overwhelmed me. My hands grasped for his hard cock, which pulsed between us. I stroked up and then down. His breath hitched in his chest with my touch.

  “Please, Sterling, I need you inside me.”

  With a low moan he rolled over and braced his arms on either side of my head. His hardness now lodged between us. He parted me gently with his knee. Our eyes were locked. This would be a transcendent moment that would never be forgotten. He dipped down and placed a tender of kiss on my lips. His hardness edged into the tight warmth of my center and my sex clenched with want and need to pull him deep within me, to feel the surrender of my body, as I tightened around him. My hips pulsed upward, seeking to fill the want that careened through me. With a long slow stroke Sterling pushed into the heat of me.

  “Rhiannon,” he breathed, his gaze locked with mine. Heat surged through me with him inside me and my name on his lips. My hips thrust up to him. He moved deeper into me. His eyes watched my face, letting not only our bodies but also our beings embrace this moment.

  “Don’t ever leave me again,” he said. His face awash with desire and need.

  “Never,” I rasped out on a jagged breath. How could I ever leave what I so desperately needed, what I so desperately wanted?

  His lips pressed to mine, he pulled back in one stroke and a tiny moan, a whimper of want, passed over my lips. To be empty of him was too much. To be without him was not possible, but he quelled my need with a solid stroke into my body.

  His lips found my breasts and suckled my nipple. Slowly he pulled back from me and then slowly, ever so deliciously slowly, he glided into me. He buried himself inside me and my body stretched to surround him, to hold him deep within me. Heat built with his touch. To be one with Sterling was all I would ever want, all I would ever need. The world swirled around us—the bright blue sky, the soft whisper of the wind. His fingers found my clit and pressed down. My hips arched into his touch. The muscles of his back rippled beneath my fingertips. A want for him to be close, deep inside me was all I could think about. With his name on my lips, the intense pleasure blinded me, a sound so raw I didn’t realize it was me.

  “Sterling, oh my God, Sterling.”

  His facial muscles strained. His eyes focused on me as though there was nothing other than this moment in all the world. This place. This time. I pull him down to me and his lips worked my mouth, our heat building from slow to frenzied. His body stiffened.

  “Please, please,” I moaned. He moved faster, our breathing ragged and torn as the wave came toward us.

  “Rhiannon, I’m going to come, Rhiannon, oh my God, I’m going to come.”

  I clasped my legs around him. I pulled on his beautiful ass and pushed him deep inside me, our bodies tense. Our eyes locked and we fell under together.


  Love filled my heart. A love I’d tried to fight with anger. The sins of the past had been my shield against this all-consuming love, but no more. I turned to my side and gazed at Rhiannon. The woman who was by my side, who would always be there.

  “I love you,” I said. Tears pricked the backs of my eyes. Her fingers traced the outline of my jaw. Her smile was filled with warmth.

  “And I love you, too.”

  Together we lay in the spot where so many years before our love began. Here, now, in this place, I knew that our love would grow and continue. The pain from the past would remain in the past. We’d move forward with the knowledge of what
had happened and the desire to be gentle and kind and nurturing to the love that grew between us. I clasped her hand in mine and pulled it to my lips.

  “My parents—” she began.

  “Will learn to live with our decisions. This is our life to share. The things that happened between them aren’t our burden to bear.”

  Chapter 26


  I walked toward the bar to take a break. The sound check was almost done. I looked up and saw a gorgeous girl, backlit, standing beside the bar. I couldn’t help myself. “Babe, that body would look awesome on the back of my bike.”

  The woman whipped around and her eyes narrowed upon me. Oh shit.

  “If that’s how you talk to your sister, I can’t imagine what you say to the other girls.”

  Amanda pursed her lips and tilted her head to the side. Sister. She said the word as though it fit our relationship, which it didn’t. Just beyond her, Ryan Sinclair moved toward us. He looked as happy to see me as I was to see Amanda Legend.

  “I have two sisters,” I said. I flipped a cigarette into my mouth and flicked my Zippo. A long pull of smoke trailed into my lungs. “I don’t need any more.” My eyes traveled from her to Ryan. He was a big guy and it was obvious they didn’t use a body double for his roles in the action movies he was famous for. He placed his arm around Amanda’s shoulders. His jaw muscles flinched when his eyes locked with mine.

  “Beer?” I asked and tipped my bottle toward him. I took a long pull. Let’s see if he could stay sober in this place, see if he really wanted to.

  “No thanks,” he said with a smile. A smile that I’d seen on countless other assholes. A smile that seemed to say “who the hell are you?,” you’re nothing, a nobody, a bastard kid with no last name.

  “Suit yourself,” I said and finished the bottle. I set it on the bar beside Amanda. “To what do I owe this pleasure? The Hollywood elite descending to my level.”

  Amanda stiffened with my question. Her spine straightened, or perhaps it was the pole that was shoved so far up her ass. “I want to invite you to our wedding,” Amanda said.

  A laugh burst from my chest. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “I’ve already spoken with Anita and Ellen and Sophia. They’ve accepted, they even sent in their RSVPs. But you? Perhaps you never received the invitation?” Her bright blue eyes pierced me. I had the damned thing on a table at home, coiled like a rattlesnake and ready to strike. I leaned against the bar and waved to the brunette serving the brews.

  “I got it.” I turned back to Amanda. “I just don’t want to come.”

  She pulled in a deep breath as though seeking patience or perhaps a solution to the riddle that was me. I hated to break it to Miss Hollywood Perfect, but stronger minds than hers had tried and failed.

  “Right, I kind of thought that. I hoped that our personal invitation might change your mind.”

  I looked from her to Ryan. He was here because she wanted him to be. Contempt shadowed his eyes. I was the guy he’d brawl with because of my smart mouth, a smart mouth that called guys like him on the shit that they pulled. Guys filled with entitlement, and who got everything served up to them like they were fucking royals. People like Amanda, Sterling, and even my father Steve Legend were all full of it.

  “You’re wasting your time,” I said. I stubbed out my cigarette. “I don’t do Hollywood and I don’t do formal affairs.”

  “I hear your thoughts on Hollywood may be changing,” Amanda said. Her eyes sparkled. Of course she knew about my record deal. The ink was still wet and yet, Amanda Legend knew it all.

  “Only when it comes to music. As for films and the people who make them? I’m keeping my distance.”

  “Perhaps the marketing department hasn’t let you in on the secret to selling albums.” A twinkle gleamed in her eye. “Exposure.”

  My gut clenched. My music was my everything. Always had been.

  “You couldn’t buy the kind of exposure I’m offering you. Everyone who is anyone wants an invitation to this wedding and I sent one to you.”

  I pursed my lips and eyed Amanda. She was smart. This tough cookie knew how to get what she wanted, she knew what buttons to push. If I liked her, even half an inch, I would have let my wicked smile crack across my face. She knew how to work the system and it turned out she’d figured out how to work me.

  “Why am I so lucky?” I asked. I leaned on the bar, close to her. So close Ryan tensed. “Don’t worry, killer, I won’t hurt her.”

  Amanda sighed and shook her head. “Because whether you want to be or not you are my brother. A Legend. My father’s second son. I want my entire family at my wedding.” Her eyes hammered into mine. “And that even includes you.” The corners of her mouth turned up. “Especially you.” Her eyes gentled with a kindness that flattened my anger at her and everything to do with the Legend family.

  My nostrils flared. It was hard to remain angry at this girl, this woman I barely knew but who shared a father with me.

  “Okay, Miss Hollywood. I’ll be there. But you know what you’re asking for, right? I don’t do gentle and I don’t do nice. I do me. Uncensored. Uncut. Sure you want this brother of yours at your high-end Hollywood affair?”

  “I know what I want, Rhett,” Amanda said. She hitched her purse higher onto her shoulder. “The question is, do you?”

  “I want it all, Sis, the fame, the money, the girls.”

  “Sounds like my wedding could be your kind of party. We’ll see you next Saturday.” She turned and walked past the bikers who had obviously been trying hard to ignore the exchange they had just overheard. It was also hard to ignore her high-end Hollywood backside, protected by the hottest bad boy in Tinseltown, Ryan Sinclair.

  I upended my bottle of beer. A shiver pulsed through my body. Next weekend I would be in way fucking deeper than I had ever dared.

  The End

  About This Series

  Thanks for reading Fast Glamour. I hope you enjoyed it! Reviews help other readers find books and I appreciate all reviews, whether positive or negative. Please take a moment and write a review for Fast Glamour.

  You’ve just read the third book in the Glamour Series. This is the full series:

  Hard Glamour

  Broken Glamour

  Fast Glamour

  Easy Glamour – coming soon

  I hope you enjoy them as well!

  Would you like to know when my next book is available? You can sign up for my new release e-mail list at

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  Book two of The Eligible Billionaires series is coming soon. Just click the link if you'd like to read an excerpt from One Night for Love.


  First, thank you to my readers. I am grateful for your love and support.

  This book was completed in Big Fork, Montana. A special thank you to Carol and Dennis Nelson who were the most gracious of hosts to me and my family. Also, thank you to Victoria and Karl Makinen, for the invitation and the wonderful fun.

  Thank you to my agent Kristin Nelson and everyone at Nelson Literary Agency. Thank you to my editor Valerie Gray and my copyeditor Jennifer Brown. Lori Bennett, thank you for your brilliance. Angie Hodapp thank you for all your work on layout. Sarah Hansen thank you for the brilliant covers for The Glamour Series. Thank you to Julie Brazeal and AToMR Promotions.

  Thank you to Los Angeles Romance Authors (LARA), Womens Fiction Writers Association (WFWA), and Girlfriends Book Club (GBC) for the friendship and support.

  Thank you to all the Maggie Marr Beta Readers! You make every book better.

  I am blessed with so many friends and family who give me their love and support a special thank you to: Margaret L. Marr, Nancy Veskerna, Nealie Harrison, Lauren Harr
ison, Gavin White, Peyton Morgan, Mark Morgan, Linda and Bill Henderson, Lindsy and Mark Henderson, Dolores Henderson, Eloise and Dixie Marr, Joyce and Tom Leahy, Garrett Marr, Janet Lhuillier Gayle Leftwich, Peggy Cafferty, Paula and David Glasscock, Amy and Brent Zacky, Sheryl and Steven Ross, Christine Ashworth, Maria Seager, Sylvie Fox, Melissa Lamoureaux, Sara Zarr, Tara Altebrando, Emily Lockhart, Sarah Mylnowski, Maryrose Woods, Alan Gratz, Jennifer Barnes, Ally Carter, and BOB.

  Thank you to Chad and the kidlets. Because of you, my life is full of wonder and joy.

  About the Author

  Maggie Marr is an attorney, author, and producer. She began her career in the entertainment industry pushing the mail cart but rose to the position of motion picture literary agent. She has written for TV, film, and celebrities. Maggie has been featured on KCRW's The Business and reviewed by Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, and Romantic Times. She lives in LA with her family.

  Maggie is eternally grateful for the graciousness and support of her readers.

  Please visit her Website at:



  An Excerpt from One Night for Love

  One Night for Love , book two in The Eligible Billionaires series. Available in 2014 from Maggie Marr.

  Chapter One

  “I want it harder,” Prim said. A grunt came from behind her. “God, yes.” Warmth pulsed through Prim’s body. Tingles shot from her spine and into her limbs. “Yes, deeper, deeper.” The warmth in her core puddled. Her muscles loosened. Her eyes closed. She soaked in the pleasure of a strong, hard, touch. To be stroked and kneaded and rubbed.


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