Fire Me Up_Dragon Romance

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Fire Me Up_Dragon Romance Page 13

by Amy Faye

  Diana told herself silently that she wasn't going to make that mistake again and shifted her hips. It sent a shock of pleasure running through her as his body rocked up into hers.

  "Jesus," she breathed. She wanted more, wanted him to take her right then and there. The fact that he didn't just meant that she wanted it more.

  "Suck my cock," he told her, propped up on his elbows. She looked at him a long moment, thinking about all the other things they could get up to. All the better things. Then she reconsidered, looking at his face.

  He needed her, and she'd get everything she wanted, but only when he was ready. The way that he expected her to obey, without a threat, without anything at all to push her to do it except for the simple command...

  She shivered. It made her feel dirty, in exactly the best way possible. If he wanted to treat her like a whore, then that was fine too. As long as he used her like one, by the time it was done.

  She pushed herself back and away and unzipped his pants, pulled his cock out. It was halfway hard and she took a long moment to admire it in her hand, pumping the shaft gently before taking it between her whore lips. The feeling of his hand resting on her head completed the image.

  She bobbed up and down slowly at first, taking her time. Acclimating her mouth to his cock. Acclimating herself to the bed of the truck, which wasn't the most comfortable place she'd ever intended to make love. Then again, it was handy and it was under a roof, and that made it better than a lot of places. Better than inside of a tent in a rainstorm, which was one of her less-interesting and yet most-memorable little adventures.

  Alex apparently decided she was moving too slowly just in time for Diana to decide it herself. His hand started to move her head for her; she let him. The head of his cock pressed against her throat; her mouth tightened around it automatically, but she relaxed herself as best she could. For him.

  He made a sound that told her as clearly as words that he appreciated it. She appreciated the sounds, and her body reacted appropriately. Her free hand found its way down her body and into her jeans, her soft fingers teasing up and down herself. It wasn't enough, and it wasn't going to be, but God almighty did it feel good.

  Diana came up for air, holding herself up with one hand. "Do you like that?"

  He smiled at her, but there was something else in that smile beyond being pleased. His jaw was tight and his eyes were hard on her. "Yeah. Who told you that you could touch yourself?"

  A shudder ran down her spine, and a little voice inside Diana told her that she should stop. Her finger didn't stop circling her clit, and she told the voice that it would be more interesting if she didn't besides. Not that she knew she could stop.

  She took his cock between her lips again, instead of stopping. Hopefully, if she serviced him well enough, he'd let her have this little pleasure for herself.

  "Look at me," he said. She did, sucking hard as she pulled most of the way off his cock before plunging back down and taking the shaft as deep as she could. He wasn't quite into her throat yet; she'd taken him deeper, before, and she knew that it was just a matter of time. It was a matter of time that she was looking forward to getting done with.

  She needed to move on to the next part, to have him replace her fingers with his. To make her cum. She knew, instinctively, that he would. She was his, after all, and the very idea of being taken was enough to send her halfway to an orgasm by itself.

  "Stop," he said. "Take your hand away."

  She whimpered around his shaft and redoubled her efforts. He took her chin gently and pulled it away, pulled her face up until she couldn't look away from him if she tried. She didn't try, not even as a token show of resistance.

  "Stop, Diana. You'll get your turn."

  "Oh, but please," she said. Her fingers moved harder, faster, rougher, taking whatever she could get in the moments before he made her stop. He noticed, and his cock twitched below her when he did.

  "You need to cum?"

  "Yes please," she said. "Please just let me cum."

  The begging felt good, almost as good as the feeling of her fingers as they moved lower, dug in between her folds, and started to stretch them out. It would be better if he did it himself, even if it were just his fingers, but she couldn't stop herself. Even a little bit was enough to drive her crazy.

  "Take your hand away," he said again. "Or else."

  Her eyes fluttered shut, partly at the dangerous edge to his voice and partly due to the effort that it took for make her hands listen to her. They didn't want to, and she didn't want to make them. But she did as she was told.

  "Good girl. Give it here."

  She did. She gave him her hand, now slick with her own arousal from allowing herself the indulgence. He took her fingers between his lips and licked between them, sucking gently. Diana's body quivered in anticipation.

  "Take your clothes off," he said. She just stared at him. Here? It was a closed garage, to be sure. Nobody was about to drive by and see them, or call the cops. At least, she hoped to hell they weren't. There was nobody to see, as far as she knew.

  But there was someone there. Someone who could come in at any minute and ask what the hell was taking them so long coming inside. Someone who would take one look at her, undressed like that, and draw some very sharp conclusions.

  "Do I have to?" The thought of the other woman inside made her voice come out in a harsh whisper. "Can't I just leave them on? The top at least?"

  He closed his eyes and shook his head. "No."

  Diana closed her eyes. Her stomach was filled with a twisting anticipation and felt like there were a thousand butterflies in it, all pulling it in different directions at once. If she wasn't so fucking horny, she'd have felt like she was going to hurl.

  Her fingers shook as she hooked them under the hem of her shirt. She took a deep breath and willed herself to pull it up. It didn't happen. Instead, she let out a sickly giggle and tried again. Again, nothing.

  "Go on," he said. His voice wasn't angry, but it was hard. Firm. There was no room for her to question him or what he wanted.

  "I can't," she said. The panic had reached her voice, and she was dangerously close to squirming off his lap. But she tried a third time. Her arms squeezed tighter around her, pulling it on tighter if anything.

  Alex noticed. His eyes darted down, and Diana suddenly realized that she'd pressed her breasts together tighter, and the collar of her shirt had dipped lower, showing an entirely unprofessional amount of cleavage between her breasts. His breath hitched, just slightly. She tried to make her hands move again, and this time they did, and her shirt stripped off, leaving her in her bra in the garage of a woman she'd never met.

  One who, she reminded herself unnecessarily, could come through that door at any minute and catch them in the act. Not that Diana was going to let that stop her.


  Diana's nudity made her feel wrong, even dangerous, and she wanted to hate it. A good girl would have, for sure. She wasn't that good, wasn't that pure. Certainly wasn't innocent. She'd spent years cooped up on the mountain, and she wasn't going to stay behind the curve any longer than she had to.

  But three years in the time since wasn't a whole lot of time to go wild, and she'd never been the one to give up her control. Something about the older man was different. Well... a lot of things were different. For one, he wasn't a man at all. For another, his predatory nature spread a feeling through her when he got that look in his eyes. The look that he had when he wanted something, and he was going to take it more or less regardless of what she wanted. The look that was in his eyes at that very moment.

  "God," she said. "Please, fuck me."

  "Not yet," he told her. He looked back at her again. "Go on. You're not done yet."

  "The bra too?"

  She knew the answer to that question, but the fact that she didn't need to ask was a carefully guarded secret, one that she intended to keep for as long as she possibly could.

  He didn't answer. Just waited, hi
s eyes on her. He knew as well as she did that she didn't need him to tell her anything. She already knew, and he knew she knew.

  Her hands were shaking. The nerves and adrenaline were mixing in her gut and forming an unpleasantly delightful, edgy feeling inside her, one that Diana didn't want to indulge any more than she had to. If she let herself, she thought, she might just get addicted to it.

  Her hands moved around behind her back and worked the clasp. It hurt her shoulders to stretch like that, but she did it in spite of herself, and once the clasp was undone it fell away and the fabric practically wanted to fall right off. She held it on with one hand for a moment before shrugging the straps off her shoulders.

  Diana allowed herself one last moment of relative modesty, checking the door to make sure there was no danger of someone coming through right at that moment. Once she was in flagrante delicto, things would be a little bit different. She could ride the high of sex long enough to get over the initial shock of embarrassment, she thought. That would be enough that she wouldn't want to kill herself from embarrassment until hours, maybe even days later.

  Then she let her hand drop away, and the bra came with it, flung at the last moment so that it didn't sit there uncomfortably in her lap.

  Alex didn't waste any time before he pulled her closer to him with his thick, muscular arms; his lips clasped around one aching nipple, and she ran her fingers through her hair. She pulled away gently but he redoubled his efforts, needy and demanding.

  The thought that she could elicit such a reaction, from anyone, was practically unthinkable. But for him, a man who had so much money he could buy any woman he could possibly want, it meant something entirely different, and the thought sent a shiver down her spine.

  There was nothing special about her, not as far as she knew. But that didn't seem to be how Alex saw it. From the hardness pressed against her inner thigh, he didn't seem to feel that way, either. His arms squeezed around her, pulled her in and forced an arch into her back. She indulged him, enjoying the feeling of his arms pulling her in almost as much as the feeling of his tongue flicking across her sensitive nipple.

  A wicked idea crossed her mind and she rocked her hips back and forth. His cock, still stiff, slick with her saliva, must have been sensitive. The sharp intake of breath was all she really needed to hear, and the sense of power it gave her made it all worth it.

  Alex shifted his hips and then she was suddenly on her back, the hard, cold metal of the truck bed pressed against her skin, raising goosebumps along her skin and puckering her nipples into tight little rings.

  "You ready to fuck me yet?"

  "You've still got two left to go," he told her. If he felt sorry for her about the cold, cold that sent a shiver running down her spine, then he didn't show any sign of it.

  Diana popped the button on her trousers and hooked her thumbs into the waist, and pushed. For an instant, the offending garment threatened not to move at all, to leave her high and dry and hoping that it would come off, but without actually giving her what she wanted. Then it passed the swell of her hips and down, and she leaned forward to follow the line of her legs.

  Alex's hand pressed against her chest, not roughly, but unyielding. Then he grabbed the pants with his other hand, and pulled, revealing all but the tiniest amount of flesh to the cool night air.

  He didn't wait for her to pull those off; he put some weight behind his hand and pushed her back until she was lying there, on her back, looking up at him. Her chest heaved with every breath, and they came in hot and harsh and full of life.

  "You like that?"

  She nodded.

  "Then you're going to like this a lot more, I think," he said. His hand left her chest and moved south, tracing a line down between her breasts, around her belly button, which made her squirm. He lingered there a moment, circling around it, making her squirm more. She could see that he liked that part. Maybe he liked it just as much as the rest of it, maybe more.

  Then again, he had seemed to really enjoy the parts they'd done so far, so maybe the main event would blow all of that out of the water. The way she'd built it up in her mind, she didn't think that she had much hope, but she couldn't imagine anything less, either.

  Then he dipped lower, his fingers fluttering as they moved over her mound, and then to the crotch of her panties. He rubbed over them with a thumb, quickly finding the stiff nub of her clit and rubbing, hard enough that her body reacted without her permission and started her squirming again, for a very different reason this time.

  Then she felt the fabric of her panties move aside, and he traced the line of her folds gently, perhaps too gently, with a finger. She wanted more, wanted him to take her roughly. And then, an instant later, he did exactly what she wanted. What she needed. His finger plunged into her, thick and rough, filling her more than she thought a finger should. She'd just had two of her own inside herself a moment ago, and now only one of his fingers seemed bigger, more full.

  Diana's voice came out in a low moan, a moan that she wasn't at all happy about, but she didn't care any more. If the other woman wanted to come in and see, then she wasn't going to be able to stop her. Diana wasn't sure that she could have stopped herself from letting the whole world know what was happening, either, if this was how she felt with just one finger.

  "That's tight," he said, a faint note of pleasure in his voice. His hand moved, his finger crooking inside her and pressing roughly against a sensitive spot. He rocked his hand in deeper and then pulled it out, putting pressure on that spot again.

  The sensation was delicious, and she wanted it again. Alex gave it to her again, without needing to be asked. He straightened his finger and pulled back, almost to the point where he was all the way out, and then he pushed back into her again, all the way until his fist butted up against her pelvic bone.

  Diana let out another low, loud moan, clapped her hands over her mouth and hoped that she'd been fast enough that nobody had heard it. She wasn't a screamer, she told herself. She'd always been pretty capable of keeping herself under control, when she'd been with other guys.

  She needed this more than she usually did, but there wasn't any fundamental difference. The parts were all the same, and she'd done it all before, more or less. There were some things she hadn't tried yet, and didn't much plan on trying.

  This was beginner stuff. She'd been fingered plenty of times before, and it was just a buildup to something bigger, something more pleasurable, the real fun part. The part where she got to give as good as she got, the part where the real fun was.

  If she was already losing it this much, just from his fingers, she was afraid to imagine what it would be like with that big cock of his.

  The feeling of his other hand, hooking under her knees as he moved his fingers inside her, and the way that he shifted his weight to get between her hips, told her that she wasn't going to have to wait much longer to find out.


  Diana's teeth bit into her hand, hard enough to hurt, and it only barely managed to muffle the sound of her voice as Alex entered her.

  It was rough and quick, sharp, and more than that, it was just about everything that she'd hoped it would be. At least for a moment, she had exactly what she wanted, and after the day she'd had, that was more than enough.

  It wasn't until he started moving inside her, lazy and slow in stark contrast to his entry into her that Diana realized that he was only halfway. She wanted more, wanted him to take her. For an instant she opened her mouth to tell him. To beg him. Then she thought better of it.

  The feeling of him inside her as he was, even with inches left to go before he seated himself all the way inside her, even with the gentle movements that could have been so much more if he'd dared, it was threatening to overwhelm her. Her insides twisted up, her body trying to clamp and pull him back inside when he rocked his hips back a little ways.

  She didn't just want more. She wanted all of it. Wanted him to lose control and take her so hard that she nothing el
se would ever match up. She wasn't going to get that if she just asked him for it. Oh, he'd oblige, but the whole reason that he was holding back in the first place was no doubt that he was worried about hurting her.

  The feeling of his cock inside her, filling her up and already stretching her to the limit, made her think that she was going to be sore in the morning if this was all that they did. She was going to be sore and fucked and probably pretty satisfied.

  But that wasn't enough. She needed more than that, and she knew that to get it, she couldn't have him make the decision to fuck her harder. He had to stop thinking about defending her at all. That was going to be the real answer, the real way that she could get him to give her the fucking that she wanted.

  She'd heard the term once before: 'hate-fuck.' She'd never had one of them, so she could only imagine what it was like. But imagining what it was like with him was a whole different question. A question that Diana desperately wanted an answer to.

  "Is that all you can do?" she asked. His jaw clicked from one side, over to the other. The anger in his eyes as he did it made her shiver, only partly from fear. He had one sharp thrust, and then seemed to catch himself and realize that he couldn't afford to lose his temper.

  Diana couldn't afford that. She needed to have him lose his temper. That was the best way, after all. The minute he lost his temper was the minute that she got what she really wanted.

  "What, you think you're going to break me? Don't worry about that, worry about whether or not I feel it at all," she said. She tried to keep her voice steady, and if she wasn't too afraid to toot her own horn, she thought that she might have just about managed it.

  She didn't manage to keep herself under control for long, though. Not when his hand reached out, one long, slow instant, and then her face exploded in pain.


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