Triple Trouble (Found in Oblivion Book 2)

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Triple Trouble (Found in Oblivion Book 2) Page 13

by Cari Quinn

  Randy had to laugh. “I had a girl or two suggest it to me. Not in high school, but after.”

  “Of course you did. And you said no why, exactly?”

  Randy shrugged. “I don’t know. It seems more intimate somehow, and c’mon, it’s not like pussy is a hardship.”

  It took everything he possessed to keep his face relaxed. He could talk like this in front of Tris, so Juliet was just one more person. She was talking about having anal, for God’s sake, so she was no delicate flower.

  Tristan saluted him with his glass. “God’s truth there, son.”

  “Glad to know you both feel that way.” Juliet grinned. “So, yeah, I tried it once or twice and figured my friends were on crack since some claimed they could get off better that way. Not me. Of course high school boys are hit or miss anyway, and put them back there?” She gave a mock shudder and ran her fingertip around the edge of her glass. “Then I went to Paris and met someone, and it was different. Way different. Everything was. I guess you could say I became a convert. If I have the right partner.”

  Tris toyed with her pinky. “What about two partners?”

  “Two, hmm? That seems like a lot of action to work up to. It’s been a while for me.”

  “So you weren’t having regular sex and no anal either?”

  “So inquisitive.” She poked Tris’s chest. “I’ve been focused on the band. Sex hasn’t been at the forefront of my mind.” She fluttered her eyelashes. “Until now.”

  “What was different about us?” Randy asked. “Different about Tris anyway. Why did you decide to do the deed with him after waiting all those years?”

  “Because it was time,” she said simply. “I was tired of wondering, and it’s silly to be afraid. I’m on the damn pill, and there’s condoms. Though Elle told me last week how her brother knocked up Lila while she was on the pill, but—”

  Tris held up a hand. “Hey there. Let’s just go back to talking about sex, k?”

  She grinned. “Double protection is good for me.”

  “And me,” Randy agreed. “Harper’s kid is cute, but I like being able to pop in for a visit and take off. Not sure children are my scene beyond that.”

  She glanced at Tris. “Guess we don’t even have to ask you where you stand there.”

  “No. I’m not the kids and family man type.” He shrugged. “Glad it works for some, but I’m a bit more unconventional than that. My requirements are different.”

  She snuggled closer to him on the sofa. “What requirements are those?”

  “I like to fuck.” He said it without embarrassment or hesitation, and then fisted a hand in her hair. “While it feels good for as long as it does. Then everyone moves on, no harm no foul. No hurt feelings and definitely no regrets.”

  “Sounds as if we’re of one mind, sir.” Juliet finished off her wine and set the glass aside. “So am I going out of turn if I say never have I ever come as much or as hard as I did the other night?” She licked her lips. “I want more.”

  Randy swallowed the questions he’d intended to ask. About her past, about that less than stellar family life she’d mentioned, about so many things. Instead, he picked up the platter of muffins and pastry and headed down the hall to Tris’s room.

  “Is he taking off?” Juliet asked from the living room, not exactly making an effort to be quiet.

  “No. Think we’re relocating to the bigger bedroom, aka mine. His is a closet with windows.”

  “By choice,” Randy called back, setting the desserts down on the table in Tris’s bedroom. “I don’t need a blinged out room like you do.”

  His buddy was right though. Tris’s room was definitely bigger and more well suited for the night that stretched ahead. His bed was gigantic, with enough room to stretch out and play. Exposed wood beams framed the California King mattress and he had more than enough pillows to please Juliet. The walls were exposed brick like most of the rest of the converted warehouse apartment, and the sitting area had a dark purple chaise that gave Randy interesting ideas, especially when paired with the mirror that stood behind it.

  “Makes the space look bigger,” Tris had explained when Randy moved in.

  “Sure.” Randy had laughed, thinking Tris was as big of a freak behind closed doors as he’d guessed.

  Tonight he’d get to see that up close and personal for the second time. He’d also get to let his own inner freak loose one more time.

  Then there was Juliet, who was now standing behind him in the doorway and checking out the room with wide dark eyes.

  “This is some space you have here, Eves.” She skirted around Randy and turned a wide circle, checking everything out. After a moment, she wandered over to the freestanding fireplace not far from the sitting area. “Can we light this?”

  Randy elbowed Tris as he entered the room. “See, ambience. Chicks dig it.”

  “Stop lying. You dig it more than chicks, lighting boy.” Tris rolled up the sleeves of his thermal shirt. “Sure. It’s not always cool enough for a fire here, but tonight it is. Especially if we’re all going to be naked.”

  “That’s the spirit.” Juliet laughed and wandered back over to pinch the corner off one of the muffins. Rather than eating it herself, she offered it to Randy, who nibbled it off her fingers.

  But he didn’t stop there. He devoured what she’d given him and hauled her closer, burying his hands in her hair as their lips touched. She responded in kind, rising up on her tiptoes. In her sexy high-heeled boots, she was much closer to his mouth, and he definitely couldn’t fault that.

  “Too long,” she murmured between kisses. “Tomorrow morning, you’re not ducking out again.”

  “No, because we don’t have to make this an all-night thing.” When Randy and Juliet broke apart to stare at Tris, crouched in front of the now roaring fire, he shrugged. “Just saying, no rules, right?”

  Randy cupped her shoulders and flashed her a relaxed smile, though inside he felt anything but easy. “Guess that’s his way of saying three’s a crowd in his bed.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Men were so confusing.

  First, it was all sexy times and hey, do whatever feels good. Then, hey, do whatever feels good, just don’t assume you can let the afterglow cool off before you hit the door.

  At least that was the vibe she was getting from Tristan. Sparks, on the other hand, was different. Though he’d been the one to vanish last time, she had trouble believing it was because he wasn’t into her. Into them, in whatever way made sense for the three of them.

  The more time she spent with him, the more she was beginning to understand he was a sensitive, thoughtful sort. Much more so than she or Tristan. He definitely wasn’t as impulsive—

  Yet Sparks was the one currently hauling off his T-shirt from behind his head in that stupidly hot way guys undressed. As soon as he dropped it, he went to work on his pants, shedding them and his boxers so fast she barely had time to blink.

  Then he stepped toward her and cupped her cheek in his hand, guiding her mouth back to his. “Where were we?”

  “Right here,” she said as their lips collided. And fuck if she didn’t get dizzy as he slipped his tongue into her mouth to tease hers.

  He wasn’t aggressive, just plied her flesh so seductively that she couldn’t help moaning. He reached for the hem of her top and drew it upward, making her laugh when for a brief moment she was trapped inside the fabric and couldn’t see or move.

  But the feel of his hot lips closing around one of her nipples through her bra made her giggles die away quick.

  “I’m gonna pick you up, just like this. Trust me?”

  “What?” She immediately started to flail her way out of the shirt until he stilled her with his hand on her waist.

  “Easy. I want to pick you up and put you on the bed before I finish undressing you. Then I want you to see if you can tell which of us is touching you. And kissing you.”

  A hard body pressed against her back. Spicy cologne infiltrated h
er senses, such a contrast from Sparks’s minty bodywash. “And licking you and fingering you and fucking you.”

  “Oh, I’m going to stay blindfolded for all of that, am I?” She tried to sound blasé, but holy shit, they overwhelmed her.

  Exposed. She was bared to them, and she couldn’t even see their reactions. She was totally at their command.

  Normally, she considered herself enough woman to handle two men—most of the time—except when they went into extreme alpha mode. Then she had to scramble to keep up, never mind take the lead.

  She freaking loved it. She’d never been so challenged or turned on before in her life. Not by one guy, never mind two. Somehow she’d stumbled into the perfect situation—

  No, you stumbled into a hot affair. Not situation. Situation implies longer-term. You heard Tris. Fuck and duck. Nice and easy.

  Since they were in the fucking phase right now, she would just go with it and let the rest play out as it would.

  “We’ll see,” Sparks said.

  Fingers brushed her bra clasp and freed her breasts, and just the air wafting over her tight nipples was enough to make her breath catch. She recognized both men by touch now, but she was already pretending she didn’t know which man was touching her.

  The game—and lack of sight—unnerved her. And turned her on so damn much.

  “It depends,” Tris added.

  “On what?”

  “On how much mercy we want to show you.” Sparks’s voice sounded deep and dark and oh so dirty. “Can I pick you up?”

  Yet he always asked. Always treated her like she was precious.

  Swallowing hard, she nodded before realizing they couldn’t see her head moving since she was trapped in her shirt. Which was more than a little ridiculous, but so frigging exciting too. “Pick me up,” she mumbled against the material.

  When he did as she asked, she squealed and struggled, suddenly afraid without the use of her arms for balance. It was only thin fabric blocking her movements, yet she felt as if she’d lost all her senses.

  “Shh, we’ve got you. There now, we’re laying you down.”

  She sucked in a breath at the sensation of being lowered and then she was on a cloud. A firm one that cradled her butt and ass and gave her a moment to sigh before those same fingers were tugging at her waistband, yanking her pants and her panties to her knees.

  “Fucking boots.” Tris. “Wanna leave them on, but need you naked.”

  “Hot,” she panted, wiggling. “Take them off.”

  “As you wish.” Sparks. “This way I can suck your toes.”

  Okay, that shouldn’t have gotten her damp. She wasn’t a toe-sucking girl. Guess it was a different thing altogether when two sexy dudes were into your feet.

  Once they’d pulled everything off her below the waist, the mattress shifted as one of them climbed on. Then again as the other joined them, and her heart started to race. In her red rayon world, she could only make out shadows if she strained to see, so it was better to close her eyes and savor.

  Or so she told herself until calloused hands enfolded her breasts and another hand covered her pussy, rubbing up and down. She was already aroused, and the slight stimulation of her clit had her circling her hips. Stopping the involuntary movement was next to impossible, so she didn’t try.

  A wet tongue laved at her nipple, first one and then the other. Fingers caressed her slit before delving inside to explore. She bolted at the slide of lips just above her mound. The finger teasing her slid all the way inside, fucking her slowly while the hands and mouth at her breasts wreaked their own sensual torture. The finger inside her turned into two, and that slow pace sped up until she bucked her hips, pleading without words.

  “Like that?” The question rumbled against her rocketing heart. “Want another finger?”

  She whimpered in lieu of words. She didn’t have them left. All she wanted was whatever they saw fit to give her, in whatever way they decreed.

  And yeah, maybe tomorrow she’d worry about the implications of that, but right now, she was going to focus on not hyperventilating.

  The two fingers inside her scissored in and out and the hands at her breast fondled her roughly, tugging her nipples hard enough that the feeling zinged straight to her pussy. She cried out as another finger made room inside her, opening her up. She was barely given a second to get used to the fullness before they were on the move, fast and hard, fucking her with impunity.

  Teeth grazed her swollen nipple and she fought against her fabric shackles before an actual bite stilled her. “Not going to hurt you.” Sparks, his voice so druggingly deep. “Gonna make you fly, baby.”

  She might’ve laughed at that if her body hadn’t already been on overdrive. They were everywhere, and all she could do was absorb.

  Fingers pumped in her pussy as a calloused fingertip brushed over her clit. The scrape of scruff against her inner thighs and along her slit. Hands on her breasts, her nipples tormented by sharp teeth. Each sensation separate and exquisite.

  Too much.

  “Listen to that music.” Tris’s voice came from far away, low and rough. She didn’t have to guess what he meant, because she was practically creaming on the fingers inside her. The noises her body was making were so loud and…wet.

  She arched as a tongue flicked over her clit. “Please,” she mumbled. “Fuck me. One of you fuck me.”

  “With my tongue?” The question singed her upper thigh and was followed by a ravenous, open-mouthed kiss. Scruff rasped over her skin and she trembled, so turned on that the slightest touch was nearly enough to set her off.

  “Or my tongue.” Another kiss, this time on her breast. Complete with enough sucking action to leave a mark.

  She craved their marks. There she was, the girl who never wanted to be tangled with anyone for very long, and she was yearning for them to imprint themselves on her before they moved on.

  They already had.

  “Or you want cock. One cock? Both cocks?” At her whimper, Tris chuckled darkly. “One after the other, that is. Unless you’re feeling particularly adventurous tonight.”

  Much more fingering and she’d probably say yes to anything they put on the table. Especially when Sparks’s lips coasted down her belly, right near where Tris was working her like a pro.

  Forget pretending she didn’t know which touch belonged to which man. Just imagining their mouths so close to each other on her pussy had her crying out.

  “Please. God, please.”

  The sound of a zipper and the snap of a condom caused her to shiver. Finally. She felt as desperate as a junkie who’d been denied her fix for a few days. Hot, latex-covered flesh bumped her slit, and then her legs were being lifted, so high that she knew she was on full display. Her legs on either Tris or Sparks’s shoulders, her pussy wide open for them so they could tell exactly what straits she was in.

  A lick along her inner calf and she jerked upward, fighting against the material without thought. She couldn’t breathe. Too dark. The haze was making her cries back up in her throat, and as soon as his cock slammed inside her, she was going to come. So hard.

  Then the darkness was ripped away, her shirt shoved clear. Sparks’s face loomed into view. His dark hair was spiky, his green eyes wild. His cock nudged her entrance and she moaned, widening her legs so he didn’t doubt for a second that she needed him. Needed this.

  “Had to see your eyes,” he said hoarsely, “the first time I slide inside you. Your beautiful eyes.”

  Hovering on the edge, she quivered. For him. Them.

  This experience they were giving each other again. Somehow the miracle she’d experienced last weekend was occurring one more time, and it was even better.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered.

  One heave of his hips and he was inside her, so deep that the breath she’d just taken wheezed out again. She’d expected him to be careful with her, but there was no civility left in the man inside her. He was half crazed, driving into her so roughly tha
t her thighs spread for him out of self-preservation. It was either give him room or be forced apart.

  He tugged on her hip and she lifted higher off the mattress. Thank God she’d started working out again before their little west coast tour had started. She’d definitely have interesting twinges tomorrow, but nothing compared to the ache in her core. Even the thrust of his cock couldn’t sate it. Every stroke stoked the fire more.

  She reached up to clasp her own breasts, rubbing them restlessly as she squeezed his dick inside her. Damn, he was so thick. He wasn’t longer than Tris, but when it came to width, she couldn’t breathe from the flex of his body into hers. He was stretching her in ways she’d feel all night long and probably into next damn week. With every surge, he nudged her clit, making it pulse until she was sure she’d come without him ever touching it.

  And then he dropped her legs and flipped her over onto her belly, pulling her up on her knees so he could fuck her just the way he needed to. Groaning, he sank into her again before fumbling around her waist and downward to rub her sensitive clit. He pressed his other hand between her shoulder blades, driving her down onto the bed so he could hammer into her. So fucking deep. She was sure her eyes were probably rolling back into her head, and who even knew what gibberish was flying out of her mouth, but then there was a cock against her lips. The head flushed and wet, strong fingers gripping it in offering.

  Without thought, she sucked. That was her goddamn life’s work as far as she was concerned. To feel one man deep in her pussy while she serviced the other, and all three of them lost their freaking minds.

  “Take it.” Tris’s guttural tone pushed her to open her throat. To shove up just enough from her sprawled position beneath Sparks’s hand to accept more of Tris’s dick. “All the way in. Greedy bastard,” he muttered, flicking an amused glance above her head to where Sparks was still holding her down at the angle he preferred.

  She was jammed between them, absolutely caught, and she adored every lewd, lascivious moment.


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