Returning back to the palace’s entrance, Raziel found Lillith and Ariel still standing there, the short golden haired earth woman dwarfed by the tall red haired Angel.
“Well, where is he?” Raziel said as he approached from behind the two of them.
“Nowhere to be found!” said Lillith, disappointed. “If you see him, will you be sure to send him back to me?” she said with her blue eyes looking up at theirs.
“Yes, of course,” said Ariel as he bent over slightly and looked right back at her.
“We should get back,” said Raziel.
With their assignment from the Almighty accomplished, the two Archangels bowed to Lillith, then turned, spread their wings and took off, flying over the Throne Room and off into the distance.
Chapter 5
There was still a lot of daylight remaining, so Raziel and Ariel decided that they would try to catch up with Jarahmael and Michael. They knew that the two of them had been assigned along with Cerebriel by the Almighty to deal with the pyramid system and check on Adam and Eve. Since Adam and Eve had been expelled out of the Garden of Eden, the Almighty wanted to be sure that the Humans would not be able to get back into the Garden by using the pyramids.
Raziel knew that the system was designed to transport Adam and Eve across the Earth once they had started to multiply their race. Part of the Almighty's plan was to populate the Earth with the more developed Humans, those that had individual souls. But now it could cause all sorts of problems. That was one of the few valid points that Luciferael had been making to the Almighty about these new creatures with “free will.” It meant at some point they could disobey, even rebel, against the Angels, and then perhaps against even the Almighty Himself. And with this pyramid system, they could access the Garden of Eden, which was part of the First Heaven, whenever they wanted.
Ariel broke Raziel's train of thought as they were flying down through the Heavens. “What did you do with the Crystals?” he asked.
“I found a great hiding place!” Raziel said.
They were descending down through the Fifth Heaven, when their attention was caught by an exceptionally large gathering of Angels in and around the Hall of the Virtues.
“Do you know of something that was supposed to happen there today?” Raziel asked Ariel as he turned in flight to approach the Hall from above.
“No, nothing I heard about,” responded Ariel as he, too, adjusted his flight path to stay parallel to Raziel.
As they looked over, they could see a golden glow at the back of the Hall.
“Looks like Luciferael's glow over there!” said Ariel.
“Wonder what he is doing down here in the Fifth Heaven. He was never much for the Virtues and their debating. He also thinks that he has the best ideas and that there is no need to discuss any decision,” Raziel added sarcastically.
“Yes, the rest of us Angels should just carry out his commands!” Ariel chuckled.
“Let’s approach quietly and not draw attention to ourselves,” Raziel said, gliding now rather than flapping his powerful wings.
As they glided down they could see more details of what was occurring around the Hall. There were Cherubim with piles of weapons sitting right outside the doors.
Ariel and Raziel looked at one another.
“Why would there be weapons here?” Ariel asked.
“We have only used those things once,” replied Raziel, “and that was to destroy the dinosaurs. I thought we would never need those weapons again. In fact, I thought the Cherubim were going to destroy them.”
“There are more weapons than I remember seeing . . .” Ariel began to say, when Raziel motioned for him to stop talking.
Some Angels were walking out of the Hall and were given weapons. They were beginning to get into formations.
“Do you think the Almighty gave these Angels specific instructions?” Raziel asked, his voice full of concern.
“I don't know, but it looks like they are preparing to destroy something,” Ariel whispered back.
Raziel then realized that Adam and Eve had been removed from the Garden of Eden the day before. “Maybe the Almighty is sending them to kill Adam and Eve,” he said to Ariel.
“That could make a lot of sense,” Ariel responded. “Wait! Why would they need so many Angels to destroy a couple of Humans?”
“Perhaps the Almighty intends to destroy all of the Simians on the Earth, too, just as we did with the dinosaurs. That would make more sense,” Raziel said.
“What about Lillith then, up in Jarahmael's palace? Will they be sending Angels to kill her as well?” Ariel asked.
“Jarahmael will be so upset!” said Raziel. “The least we can do is to tell him, perhaps he can appeal to the Almighty to spare her. From what I understand her only offense was not getting along with Adam. I thought it lucky for her that she wasn't around that Tree of Knowledge. The Almighty did not place it in the Garden until after she left. She could have brought the same fate upon herself as Adam and Eve.”
“Why don't you go fly and tell Jarahmael about what we see here?” said Ariel, more as a request than a question. “I will keep an eye on what they are doing, see where they are heading with all of those weapons. Perhaps that can buy Jarahmael some time to find the Almighty and plead for mercy.”
“That sounds fine. If I don’t find you here, I will go to your palace after I get Jarahmael,” Raziel said, changing his direction yet once again, diving head first through the Fifth Heaven to find Jarahmael, Michael and Cerebriel as quickly as he could, assuming they would be on the Earth by now.
As Raziel flew downward, he decided he would stop by the pyramid in the Garden of Eden first, just to see if the three of them, Michael, Jarahmael and Cerebriel, were still there.
A while later he was in the entrance way of the pyramid in the Garden of Eden. He hadn’t been in one of these before, he said to himself, at the same time noting all the writing and paintings that lined the walls of the passageway inside.
Calling out he tried to locate any one of the three of them.
Hearing no answer he was about to turn back and leave through the entrance way when he saw an opening at the end of the smaller passageway. Alongside the walls he could see the instructions for using the device as a means of transportation from one pyramid to another. The writings explained that there were a number of pyramids throughout the world and one could transport oneself from one to the other. He also discovered that the one in Garden of Eden could now only connect to the one in Aegyptus, from there one had to go to the others on the Earth.
Although Raziel was one of the fastest flyers, it looked like he could travel through these pyramids almost immediately and it would make it easier to locate the other three Angels. With a leap of faith he ran down the one portal passageway calling out the phrase “Peto! Peto! Peto!” and broke through the barrier. It felt like passing through some warm water. He then found himself in the pyramid at Aegyptus. He walked forward and looked about him and could see the two statues, the one standing before the entrance had the handsome face of Cerebriel, and the other off in the distance had Annabael’s face.
Looking around further it was clear that Jarahmael and the other two Angels were not at this site. Going back into the pyramid he entered another portal passageway, so he could travel to the next pyramid in the line. He traveled back and forth like that until the third attempt when he came to the Mediusian pyramid. It was there that he saw his three fellow Angels outside the pyramid.
Raziel called to them, “My lords Michael, Jarahmael, Cerebriel, come here! Come quick!”
Jarahmael knew that Raziel was not one to get excited so whatever it was, it had to be important. The three Angels turned to face Raziel in the distance and Jarahmael volunteered to fly over as Cerebriel and Michael continued to look for some of the stones needed to block off the pyramid’s entrance, conferring with the Principalities working in the nearby quarry.
rahmael and Raziel met midway as they flew towards one another. They hovered together as they spoke.
“Jarahmael, I am glad I found you!” Raziel said to him as they dropped slowly to the ground.
“What's going on that's so important?” asked Jarahmael.
“I am not certain but it appears that the Almighty is amassing another army of Angels to obliterate a species off the Earth. They are assembling as we speak. The Cherubim are giving out weapons to this host of Angels from various Orders, currently meeting in the Hall of the Virtues in the Fifth Heaven. Ariel stayed behind to observe what exactly they are planning. He and I believe they will kill Adam and Eve in one of the palaces or pyramids.
“You need Michael, Cerebriel and I to come assist? You know I really did not enjoy the slaughter of the dinosaurs.”
“No, no,” replied Raziel. “We thought at first that the host of Angels was going to be sent to destroy Adam and Eve. They had disobeyed the Almighty’s commandment and were sentenced to die by the Almighty. But we also realized that it would not require thousands of Angels to kill off two Humans. Then Ariel and I thought that the host would be sent to kill off the Simians, too. And then dreadfully we thought of you and Lillith. Ariel and I had just returned from your palace in the Seventh Heaven where we dropped off these fourteen Crystal Prisms according to the Almighty's instructions.”
Jarahmael stared at Raziel as he took in all this news and then responded, “This really does not make any sense. The Almighty specifically asked Michael, Cerebriel, and myself to locate Adam and Eve to make sure they are safe! But perhaps He changed his mind. Do you think Lillith is now in danger?”
Raziel spoke again. “Ariel and I thought you had better go and take Lillith to someplace safe until you can speak directly again to the Almighty.”
Jarahmael grew silent again as he thought. That’s what I'll do, I will go talk to the Almighty. Can I defend her and keep her safe from the Heavenly Host if they catch up with the two of us? Then he thought about the Crystal Prisms. The Almighty had told him about them and their power when he and Lillith met with the Almighty, although under the circumstances he was having trouble remembering much of that conversation. Just as the Almighty had told him, his memories of that conversation would only appear as he needed them. That seemed so long ago. But the Almighty seemed to love both him and Lillith. The Almighty certainly trusted him enough to have him take care of these Crystals that had special powers especially over Beings of Light.
“You better go!” interrupted Raziel, snapping Jarahmael out of his thoughts. “I don't know how much longer the armed Angels will remain in the Fifth Heaven.”
“What about the Crystal Prisms,” asked Jarahmael, “you brought them up to my palace as the Almighty instructed?”
“Oh yes, that’s right Jarahmael! We met Lillith when we arrived and had her take us to your workshop area. With all these strange events happening, I thought it best to hide them, and in places that Lillith would not know.”
“Where did you put them then?” asked Jarahmael getting himself ready to fly off once again.
“I placed them in each of the mirrors you have in your workshop. They slipped right in through the glass and are hidden inside each of the mirrors. I protected them with the Habitare Tacitus spell, so only you can get them back out of the mirrors.”
“Really?” said Jarahmael. “I didn't know the mirrors could do that. That’s a great thing. Please tell Michael and Cerebriel where I am going. Ask them to keep trying to find Adam and Eve before the warrior Angels do. Tell them we should protect the two Humans for now. There is something here that makes no sense at all, as the Almighty is always clear about what He wants and the terms of whatever it is. I can't imagine why He would have the three of us locate and make sure Adam and Eve are safe and then send a host of armed Angels out to destroy them. I will be back as soon as I can.”
Jarahmael began to fly off, but turned momentarily as he was rising. “And thanks Raziel, your thoughtfulness is much appreciated.” He then flew off in long powerful strides upwards, disappearing in a few seconds out of the Earth's blue skies.
Chapter 6
Ariel flew behind the Hall of the Virtues and landed quietly. He caught the end of Luciferael's speech and command to his assembled Angels to arm themselves in preparation for war.
Ariel had missed Luciferael's explanation of the reasons why they were arming themselves. Better see if I can fit in with the rest and find out what is going on. It’s not going to be easy, as my red hair is quite distinctive and I am the only Archangel with this color hair. Nor do my orange wing tips help much. Looking around, he wondered how best to disguise his appearance so he wouldn’t be identified; with the right disguise maybe he could pass as one of the many Guardian Angels who were also present. Reaching down he picked up some of the cloud-like substance from the floor of the Fifth Heaven. Holding it in his hand, he focused on slowing the molecules down so it became thicker. It was now a white like gel. Carefully, he coated the top of his wings, covering his orange wingtips. Now he appeared to have totally white wings, just like an Angel in the Order of the Guardians. But Archangels were still much taller than the Guardians. Again, Ariel concentrated and was able to slow down his energy level and reduce his size so he was of the proper stature for one of the lesser Angels. There was no easy way for him to change his hair or eye color, so he hoped he could fit in well enough that the other Angels would not realize he was the Archangel Ariel.
I could use one of Jarahmael’s mirrors now, he almost said aloud, in order to confirm that his disguise would work. He looked down and from what he could see of himself, it looked like he had made the changes successfully. Now to see if he could fit in among them.
Ariel walked around the structure and headed towards one of the Cherubim handing out weapons. Ariel knew that this would also help hide him among the others. The real test of his disguise would be if the Cherubim guard would give him a weapon like the rest of them. He had no choice but to hesitate for a second, since he did not know where to go next. The Cherubim guard, seeing him holding up the line, barked an order to him to go to the left side of the formation. That was where all the Guardian Angels were assigned to form their fighting groups.
Ariel just nodded back at the Cherubim and moved to the left, thankful that his disguise worked.
As he walked past the other Angels from the other Orders, he overheard them talking about how they were going to attack. How they were on the right side of this conflict. How mankind had usurped their position with the Almighty. And how Luciferael was going to restore all of them to their past glory once the Humans had been disposed of, and the Heavens reorganized.
So far, Raziel and my suspicions were correct, he thought to himself. It looked clear that the armed host would go and destroy the Humans. He found a place near some of the other Guardian Angels as he had been instructed. He could feel the excitement and undercurrent of heightened awareness that permeated the assembled army of Angels.
It took some time for all the Orders of various Angels to assemble in their proper formation, but soon after they were all assembled, Luciferael came out to address them all once again.
“There is no need to repeat what I said within that hallowed Hall,” he said while turning and pointing back at the building itself. “We are all in agreement about our list of grievances?”
“Yes, we agree!” the assembly responded.
“We shall destroy the Simians and Humans as the Almighty should have?”
“Yes, we shall destroy the Simians and Humans!” the assembly responded louder.
“We shall return the former glory and worship of the Angels as it was meant to be in the beginning of time?”
“Yes, we shall be returned to our former glory!” the assembled Angels roared.
Luciferael continued with his commands. “Good. I am going to split this army into two halves. The half to my left from here outward shall be the first
army,” he said cleaving the air with his outstretched arms and separating them out. “And this to my right shall be the second army. I am placing lord Sammuael in charge of the army to my left and lord Beelzebael in charge of the army to my right.”
Ariel looked at where he was standing and could see that he was included in the left army headed by Sammuael.
“Lord Sammuael, you and your army shall follow me. We shall push upwards through to the Sixth Heaven and take it over on our way to the Throne Room in the Seventh Heaven. Lord Beelzebael, you shall take your army and attack downwards through the Fourth Heaven and only stop when you have retaken control of the Earth.”
Ariel gasped aloud. He could not help himself. Were these weapons of destruction to be used on his own kind? Just to benefit Luciferael and Sammuael in their quest for glory?
He hoped that no one had heard his loud gasp. As the legions of Angels began to move, Ariel was relieved that no one seemed to have heard him.
But he did not get far before he found himself surrounded by Cherubim Angels that swooped down near him, separating him from the other Guardian Angels. His initial reaction was to fight them but he knew he was far outnumbered. They quickly moved in and restrained him before he could change himself back to the full size of an Archangel. Then they would recognize him, with that damn red hair, he thought again to himself.
In Rebellion (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book II) Page 4