After The Fire (One Pass Away Book 3)

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After The Fire (One Pass Away Book 3) Page 15

by Mary J. Williams

  “Oh.” Violet dragged out the word, as though surprised. She wasn’t—and he knew it. “The infamous Knights’ hangout? I’d say it lives up to the hype.”

  Violet had to admit, she didn’t frequent many bars. Not because of any moral objections. She simply didn’t have the time—or a group of friends like the Seattle Knights. She realized that was the difference. When one was surrounded by a bunch of rowdy football players—and in the arms of a sexy quarterback—the place didn’t matter. It was all about the company.

  “What was the hype?”

  “Fun. Camaraderie.”

  “Camaraderie? Sweetheart, we’re football players. We don’t understand anything over two syllables.”

  Laughing, Violet playfully dug her finger into Gaige’s side.

  “I’ll make sure I dumb it down from now on. Mr. Yale graduate.”

  “Shh,” Gaige looked around in mock horror. “They’ve forgotten about that.”

  “Did I hear somebody say Yale?”

  Startled, Violet turned to see Sol Fellows next to them. Her attention on Gaige, she hadn’t noticed that the linebacker and his wife were on the dance floor—or within earshot.

  “Now you’ve done it,” Gaige warned under his breath.

  “Yale sucks,” the big man shouted. Several of the Knights added their agreement. “Notre Dame all the way.”

  “Hell no!”

  “Are you crazy?”

  Violet couldn’t tell where the men were, but in a flash, sides were taken, and the verbal war was on. USC. Oregon. Florida State. The alma maters flew fast and furious.

  “Come on.” Gaige took her hand, guiding her through the rowdy crowd and out the door. “Once that starts, there’s no telling how long it will last.”

  They ran through the light Seattle rain to where Gaige had parked his car.

  “How does it end?”

  “Amicably. Someone buys a round of drinks and the troops are happy.”


  After pounding his chest with his fist, Gaige started the car.

  “We are warriors. Against our opponents, we leave the field of battle, bruised, battered, and hopefully victorious. Against each other, it’s a bloodless battle fought with good-natured ribbing and plenty of beer.”

  “I like your world.”

  “My world isn’t that different from yours.” In the dark car, his eyes were a deep, emerald green.

  “It’s like night and day, Gaige.” The longer she was around him, the more she realized how true that was.

  “Violet—” Gaige started to protest.

  “However,” she put her hand over his mouth. “That isn’t a bad thing. I like your world. I like mine. Who says they aren’t compatible?”

  Gaige kissed her palm. Once—then once again.

  “I like the way that mind of yours works.” He cupped her cheek. “Did you miss me?”

  Rubbing her face against his hand, Violet smiled. “I missed touching you. I missed the way it feels when you touch me.”

  The brush of his lips made Violet sigh with pleasure. Gaige deepened the kiss, pulling her close. His tasted like Corona, lime, and a touch of peppermint. It was a surprisingly appealing combination.

  “Hey,” she protested when he left her wanting more.

  “Hold that thought and buckle up.”

  The car shot onto the street. Gaige wasn’t reckless on the drive to his house, but he took a few lights that were just turning red. He took the entrance to the freeway and cruised at a speed just over the limit.

  “What if we get pulled over?” Violet rested her hand on his thigh, the soft denim of his jeans felt warm against her skin. Gaige’s heat. It sent a shiver through her.

  “They wouldn’t dare,” Gaige growled, but Violet noticed he eased up on the gas, just a bit.

  “My flight was uneventful. Smooth sailing all the way.”

  Gaige spared her a sharp look. “Small talk? Really?”

  “I thought it might take your mind off more… pressing matters.” Violet didn’t touch the straining material that encased his erection. But she let her fingers play nearby. She knew it was wicked, but she couldn’t resist.

  “Fire, sweetheart. You’re playing awfully close to the flames.”

  She leaned as close as her seatbelt would allow and whispered, “Burn me.”

  “Son. Of. A. Bitch.” Gaige ground out each word through clenched teeth. “I don’t remember this trip ever taking so long.”

  It was a heady feeling—knowing someone wanted her so much. Gaige made her feel like a teenager filled with uncontrolled needs and impatience. He took her back to a time that, in all honesty, she hadn’t experienced. Between her studies and the accident, then suffering from a broken heart, Violet had skipped the wild, crazy hormonal rollercoaster.

  She had the occasional boyfriend. But they were more a convenience than a passion. Her marriage didn’t qualify as more than a blip—emotions never entering into it.

  Suddenly, she knew what it felt like to have a man sneak into her thoughts at the oddest times. In the shower. At a staff meeting. While taking out the garbage. Gaige made her want things she hadn’t realized were possible.

  It was unexpected and unnerving. And Violet couldn’t have been happier.

  “Do it again.”

  “What?” Violet asked, genuinely puzzled.

  “Laugh. It’s the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard.

  Violet laughed. Naturally, not because he asked.

  “I feel like a giddy teenager.”

  “Me too,” Gaige grinned. “Thank God I have better control. If I were a teenager feeling this way, I wouldn’t last thirty seconds.”

  “How long do I get?”

  “Five minutes. But that gets you at least one orgasm.”

  “Sounds fair.”

  “Would you like me to tell you what I have in store for you the rest of the night?”

  “Why don’t you surprise me,” Violet said. They were pulling into Gaige’s garage. “I have one or two—or three ready for you.”

  “Out of the car. Now!”

  “Shouldn’t I wait for you to open my door?” She innocently batted her eyes.

  Gaige was already unlocking the door to the house. “If I have to come to you, you won’t like the consequences.”

  “What would you do? Spank me?” Violet chuckled at the ridiculous idea.

  “Maybe.” Gaige took her hand, leading her into the house. When he glanced at her, his eyes sparkled with humor. Then, when he saw her face, they widened in surprise. “You like the idea?”

  “No. Maybe. No! Definitely, no.” For a woman who prided herself on an extensive vocabulary, Violet found herself struggling for the right words. “You turn my brain into mush, Gaige Benson. Everything that comes out of your mouth sounds like a sexy good time. I hear spank, which under normal circumstance would have me running for the door, and I think, okay, that would be fun.”

  “You do the same thing to me.” Gaige swept her into his arms. “I wouldn’t spank you unless you asked.”

  Liking this mode of transportation, Violet wrapped her arms around Gaige’s neck. “I wouldn’t ask,” she assured him.

  “Thank God. To be honest, the idea freaks me out.”

  “Another reason we fit so well.”

  Gaige took the stairs two at a time—impressive considering his added burden. It didn’t take him long to stride down the hall and into his bedroom. Only enough for Violet to trace his ear with her tongue.

  “That may be the best thing ever,” he said.

  “Better than this?”

  Gaige sucked in his breath. “What the hell was that? And please do it again.”

  Happy to oblige, Violet performed the trick she had read about but never attempted. It involved her tongue, her teeth, and her index finger. It was called the Alabama swirl.

  “From what I’ve read, it feels even better if I do it on your dick.” She grinned when she saw the excited anticipation in his e

  “Did I say five minutes? You keep that up, I’ll be lucky if I last half of that.”

  Gaige set her on her feet. In the same motion, he removed her jacket and pulled her shirt over her head.

  “I have complete faith in you.” She let him remove the rest of her clothes, then started on his. “You do the zipper. The material is stretched so tight, I’m afraid I might damage something important.”

  “Be good and get on the bed.”

  Gaige divested himself of his jeans. “Oh, my,” Violet sighed. Naked Gaige was a sight she would never grow tired of. He put Michelangelo’s David to shame. Of course, Gaige had one big advantage.

  “You like what you see?”

  Violet reached for his erection, but Gaige had the honed reflexes of a world-class athlete. Before she could blink, he sidestepped her hand and positioned himself between her spread legs.

  “We can play all you want. Later.”

  With one fluid thrust, Gaige entered her, and Violet saw emerald-colored stars. Or were they his eyes? She didn’t know—or care. It felt so good, she stopped thinking and rode the wave of bright, intense sensations that only Gaige could give her.

  “If you stop squirming, I can make it last longer,” Gaige told her through gritted teeth.

  Understanding, Violet cupped his face with her hands, looking into his eyes. “We have all night.” We have forever, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it—not yet. “I like it hard and fast. Like you said, we can play later.”

  Gaige’s change of expression took her breath away. His eyes turned a silvery green, so intense it almost hurt to look at them—but sexy. So damn sexy.

  She loved that he cared about her pleasure. Enough to hold back his own, even if it caused him pain.

  “You want it hard?” Gaige thrust his hips back, then quickly returned.

  “Yes,” Violet gasped, clutching at his back. Her nails dug into the hard muscles, leaving behind her mark.

  “And fast.” Gaige entered her, then retreated, quick succession.

  “Faster,” she urged. “Harder.”

  Gaige caught the last word with his mouth, fusing his lips to hers. His tongue plunged into her mouth, finding hers. Dueling. Retreating. Chasing. Violet kissed him without thought. She ran on instinct—an instinct that went back longer than recorded time. Man and woman. The need to mate ran through their blood. It made the world go around.

  With Gaige, she finally understood what it meant to need someone so much. It was all consuming. Like fire—burning hot and bright. It wouldn’t consume them or burn them to the ground. It would make them stronger. Forged in that heat. Unbreakable. Together. Forever.

  Violet called out Gaige’s name, the orgasm bursting from her center and shooting throughout her body. It rolled on and on, cresting again when she felt him join her. Gaige bit her shoulder, the pain intensifying her pleasure. His tongue soothed the mark. His mark. Violet knew she would carry it for several days. A reminder of this night and Gaige’s passion.

  “Ten minutes,” he breathed into the side of her neck.


  Violet didn’t know how Gaige could speak, let alone worry about the time. All she wanted to do was lie here, his weight pushing her limp body into the mattress.

  “It took ten minutes. Ten minutes and sixteen seconds, to be exact.”

  Violet couldn’t help it—she burst out laughing.

  “Men. Is everything a competition?”

  “Professional athlete here. My brain is conditioned that way. And in football, time management is everything.” He kissed the spot that bore his mark. “Sorry about that.”

  Violet turned to look. To her surprise, it hardly showed.

  “When I’m back in New York, it will be a reminder of one of the best orgasms of my life.”

  “Not number one?”

  “God, you’re even competitive with yourself.” She pushed at his shoulder, but he didn’t budge. “FYI, you have all the top ten spots.” She did the math. “Top twenty? Thirty?”

  “My ego is sufficiently assuaged.”

  “Assuaged? That’s an awfully fancy word for a dumb jock.”

  He rolled to the side, taking Violet with him. She liked the reversal of positions. She settled her body over his, sighing with contentment.

  “A fan gave me some word of the day toilet paper.” Gaige said it with a straight face, but there was a definite twinkle in his eyes. “It’s been a godsend.”

  “The words, or the toilet paper?”

  “Both. Triple ply—soft yet durable. And I have something to read. I’m a simple man, Violet. With simple needs.”

  Violet was glad she didn’t have anything in her mouth. If she had, Gaige’s statement would have sent it spewing all over him. Simple? Gaige? Who was he trying to kid?

  “Do you believe that?” she asked. She couldn’t wait for his answer.

  “Most days.” Absently, he began to rub her back, making Violet want to purr like a kitten. “My past is complicated—to put it mildly. My future is unknown. But the here and now? My happiness depends on two things.”

  “What would those be?”

  “Football.” Gaige tipped her chin until she was looking him in the eyes. “And you.”

  Violet felt her throat tighten. She blinked several times. The man could go from teasing to heartbreaking in a snap.

  “Are you trying to make me cry?”

  “No!” Gaige shook his head, a worried look on his face. “Cry? Really? Please don’t.” Panicked, he looked around. “I don’t have any tissues nearby. You can use the sheet.”

  Gaige’s unexpected reaction took care of Violet’s tears. She was laughing too hard.

  “That’s better.” Gaige lifted her until her legs straddled his hips. “Your laughter is the best sound in the world.”

  “Better than a cheering crowd?” Violet felt his erection rubbing against her butt. Adjusting her position, she slowly lowered herself, taking all of him.

  “Yes,” Gaige breathed. His hands gripping her hips, Gaige sat up until her breast rubbed against his chest.

  “Touch me, Gaige.”

  His lips brushed her ear. “Where?”

  Violet’s head fell back, the pleasure overtaking her.

  “Anywhere. Everywhere. Whatever you do, don’t stop.” She pulled him close. “Never stop.”


  VIOLET ROLLED TO her side, reaching for Gaige but finding nothing but a cold sheet. Still half-asleep, her brain slowly processed the news. Sighing with disappointment, she opened her eyes just as he exited the bathroom, a towel wrapped precariously around his narrow hips. He had shaved, but his blond hair was still damp. All she could think about was getting him naked and licking every inch of his body.

  “Why are you there when I’m still here?” Violet lifted the sheet, patting the bed.”

  “I have an appointment,” Gaige told her, taking underwear and socks from the dresser drawer. “I’m sorry to leave you on your own, but it was scheduled months ago.”

  “It’s okay. I think I can muddle through on my own.”

  “Not for too long. I’ll be back by one. We can spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want.” His back to her, Gaige dropped the towel.

  “I want to bite your butt.”

  Slowly, Gaige turned his head, not his body. Grinning, he flexed one butt cheek, then the other. “You like what you see?”

  “I swear. You’re such a tease.”

  She tossed a pillow at him. Gaige, being Gaige, easily sidestepped it. Picking it up, he tossed it back, hitting her squarely in the face.


  “I won’t forget that, buster.” Violet narrowed her eyes. “I will have my revenge.”

  “You can try.”

  “You’re bigger, stronger, and faster. You should let me win.”

  “Ha!” Gaige entered his walk-in closet. “What fun would that be?”

  “For me? Plenty.”

�Nope. You wouldn’t like it if I handed victory to you on a silver platter.

  “Sure I would,” she called out, clutching the pillow to her chest. “Try me.”

  “I already have. I like the way you feel. The way you taste. I love that little sound you make just before you come.”

  “What sound is that?”

  “I’ll point it out. Later.”

  As usual, they had started out talking about one thing and segued to another. Violet shrugged it off. It was what they did.

  “Why don’t you—” One look at Gaige, and she had nothing to say. She could only stare—and salivate.

  “What?” Gaige looked down, checking for a rip or open zipper.

  There was nothing better than Gaige naked. However, Gaige in a perfectly tailored suit and tie came close. The dark gray material turned his eyes the shade of a spring shamrock. Bright and deep green.

  “You are so pretty it almost hurts to look at you.”

  Violet had expected Gaige to brush off the compliment—or complain that men were ruggedly handsome. Not pretty. She should have known that Gaige would surprise her once again. He didn’t crow or preen, but she could tell that her compliment pleased him.

  “Isn’t that supposed to be my line?” Gaige took a seat on the bed.

  “Me? Not with messy hair and God knows what in the corner of my eyes.”

  “Beautiful,” he said without hesitation. “Morning, noon, and night. Never doubt it.”

  How could she when Gaige looked at her like that?

  “I need to get going.” He gave her a quick but thorough kiss.

  “Where are you off to,” she glanced at the clock, “at nine thirty in the morning?”

  “The local Kiwanis Club is giving me a Man of the Year award.”

  “What?” Violet sat up, her eyes wide. “That’s a big deal. Why aren’t you nervous?”

  “I’m honored. And grateful that they do it over coffee and sweet rolls instead of big, elaborate banquet. But nervous? Why expend all that energy?”

  “I assume you are expected to give a speech?”

  “A short one.”

  “There you go. I hate public speaking. It’s right up there with Pap smears and deep gum cleanings on my list of things I wish I could avoid.”



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