Matt (Red, Hot, & Blue)

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Matt (Red, Hot, & Blue) Page 5

by Cat Johnson

  “Wait. An American? Is here?”

  “Yes. He arrived yesterday. He sent Jasmine away, so I gave him Rashid.”

  “Maybe I should be sent to the American man tonight.” Her pulse pounded.

  Sam needed to discover the identity of this American man and his purpose for being here. No matter what. Besides, she should be safe enough going to investigate if he liked boys. She could get a look at him, try to gather some intel and get out of there. No problem.

  Ana narrowed her gaze. “What good would that do? I told you, he rejected Jasmine.”

  “Yes, but as you’ve said, my body is closer to that of a boy than Jasmine’s.” Finally, Sam’s inadequately thin, flat-chested body was good for something in this harem.

  Ana smiled. “Good. Bring him his dinner and remain as long as he wishes.” She opened the door and a guard appeared. “Take her to the kitchen and then to the American in the Palm Suite.”

  Chapter Five

  Matt’s second day on loan at least felt more productive than the first had. He was able to troubleshoot the guidance system and figure out why it still wasn’t operating correctly even after the reinstall.

  Once he’d figured out there was something in the program that wasn’t compatible with another system they were using, he could work to correct the issue. In Matt’s defense, he had developed this technology for US government use, not to be able to work with this other system the foreign military employed. But this technology was his baby, so Matt worked his ass off to fix it and save face—his own, as well as his government’s.

  It was evening by the time he crawled back to his room. After the long, taxing day, he hoped he wouldn’t have more gifts from his absent host to contend with. He’d be very happy with nothing more than a hot shower and bed. Maybe dinner too, if it happened to show up at his door and didn’t come with a sex slave attached.

  The shower would come first. The muscles in his back and neck ached, and the short time he’d been out in the heat had drenched his shirt in sweat. Matt stripped down as the water ran in the shower stall large enough to bathe an elephant.

  He chose to shower and not take a bath in the separate tub. That would take forever to fill and be a huge waste of water just for him alone. It sat on a raised platform that overlooked the gardens and was so big he could entertain an entire harem in it. That he’d allowed that thought to cross his mind and it appealed to him proved the extent of his exhaustion. Or maybe just how sexually deprived he was.

  Dammit. He’d been jealous of all the guys on his team as they’d hooked up and got girlfriends because they were all getting steady sex. Everyone but him, it seemed. And now, when he’d been handed the opportunity to have not only sex, but crazy harem-girl sex, what did he do? He kicked her out of his room and had gone out of his way to convince his host he was gay. All to assure they didn’t send him any more women.

  Pissed at himself, Matt ducked his head under the hot shower spray and let the water pound on the back of his neck. Maybe one day he’d stop getting in his own damn way and just enjoy his good fortune.

  Eyes closed, his mind began to drift to the night before. Not to Rashid learning how to play his first video game, but to before that, when Jasmine had him clasped in her warm, oil-covered hand…right before he told her to stop.

  He was definitely the stupidest genius he knew.

  The sound of the bathroom door opening had Matt tensing. Who the hell would it be this time? Rashid with his dinner, maybe? Though that wouldn’t require a visit to him in the shower. Both the video games the kid had enjoyed so much and the table where Matt ate were out in the other room.

  Matt turned his head to peer through the thick steam. The shower stall was so large it didn’t have a curtain or doors. The water simply couldn’t reach far enough to splatter the rest of the massive bathroom. Even with the distance and the swirling steam, he could make out that his visitor wasn’t Rashid. Nope, she was definitely a female, and as she moved closer, he got an even better look at her. All of her, because this outfit revealed possibly more than Jasmine’s had.

  Meanwhile, Matt was well aware that he was completely exposed to her, his fantasy induced hard-on and all.

  This woman was leaner than Jasmine, and she had blonde hair and a piercing blue gaze that dropped to take all of him in. Those eyes crinkled in the corners when she smiled. His breath caught in his throat as she came toward him, stripping what masqueraded as her clothing as she approached. She was nude and oh so tempting.

  She stepped into the stall and pressed her very naked front to his back as he faced the spray. She wrapped her arms around him from behind. Matt was tall, but so was she. The length of her body pressed against his. He braced against the wall with both hands as, much more forward than Jasmine had been, this woman pinched one of his nipples while her other hand strayed down his abdomen.

  Somewhere in his muddled mind, he realized he was going to let this happen. He held on to his last shred of decency and said, “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Shh. I want to.” Her voice came soft and sultry from somewhere just behind his ear.

  Strange that she had no hint of an accent, as strange as her fair coloring compared to that of Jasmine and Rashid. When she wrapped her hand around his erection those questions fled from his mind.

  She brushed her lips against the side of this throat before she latched her teeth onto his earlobe. Matt let out a groan. “You need to stop.”

  Her hand on him paused just long enough for her to ask, “Why? Don’t you find me attractive?”

  “I find you incredibly attractive. I think that’s pretty obvious. But you still need to stop.”

  She tightened her grip around him. “Why?”

  “Because it’s not right. You’re doing this because you’ve been told to.” Inside him, the devil and the angel warred. Matt wasn’t quite sure which had won. He’d told her to stop, but he’d also let her hand remain, slowly stroking up and down his hard length.

  “A man with morals.” She slid the tip of one finger along the slit in the top of his cock. She dragged in a ragged breath. “Matt Coleman, I think I like you even more than I did before.”

  He tensed. Something wasn’t right here. “You know my name?”

  She pressed her mouth against his ear. “Don’t react. I’m not sure if the suite has eyes and ears.”

  Not only did her speech sound distinctly American, but she’d just told him in the SpecOp code he used daily that his room might have audio and video surveillance in place.

  Naked and unarmed with his back to a stranger who held his dick in her hands. He’d get what he deserved if he ended up dead for this act of extreme stupidity.

  He should be able to overpower—

  “Matt, relax. It’s me. Sam,” the woman hissed in his ear over the sound of the pounding water.

  He angled his head toward her, calculating how best to go about taking her down. If only she’d stop stroking his cock. “I don’t know any Sam.”

  She ran her hands up into the hair that curled around his ears and pulled his head to one side, giving her access to nibble his ear. He would have thought the fright of dying would have taken care of his hard-on. It didn’t, nor would it. Not if she kept this up, whoever she was.

  “You frigging idiot. I’m Sam I am. You’re Computer God. Jeez. Make a girl feel forgettable much?”

  That nearly sent him to his knees on the marble floor. “You’re female?”

  His good buddy Sam? Not just female, but hot and naked, not to mention pressed firmly against him with his dick in her hand.

  “Uh, yes. Sam is for Samantha.” She laughed against his ear. He shivered in spite of the hot water still pummeling him. “You didn’t know?”

  Oh, boy. This added a whole other level of complications to the situation. He pulled her hand away from his cock and turned. She rested her palms on his chest, running them up and down his wet skin.

  “Nope. Definitely did not know.” His erection wa
s still alive and well, in spite of everything going on in his head. It stuck out straight as an arrow between them. There wasn’t much Matt could do about his penile situation, except ignore it and hope it would go away while he gathered some answers. “What are you doing here?”

  She leaned in closer to his ear. “Talk softer. I don’t know how sensitive their equipment is. The water should cover it if we whisper. And I told you on IM I was going deep. Remember?”

  Her comment about going deep while her hardened nipples pressed against him sent his mind to bad, bad places. He shouldn’t be thinking about being buried deep inside his good buddy Sam, but he was. Especially when she slipped the tip of her tongue into his ear. He supposed it was all in case there were surveillance cameras, but his body didn’t care. Goose bumps rose on his skin from the contact.

  He nuzzled her neck and asked, “How did you know I was here?”

  “I came to investigate the American visitor. I carried in your dinner tray and saw your name and address on your luggage tag. I take it you’re not undercover, so what the fuck are you doing here?”

  It was a simple enough question, though he had trouble forming an answer while she slid her hands over his ass and pressed her body from tits to thigh against his.

  Matt sucked in a breath and tried to think. “I’m working at Al Minhad Air Base on one of our programs they’re using there. Why are you here? And in a frigging harem?”

  She pulled back so her gaze met his. “I can’t say.”

  Matt frowned. He had the highest clearance there was. She should realize that. “You don’t know if you can trust me?”

  Sam leaned close again. “I do know that you’re going to expose me and get me killed if you don’t start playing the part of the horny American with the harem girl.”

  He knew she was right, but that still didn’t make it feel less strange or wrong. Or so disturbingly good as she reached between them and wrapped her fingers around his cock. She stroked him again. Her tongue tickled his ear, sending a shiver down his spine.

  “Do you know they think you’re gay?” She drew in a sharp breath and pulled away. “Are you?”

  “No, I’m not.” The evidence to the contrary sat heavy in her hand.

  “It’s okay if you—”

  “Sam. No. I’m not.” He slid one hand down to cup her ass as he gripped her chin with the other. Smashing his lips into her, he kissed her deep and hard. It was as much to prove his point as it was because he wanted to. It felt good. Too good.

  Matt pulled back, more frustrated and confused than before, and he hadn’t thought that possible. “What do we do now?”

  “Put on a show for the cameras.”

  His eyes opened wider. “We can’t have sex.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “We work together.”

  “No, we don’t. We’re on different teams. In six months we’ve never met in person. We work so far apart that all this time you thought I was a man, for God’s sake.”

  “But we’re… You’re…”

  “We’re supposed to do whatever is necessary to maintain the security on an op. You know that.” She bit her lower lip and continued, “And don’t think badly of me, but I’m horny as hell. You try walking around wearing nothing but scarves all day and see if it doesn’t get to you.”

  It already had gotten to him, even before she confessed how turned on she was. Matt groaned, running his hands down her back. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Dammit. Now shut up and fuck me.” His buddy Sam sure had a way with words.

  That was it. He was done fighting. Matt ran his hands over her smooth, slick skin, all the way down to cup her ass. He hoisted her up and pressed her against the shower wall. She wrapped her long legs around his waist. Her arms around his neck, she grabbed his hair and steered his mouth to hers.

  Matt stopped her just short of the kiss. “Birth control?”

  “We’re good.” She’d barely gotten the words out when Matt couldn’t wait any longer. The self-deprivation of his time here caught up with him.

  He took her mouth and her body at the same time. His tongue met hers while he lowered her over his erection. His tip speared her, sliding in easily. She hadn’t been lying when she said she wanted this. Sam’s body accepted his like they’d been made to fit together. He sank deeper into her with a shudder. She moaned and it was his undoing.

  Matt stroked in and out a few more times before he knew he couldn’t hold on. “Sam, I’m not going to last long.”

  She opened her heavily lidded eyes. “We have all night. I’m supposed to stay as long as you want me.”

  That could be for much longer than one night. Matt pumped fast into her, both of their breaths coming faster as he worked. As he feared, it didn’t take long at all. He came, fast and hard, with one long groan.

  Matt wasn’t ready to leave her body yet, but he had to as the muscles bearing her weight protested and his cock faded. He eased her legs to the ground and reached between them. Maybe he’d been a little quick out of the gate, but he was very good with his hands. He’d prove that to Sam.

  He slid his right hand between her legs. Working her clit, he watched her face. Eyes closed, she started to come undone. He didn’t let up until he had her shaking and crying out. She came hard, clinging on to him as she did. Matt held her as her knees buckled and she slumped breathless against the wall.

  Sam drew in a shaky breath. “Wow.”

  The purely male part of Matt took great pride in her reaction. “If you liked that, wait until you see the sex toys in my bedside table. Even I don’t know what some of them are for.”

  She laughed. “Considering you’re the computer god, that’s saying something. I guess we’ll have to figure them out together.”

  That thought had him ready for another round. He turned off the water and stepped out of the stall to grab for a towel. His feet slipped on the wet marble as he did.

  He caught himself on the towel bar before he went down. “Shit.”

  Sam watched him, one brow cocked. “Don’t break anything I might need later.”

  She didn’t need to worry. He’d put a splint on it if he had to, but nothing was going to get in the way of him enjoying every last second with her.

  Matt formulated his plan. More horny-American-and-the-harem-girl sex first. After that, he’d get her to tell him why she was here. He’d help her complete her assignment and get her the hell out of here. Undercover mission or not, he hated the idea of her being here. Part of a harem? What the hell. He was going to make it his business to get her out and fast.

  Lying naked on her belly, Sam glanced into the drawer in the bedside table. The array of sex toys inside was mind-boggling. Apparently what she’d read and been told about modern day harems was bullshit. These women were not here as window dressing, pretty things to look at. This place was equipped to be a sexual pleasure dome, and she was smack in the middle of it.

  “What do you think this one is for?” Next to her, Matt held up a small black acorn-shaped object. “It looks a little like a pacifier for a baby. Is it for playing naughty nursemaid and bad boy who needs to be spanked?”

  He raised the item in question toward his lips. Sam grabbed his wrist. “Ah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. It’s definitely not a pacifier. It’s a butt plug.”

  She laughed out loud at the expression on Matt’s face—a mix of shock and intrigue as his golden-brown eyes opened wide.

  “Really? Hmm.” Sandy-colored eyebrows raised, he considered the item in his hand again and then reached into the drawer and pulled out a tube of lubricant. “I guess this goes with that.”

  The wheels in Matt’s brain were turning. Sam could tell, he was planning something and it probably involved the two items in his hands and her. Time to shake him up a bit.

  She leaned in and nipped his earlobe. “Definitely. Don’t you worry, sweetie. I’ll use plenty of lube on that plug before I use it on you.”

  He opened his mouth bef
ore he closed it again and swallowed.

  “No comment?” she asked.

  “None at the moment.” Matt cleared his throat. After putting the lube and plug down, he glanced into the drawer again. He pulled out a long, strange rod with a curve and a ball at one end. “Okay, since you seem to be the expert, what is this?”

  Sam had done lots of research for this assignment. All right, maybe it hadn’t been just for this assignment. It’s amazing what a person could find on the Internet. She was now well versed in the world of sexual devices, including the proper use of the prostate massager Matt held in his hand.

  She smiled. “Want me to show you?”

  He looked at the shape and length of it. “I don’t know. I think that depends. Is it for me or for you?”

  “Oh, it’s unquestionably for you.” She laughed.

  He shook his head. “Then no. I don’t want you to show me. Just tell me.”

  “You sure? It’s supposed to be pretty amazing. Best male orgasms ever.”

  “From this? Nope, I don’t think so. How?”

  “How? Well, it’s a prostate massager, so you should be able to guess how.” She laughed as Matt cringed.

  He looked at it one more time and put it back in the drawer as if he never wished to touch it again. “You’re scaring me.”

  “Don’t worry. I promise to be gentle on you.”

  Matt frowned. “How do you know about all this stuff?”

  “Part of the job description.” She figured they could speak freely and not worry about the surveillance as long as they stuck to topics like sex.

  If they needed to speak about anything regarding her assignment, they’d have to take another shower to cover the conversation. They couldn’t do that too often. Eventually, whoever was watching would get suspicious. Or maybe not…

  Matt pulled a bottle of massage oil from the drawer full of goodies. He poured a good amount into his hand and grinned. It looked as if they were about to get messy, after which they’d need another shower.


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