First Class [Diablo Falls]

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First Class [Diablo Falls] Page 6

by Damon Kinney

  “Me? I’m the…?”

  Caleb nodded.

  “However, keep in mind that the sun exposure scrambled his brain a little. The transfusion will help to settle him, but it’ll be an hour or so before he’s back to normal. Until then, he’ll probably sleep, wake up and babble a bit, then sleep some more.”

  I was in a state of shock. This was too much to take in, especially in such a short time.

  Caleb placed his hand on my forearm, and I felt a milder version of the warmth that Terrance’s touch gave me. It was calming. Safe, even. I knew deep inside that these… vampires… posed no threat to my safety.

  “He’ll be fine, Sagan. We’ll stay another few minutes, then leave him in your care. All you have to do is humor his nonsense until he’s fully aware again.”

  I nodded. “Thank you. All of you. This is so much… can I get you something to drink? He’s probably got water inside.”

  * * *

  Half an hour later, they were gone. I thanked them profusely for taking care of Terrance, and for the brief history lesson during the moments he was asleep. As it turns out, all three were vampires, and in Diablo Falls, all the night shift EMTs were. Additionally, and more baffling, the local blood bank had been owned and operated by vampires for decades.

  Terrance continued to cycle through sleeping for a while, then babbling for a few minutes. Over the next half hour, the sleeping periods grew shorter and the babbling became increasingly coherent. He began to realize what had happened, especially considering that the EMTs had left the stretcher and IV here with him.

  Meanwhile, I sat there in tears. I had finally found a man who seemed perfect for me, who I felt some insane attraction to, both romantically and sexually.

  And he turns out to be a motherfucking vampire.

  Some girls find out their Tinder date is married. Me? I discover mine is a creature of the night.

  “Oh, shit,” Terrance said, trying to sit up, then looking up at the blood drip and following the tube down to where the needle was taped to the inside of his elbow. “They…” He turned to me. “You know?”

  Sitting on the couch next to his stretcher, I wiped my tears away and tried to smile, placing my hand on his chest. Vampire or not, this was my man. I felt it as surely as I’d ever felt anything.

  “Yes, I know. And you have some explaining to do, mister.”

  “I’m sorry it happened this way,” he said. “If you could bring me something to drink, I have so much to tell you.”


  My brain was foggy, and I suddenly felt too hot. I realized I was still wearing my jacket, which I’d puked on. They’d covered me with a blanket when they first found me, but now I was sweating up a storm and must have smelled terrible.

  When Sagan returned with a glass of water, I was struggling to remove my jacket.

  “Here, let me help,” she offered.

  “Be careful, there’s puke on it.” When the jacket was off, I said, “Now the shirt. And my pants.”

  Sagan looked at me and arched an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, but I puked on them, too. I’ll keep my underwear on.”

  She helped me with the shirt, then patiently unzipped my pants and took them off. She took all of them outside and left them by the door.

  “Better?” she asked when she returned.

  “Yes, that’s much more comfortable,” I said.

  “I’m glad one of us is comfortable. Now drink some water.”

  I tried to grin as she handed me the glass. The ice water slid down my parched throat and helped to cool me down.

  “So apparently, my virginity wasn’t the biggest secret one of us was keeping.”

  I laughed softly. At least her sent of humor was intact.

  “How much did they tell you?” I asked.

  “Well, I know that you’re a vampire. And that you’re not alone here in DF. You have many… Kindred here.”

  I winced. “I always hated that word. Way too Kumbaya for my taste.”

  Sagan laughed, and I felt instantly more optimistic about the chances of this working out.

  “Are the stories true, then? That there are other mythical creatures in Diablo Falls?”

  “There are, though the term is supernaturals.”

  “Like what kind? How would I know them from normal humans?”

  “First things first: Humans are rarely normal. And you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart. Your buddy Brian, for example…”

  Sagan’s eyes flew opened. “Brian’s a vampire?”

  “No, Brian’s a werewolf. At least I’m pretty sure he is. These things get a little tricky.”

  “Holy fucking hell. I kissed a werewolf?”

  I laughed. “I guess you did. Was it good?”

  “Not particularly. I prefer vampires, to be honest, though I’ve only kissed one and might need to experiment to be sure.”

  “No need to experiment. You won’t find better than me,” I said with a smirk.

  “Okay, Mr. Confidence, so how does this work, you being a vampire and me being a human? And why the hell am I so damned attracted to you?”

  Now comes the serious part of the conversation. It’s hysterical to think that clueing a human in on the supernatural world all around her wasn’t the hard part.

  “I share that attraction, just as strongly. There’s a reason for that.”

  I take another drink of water.

  “Remember my ex that I told you about?”

  “Yes, Emeline.”

  “Emeline. She was my soulmate. That’s just a term of affection for you humans, but for us, it’s something deeper. More like an eternal bond that will last forever.”

  “Unless one person dies.”

  “Not even then, at least not immediately. I felt Emeline’s presence for years after she was gone.”

  “What does this have to do with us?” Sagan asked.

  “Your ancestor Sagenia was Emeline’s sister.”

  Sagan’s brow crinkled and she backed away from me a few inches. It was unfair of me to drop such a bomb in that manner, but what choice did I have? The news would hit her hard no matter how it was delivered.

  “That’s impossible,” she protested.

  “Sagenia’s surname was Munerius, just like Emeline’s.”

  “But the timeline makes no sense. Sagenia was born centuries ago.”

  “She was born just after the turn of the prior millennium,” I said softly.

  “You don’t know that. Hell, I don’t even know that.”

  “I do know it, Sagan. I knew Sagenia. In person, in my real life.”

  Her face turned white. “You knew…? No, there’s no way. No. NO! How could that be possible.”

  I nodded solemnly. “I remember her well, though I’d forgotten the name over the years. She was a beautiful woman, inside and out. As was her mother, and Emeline, of course.”

  “Terrance, I don’t understand what you’re saying. How could you have possibly known…?”

  “Remember when I told you I was older than I looked?” I saw a light go on behind her eyes. “Exactly. We vampires don’t share your human lifespans.”

  “How old are you?” The poor girl’s voice was tremulous.

  “Eleven-hundred and fifty years old, give or take a few decades. The record-keeping back then was dicey.”

  I saw the look on her face and felt terrible for what Sagan was going through. Her entire world had been turned upside down in the span of an hour.

  “But you’re so… you don’t even look forty.”

  “Thanks. Good genes, I guess.”

  Sagan didn’t laugh at my joke, but instead collapsed against the back of the couch’s seat.

  “I’m sorry, sweetie,” I said. “This is difficult enough for me, I can only imagine what’s going on in your mind.”

  “I just have a million questions, about everything.”

  “We have plenty of time for me to answer them,” I said. “I’ll be here until I find out what the hell reas
on demanded my presence here. And who knows how long that will take?”

  I sat up, draping my legs over the side of the stretcher, and inspected the IV bag. It was almost empty, so I ripped off the tape holding the needle in my arm, then quickly yanked out the needle.

  So far, so good. But when I tried to stand, my knees buckled a little. Sagan was at my side in a flash, holding me up, keeping me from falling.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “I desperately need to take a shower,” I said. “My date will be here any minute.”

  She smiled and said, “For someone as old as you are, you sure are a dork. Where’s the shower? I’ll help you there.”

  A few of minutes later, she’d managed to get me up the stairs and into the master bathroom, leaning me against the counter. Looking at my underwear, she said, “Well, I guess we’ll need to get those off of you. Thank god I’ve already seen that thing up close. There’s only so much shock a girl can take in one night.”

  With that, she knelt in front of me and pulled my boxer briefs down, holding them for me to step out of.

  She glanced at my cock as she stood, then smiled before moving to the shower. I looked her over as she turned on the water and waited for it to warm up.

  “Sagan, that dress is fucking perfect for you. Holy shit. No man could resist you in that.”

  “You’re still loopy,” she said without turning around.

  Her ass was truly perfect. I suddenly realized I was dying to see her naked again, to feel her body against mine. My desire to taste her blood was still just as strong, but I needed to give her time to process everything before acting on it. That sweet ass, though.

  “Okay, that should be good,” she said, shaking the water off her hand as she turned to face me again. Her eyes dropped, then widened.

  I looked down to see my half-erect cock sticking straight out in front of me.

  “I might need some help with this shower.”

  “I think that’s a great idea,” she said, stepping out of her heels while simultaneously sliding her dress’s spaghetti straps over her shoulders.

  “Come over here and let me help,” I said.

  “You can barely stand up on your own. Just stay there and watch.”

  And that’s exactly what I did. By the time she peeled off her burgundy lace bra and panties, I was hard as a rock and pointing at the ceiling.

  I stood under the water as Sagan took her time soaping me from head to toe. Her lovely body rubbed against me so repeatedly that I began to suspect she was doing it on purpose. Meanwhile, my cock continued to stand at attention.

  She was doing my back when she asked, “So how does the biting and blood sucking thing work? Do I need to be afraid?”

  I felt a cold shiver run through me and forced my mind away from the sudden appearance of Emeline’s face.

  “No, you don’t,” I said, taking a couple of seconds to regain the composure that had threatened to slip away. “We bite for two reasons: to feed, and to claim someone.”

  “Claim them, like they’re your property?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Yeah, well you can forget about claiming me. Nobody owns this girl.”

  “It’s not like that,” I laughed. “It’s an act of absolute love.”

  “Hmm… then I might consider it. I’ll have to think about it. Have you ever claimed anyone?”

  “My wife, Emeline.”

  “She wasn’t a vampire?”

  “She was born human. She would have been turned when I claimed her, but…”

  My shoulders slumped as I fought back the guilt.

  “But what?” Sagan asked, momentarily pausing her bathing of me.

  I looked her in the eye. This was as good a time as any to tell her, when I was still too woozy to think better of it.

  “I became ravenous and began drinking her blood, and the more I drank, the less I was able to control the impulse. Once it reached a certain point, nothing could have stopped me.”

  Sagan was wide-eyed, waiting for the rest.

  “She died. I drained her. I was so out of my mind, I passed out, not realizing what I’d done until I came to and found her lifeless body.”

  “Oh my god.”

  I swallowed the guilt down and pushed Emeline from my mind, a task I’d performed so many times I had almost perfected it.

  “I don’t want to talk about it anymore, not right now. Distract me, Sagan. Please.”

  She nodded, then smiled. A second later, her soapy fingers slid into the crack of my ass. Damn, that woman was determined to make sure every square inch of me was clean, and I mean every square inch.

  “Tell me about the feeding part. How often do you need to do that?”

  “About once a month, though I’ve gone a couple of months between feedings a few times. It leaves me very weak, though.”

  “Is it always fatal?” she asked matter-of-factly, her fingers teasing the hell out of me.

  “It’s only fatal if I don’t stop in time. If I approach the subject in the right frame of mind, it will leave them feeling better. Much better, actually. If I’m angry, I can go too far and drink too much, which will leave them weakened for hours and scare the hell out of them. And obviously, even with someone I care for, there’s the possibility I’ll get carried away. But I’ve learned to control that side of me, to never go close to that edge. ”


  “No, never. Since the accident, I’ve fed on tens of thousands of people, some regularly. There have been times when I was closer to that point than I intended, but I always managed to pull back.”

  “Does it turn them into vampires?”

  “No, it doesn’t turn them.”

  “Have you fed on anyone in Diablo Falls?” she asked, obviously trying to change the subject as she started soaping my chest.

  For a second, I considered lying to her, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. “Yeah, the night after I met you?”

  “Really? Was it a woman?” I detected a hint of jealousy in her tone.

  “No, it was some lowlife wife-abuser who needed to be taught a lesson. Judging from the look in his eyes when I lectured him, I don’t think he’ll be hurting anyone again. Poor asshole thought my teeth were the last things he’d ever see.”

  “Would you ever want to feed on me?” she asked, turning those big blue eyes up to my face.

  “I’ve wanted that since the moment you walked into the door at The Moirai that night. It’s become an overwhelming urge.”

  “Just tell me first,” she said. “I want to know when you do it. No surprises.”

  “You’re not afraid?”

  “Should I be? Didn’t you say you know when to stop?”

  I swallowed hard. “Yeah.”

  “I trust you, Terrance,” she said, her soapy hands running over my abs. “Does it hurt?”

  “I’ve been told it’s amazing, like the best orgasm you’ve ever had, times ten.”

  “Really?” she says, stopping her soaping duties temporarily to ponder yet another aspect of her new reality.

  “Any more questions?” I asked.

  “Just one,” she said, wrapping a hand around my now-throbbing hard-on. “Do all male vampires stay hard most of the time?”

  I sucked in a breath as her hand traversed my shaft and the other gently rubbed the bar of soap over my balls. “All I know is that I seem to be that way when I’m around you.”

  “Good answer.” She turned me towards the shower spray to rinse the soap off my cock, and I got a thrill from the way she didn’t take her eyes off it. Dropping to her knees, it was right in front of her face. She gently pulled it forward and slipped her mouth over the head for few seconds. Removing it, she smiled up at me and said, “Mmm…” Then she moved on to soaping my thighs.

  Meanwhile, I was about to go insane with desire.

  Sagan pulled her wet hair behind her and said, “Terrance, what happens after you find out what brought you to D
iablo Falls? It could be a month from now, or it could be tomorrow. Then what? You just leave?”

  I look her in those beautiful blue eyes. “We can’t solve this entire puzzle in one night, baby. All I know is this: After everything I’ve felt in the last few days, I can’t imagine not having you at my side.”

  Her concern broke into a grin.

  “I was kinda hoping you’d say that.” Setting the bar of soap on its tray, she announced, “All done. Clean as a whistle.”

  “Thanks. Stay here and I’ll return the favor.”

  “No need,” she said. “I showered after work.”

  “I don’t know if I’ve ever been this clean before.”

  As Sagan stood there, toweling off her naked body, a devilish expression crossed her face.

  “Well, we can’t have you being too clean, can we? I guess we’ll just have to do something dirty now.”

  I grabbed a fresh towel. “I like the way you think, human.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “A little better. I’m starting to get my strength back now.”

  “Would feeding from me replenish your strength?”

  “Yeah, almost immediately,” I replied.

  She looked at my still-hard cock, then into my eyes.

  “Would it make you strong enough to fuck me?”


  I was trying to appear to be some kind of badass, but the reality is that my heart was in my throat for a number of reasons.

  For most girls, the thought of your first time involving a cock that big would be frightening enough. In my case, that wasn’t even the scariest thing to consider.

  Not by a long shot.

  The man I’d fallen in love with so quickly, seemingly overnight, turned out to be a vampire. I never even thought vampires were real until a couple of hours ago, and suddenly I was about to have sex with one. Would I even survive such an act?

  Could I trust Terrance with both my heart and my life?

  On top of everything else, I was pretty sure I’d just told him he could suck blood from my body.

  How would all of this feel? Would I survive the night?

  And how would it affect me long-term? Would my life ever get back to normal after something like this?


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