Chasing Morgan

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Chasing Morgan Page 7

by Jennifer Ryan

  She never complained about his job. Pregnant and feeling needy, she wanted him to take care of her. Sure she could take care of herself, but hormonal and tired, she deserved a little pampering when she was carrying his child. Not so much to ask. At least normally it wasn’t. This case involved someone he knew. He couldn’t ignore it, but unfortunately that meant he’d ignored his wife and daughter.

  Elizabeth had enough this morning and came to get her man and a little loving for her and their daughter. He’d already kissed his daughter. His wife held his attention and made him want to go home and crawl into bed with her. He might just have enough energy to make love to her before he slept more than the three or four hours he’d gotten every other night of the last week.

  He kissed sleeping Grace on the head and rubbed his hand softly over her back.

  He’d been happy Tyler had finally taken a vacation. He’d been mildly irritated when Tyler ignored his first few calls. That mild irritation had a good week to build to an all-out fury when Tyler hadn’t returned a single message all weekend, especially since Sam knew Tyler returned home last Thursday.

  Almost ten o’clock on Monday morning and Tyler had finally come into the office. Sam had been at work for hours. Yeah, he wanted to deck Tyler. It wouldn’t do any good, but he’d feel a hell of a lot better. He’d settle for leaving him in his dust and in the dark.

  “Was it something I said?” Tyler joked.

  “More like something you didn’t say,” Elizabeth scolded. “Like hello when Sam called you the first, the fifth, or the tenth time.” She couldn’t help the anger in her voice. She’d missed Sam over the last few days, and Tyler had shown up and ruined Sam’s mood.

  “I was on vacation. Can’t a guy even take a few days off without his partner calling him every day? Sam’s good at his job. He didn’t need me for anything.”

  “Is that what you think? He’d call you on your vacation about something as trivial as needing your advice on a case.” She rubbed a hand over her growing belly and took a breath. She didn’t need this agitation in her condition. Her daughter was also sound asleep and bound to wake up if she heard her mother yelling.

  “What’s the matter then? Is it Jack or Jenna? One of the kids? What’s the emergency?”

  “Morgan is the emergency. At least, she is to Sam. Have you forgotten about her? More than five years of her helping you and you turn your back on her just when she needs you. She saved your sister. After everything she’s done for you, you can’t even pick up the damn phone when Sam calls to find out if there’s a problem.”

  His heart jolted. Worries and questions filled his mind. “Wait a minute. What’s wrong with Morgan? Has Sam heard from her?”

  “No. He hasn’t. He’s been trying to find her. She covers her tracks better than anyone Sam’s come up against. Every time he thinks he’s close, he hits another brick wall.

  “I don’t know all the details,” Elizabeth went on. “Sam is reluctant to talk about what’s happened. What I do know is this case is really getting to him. He needed you. And you were too busy sunning and funning in Hawaii to pick up your phone and give Sam five minutes of your time.”

  “I’m sorry, Elizabeth. I am. I’m here now. I’ll help Sam with whatever case he’s working.”

  “This isn’t just a case. It’s about Morgan. This is about the Psychic Slayer.”

  That got his attention. Every instinct in him went on high alert. The instinct to protect Morgan flared. Vacation or not, his mind just shifted into full FBI mode. “Excuse me? The Psychic Slayer. What the hell is that?”

  “Keep your voice down. Grace is sleeping.”

  He stroked his hand down the back of the little bundle in his arms. Completely at ease, she softly breathed as her mouth worked on her thumb.

  “The Psychic Slayer is the name the press gave the maniac going around San Francisco killing all the psychics. I don’t know all the details, but I know he started the night of the press conference when Stewart gave Morgan’s name to the reporters. Since then, he’s committed four more murders. All of the women were psychics. At least, they claim to be. They work in various shops around the city giving readings and such. The newspapers are vague about the details.

  “Sam got involved after they discovered the third victim. It seems Detective Stewart and his partner Detective Rasmussen didn’t think the FBI, particularly you and Sam, would be interested in the case. Sam’s been butting heads with them for more than a week. The fourth murder happened Saturday night at a street fair. The psychic gave palm readings in one of the booths. They found her strangled with her tongue cut out and her eyes glued shut. The press says there are no witnesses or leads on the case. Sam remains closemouthed about everything. He’s worried about Morgan. Enough so, that whenever he isn’t working on the four murders and aggravating the two detectives, he spends all his time trying to locate her.”

  “Did Sam tie Morgan directly to the murders somehow? Or is this all some crazy’s idea of getting back at psychics because they heard the FBI uses psychics to solve cases at the press conference?”

  “You’ll have to talk to Sam. I only know what I’ve read in the papers and the little bit Sam mentioned about trying to find Morgan. He wouldn’t work this hard to find her if it wasn’t important.”

  She picked up the paper from Sam’s desk and threw it on Tyler’s desk in front of him. The headline said it all.


  Like a dramatic headline out of a comic book, only this was real.

  “Do you really think the murder of four women, all claiming to be psychics, doesn’t have anything to do with Morgan? If you do, you’re in denial about more than the fact that you care about her.”

  “You don’t even know Morgan.”

  “I know you,” Elizabeth snapped.

  He couldn’t deny that. He and Sam were close. Elizabeth fed him as often as she fed her own husband. He spent a lot of time talking with Elizabeth at the restaurant. A very good friend, he counted himself lucky to have her in his life.

  “What makes you and everyone else think my feelings for her run any deeper than they would for any other colleague I’ve worked with for years?”

  He wanted to get up out of his seat and pace. He couldn’t. Grace was sleeping and it took everything he had to keep his voice down. He didn’t know why Elizabeth got after him. Well, he did. He’d let Sam down, and Elizabeth wouldn’t stand for anything to happen to Sam. “I’m seeing Maria. We just spent ten days in Hawaii, and she stayed at my place all weekend. Things are going really well between the two of us.”

  “I’m not buying it. I know what love looks like. If Sam and I had spent ten days in Hawaii together, you can bet Sam would be smiling like a clown and tired to the bone from lack of sleep. You, Tyler, do not look like a man who just spent the last two weeks in bed with a woman.

  “I remember when Sam and I got out of the hospital and we were finally alone. You remember the two of us. We were constantly kissing and falling into bed together. The beginning is always the best part of a relationship. It’s that time when you can’t keep your hands off each other. Tell me you and Maria never left your room in Hawaii. Tell me you didn’t even have time to sightsee.”

  Tyler turned away as Elizabeth’s words hit home. Tyler didn’t want to lie or admit his relationship with Maria wasn’t like that for them. They weren’t hot for each other every minute. He expected most couples went from hot bunny sex to lukewarm lovemaking after they’d been married for a long time. Seeing Sam and Elizabeth kissing had changed his mind on that as well. He didn’t mind his and Maria’s tepid sex life—much. They didn’t have to be locked in sweaty, hot sex every time they were alone together. Right?

  “We had a great time. There’s a lot to do and see.”

  “You’re trying to make a relationship out of a friendship. Maria’s a nice woman. She’ll probably make someone a good wife. She just won’t make you a good wife. She’s too mellow, and she hates your

  “Elizabeth . . .” Tyler started to interrupt.

  “Let me finish. The lack of passion and fire between you will wear on you. You’re too vital of a man to last long with a woman like Maria. Worse would be if the two of you stayed together for years. You’ll be miserable. You already are. You just don’t see it.”

  She patted her belly again and looked right at Tyler, so that maybe what she said would sink into that warped mind of his. “I worry about you. It’s sad to think the hottest thing on that island was the volcano and not you and some woman tearing up the sheets.

  “You’re a gorgeous, sexy, strong man. Yeah, maybe this is the hormones talking, and the fact that I haven’t seen my husband in three days, but I never thought you’d settle for anything less than a woman who could spark a fire in you both physically and mentally.

  “Life with Maria is easy. She’ll spend her time making things nice for you. You two could have a nice, normal, dull life together. I always thought you were the kind of man who wanted a challenge. I always imagined you’d find someone who made you work for it, since most everything comes easy to you. Look at the last several years of your life. A handful of women have warmed your bed. There’s probably a hundred who’d line up outside right now for the chance to be with you. None of those women ever got to you like Morgan gets to you. I never thought you’d settle. You aren’t a quitter. I wonder why you gave up so easily on Morgan. Did you ever once ask her out on a date?”

  Thinking about Morgan stirred up too many complicated feelings. One thing was clear, Morgan had set the boundary and any time he tried to cross it, she backed off.

  “Admit it, you’re hot for me. You’re just waiting for me to say the word and you’ll dump Sam. You, me, and the angel here can take off together.”

  “You’re an idiot. I’m actually starting to feel sorry for you. You didn’t listen to a thing I said.”

  He hated upsetting her. He didn’t like the fact she was right about some of it. Okay, maybe most of it. It sucked being the one to look bad in front of your friends.

  “I listened. Things between Maria and I are good. I want someone in my life I can count on. I want a normal home life.”

  “I guess I’m wrong then. Maria will certainly give you comfortable and normal.”

  He didn’t like the way that sounded, or the way she’d said it like he’d settled for less than he deserved. “I want what you and Sam have. I want a wife and kids. I’m getting too old to keep up with the dating scene, and I’m tired of it. This job takes everything I have. I don’t want to keep putting myself out there and coming up with just another woman warming my bed. This time I want her picking out the sheets.”

  “Is that what you think Sam and I have, a nice, comfortable, normal life? Is that what you think Jack and Jenna have, or Marti and Cameron? What we have is a great love between us. We have a bond and a deep passion for the person we’re with. Is that what you feel for Maria? Because if you do, then I’m completely off base. I just want you to be happy like Sam and I are. You know, I still get weak in the knees and light in the head when I walk into a room and see him. He still makes my blood run hot when he kisses me. Don’t get me wrong, we have our comfortable and normal, but it’s built on a foundation of love and passion. Tell me that’s what you have with Maria and I’ll congratulate you. You’ll never hear me say I want more for you, more than you apparently want for yourself.”

  Elizabeth cared deeply for him and knew speaking her mind wouldn’t damage their relationship. Maybe he and Maria weren’t like Elizabeth and Sam. They could still build a life together and make it work. He’d spent a lot of time thinking about it and decided that maybe he wasn’t one of the lucky ones who’d find that hot, passionate love that all of his friends had managed to find. Maybe the fire between him and Maria glowed more like an ember than an all-consuming flame. At least it was something to build on, and not something that would flash and burn itself out.

  “I know what you and the others have is something special. It’s just not in the cards for me. I’m happy with Maria. Things are fine.”

  No Tyler, they’re not, but you’ll keep trying to convince yourself. Won’t you? Elizabeth took her daughter and kissed Tyler’s cheek. She hadn’t gotten through to him. No one could. Set on his course to destruction, he wouldn’t be detoured.

  “I left an invitation on your desk. We’re having a family dinner at the restaurant at the end of next week for Marti and Cameron. Kind of a baby shower. The baby is due in a few weeks. I thought it’d be nice to have a celebration and give them a few gifts for the baby. It’ll be a nice opportunity to get everyone together. I assume you’ll bring Maria with you.”

  “Yeah, we’d love to come. It isn’t often we all get together. At least, not everyone at one time. I’m looking forward to it. Do we know if the baby is a boy or a girl?”

  He’d have to buy a gift. Maybe he and Maria could do it together.

  “No. They wanted to be surprised. They’re worried about Emma. She’s excited about the baby coming, but she’s afraid something bad will happen to Marti, since her mother died after giving birth to her. Emma hasn’t been sleeping well, and she constantly follows Marti around, making sure she’s okay.”

  “There haven’t been any problems with the pregnancy so far, have there?”

  “No. Cameron is understandably nervous, but everything is fine so far. Marti says she feels great. The doctor assures them there’s nothing out of the ordinary.”

  “Okay. Maybe I’ll give Cameron a call and check on things. I haven’t talked to him in a while. Maybe I’ll take Emma out on a dinner and movie date, so Cameron and Marti can have time alone together before the baby comes.”

  “I’m sure they’d appreciate it. Emma does love her Uncle Tyler.”

  “I like the kids,” he said and kissed Grace’s chubby cheek. “All of them.”

  “You’ll be a great father someday. You’re a natural with them.”

  “I hope so. I’d like a family of my own. Watching all of you guys . . . Well, you make it look easy.”

  “It’s not easy. It’s love. I hope you have that, too, Tyler.” She picked up Grace and turned to leave, but swung back around to him. “Bring Maria by the restaurant for dinner one night. I’d love to see the two of you. I’ll make you a triple chocolate cake.”

  Always looking out for him, the invitation signaled a truce. She’d back him up, no matter his decision. She’d be the first to congratulate him if he married Maria. He could count on Elizabeth to make her feel welcome in their family circle.

  “Your triple chocolate cake is my favorite. We’ll be there. I don’t know exactly when, though. I want to catch up on things with Sam. It looks like we’ll be in deep with this new killer on the loose.”

  “Come in any night. The cake will be there, and so will I.”

  “You always are.” He stood and put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a squeeze. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. I just want you to be happy.”

  “I know.” It’s what he wanted for himself. He kissed her on the cheek and watched her and Grace leave.

  “You lucky bastard, Sam,” he muttered and went to find his friend. If he still had one.

  He better be ready to duck.

  Chapter Eleven

  * * *

  TYLER WOKE UP this morning ready for work. Now he’d had a run-in with Sam, had his life examined and shoved in his face by Elizabeth, and found out someone was killing psychics.

  His fault. He’d given Detective Stewart her name. Stupid. Everything inside him always warned him to protect Morgan. He hadn’t said anything to Elizabeth, but since Morgan’s abrupt departure, he’d been thinking about her and the emptiness she’d left in his mind, his life, his soul. Part of him was missing. He thought the vacation with Maria would help him put the whole thing out of his mind. Instead, he’d lain awake in the dark hours of the night thinking about Morgan and that emptiness he couldn’t seem to fill
. Spending time with Maria helped with the worst of the emptiness, but it remained. He didn’t think it would ever go away.

  Morgan had always been at arm’s length and beyond.

  Different from any woman he’d ever met. It wasn’t just that she had a sixth sense, or whatever the proper term for what she did. She had always been so genuinely interested in him. She asked him how he was, never satisfied with an I’m fine. He counted on her. She had been there for him every time he needed her.

  She didn’t want to be in his life anymore. He’d have to accept that. His own damn fault.

  Something Elizabeth said kept nagging at him. She’d asked him if he’d ever simply asked her out on a date. No, not really.

  In the beginning, he’d tried to change the nature of their relationship. He’d gone from getting messages from her to their speaking to each other directly. Hard-won progress when Morgan controlled the relationship, keeping her secrets to herself and never opening up about anything. She refused to answer any of his numerous questions.

  Why? It had always bothered him.

  The more he thought about it, he realized the only personal things they talked about involved him. He’d given up asking her about her life, except to ask her questions about how she saw the things she saw. He’d turned into a selfish asshole, taking everything she offered and giving her nothing in return but a lot of grief over her gift. She was there for him when he needed a little pick-me-up, or when he just needed someone to talk to. She’d call and he’d dump his load on her. He wondered if she had anyone to count on like he had counted on her. She’d certainly never had him. It hit him hard. Maybe he’d given up too easily and let her get away with distracting him from getting too close.

  It bothered him that he didn’t know if she had friends she confided in, or maybe even a boyfriend. Or husband. That thought made his chest go tight. She’d have at least told him that much.

  He hated analyzing things after the fact. The many things he didn’t know ate at him. The thing is, he wanted to know everything about her, but she didn’t want to tell him for whatever reason and it hurt.


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