Deathly Magic

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Deathly Magic Page 1

by Kessler, A. L.

  Deathly Magic

  Here Witchy Witchy

  Book Two

  A.L. Kessler

  Copyright ©2016 Amy Kessler

  All rights reserved.

  Editing: Jennifer with Wise Owl Word Polishing and Jasmyn with Hot off the Shelf

  Cover art: Imagine Ink Designs

  Formatting: Imagine Ink Designs

  No part of this book may be produced without expressed permission of copyright holder.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  To Crystal, dream big <3

  Thank you to everyone who has made this series an amazing success. Here Witchy Witchy is bigger than I ever dreamed of. Thank you to my betas and my editors because without you I’d be lost. Special thank you to Jennifer Fleming for edits and Jasmyn Novachek for proofreading and helping me with the van scene. You two are wonderful. Shout to my street team for helping me spread the word. One giant thank you to my PA Crystal with Eating Between the Lines, you keep me on track and make sure I know what’s going on. Kelsey Dobbins thank you for allowing me to use your likeness, I hope you enjoy your cameo. And to my husband, because I love you…and you supply me with coffee.


  I swiveled in my chair, swinging from left to right over and over. It had been six months since my last big case. Sure, my new partner Nick and I had solved small cases since, but I was starting to think the big bad supernatural creatures in the world were either plotting something huge or they were all too scared to try anything.

  "Abby, you're making me nervous." Nick's voice drew my attention from my screen He’d slicked back his brown hair into a business style and his green eyes would have any woman swooning. Honestly I’d have fallen for him, if he hadn’t lied when I first met him. He’d been working on his own mission as a PIB agent, but had told the office that he was my boyfriend. He thought I had something to do with his case but told me the reason he sought me out was to reconnect with an old friend. It turned out I was hunting his brother. After my case was over, the department decided to make Nick and I partners. Great…except for I killed his brother.

  I stopped rotating in my chair. "Sorry, the paperwork was so fascinating I needed something else to do." Not that there was paperwork on my screen. He was working in front and to the left of me. He faced me from behind his desk so we could see each other. Our partnership was supposed to be temporary, which is why he was sharing my office, but we'd yet to figure out when he was moving out.

  "Right. I'm going to go grab lunch. You want something?"

  "No, thank you. I think I'm going to go take a walk." My phone went off and I swept it up. Nick had paused halfway out of his chair.

  "Agent Collins speaking." I said. I knew the number on the screen. It belonged to Detective Mason, which meant something had happened. Finally.

  "Hey Abby, we've got bodies down by Memorial Lake. It's not pretty, can you get down here?"

  Bodies? Multiple. "Nick and I'll be down there as soon as we can."

  "I'd prefer if it was just you." He sounded irritated, but there wasn’t much I could do about bringing Nick along.

  "Can't. Rules are rules." I sighed. "Give us fifteen minutes, we're at the office." I motioned for Nick to continue to get ready.

  "Hope you haven't eaten yet." Were Mason's last words before the call ended. I looked at Nick. "We have multiple bodies, Mason sounds shaken."

  "It's noon, how did no one find them until now?" He shrugged his jacket on.

  I grabbed my jacket off the back of my chair and pulled it on. "I don't know, maybe they've been working on it all day. Mason doesn't call unless he's sure it's supernatural. He's seen the darker side of human nature, he'd rather it be that."

  Nick nodded. "Back home, we'd be lucky to get a call before the body count hit five."

  I snorted. "Luckily for me, Mason's damn good at what he does."

  "Ever gotten a case outside his jurisdiction?" Nick asked and held the office door open for me.

  I smiled, because that could mean so many things. I've worked cases for Levi, the vampire who raised me, that were outside of Mason's jurisdiction. Nick didn't need to know about that. "I've gotten called to consult once or twice, but never have I gotten a case specifically handed to me."

  "It can get tricky." Nick shrugged. "I'm driving."

  I wanted to drive my nice new SUV, but since my last car blew up, I couldn't blame him for wanting to drive. We got into his shiny new black Charger and he took off for the crime scene. "I really wanted lunch."

  "I'm sure lunch before a multiple body homicide is a bad idea." I chuckled. "But if it's not gruesome, lunch is on me."

  "And if it is?"

  "Lunch is on you."


  We fell into an easy silence. Working with Nick wasn't bad, but I had to be more careful about how I did my job. I wasn't exactly "by the books" and used my other contacts when it came to cases sometimes. Many of those contacts were supernatural creatures who knew me because of my association with Levi, either as his adopted daughter or his killer— a title I haven’t earned. Rumors, all rumors.

  Nick and I both groaned when we saw the crowd at the lake, including news vans and camera crews. Human curiosity at its finest. Nick parked and I got out.

  "You're thinking about something, I can see your brain working. What's up, Abby?" He looked at me over the hood of his car.

  I pulled my brown wavy mass of hair out of its ponytail and tied it up tighter, giving me just a couple more seconds before we had to work our way through the swarm of onlookers. "I'm wondering if Stephanie is in the crowd."

  "The supernatural tabloid reporter?" He chuckled. "Have something against her, do you?"

  I shrugged. "Doesn't matter." I pulled my badge out and held it up as we made our way into the gawkers. Most people parted for us while some tried to stop us for questions. Nick and I we were both taller than the majority of the people in the crowd and made our way through without a problem.

  No one I recognized greeted us at the yellow tape, so Nick and I ducked under and went in search of Mason. I froze when I saw the line of bodies, three of them, lying on the dirt near the lake.

  Nick stopped next to me. "I love the smell of multiple bodies first thing in the afternoon.”

  I rolled my eyes and studied the victims. There was a gray tone to their bodies, all their eyes were shut and they were all male. At least they weren't dismembered. I knelt down for a closer look. All three of them had their throats torn out.

  "Lycanthropes," Nick said.

  He'd taken the thought right out of my mind. "That's what it looks like, but in animal form they aren't coherent enough to dump the bodies."

  "Even your friend Simon?" Nick asked. "He's pretty strong.”

  I shook my head. "There's nothing saying that these are wolves." I knew that Simon was more himself than animal in his wolf form, but there was no need to go into that. Besides, dumping the body was a lot more work than, say, eating it. "Besides, they wouldn't dump it off of pack grounds."

  "How do you know that?"

  I raised a brow. "How do I know what?"

  "Where pack grounds are. They don't normally share that information." Nick's brows furrowed and I managed to hold back a growl of irritation.

  "I just know they are in the mountains, not close to town." I shrugged. It wasn't a lie; I probably co
uldn't pinpoint the pack grounds on a map, even after Simon had taken me there. The drive back had been too full of adrenaline to make a mental map of where I was going, but Nick didn't need to know that I had been there at all. "It's part of my job to know things like that."

  He made a noise that sounded like he didn't believe me, but it didn't matter. "I wouldn't rule out wolves yet."

  "We'll see what the medical examiner says." I stood and dusted my knees off. "Assuming we've gotten a new one."

  Mason walked up, looking through his notebook. "We did, his name is Jason. Try not to get this one fired. I hear he's good. What do you think?"

  "At first glance it looks like lycanthropes, but I can't know for sure until the bites are examined. Where were the bodies?"

  "In the lake, they floated up this morning and were called in by some runners." He flipped through his notes. "They said they thought the bodies had been drowning victims. They went to pull them out to see if there was any chance."

  This lake was a popular running spot, the path around it was exactly a mile and in the mornings no one was usually there except for runners. During the day the two parks on either side of the lake were filled with laughing children and the banks of the lake were dotted with fishermen.

  "What took you so long to call us?" Nick asked and I wanted to smack him. I knew why, but I'd let Mason enlighten him on how he worked things.

  "I wanted to make sure it wasn't a human case. I hate to waste Abby's time with such nonsense. I'd rather make sure she gets cases that belong to her."

  I pressed my lips together; trying not to smile at the way Mason excluded Nick. It wasn't fair, but I had a feeling that Mason wasn't happy about me having a partner.

  "Fair enough." Nick said without missing a beat.

  I pulled a pair of gloves from my pocket. "I'm going to take a closer look at the bite marks and see if I can at least rule out wolves."

  "You just want to—"

  "Don't even say it. Even if I'm trying to protect Simon, he deserves it; he stuck by my side when I had to deal with your brother and had a hex." Any time that I had attempted magic while under the hex it had tried to kill me. Simon stayed with me so I wouldn’t be alone in case the hex took me down. "Now you can either help me examine the bodies or see if you can get any useful information from the runners."

  Nick made a noise that I had learned meant he didn't agree with me, but he'd listen to me since it was my jurisdiction.

  I put on my gloves and went back to the bodies. I was just thankful nothing had exploded yet. I'd gladly look at a bloody wound instead of explaining why magic blew something up...again.

  "What are you thinking?" Mason asked after a moment.

  I wiped some of the smeared wet blood away the neck and only revealed untouched dried blood, but the dried blood at least let me see the shape of the bite. "This isn't a wolf bite. I'm not sure what it is, but the punctures aren't deep enough to be anything canine." I felt around the wound hoping to find something, but I couldn't find anything.

  "Do you think I was right in calling you?"

  He was second-guessing himself. I looked at the other two victims. There was a lot of blood and sediment smeared on their bodies from the lake. They all had similar marks and I was sure we'd find some type of defensive wounds once the bodies were cleaned. "We're facing something that overpowered and tore out the throats of three humans. Yes, I think you were right. If I find something else that says otherwise, I'll call your best team." I promised.

  "How much longer do you have a partner?" He asked suddenly.

  I snorted. "I don't know, but my boss is determined to keep Nick by my side. I don't know why."

  "I'm sure it has something to do with his brother's case." Mason said.

  I stood and crossed my arms. "All I know is that it's making me nervous, I don't like having someone at my heels every case. We get along well enough, but he doesn't like Simon and I know he's not a fan of vampires. He made that pretty clear."

  "Which means he doesn't like Levi." Mason laughed. "What does Levi think?"

  I shrugged. "Oh, you know, he doesn’t like anything that might hold me back." I joked. Levi stayed out of my state work, most of the time. He knew I was a big girl and could take care of my own cases.

  Mason chuckled. "I'll call the M.E. and get the bodies taken care of. Let me know if anything comes back on prints and I'll help start building a case."

  I took my gloves off and stuck them in a nearby biohazard bag. "I'm hoping we didn't lose much in the water."

  "I have people canvassing the waves and walking the shores. I'll let you know if anything turns up." He said easily and walked off to talk with one of his officers.

  There was nothing left for me to do here. I had expected the scene to be more gruesome than it was, but maybe Mason was getting soft in his old age.

  I started towards Nick, but shouting made me turn back towards the lake. I saw a crew in scuba gear pulling something out of the lake.

  I didn't have to be close to see what it was. Four limbs, something that resembled a head, but all the flesh was torn off leaving only muscles and bones. I felt my stomach drop and my gag reflex activate. I refused to throw up or even dry heave. The body was completely different from the others.

  "Agent Collins," Mason called and waved me over.

  I steeled myself and walked over to our newest corpse. "What the hell happened to this guy?"

  We both took a second and I wondered if Mason was thinking the same thing that I was. Was it actually a guy? My eyes drifted towards what was left of the pelvic area. Looked like a guy to me. Poor bastard looked like he was eaten alive. I hoped that wasn't the case. "I need the water canvassed for flesh and anything that might belong to any of these victims."

  I looked around for Nick. He was supposed to be talking to the runners, but he wasn't with them. I tried not to growl. I hated that he tended to disappear during crime scenes. It made me nervous even though nothing bad had come from it.

  "Agent Averin," I called hoping he'd hear me. I didn't see him running right away, so I pulled another pair of gloves from my back pocket. I had learned a long time ago to carry a second pair. I looked at the body and moved pieces of torn clothing out of my way, being careful to keep the soaking fabric connected.

  The victim's chest cavity was empty, most of the flesh was gone and the muscles, organs, and some of the bones were missing. I didn't see any teeth marks on the bones, or in the flesh. I moved my gaze up to the face.

  "The eyes are gone." Nick's voice caught me off guard.

  I made sure not to snap at him. "There's something off about the body. It's not the same as our victims. No teeth marks, organs removed, flesh is torn, but again no teeth marks."

  "Could still be a lycanthrope." Nick said easily. I was starting to think that he had something against any non-warlock creatures. A lot of warlocks from old lines had prejudices against anything different than them, and Nick came from an old line.

  He was right, it could be, but I'd never seen one that could do this to flesh. I could see where the water had already started to wear down the skin. I leaned closer to look at the rips. "No marks, no claws, no teeth, no tool."

  "M.E.'s here. Let him take the bodies and we'll catch back up with him after the autopsies."

  It was most likely a supernatural murder case, which meant that our bodies would have priority. If the M.E. was good, he'd be done before Nick and I went home for the day. I had a date tonight. It would be nice not to have to cancel on Simon.

  "Okay, lunch is on you." I said and stood. I took the gloves off and started towards the crowd. The cameras focused on Mason as he told them the typical story about not being able to release details and he couldn’t confirm the cause of death at this point. As an ongoing investigation, statements would be made when the department would be able to release them.

  Nick and I made it through the gawkers without a problem, but we both groaned when we saw Stephanie leaning against Nick's car.
Her long legs were held up by her stiletto heels. The shapely limbs were topped by a black pencil skirt that had a white blouse tucked into it. The top was sleeveless and dipped down to show her cleavage. Her look was complete with her red lipstick and hair tied back in a tight bun on her head.

  I glanced at Nick. "Her heel is on your tire."

  "Yep," He said.

  I wondered for a moment if he found her attractive, but pushed the thought away. "She's yours to deal with."

  "Who's the new partner, Agent Collins? A romantic relationship? Have you given up on your werewolf?" Nails against chalkboard was the only way I could describe her voice.

  "I don't have romantic relationships with my business partners. Now if you would excuse us." I motioned for her to move away from the car. I hated dealing with the tabloids. They could bring all kinds of nasty attention to me. She seemed oddly focused on me, and it bothered me how much information this one woman was able to get.

  "But you have given up on the werewolf, oh what will the pack think? Many of them loved you." She feigned a sigh and I wondered how much trouble I'd get in if I shot her.

  Nick cleared his throat. "Certainly you have better things to report on than Agent Collins' love life. Now if you would please step away from the car so we can get on our way."

  "Oh, I do have more interesting things, like how it was your brother blowing people up six months ago." She put her foot on the ground and pushed away from the car. She walked towards Nick with a sway in her hips. "Or that you transferred here after you were taken off a case that dealt with the Cult of Ra."

  Both Nick and I tensed at the name. I hadn't known that he'd been taken off the case I just knew that he had been transferred. I almost felt sorry for him being the focus of Stephanie's attention, but on the other hand, I was glad it wasn't likely that my romantic life would be in the limelight.

  Not that romantic life was an accurate description. I’d promised Simon we'd try a couple of dates. If it worked out, then fine. If not, then we would be friends. He agreed, and Levi stayed off our backs. It was a win-win situation. Sadly, this date was the first chance we had since I'd arrived home from the vacation he sent me on.


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