A Broken Beautiful Beginning

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A Broken Beautiful Beginning Page 12

by Sophie Summers

  I drop down to the floor leaning against the kitchen cabinets, I’m so fucking exhausted and I’m out of options. “How the hell am I gonna fix this?” I mumble running my hands down my face.

  “You fucking find her and you tell her everything! That’s how.” Hunter’s voice breaks through my thoughts.

  I pull my hands away from my face and look up at the man. I must look really shit because his features soften and he gives me a pitiful look when he sees my watery eyes.

  “Listen man, I didn’t mean to get all agro on you earlier. I was pissed off because I told you this would happen. You can’t keep anything from Harley, she’s too damn nosey. There’s no use us bitching at each other, it’s only going to waste time when we could be looking for her.” He reaches out and helps me up from the floor.

  “Yeah I get you man.” I move to the kitchen sink and wash my face.

  I hear his phone start ringing. “Yeah?” is all he says as he answers it. His lip curls in disgust and he nods to me as he hands me the phone. “It’s for you.”

  I take it quickly, “Caleb, it’s me Avery.”

  “Look Avery, now is not a good time. I got things I need to deal with-”

  “I know Caleb, I’m so sorry to call you especially after what happened tonight with your girl but this can’t wait…”


  Holly answers the door wiping her eyes and wrapping her yellow night gown over her body. She seems surprised to see me.

  “Harley? What’s wrong sweetie?” her eyes widen, as she takes in my distressed state. I wipe my tears away; I don’t want Willow to see me crying.

  I walk pass her rudely and head to the spare room she had done up for Willow. Holly follows me in a frenzy asking questions and sounding concerned.

  “I just need to get Willow, I’m kind of in a rush, just… just trust me okay?” She frowns but helps me pack Willow’s clothes into her overnight bag.

  I put the little lamp on next to Willow’s bed and she slowly stirs, rubbing her eyes with her fisted little hands as she slowly wakens.

  “Momma?” she says.

  “Good morning baby girl. I have a surprise for you. We’re going to go on a little trip, how about we get you dressed. Mommy’s in a rush.” I say trying to sound excited not wanting her to worry.

  I watch from the corner of my eye as Holly pauses between packing Willow’s bag. I dress my little girl in comfortable clothes and then take the bag out of Holly’s frozen hands. Holly places her soft hand over my wrist slowing my attempts to get out of there.

  “Don’t take her away from her daddy… please. Don’t do this again.” She says sadly.

  “Her father has a lot of things he has to deal with at the moment, things that are apparently more important to him than we are and seeing as he doesn’t have time for us… I’m going to give him his space and maybe then he will realize exactly what he will lose.” I whisper soft enough so that Willow doesn’t hear a word.

  She nods sympathetically and gives me a tight hug. She hugs Willow telling her how much she loves her. I can understand why she may think she won’t see her granddaughter again but I wouldn’t do that to Willow. I’m not going to tear her away from her family but I need Caleb to see what he’s missing out on. If he wants to ignore us and spend all hours with Daddy’s men acting like a fucking lunatic then he can see what it feels like being alone. It’s exactly how Willow and I felt while he was doing whatever duties a prospect of my father’s club does.

  I lock Willow into her car seat and make my way to the lake house. Only when I see Willow in my rear-view mirror fast asleep do I let the tears fall. I make sure not to make one sound, allowing the tears to fall quietly. I take small breaths and focus on the road ahead of me as I calm myself down, switching my phone off when it starts going off ring after ring.

  A few hours after driving we finally reach my parents lake house. I park next to Anna’s car and climb out to pull Willow from her car seat. Anna comes out the front door but her frown immediately disappears when she sees me. She doesn’t say a word as she takes Willow from my arms and carries her into the house.

  The sun is bright and there’s a slight breeze, I pull off my jacket and lean against the car as I look up at the clear blue sky. I close my eyes and slide down to sit on the ground leaning my head against the door.

  I rest my face in my palms as I sob quietly into the wind. Caleb doesn’t understand how worried I am for him, the conversation we had the other night about everyone connected with the club being at risk plays on my mind 24/7.

  He doesn’t know that I can’t sleep when he’s not next to me, my body needing his warmth for comfort. Willow doesn’t understand his absence in our life recently either, every single night these past few days she has wet her bed. She’ll come running into our room looking for her daddy only to find me alone. He doesn’t know because he’s not there and when he is around he’s always too busy.

  I feel Anna’s hands as she gently runs them on the top of my head through my hair. She kneels down on the grass in front of me, pulling my arms from where they hold my knees against my chest and untangling them to pull me towards her. I oblige and wrap my arms around her waist as I cry like a baby into her chest.

  “Shhh sweetie... Shhh... Everything’s going to be okay.” She says softly whilst holding me tightly to her. I pull away from her embrace and wipe away the tears with the sleeve of my jacket.

  My hiccupping, shaking body has calmed and I’m able to form words as I look up to her.

  “Caleb...he... he was fighting, in a boxing ring thing, he wasn’t boxing though... well he was doing that too but this looked more dangerous, it all happened in the basement of the gym. I didn’t even know he had built that down there. Jesus, I didn’t even know there was a basement like that. Its huge Mom, how do you keep that from your girlfriend? I was managing the entire gym for goodness sake and he failed to tell me about that... that... I don’t even know what to call it.” She doesn’t say a word as I look up to her face.

  “You should have seen him fighting, it was horrible... so horrible. It was violent, I have never seen him like that, and he was good too. I didn’t even know he could fight!” I say exasperated. I look down at my hands as I pull a dandelion from where I’m seated on the lawn and blow it to shreds in a huff of frustration.

  “It was as if he was another person. I didn’t recognise him. You see what this club does to them?” I say softly. I don’t know why I’m blaming the club, I know my father’s club must have played a part in it but I’m pretty sure Caleb made the decision to get into that ring all on his own.

  “Oh sweetie...” She bends over and grabs another nearby dandelion and hands it to me. This time I slowly blow it and watch the little hair like parachutes go with the wind.

  “She was there too.” I whisper. This makes Anna straighten her posture, frowning at me.


  I explain to Anna about the first encounter I had with Avery and what Caleb told me after, also telling her about how it looked when I saw them again last night. Anna assures me that I don’t have anything to worry about, but I’ve been through this before with Caleb and I most certainly am worried. We head inside and I check to see if Willow’s okay, I find her happily watching cartoons in the living room.

  Anna forces me to take a nap while her and Willow make cookies. I jump at the opportunity for some shut eye as I’m absolutely exhausted, but I lie in bed unable to sleep as the thoughts run through my mind. Question after question roll around, but the only person that can give me the answers I don’t want to see right now.

  How long has he been fighting? Apart from his cut up knuckles, he hasn’t come home with any injuries. Is that where he’s gotten all his money from? Is that why my father so desperately wanted him to work with him? Did my father set him up to this? And Avery, why the hell was she there? As for Hunter keeping this from me, he can go shove his dishonesty up his ass.

  This is the second time he’s kept
shit from me. All that fighting and money exchanging! It has to be illegal, right? The entire event was done so secretly that it had to be hidden for a reason and that shit must be illegal. Is this my father’s new business venture? And when did Caleb get involved with this?

  I pull the pillow over my head and hold it there as I scream into it. I’m so annoyed and frustrated. My body is unable to find sleep without his warm body enveloping mine. I let out an irritated huff as I move the pillow and roll around in bed trying to get comfortable.

  “Mommy…” Willow’s little voice calls to me. I turn to the doorway and see Willow pushing her head into the room. I tap the spot on the bed next to me, she smiles and runs up to the bed. I tuck her into my side, the tension in my body immediately easing as I hold her tight against me. The fatigue suddenly hits me. Willow doesn’t say a word but grabs my finger and wraps her own around mine. She cocoons herself into me as close as she can get and throws her legs over my bent ones. I close my eyes before drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter 8

  I phone Willow’s preschool teacher the following morning and inform her that Willow won’t be coming in for a few days. I also give Mira a call to let her know I won’t be going in, I don’t tell her for how long though because I’m not too sure exactly. She sounds worried but I assure her I’m okay, just not feeling well. Mira then asks me if Caleb and I have caught a bug, indicating that Caleb too is missing from work. “Something like that.” Is all I reply. She tells me that Brent held the meeting this morning and there hasn’t been any problems yet and not to worry about the place.

  After the second day Caleb stops calling me. Apparently Anna also pulled out the telephone cable at the house, switching off her phone just to spite my father when she heard he was at the fight that night.

  “Hunt Hunt!” Willow’s squeal wakes me up from my midday nap, I’ve been having trouble sleeping at night; I find the only time I manage to sleep are when I rest my head for a nap during the day. I climb out of bed and head towards my open window to see Willow running over to Hunter as he gets off his motorcycle. He smiles big and bright for her as he lifts her up and swings her around.

  “Where’s your momma?” he asks placing her back down onto the ground.

  “She’s napping. Granny says I’m not allowed to bug her.” Willow replies. I hide behind the curtain watching the entire exchange.

  “You’re not allowed to bug her either!” Anna’s stern voice has Hunter whipping up his head as she makes her way down to his bike.

  Anna looks down to Willow and runs her hands in her hair. “Willow sweetie why don’t you go and get some of those cookies off the counter and watch some TV. I think your program just started.” Willow eagerly runs back towards the house and I hear her quick footsteps on the wooden floors downstairs.

  Anna crosses her tattoo clad arms and tilts her head at Hunter. “Are you going to stand there all day boy or are you going to explain to me what the fuck is going on?”

  Hunter lets out a deep breath and moves his hands over his blond shaven hair.

  “God Anna, you know I’d tell you if I could…” he says in a softer tone.

  “Bullshit! You can tell me but you’re choosing not to. I see you as my son Hunter…” she lifts her hands up exaggeratingly. “Even though you don’t see it that way, I still think of you as my child…”

  “I do see it that way. You’re the only mom I’ve ever had Anna.” Hunter says quickly looking at her.

  This makes Anna smile. She leans up and pats his cheek, “Well… I’ve only waited twelve years to hear you say that…” This makes Hunter blush a little and his entire demeanour softens, Anna continues, “but I still want to know how bad the situation with the club is.”

  “You know I can’t tell you club business Anna…” he sighs, but before Anna can speak he continues. “Just know that we have everything under control, it’s safer for you girls to stay here in the meantime believe me when I say that.”

  Anna shakes her head knowing he won’t give up any more than he already has.

  “How is she? Can I see her?” Hunter asks.

  “No.” She shakes her head, “You boys fucked shit up real bad, she needs her space.”

  “God… I know; I should never have gotten in the middle of this shit. Caleb should have told her the truth from the beginning.” Hunter mumbles scratching his head. “Please tell her I stopped by and that I’m really sorry.”

  “Yeah… You be safe now and keep an eye out for Grimm will you? Drive safely!” Anna says walking him back to his bike.

  I turn and walk back to my bed, flopping down on it. I let out a deep breath as I look up at the ceiling. If they figured out where I am, where the hell is Caleb and why hasn’t he bothered showing up? I’m not sure whether Hunter coming to see us is his own volition or if my father or Caleb wanted to know how we were doing.

  Three more days pass and no more visits from Hunter, I start to get anxious and worried. I can only spend so much time on the lake, working in Anna’s garden or baking beside her in the kitchen. Willow is getting restless too, asking questions about her daddy and when she’s going to see her friends again.

  I wake up in the morning to an empty bed and a note from Anna telling me that she’s taken Willow to the store with her. I take a slow shower and get dressed.

  As I’m walking down the stairs drying my hair with a towel I hear footsteps and drawers being opened and slammed closed in the kitchen.

  “That was quick jee-” I freeze, step back then bolt for the front door but I come to an abrupt halt when another huge figure in a leather jacket, one that doesn’t sport dads emblem, blocks the door way.

  “Hmm... what do we have here?” A voice chuckles behind me. I feel their warmth as they stand directly behind me. I look up to the big brown eyed boy looking me up and down as he steps closer.

  “What... what are you doing in here?” I stutter, fear evident in my voice. I wrap my arms around myself, I’m wearing denim shorts and a white t-shirt but I suddenly realise my damp hair has made my bra visible through the shirt.

  “Word is Grimm’s old lady has been hiding out here…” he tilts his head to the side, “…but you’re too young to be his old lady.” The guy behind me squeezes my ass and I jump and bump into Brown Eyes’ chest. I lift my head up to look into his eyes and a slow smile spreads across his lips as he looks down at me full of hunger.

  Even though he’s tall and bulky, he looks pretty young…maybe a few years younger than me. I turn my head back at Mr Grabby behind me, finally getting a good view of him. He has wavy brown hair with a beard that needs a trimming. He also looks rather young.

  As his words play in my head, I start to worry about Anna and Willow.

  What if they come back and these two hurt them?

  I panic, “She’s not here, she left this morning to go back to my da-” I shut my mouth as they both turn to look at each other, their smiles brightening. I try to cover my mistake but I know it won’t work. “To err... Grimm’s club.”

  I flinch when the brown eyed one behind me swings me around and taps me on the nose gently. His fingers are rather soft for a man’s. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head slowly. “Nah-uh don’t lie to us pretty girl. You’re Grimm’s little princess aren’t you?”

  I don’t respond so the bearded guy speaks up and I turn to look at him. “You’re worth more to us than his old lady, if you are darlin’, and you just happen to have the same eyes as dear old Daddy.” His voice is rough, as if he smokes too much. I swear if the man had to cough, smoke would come out. He seems too young to have such a scratchy voice.

  Mr Brown Eyes still holds me in his grasp, he moves me around again so that I’m facing him. I turn my face to the side and close my eyes as he places both of his hands on my shoulders bringing me closer to him. I’m struck frozen with fear.

  I don’t realize that by me turning my head it only gives him full advantage as he runs his nose from my collar bone all the way up to my ear.

  He whispers, “Don’t worry. I won’t break you.”

  Mr Grabby wines, “Why do you always get to have the pretty ones Dex. I think we should share this one before we send her back.”

  “If we send her back.” Dex replies keeping his cold eyes on me. “I might just keep her.” He gently tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. I outwardly cringe and I can tell he doesn’t like that because next thing I know I’m being thrown over his shoulder harshly. I kick and scream but his tight hold on me doesn’t loosen.

  He places me in the front seat of a SUV and handcuffs my hand to the door handle. My hands are shaking and my pleading to let me go, go unanswered.

  After driving for a few hours, Grabby who I now know as Taco leans forward and starts whispering in my ear all the dirty things he wants to do to me, I tell him to fuck off and then the things he says get worse. I don’t mean to but I start snivelling and when Dex puts his hand on my leg to try calm me down it only increases my fear.

  I start pulling at the handcuffs, not caring about my skin being torn by the metal. Dex pulls off to the side of the road and starts yelling at Taco in the backseat. I don’t hear the words, my panic attack is at full force and my eyes are fixated on my wrist that’s being cut up by the metal of the handcuff. I watch as Dex turns his body and Taco hands him a little cloth, I don’t even respond when he places the cloth over my nose and mouth making sure I inhale the strong stench before everything turns black.

  I wake up to the feeling of my wrist being lifted and someone wrapping something soft around it.

  I attempt to blink away my blurry vision. I feel rough hands gently on my cheek. My eyes slowly adjust to Dex’s intimidating form looming over me.

  “No wonder Grimm hid you away all these years. If I had known such a pretty thing like you existed, I would’ve taken you from him a long time ago.” Dex says as he smirks at me. Perfect white teeth, perfect smile and perfect blond hair combed over. He doesn’t look like a biker, he looks as if he should be in college or High School at the very least; not kidnapping another MC president’s daughter.


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