Tied Down

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Tied Down Page 57

by Vanessa Waltz

  Tony hangs in the doorway, his hair slicked back, his face freshly shaven and still moist. He looks appetizing in his black suit, the red shirt and tie making him look like a modern manifestation of the devil. His narrowed eyes radiate heat as they drop down my neck and over my curves.

  He slips a casual hand into his jacket pocket and suddenly a jolt rips through my pussy. A smile spreads over his handsome face.


  One of the few advantages of being a woman is being able to be turned-on without anybody ever realizing it. There were so many times that I sat in high school class and fantasized about the algebra teacher bending me over his desk and fucking me hard, or sometimes I’d be trapped in an elevator with a hottie and I’d bask in his presence, imagining his mouth over mine. I’d stew in silence and feel my panties growing wet, and no one would know.

  It was safe to fantasize.

  It was even fun.

  Tony’s taken that away. He ripped the security blanket from my shoulders when he shoved that vibrator up my pussy, which is all I can think about even as I shake hands with Tony’s associates with my slightly damp one.

  Fucking asshole.

  It hums inside me as I walk around Le Zinc, the restaurant Tony brought me to celebrate our engagement. He keeps a firm hand around my waist as we float from person to person.

  It’s a beautiful restaurant, and the live jazz band gives the place a moody, intimate feeling. I expect to see people making out—I expect to see them fucking in that darkened corner by the bathrooms—

  Jesus. I’m horny as hell.

  “I was wondering: Is it hard being close to me?” He slides his arm around my waist with deliberate slowness. “I can just imagine how wet your panties must be right now.”

  I look up and down his body, my eyes lingering right below his belt. Naked—I want him naked. I want my legs wrapped around him and that fucking irritating smile. He’s just so goddamn delectable in that suit, and the vibrator keeps reminding me just how much I need him.

  There’s no way to get off, and people are everywhere. Tony’s family and friends. People I’ve never met before. I should be getting to know people. Instead, I’m obsessed with getting to know the intimate details of Tony’s cock.

  “I’m going to kill you.”

  “Your pussy must be aching. Tell me, does every wave through your pussy remind you of how nice my cock feels inside you?” Tony’s voice rumbles deliciously in my ear and I turn into his arms, my hands and face scorching hot. His quiet laughter sends a ripple of rage through me.

  Fucking asshole.

  “Turn it the fuck off.”

  The violent buzzing between my legs is maddening. I’m seconds away from ripping off his clothes, and he gives me a brief, chaste kiss that only adds fuel to the blazing fire.

  “Not a chance. Seeing you all worked up like this is way too fun.” He takes my arms, slides his hands up, and he might as well be running them up my legs. He turns his head. “Hey, Johnny.”

  Johnny? Oh fuck.

  The slick Montreal boss suddenly materializes out of thin air to give Tony a swift hug and a kiss on both cheeks. A sick sensation swoops around my stomach as Tony casually slips a hand in his jacket and the vibrations magnify a hundredfold.

  “Congratulations, Tony, petit criss.”

  Oh God. I’m next.

  I don’t even care about the fact that the last time I saw this man, he threw me out of his restaurant and denied me help. He turns to me, beaming as Tony grins behind him, indifferent to the fact that I’m seconds away from coming.

  The boss extends a hand as my stomach tenses so hard that it’s impossible to inhale.

  Please don’t come. Please don’t.

  My legs tighten as I try to still the fucking vibrator sending pleasure throughout my body, but it’s cruel. It’s like a knife into my flesh. I can’t stop it. It can’t help but build up, and up, and up.

  I let out a gasp and wrap my arms around Johnny as my pussy clenches hard over the device. Tony bites his fist as he watches me come with his boss’s arms wrapped around me.

  “Sorry,” I gasp. “I’m just—a bit—overwhelmed.”

  Johnny’s stunned face lightens somewhat. He’s not the kind of guy you touch without permission. My body trembles with the explosion, the aftershocks still singeing my nerves. Pleasure and relief flood my limbs, but the device hums against my clit, ramping the desire up again. I bite my lip hard. Tony lowers the speed, and I’m able to breathe.

  “You all right, hon? You look a little—red.”

  Oh really? Is my face red? Hmm, I guess it has to do with the fucking VIBRATOR up my twat right now.

  Just the thought of what I must look makes me shoot daggers at Tony.

  Tony lets out a laugh that quickly becomes a cough. “Yeah, uh—she’s worried about her ex showing up, that’s all.”

  My ex? Oh yeah. Him.

  Funny how a little toy can make you forget about violent exes.

  My heart jumps when Johnny frowns at us.

  “Yeah, well. I need to talk to you about that. He might show up.”


  My hand seizes Tony’s arm as dizzying shocks pound through my heart.

  “You never gave me the paternity test, so now the asshole is claiming that the baby is his.”


  The vibrator shuts off and Tony’s strong, protective arm curls around my waist. I feel him bristling.

  “It’s Tony’s. It’s not his!”

  Johnny turns his head with a humorless smile. “Can you prove that?”

  No, I can’t, because there is no baby.

  The bottom drops out of my stomach.

  “John, I looked it up and you can’t do a test like that until seven or eight months.”

  “We went to the doctor. He said I was a couple weeks pregnant. It fits. We only just met—”

  “It could easily be Rafael’s, sweetheart. Frankly, the man has a right to know if the child is his, and he has a right to be in that child’s life—”

  “I don’t want him in my baby’s life!” My voice rises to a shout and Tony squeezes my hip in warning.

  Johnny’s hardened face stares me down. “He has a right if he’s the father.”

  Tony’s jaw makes a tic as he looks back at Johnny, fuming. “John, I don’t want that asshole at my engagement party. If he’s showing up, we’re leaving.”

  Disappointment steams off Johnny’s face. I can tell that he doesn’t approve, but he can’t force us to accept a fucking audience from my ex at my own party.

  “Fine. I’ll let them know to bar him from the restaurant.” His eyes slide to mine. “Sooner or later, you’re going to have to face him.”

  He walks off, leaving me trembling in Tony’s arms. The horror of it all buries me, until breathing feels painful. I never anticipated all this shit, but of course we should have. We were so stupid.


  Suddenly his hand is viselike around my arm. “Elena, get behind me.”

  “There you are, you fucking cunt!”

  A vicious voice fills my veins with toxin, and Tony throws an arm in front of me, shoving me back as Rafael lunges forward. Looking furious, Johnny seizes the back of his collar and yanks him.

  “I fucking told you to be civil,” he hisses into his ear before giving him a sharp slap across the face.

  Rafael’s head rips to the side. His eyes lift to John, and I’m surprised at the threat simmering inside them. “She’s carrying my kid, John.”

  “That remains to be seen.”

  “If there fucking even is a kid at all,” he snarls.

  I open my mouth in fury, but Tony gets there first.

  “Why don’t you go fuck yourself?”

  A cruel grin stretches Rafael’s mouth as he appraises Tony, who is a much larger man. Unfortunately Tony doesn’t seem to intimidate Rafael.

  “So you’re the asshole fucking my girl?”

  Tony smiles. “S
he’s not your girl.”

  “Oh, I beg to differ.”

  “You lost the right to call her that the moment you laid a hand on her.”

  His face contorts with rage. “She’s mine and everything that belongs to her, belongs to me!”

  “You whine like a little bitch,” Tony snaps, finally releasing some of his anger. “She doesn’t want you. She wants me.”

  “Get over here!” he screams at me.

  “If I see you anywhere near my fiancée, I’ll cut your fucking balls off and shove them up your ass.”

  For a moment Rafael just stands there, quietly burning as the things he thought he had slipped from his grasp without him even realizing. I watch him suffer with a cruel sort of satisfaction pounding against my ribs. He won’t win. Not this time. First he lost me. Now his pride is gone, too.

  “You’re a dead man.”

  “All right, that’s enough,” Johnny shouts. He motions with his head, and two men grab Rafael’s arms, dragging him out of the restaurant.

  Rafael snaps the moment they touch his arms. His voice raises to the ceiling as he screams at the top of his lungs. People glance around in their seats. Flecks of spittle fly from his mouth.


  I disappear from Tony’s side and run through the restaurant, ignoring everyone’s sympathetic looks as I disappear into the bathroom. My chest swells and I check every stall first, confirming that I’m alone. Then I let myself curl into a ball.

  Only this once.

  My back slides against the wall and I try to cover my mouth to stifle the horribly loud and embarrassing sounds. My insides feel like caving in because I’m so humiliated. Tony’s mother must have seen the whole thing—and all the other wives, too. There’s also the fact that we completely overlooked that Rafael might be crazy enough to claim the baby was his.

  I stand up, shaking in anger as I stare into the mirror over the sink, tears blurring my vision. I want to smash that weak, pathetic thing. Who the fuck is she? She isn’t Jack Vittorio’s daughter. She’s just a scared little girl, too weak to handle her own problems.

  The door rattles. “Elena?”

  He opens the door before I can tell him to leave and steps inside, locking it behind him.

  I look at his cool, indifferent face for a while. “What the hell are we doing, Tony?”

  The bathroom echoes with his sharp footsteps, which make me flinch. He stops in front of me and my skin prickles as he brushes his fingers over my bare neck.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We can’t possibly—we’re fucked! There’s no way we can keep up with these lies.”

  “Sure we can. We’ll pay off those technicians to fake some tests for us.”

  He sounds so sure. So confident.

  “Then what happens in a few months when I’m supposed to be showing and I’m not?”

  He shrugs and laughs at me, as though I’m making a big deal out of nothing. “So we fucking say you miscarried it. It’s no one’s fucking business. As for Joe Jerk-off, well, he’ll have to back off once we’re married.”

  I don’t know.

  His lips descend over mine and I seize his neck, leaning into him as his mouth devour me. At the same time, I hear a sound that reminds me of fabric—


  The vibrator hums to life and my arousal returns with a vengeance as I open my mouth in a gasp. “Tony—this isn’t the time!”

  “This is the perfect fucking time. You need to get your mind off things, and I’ll be a lot happier watching you come while you shake Johnny’s hand than watching you cry.”

  His voice is sweet. I don’t expect that, and tears thicken my throat as he cradles my cheek in his hand. There’s not a tinge of doubt in his eyes, just reassuring confidence.

  “Tony, thank you for what you did. Everything that you said…” My voice croaks and those wonderful gray eyes dent with pain.

  “Jesus Christ, Elena, stop crying.”

  I try. My lips press together and I fight to keep the pain from bursting out, but of course it does. It’s inevitable.

  “It’ll be all right.” He wraps his arms around me and I’m swallowed by his bulk. “Please stop crying. Please.”

  “I-I’m not upset.”

  I’m just happy that I have you.

  The tears subside as I swallow that down. Fuck, I’m already getting way too attached to this guy. Even his smile gives me a high. I’ve never felt anything like him before.

  A tentative smirk pulls at his lips when he watches me calm down as the vibrations rip through my body.

  “Now get that sexy ass back outside. You need to say hello to my mother.”

  For all his banter, he turns off the vibrator the moment I take his hand. We leave the bathroom together and walk back into the crowd of people sipping drinks. The men slap Tony’s back and smile at me.

  “Jesus, what a fucking lunatic!” A man with a wide grin laughs at Tony’s stony face.

  “Fucking Yanks.”

  I flinch at that remark and turn away from the men to sit down alone at the long wooden table set up for us. The table is already laden with Italian appetizers: salumi and cheese, freshly cut country bread, and olives. The men start jabbering away in rapid French, all of it sounding so alien to my ears.

  I’m lost here.

  A chair scrapes back and I look up to see a pretty girl with dark curls and voluptuous curves sitting across the table. Her round eyes soften when she looks at me.

  “Hi, my name is Melanie. I’m Tommy’s girlfriend.”


  She speaks with a strong New York accent. I take her hand and shake it. “I’m Elena.”

  I glance at the tall, lean form hanging around the group of men. Tommy must not be able to understand a word, but he doesn’t look like he gives a shit. I’m trying to gauge how much she saw, and my hands shake underneath the table.

  “I guess you saw what happened.”

  My face flushes as she nods her curly head.

  “Yeah.” Her eyes lower to the table.

  A wave of depression suddenly hits me as I think about how I must look to these people. What a mess. I’m just an ex-Mafia princess with a ton of baggage, who got knocked up by a notorious man whore. How ridiculous I must look to her.

  Oh who the fuck cares? Look at him. He doesn’t give a fuck.

  Tony glances over occasionally to find me, and when he does his smile gives me instant heat, like a hot drop of pleasure down my throat. No one will dare say anything disrespectful to him about me. Insult a made guy’s wife, and you might as well make plans for your funeral. That’s the way this world works.

  “It’s a bit embarrassing.”

  “He made a fool out of himself, not you.”

  The honesty shining from her eyes makes me feel a bit better.

  “So you’re from New York, too? What brought you here?”

  Her cheeks burn suddenly, and she looks at me almost guiltily. “It’s a long story.”

  My guts turn to ice. After all the shit that went down with my father, Tommy had to leave town. Obviously his girlfriend followed him. There’s guilt all over her face, and the way her eyes avoid me tell me that she knows a lot more than I do.

  Fuck, I’ve barely thought about it.

  “I know Tommy was part of the crew that killed my dad.”

  Melanie’s face drains of color. I almost expect to see blood pooling at her feet.

  “It doesn’t matter anymore. I just want to move on, you know? Make a better life for myself.”

  “I’m basically in the same boat.” She smiles painfully at her boyfriend, who sits down next to her. “We’ve been here a few months. It was hard at first, but we’re getting the hang of it. Enough people speak English so it’s not really a problem.”

  A rattling sound fills me with horror. The fucking vibrator hums inside me, banging against the wooden chair. It slipped out too far, and everyone can hear
the noise. Tommy frowns, looking for the source of the noise, and I tighten my legs, stifling it.

  I’ll fucking kill him.

  Tony joins me at the table with a knowing grin and slides his arm across my shoulder, kissing the shell of my ear as my core seizes. His fingers gently rake over my skin, playing over the strap of my dress, and I’m consumed with an image of him tearing off my clothes. Every small movement he makes reminds me of sex and the pulsing ache between my legs, which desperately needs something long and hard. Meanwhile I’m pinned to his warmth and there’s not a thing I can do—sex, sex, sex. There’s nothing else in my mind.

  I give him a sharp look that he completely ignores.

  Fine. Two can play that game, baby.

  I let my left hand fall casually to my side and then I slowly inch it under the table. There’s no tablecloth. The whole fucking world can see what I’m doing, but I don’t give a shit. My hand falls over his hard knee and I gently squeeze his thigh, stroking.

  His muscles stiffen under my hand, but his speech doesn’t falter.

  “What venue were you thinking for the wedding, Tony?”

  “I’m not sure. I like that one place we went to for Francois, with the gardens?”

  A man down the table nods. “Yeah, that’s Parc Jean-Drapeau.”

  My hand inches up his slacks and excitement runs through my veins as my fingers just barely touch the bulge between his legs.

  Tony coughs and his hand drops his fork to slip into his jacket.

  Holy fuck. It’s pressing right up against my clit and the speed triples. I look down the table, trying to distract myself from the lust pounding through my veins. It’s like a dirty whisper in my ear, constant and nagging.

  You want to fuck him. You won’t last through the night if you don’t take his cock, and let him fill you up completely.

  My fork clatters against the ceramic plate. All the food is delicious, but I can’t taste it. I can’t taste anything but the slightly salty skin of his cock when I imagine taking him in my mouth. I’m grabbing him in plain view. All the guy next to him would have to do is look at Tony’s lap, and he’d see. My face flushes with heat when Tony grabs my hand and pulls it away from his lap.


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