Wedding Woes (The Secret Series Book 4)

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Wedding Woes (The Secret Series Book 4) Page 9

by Delia Petrano

  “Put the gun down John.” David said this is fucking crazy. They are arguing back and forth that's when the shot happen my heart stopped.

  “JOHN!” I screamed.

  “Answer me please.” I didn't hear anything.

  “JOHN.” I feel liquid run down my leg.

  “I’m right here.” John comes in front of me and I’m still crying.

  “Oh fuck.” John says.

  “What's wrong?” I ask. I look down and all I see is blood running down my leg. I look up at John scared out of my mind I couldn't get words out.

  “Get her out of here and to the hospital. I will handle everything else.” John untired me then picks me up can cares me to the car. When we got to the hospital I was dozing off.

  “No Aria stay with me.” Things go dark. Waking up I hear John yelling.

  “They can't it's too soon.”

  “There's no other choice they are coming. You have to pick her or the babies.”

  “Fuck you I’m not picking you are going to safe her and the babies.”

  “John.” Hewalks over to me with a little smile.

  “Save the babies.”

  “Don't talk like that all three of you will be fine.” With tears running down my face I said it again.

  “Please save the babies.”

  “I'll take care of it sweet heart.” They are doing emergency C-Section they kept them in as long as they could. When they got the babies out they were not crying.

  “Save my babies please.” I said softly.

  “Calm down Aria you need to stay calm you lost a lot of blood. I hear the doctor say that they are not breathing and my heart stop.

  “Save them damn it.” Everything goes black. Waking up I see John with one hand on his face and the other hand on my hand.

  “Where are my babies?” He looked up with shocked.

  “You're up thank god.”

  “Please tell me they are okay.” With tears running down I grab his other hand.”

  “They are okay for now they are so fucking small. The doctors said they won't make it. I fall into his arms and cried. John is taking me to see my babies. When I got to the room I took a deep breath. Oh my god. They are so small and it two different boxes this is not suppose to happen.

  “Aria.” I hear my name and turn around.

  “Uncle Samuel?” He comes over and wrap his arms around me and I’m crying again.

  “I’m sorry I couldn't find you sooner.” He says with anger.

  “It's not your fault.” He looked at the babies and he starts crying I never saw my Uncle cry like this before. I grab his hand.

  “Don't worry princess I’m going to get the best doctors here asap.” I fell asleep in the chair with my boys. When I woke up Able was talking to our boys.

  “Able.” He turn around there was tears running down his face.

  “Hey baby girl how are you feeling? They said you are refusing to go back to your room.”

  “I’m not leaving them.”

  “I know baby Samuel's doctors are taking care of everything.” If I lose my babies I don't know what I would do. Samuel walks in the room.

  “Able can I talk to Aria alone please.” Able nods his head.

  “Sure.” Able walks out of the room. Samuel sat next to me and grab my hands.

  “Everything is going to be okay. Did I ever tell you I went through this with Branden?”

  “What no?”

  “Branden was suppose to have a twin. But they were born early only one survived because I didn't find the doctors that I have now soon enough. You will not go through what I went through. These doctors are amazing and great at there job.” I never knew about this. I can't believe that he went through this.

  “Thank you Uncle Samuel for everything and being here with me. Is he dead?” I ask.

  “Yes he is he won't hurt nobody in my family again. Do you want me to get a bed in here for you? You need to get some rest.” I nod my head.

  “Okay. Where Max he the only one who I haven't seen?” Samuel frowns.

  “I’m trying to get him to see you but he being a dick.”

  “He blames himself isn't he?” I ask my Uncle.

  “You know your brother well.”

  “To well get his ass in here please. I don't care how you do it either.”

  “Will do.” When I got myself on the bed that's when Samuel got Max in the room.

  “Max come here.” I told him. He slowly walks to me I grab his hands.

  “This is not your fault Max you need to stop always blaming yourself it's not your fault.”

  “I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I’m suppose to protect you. I'm your big brother I'm supposed to take care of you and keep you safe.” I saw tears running down his face I never seen him like this before.

  “I’m okay Max I’m right here. And you always protect me. Max lays down with me on the bed. He wraps his arms around me and I place my head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat slow down I fall asleep.

  Chapter six Able

  Two months later

  Our boys are getting stronger each and everyday they are breathing on their own now. They are still small but it's better than how they were two months ago. That was the scariest day of my life I thought I lost all three of them. The doctor said that they wasn't going to make it. They don't know my family we are fights we don't give up that easily. Samuel brought his doctors in and they are amazing. Because of what happen with Aria Max is set to making our house into one big ass house. He wants us all living in one house to be honest I do to. I don't want none of them out of my sight. Samuel is dealing with our house. We always lived next door to each other but that's not good enough not anymore. Max has not left her said since Samuel made him see his sister. That will be nine kids under one roof but that's okay there's six of us we can handle this together just like everything else. Today the doctor said we can hold our boys today and I’m so excited but I’m going to wait my turn Aria needs this way more than I do. We are all in the room waiting for the big moment. Once the doctors place the boys into her arms she bold her eyes out. I kiss the top of her head. Aria hold them for an hour before she place them in my arms. Holding your kids for the first time is the best feeling in the world. Max grabbed Kylie for us he place her on the bed with Aria and I put Philip in her arms. The excitement on her face was priceless and I took a picture.

  “I want to hold Ian now.” We switch babies and I took another picture of my babies than I took one of all three of them. I love my babies I would do anything for them. I will keep my family safe. We are finally able to go home but since our home is not done quite yet we are staying with Samuel and his kids. We are driving back home well technically Samuel's place but it's the same thing we will be home finally. We been in Florida for two months and I’m ready to leave. When we walked into the house Aria cousins jumped on her.


  “Where is Aria?” I ask. Nobody would look me in the eye so that means only one thing she on a job. We all have a little part of the family business. Yes the mob business nothing that can get us in trouble. Aria deals with the money she always been good with money so she the one to deal with it. I look around and I didn't see Brook.

  “Is Brook doing a job to?” I ask.

  “She is.” Samuel says. Brook deals with the diamonds she can spot a fake one a mile away.

  “They are fine Able they can take care of themselves.” Samuel said.

  “I know they can.” I know they will be fine but I'm going to worry no matter what. To be honest I'm surprised Max let Aria go.

  “Daddy daddy.” Kylie runs to me.

  “Yes princess.”

  “I want to go to the park.”

  “Okay let's go.” I took the three oldest to the park. As the kids run around I got a message.

  Aria- Brook and I are home and safe.

  Able- That's good thank you for letting me know.

  Aria- Of course I love you.

I love you to baby girl. See you when we get home.

  Pushing the kids on the swing they look tired.

  “Alright let's go home.” I hold there hands as we walk back to the car. As we got to the house they run inside the house. They run straight to Samuel I swear these kids have every single member of the mob family wrap around there finger and they all know it.

  Chapter seven Aria

  Wedding Day

  “Are you ready Aria?” Ask John.

  “Yes I’m coming everything is already there right?”

  “Yes now stop worrying everything is set we just need you to get there so you can get ready.” I just got out of the shower and I’m in my pjs I won't be in them long. When we got to Samuel place so I can get ready. I’m excited and nervous but really excited. Since Samuel place is closer to the park. He offered his place for me to get ready for my wedding. Walking into the house my Uncle hugged me.

  “Are you ready?” He ask.

  “Yes I am. This is way overdue.”

  “That is so true.” Uncle Samuel says. When I walk into the room Brook and John are waiting for me.

  “Alright let's get you ready for your big day.” John says. John is good with hair he will be doing my hair and Brook is doing my make up. As they are both working on me there was a knock on the door.

  “Who is it?” I ask.

  “Your Uncle.”

  “Come in.” He walks in with a smile on his face.

  “I got something for you.” He says with a big smile on his face.

  “What is it?” I ask. He hands me a blue necklace with our family symbol on it.

  “I love it. Thank you.”

  “You're welcome sweetheart.” Uncle Samuel puts the necklace on me than left the room so I can finish getting ready. John is not even done and I love the curls he is doing they are just perfect.

  “Alright your makeup is done.” Brook said. I look in the mirror and like always she did a amazing job.

  “Thank you I love it.”

  “You're welcome sis.” I couldn't help the smile that appear on my face. Today is going to be amazing day. Able and I are finally getting married. I am keeping my last name and adding his last name to my last name. Brook did the same thing. Kylie rushes into the room with a big smile she looks beautiful in her dress.

  “Look how beautiful my princess looks.” She smile.

  “Mommy Is it almost time?”

  “Yes it is just another hour.” John finish curling my hair when I was about to get up he stops me.

  “Not yet.” He grabs the hair spray and spray my hair.

  “Now it's done.” I got up to put my dress on. John and Brook helped me put my dress on.

  “You haven't told anyone who is walking you down the ill.” Brook said. I know everyone is curious on who is walking me down.

  “You will find out in a few minutes.” knock knock knock.

  “It's Max.”

  “Come in.” When he walks in he stares at me.

  “We are going to go.” Brook and John said.

  “See you in a little.” They walked out of the room.

  “You look beautiful Aria.”

  “Thank you Max. So there's something I need to say and ask you something.”

  “Okay what is it?” He ask curiously.

  “Max you are my big brother and I love you for always being there for me. Always protecting me from everything. Your very first fight was over me and I never said how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you as my big brother.”


  “I’m not done yet.” Max puts his hands up.

  “Sorry continue.”

  “To this day you still look after me and make sure I’m okay. You still take care of me. Especially when I’m sick.” Max laugh. I’m a big baby when I’m sick.

  “I want you to walk me down the ill.” Max had tears in his eyes.

  “You want me to walk you down?”

  “Yes.” I said with a smile.

  “I would love to walk you down the ill. Max grabs me and pulls me into his arms.

  “Are you ready?” He ask as he wipes away his tears.

  “Yes I am.” We leave the house to get to park where my wedding is going to be at. It's perfect for me and Able this is where it all started for us. When we got to the park everything was set and it's beautiful they did a great job the after party is in Samuel place the ballroom my favorite room in the house. Max gave them a nod and the start the song I’m not doing the usual. As I start to walk Never Forget You is playing. This song is one hundred present our song. Kylie is our flower girl and she start throwing the petals. As Max walks me down the ill everyone has smiles on there face and my mom with tears running down her face. As the song ended Max kiss my cheek and handed me to Able than stand next to Nate. Able couldn't pick just one best man he needed two and that's understandable I have two of my own. John and Brook on my side. The pastor started his thing. It's time for the voes and Able is going to go first he begged me to let him go first it was fun to make him work for it even though he didn't have to.

  “Ever since the day I met you in the forest of this park I couldn't get you out of my head. You were the first girl I had a crush on and the last. You been my rock since the very beginning. You was always there for me even when I was the bad boy teen who didn't care about anything. That meant a lot to me and it still does. I will always be your bad boy you was the only one who could handle me back then you still can. You are my rock and the only women who always there for me but won't put up with me and my shit besides my mom and sister.” Everyone laughs.

  “But you are the only who could put me in my place. You are my everything and I want you to my mine for the rest of our lives. You are Ian to my Mickey and I will always love you.” I’m trying so damn hard to not let the tears fall but I failed. Brook gives me a napkin and I patted my face. Now it's my turn.

  “The day that boy checked up on me in the forest change my life. You always been there for me since the beginning always protecting me even when it wasn't wanted.” Able smirked at my last comment.

  “You tell him sister.” Brook says. We all laugh but I laugh the most because I know how she feels with that.

  “It took us a long time to get here but I wouldn't change it for the world. Everything happens for a reason. I been in love with you pretty much my whole life. I will always love you no matter what even when you piss me off plus who else would watch shameless with me without bitching about me watching it too much. I wouldn't find anyone who loves the show and Gallavich as much as I do besides our group our family. By the way the bad boy act Brook and I saw right through you and Max. You are my rock and I will always love you no matter what we go though it's always you and me. And yes I’m yours I always have been that will never change. Yes you are my Mickey and there for you are stuck with me. I love you with everything I have in me.” We all laugh. We place the rings on each other ringers.

  “You may kiss your bride.” Able grabs my neck and pulls me into a hot kiss that made me want more. After our ceremony we went back to Samuel place and into the ballroom. They put the first song on Heaven Able picked the song for our first dance and I love it. Able pulls me into his arms. We are finally married and it's a great feeling.

  “Can I cut in?” Max ask. Able spins me into Max arms. Max wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.

  “I’m so happy for you sis you are now Aria Rose Turner Cruz. How does it feel?” He ask with a smile.

  “It feels fantastic.”

  “I bet it does.” Max and I dance to few more songs. Able wraps his arms around me.

  “Okay we been here for five hours I’m ready to take you home and fuck my wife senseless.” We said our goodbyes. Able drove us home our house is finally finish. Able picked me up and carried me over the threshold than carried me into our room. Able slowly takes off my dress.

  “I plan on tieing you to our bed. But I will let you pick with what.” Able
says with his sexy smirk. I rub my thighs together.

  “Blue and grey tie.” I said with a smirk. He walks over to the dresser and grabs the tie. I took off my bra and panties than laid down on our bed.

  “Spread your legs for me.” I obey and spread my legs. He licked his lips. He looking at me like I’m his favorite meal. My pussy is aching. Able licks my pussy like I’m ice cream. I arch my back off the bed. I grab his hair and pulled it. He kiss up my body than grabs my hand and ties them to the bed.

  “Now be a good girl and don't move.” I moved a little and he turned me over and spanked me.

  “Didn't I say not to more?”

  “Yes sir.” I smirked. Able slowly takes off his tux and it's torture.

  “Take the damn thing off already.” I demanded. He stripped off his clothes. My husband is one sexy man. He thrust his big thick cock inside my pussy and I moan. I move my hands but I forgot that he tied me up. I won't be scratching his back like I want to. As he thrust into me he kisses my neck. I moan. He pulls out just much just the tip was in me. Than rams inside me. I wrap my legs around his waist and thrust with him.

  “Fuck Aria I won't be able last long if you thrust with me like that.”

  “Harder.” I said with a smirk. He rams inside me I thought I was going to slit into. “Fuck Able do that again.” he hit the right spot that I came all over his dick just the he like it.

  “Fuck Aria.” Able comes inside still thrusting with me. As our climax come to an end he as a smirk on his beautiful face. He unties me.

  “That was amazing.” I tell him.

  “Yes it was. But that was only round one.” He tell me.

  “Only round one. How many rounds are we going?” I ask.

  “All night.” He says with his sexy smirk.

  “I love you my wife.”

  “I love you to my husband.” he pulls me into his arms for a short break.

  The End




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