Dashing Rogues: A Historical Romance Collection

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Dashing Rogues: A Historical Romance Collection Page 11

by Dawn Brower, Amanda Mariel

  Dom snuggled closer to her and trailed kisses down her neck. She reveled in the beauty of it. There was no going back, and as far as she was concerned her life was perfect. Nothing could compare to the warmth spreading all over her. Dom made her feel things she didn’t have words to fully explain, and wasn’t sure if she wanted to.

  “As much as I’d love to lay here with you all night,” Dom whispered in her ear, “we need to dress. The ship will be leaving soon, and we need to return to England.”

  Rosanna sighed. She’d love to stay wrapped up in his arms, but was aware of their precarious situation. She’d be much safer in England, and Dom had a job to finish. He still didn’t know all the details. Rosanna needed to tell him who abducted her so he could capture him. She’d not be safe at Weston as long as Bivens was still the stable master. He was a traitor and must pay for his treasonous activities.

  “If you insist,” she replied. “I’ll put my dress back on.”

  His lips tilted upward, and then he nuzzled her neck. More kisses followed, leaving her breathless. Would he always have that effect on her? Oh, she hoped so. It was oh so wonderful… “Dom, this isn’t hastening our departure.”

  “I’m well aware,” he rolled over pulling her on top of him. “You’re a tempting minx, and I will never have enough of you.” He trailed his fingers across her hips. “You’re so soft and lovely. It would be so easy to love you all over again, but it would be foolish to do it here, and I’d be a selfish cad to take you so soon after your first time.” He sighed. “Let me help you dress.”

  Rosanna rose to her feet and picked up her shift. She slid it over her head and turned to face Dom. The fire was burning low in the hearth, but it still filled the room with a little light. His eyes glowed in the firelight, and appeared to burn into her. Her heart quickened in her chest and the need to remove her shift and join him on the settee again filled her. “We’re not going anywhere if you keep staring at me with such heat.” Her thighs clenched involuntarily. She needed to feel him inside her again.

  “I can’t help myself,” he replied. “But you’re right. I’m not helping. Let me rectify that.”

  He stood and strolled across the room completely naked. Rosanna couldn’t help following his progress with a needy gaze. The darn man was so glorious to behold. She itched to reach out and stroke his golden skin and feel every inch of him quiver under her touch. Dom bent down and picked up her violet dress and silk stockings off the floor and carried them over to her. “Sit,” he demanded. She did as he bade and sat in a nearby chair. Dom slid her shift up and lifted one of her legs. With careful precision, he slid a stocking back on, sending a tingle of sensation through her. He repeated the action with the other stocking, darn near leaving her a quivering mess of need.

  “Now for your dress…” Dom reached out and helped her to her feet. He leaned down and placed a light kiss on her cheek and then slid the gown over her head. “If I had my way, you’d never wear anything ever again. But that’s the selfish side of me creeping out once more,” he murmured. “You’re so bloody beautiful I ache looking at you. It’s a good pain though.”

  Was this what all of his other women felt when he paid them attention. An ugly feeling took root and wouldn’t let go of her. She was just another conquest of his. Why did she have to let his past creep into the beauty of this moment? Because he never said he loved her… She may have given him her heart, but he hadn’t done the same. He was her love and nothing more. While she didn’t regret one moment her actions—it was also past time she faced reality. There were consequences for what they did, and she’d pay the ultimate price for them. She was forever ruined, and if there was a child… She’d not think of that. If it happened, it happened, there was no turning back. Besides a part of her rather liked the idea of having Dom’s child, even if it was born out of the sanctity of marriage.

  “I agree,” she said. It was painful, more than she could say. He was so good at making her forget he said he’d never marry. She even understood his decision. If he was a spy, he’d not want to have a family and possibly put them in danger. “It’s as if, deep inside, an explosion takes place all over at once, and everything is at the highest peak of sensitivity.”

  Dom laced up the back of her dress. He seemed to not be able to resist touching her though the whole process. He’d place a light kiss on her neck, then her shoulder, all the while his fingers stroked across her back with a skill Rosanna didn’t want to question.

  “There,” he said. “You’re ready to travel now. Your slippers are by the chair.”

  Rosanna turned to face him. She raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to travel without the benefit of clothing?”

  He’d not bothered to dress. Dom had seemed more concerned with making sure her clothes were all put back on her. She didn’t quite understand his motivations, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t appreciate his still naked form. She suppressed a sigh as she scanned him from his feet and back up to meet his gaze. “Look your fill?” It was his turn to raise an eyebrow. “Like what you see?”

  “Most definitely.” Her lips quirked upward. “You’re quite—impressive.”

  Dom chuckled lightly and quickly dressed. He hadn’t bothered with his cravat. Something else Rosanna appreciated—she liked his shirt loose around his neck. It gave him a rather rakish appeal. Staring at him wasn’t helping anything though, so she found her slippers and placed them on her feet. Their time in the little cottage had come to an end, and sadly they had to return to the real world. One where Dom would no longer be hers…

  THEY’D MADE it to this ship on time, but barely. Dom hadn’t wanted to leave the cottage. It hadn’t gone as he’d planned, but when had anything ever gone that way where Rosanna was concerned? She had always thrown him off balance. It was part of her attraction, and one of the reasons he’d fallen so deeply for her. Soon they’d be docking in Southampton and he’d have to sit her down and have a long talk with her. As idyllic as their time in the cottage had been, there were a lot of ramifications from it. He’d not taken any precautions with her. With Rosanna, he lost all thought and acted. Something he’d never done before in his life, but she was different, and always had been. He’d intended to make her his in every way from the moment he touched her, and made love to her. As soon as he was able, he would ask for a special license so she could be his marchioness.

  He wasn’t foolish. Nothing about their situation would be as easy and they had a number of things to work through. There were still a lot of unanswered questions. As far as he was concerned, the mastermind was no longer a problem, but Rosanna had left out a lot of details. He still didn’t know who’d taken her in the first place. There was still a person working at Weston Manor who wasn’t loyal to the crown, and his identity was lost to Dom. With Tommy’s death, Rosanna was his only lead. He’d let her keep her silence because it had been a trying night. Now that they were returning to England, he’d have to ask her about the parts she’d left out.

  The ship slid into port as the sun was setting in the sky. It wasn’t a long journey from Calais to Southampton, and he was glad for it. They could hire a hackney to drive them to his estate. Once Rosanna was able to rest fully he’d return her to Weston, and under the care of her brother. He’d have to explain everything to James. Something he wasn’t particularly looking forward to. James had a hell of a right hook. The last time he’d punched Dom it had left bruises for days.

  “I hate ships,” Rosanna slid next to him on the deck. “I’m so glad we’re almost home.”

  Dom smiled. “Once we’re at Seabrook, I’ll arrange for a maid to assist you, and find you another gown. We can’t leave for Westbrook until tomorrow.”

  “James will be worried. I’ve been missing for days…”

  Another reason the duke would pummel him. Dom had left without word and went after Rosanna. He hadn’t had time to inform him of his intentions or what he’d learned. It was Dom’s fault Rosanna had been taken, and his responsibility to see t
o her safety. James wouldn’t see it that way though. After he was done pounding on Dom he’d be more inclined to listen. That was when he’d tell him of the danger and how he’d need to see after Rosanna while he finished his mission. When he returned, he’d marry her posthaste. He didn’t like it, but she was better off at Weston with James than by his side. Dom ached at the idea of letting her out of his sight.

  The muscles in his jaw twitched. The ship was completely docked and it was time for them to depart. “James will be worried,” he agreed. “But we will alleviate all of his concerns soon enough. For now, why don’t we head to Seabrook and rest. There’s not much we can do tonight.”

  Rosanna tilted her head and stared up at him. “You’re right. It’d be so much easier if we could travel there at a faster pace. Alys has told me some amazing things about where she’s from. If we had one of her horseless carriages we could be at Weston in less than two hours.”

  Dom scrunched up his eyebrows. “I don’t want to know.” Although a part of him did. What exactly was a horseless carriage and how did they work? Maybe one day he’d feel brave enough to ask the questions. The answers might be too much for him to handle until he managed to come to accept Alys was more than he’d expected. He didn’t want to believe Alys was from the future, but the more he learned the more curious he’d become. “At least not right now. The last sennight has been rather exhausting.”

  They walked down the gangplank and down the dock. Dom kept her arm tucked in his until they found a hack to drive them to Seabrook. Hacks weren’t as prevalent in Southampton as they were in London, and he was grateful to locate one. He’d not wanted to walk the entire way home. “Here let me help you inside.” Dom lifted his hand and assisted her up into the carriage. He settled down inside next to her. It wasn’t a long ride to Seabrook, but his estate was still several miles outside of Southampton. It would be a good half hour before they made it there.

  Rosanna nestled next to him and laid her head on his shoulder. This all seemed too right and as if they’d done it a million times. “Won’t be long and you’ll have a comfortable bed to rest in.” His only regret was he’d not be sharing it with her. He’d went too far with her already, and he’d not go against propriety in his own home. His servants, while loyal, wouldn’t have any reason to gossip about his future marchioness.

  “I can’t wait.” She yawned.

  The half hour it took to reach Seabrook flew by. Rosanna slept in his arms the entire way. He wasn’t sure how she managed it, but he enjoyed holding her nonetheless. When the carriage stopped in front of his estate, he shook her lightly awake. When she barely stirred, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. He couldn’t resist. She was so sweet and lovely in her sleep. Her eyelids fluttered open. “Sleeping beauty awakes.”

  “Are you claiming to be my prince?” Her lips tilted upward into a knowing smile. “Who awakens me from a hundred year respite?”

  “My charms know no bounds…” He lifted an eyebrow. “Do you doubt my abilities?”

  “With you?” She chuckled lightly. “Never. Your charisma is legendary. Who am I to question your delectably wicked lure?” She cupped his cheek with her hand. “I’m a lowly female who’s fully and completely enthralled. Your kiss didn’t merely wake me but tempted me to beg for more.”

  A corner of his mouth lifted. “Come, minx. The carriage has stopped, and it’s time to bring this fairy tale to its conclusion.”

  “If you insist.” She sighed.

  They stepped out of the carriage and went inside Seabrook. When they stepped inside the foyer, Dom’s butler greeted them.

  “Good evening, my lord.” He bowed. “We weren’t expecting you, but you do have a guest waiting in your study.”

  Dom raised an eyebrow. He had no clue who could be—then it hit him. He knew exactly who was waiting for him, and he wasn’t quite ready for the confrontation. Bloody hell. “Very well, Evans. Can you have a room prepared for Lady Rosanna? I’ll see to my visitor.”

  He left Rosanna in Evans’ care and headed to his study. Sitting at his desk, caressing a blade between his fingers, sat the man he’d expected to find. He was mildly concerned with the dagger he twirled deftly in his hands, but he doubted the man would kill him outright. At least not yet—after he discovered Dom’s misdeeds, anything could happen.

  “Good, you’re finally home. I won’t have to hunt you down and kill you.” He took the dagger and stabbed it into the desk. Dom winced as the blade butchered the fine mahogany. “It’s too bad really. It was beginning to appeal to me.”

  “Hello, James,” Dom said carefully. “What brings you to Seabrook?”

  The duke raised his brow and picked up the knife again—sliding it out with practiced ease. There was a slight mar in the wood, but otherwise it had left nearly unnoticeable damage—unlike what it would do to Dom’s vulnerable flesh. “Do I need to use this on you?” James slid the flat side of the blade over the palm of his hand and stared at Dom.

  “I’d rather you didn’t.”

  James leaned back in his chair and studied him. Dom gulped down a lump in his throat. This was the part he’d not been looking forward to. How was he to explain his feelings for Rosanna to her brother? If he had a sister, he’d not take it lightly if his best friend ruined her. And there was no question about it—Dom had thoroughly done that. It didn’t matter he intended to marry her. One didn’t do such things with a friend’s sister and not pay a price.

  “Where is Rosanna?”

  Dom kept a small distance between him, the desk, and James. He might need room to maneuver with. James was big and had experience with dealing with adversaries. The war had given him skills Dom had no desire to test. How should he play it? Rosanna was at Seabrook, but he didn’t quite understand his friend’s state of mind yet. How had he figured out to come to Seabrook in search of Rosanna? What did he know?

  “You’re so sure she’s with me?” Dom asked carefully.

  James stood and headed straight for him. It took every bit of his will to stay in place. He’d not let James know he was cowed by him in any way. His friend could be rather overbearing at times. Being a duke sat well with him, even if he’d not wanted the title. He was more brooding than Edward had been, and took his responsibility seriously. Rosanna was one of the things he’d taken under his care with the title. He’d always cared for his sister, but with his brother’s death, James became a hundred times more serious about his duties.

  James stopped in front of him and practically growled out his words. “Don’t play games with me, Dom. I know you rushed off after her. The little I was able to gather from my servants told me that much. There was also the matter of a dead stable boy for me to deal with. What the hell is going on?”

  Dom sighed. He’d not had time to take care of Tommy properly. He’d assigned the task to one of the servants before he’d run off after Rosanna. Of course James would have been told of the lad’s death. He was one of his servants, after all. James took care of his people.

  “It’s a long story.” Dominic rubbed a hand over his face. “I planned on coming to Weston tomorrow to explain everything.”

  “Tell me now,” James demanded. “Starting with the location of my sister, and if she’s all right.”

  “She’s here. I had Evans see to a chamber for her.” Dom met James’s gaze. “And she’s fine.” Mostly. He left out the horror she’d endured and how Dom had thoroughly compromised her. He’d hoped to avoid James’s bricks he called fists if he could help it.

  He waited for James to erupt in anger. Dom glanced up and met his friend’s gaze. His eyes were hard as stone, and the muscles in his jaw clenched tightly. “And where was she previously?”


  James paced the room furiously. His hands clenched into fists at his side. He cursed several times before he returned to where Dom stood. “What the hell was my sister doing in France?”

  “Wouldn’t you rather sit down?” Dom gestured toward a chair. “Or maybe
have a drink. I did mention it was a long story.”

  James waved his hand. “I don’t want a bloody drink. This is a huge mess. The servants all know she was missing. Rosanna is completely and utterly ruined. She’ll never make a good match.”

  “Is that all you’re concerned about?” Dom wanted to punch his friend. Shouldn’t it be more important that Rosanna was safe and whole? “Don’t you want to know what she’s been through? She was abducted from her home and had to fight for her life. And you’re worried she’s ruined?”

  “As soon as I realized you went after her, I knew she’d be fine.” James studied him. “You’re not going to stand there and lecture me, are you? We both understand how the ton works. No gentleman will touch her once word of this reaches the ears of the biggest gossipmongers. Yes, I care that Rosanna went through hell, but unfortunately it didn’t end with her rescue. This is the beginning.”

  It was Dom’s turn to pace. He was aware of it all. James was correct, and there was no disputing it. “You’re right, of course.”

  “Good, so then we’re agreed.”

  Dom turned to face him. “On her being ruined, yes.” He wasn’t sure what James wasn’t saying. There was an odd look in his eyes. He was staring at Dom as if he’d expected him to agree to more than that.

  “That’s not what I meant, but that is true as well.” He held his hand over his chest. “I’m referring to her marriage.”

  Dom was confused. What marriage? “You may need to elaborate.”

  “I handled everything. With you handling her rescue, I saw to her future.” He tapped at his jacket. “I went to see the archbishop and secured a special license. Rosanna can be married immediately.”

  Dom’s heart froze in his chest. Who did James plan to marry her off to? He had to stop it. There wasn’t a chance in hell he’d allow her to marry anyone other than him. James could take that idea and shove it someplace unpleasant. Rosanna was his. “What did you say?” Dom glared at his friend.


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