Dashing Rogues: A Historical Romance Collection

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Dashing Rogues: A Historical Romance Collection Page 19

by Dawn Brower, Amanda Mariel

  She would sneak up the side of the road and get close enough to help if needed. God willing she and the duke would escape unhurt. Drawing a deep breath, Narissa began creeping toward them.

  Her heart pounded rapidly as she continued on. Where in the hell was Bow Street when one needed them? The men came into better view as she made her way toward them. Highpads for sure. They wore dirty tattered clothing. One man held a large stick, while another held a knife, its blade glinting in the waning light. The third, had hold of Highflier’s bridle.

  Narissa took a deep breath, crouching within the knee-high weeds and nettles that grew thick along the roadside. Thus far, they had not noticed her.

  Praying for her luck to continue, she crawled toward the men, ignoring the sting of the nettles and scrape of the weeds against her skin. Her frock became entangled in the overgrowth and she tugged the skirt free, mindless of the damage being done.

  “Give us all ye got,” one man shouted.

  “Certainly, if you will allow me to dismount.” The duke’s voice was smooth, not a touch of fear permeated it.

  Narissa peeked out from the curtain of plants concealing her. Should she burst forth? Distract the highpads? If she did, could she and the duke handle them? Three to Two was hardly a far fight, but then, they were a ramshackle lot.

  Narissa inhaled a deep breath preparing to launch herself into the fray, then stilled. What if her actions got the duke injured? Or worse, killed?

  “Nice and slow, milord.” The highwayman ordered, clutching Highflier’s reins as the horse reared up.

  She bit her lower lip as the duke slid from Highflier's back. He swung his fist, smashing the first robber’s face. As the man stumbled back, his knife soaring out of his hand, Seth kicked the second robber in the gut.

  While Seth’s back was turned, the third man dropped Highflier’s reins and reached for something in his coat.

  The knifes metal flashed, and Narissa burst from the roadside, screaming and wielding her blade. “Seth, watch out.”

  He glanced at her, fury in his gaze.

  “Behind you!” Narissa charged into the fray as the third man lunged at Seth.

  The duke spun around, landing a hard punch that sent the man to the ground.

  Panting for breath, Narissa came to stand beside Seth. A cursory glance revealed all three of the robbers were unconscious. She examined Seth, her gaze roaming over every inch of him. “Are you all right?”

  “Fine. What the devil are you doing here?” He scowled at her. “You could have gotten yourself killed.”

  “Me? What about you? Taking on three men? ” Her stomach rolled as she grabbed his hand. “You’re bleeding.”

  He attempted to pull free. “It is nothing.”

  She held firm, pushing his coat sleeve up his arm to get a better look. “You were cut. This needs tending.”

  “Later. Right now we need to get out of here.” He scooped her into his arms and carried her to Highflier. Placing her on the saddle, he swung up behind her. The heat of him so near sent her body into chaos and she leaned back craving more contact.

  “I tethered Banshee over there.” She pointed to the thicket of trees wishing she could remain seated firmly against is broad chest. A bird-witted desire for certain.

  Seth rode to Banshee, one arm holding Narissa tight against his muscled chest. “Can you ride?”

  She angled her head, peeking at him from over her shoulder. “I am not the one who’s bleeding.”

  He pulled rein, jumped from Highflier’s back, then lifted her down. Meeting her gaze, he said, “Always the viper tongue, aren’t you?”

  “Only when it comes to you.” She grabbed Banshee’s saddle, pulling herself up as Seth untied the horse. “Now hurry, I fear we haven’t much time.”

  “Ride with all due haste. Neck or nothing, you hear me?”

  Narissa nodded.

  He slapped Banshee’s hind quarter, setting the horse into motion.

  Never had she been so frightened as when that highpad pulled his knife. In that second, she had realized how much Seth meant to her.

  When they returned, she would tend his wound, then she’d confess her plan for the derby. If she hoped to have any kind of relationship with him, she had to be honest. Her throat went dry when his stable came into view. What if he could not forgive her?


  SETH WINCED as Narissa patted his wound with a whisky-soaked cloth. “Have a care.”

  “I am being as gentle as possible.” She set the rag aside, then retrieved a strip of white cloth. “Almost done.”

  As she bound his wound, he stared at her, amazed at treasure she’d turned out to be. She was a marvel. Brave, determined, capable, and beautiful. He wanted her to love and to keep—not only in his bed but beside him for all the rest of his days. “Narissa?”

  She glanced up, her brow drawn in concentration. “Yes?”

  “I have been a fool, though I will not apologize.” Her eyes rounded and he continued. “My foolishness brought you into my life, and for that, I cannot be sorry.”

  “Oh.” She fastened his bandage around his arm, a slight grin playing at her luscious lips, then meet his stare once more. “Do go on.”

  “Sit,” he commanded.

  She lowered herself onto the chair across from him, her gaze never leaving his.

  He took her hand and gave a slight squeeze, relishing how perfectly it fit in his. “It has become clear to me that winning the derby means as much, if not more, to you than it does me. I do not pretend to understand your motivation, but I do know I can no longer stand in your way. You are free to ride whatever mount pleases you at Epsom.”

  Her mouth fell open, then closed. She glanced away, her shoulders rounding.

  He swallowed hard. That was not at all the reaction he’d expected.

  She should be squealing with joy. Rushing from his home to prepare her own mount. Had he misunderstood her? Upset her?

  “I had thought to please you.” He uncrossed his legs and leaned forward, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. “Narissa.” Her name came out barley a whisper.

  She brought her gaze back to his, placing her other hand on top of his. “I have a confession. It is why I rode after you…to tell you that I…”

  He nodded, encouraging her to go on. Waiting for her to confess her love. Surely that was what she intended. His pulse sped, heart pounding as he waited for her words to come.

  “I have been training Lady Brooke to ride Merlin with the intention of entering him at Epsom.” She tore her gaze from his, casting it to the floor. Her cheeks blossomed scarlet. “And he will win. His average exercise times exceed Banshee’s.”

  Seth dropped her hands, stood, then strolled the length of his parlor. What the devil? Here he’d thought her as enamored with him as he was with her and the whole while she’d been double crossing him. Why?

  He glared at her, his heart squeezing. Did her reasons even matter? He’d already determined to release her from their deal—already given her his heart.

  “You should also know that I’ve decided not to enter Merlin. I have no wish to gain my victory in an underhanded way.”

  When she meet his gaze again, his anger gave way to amusement, and he began chuckling as he strolled over to her.

  “Do not laugh at me.” She peered up at him. “I may be unconventional, but I do posses honor.”

  “I assure you that I am not amused at your expense.” He pulled her to her feet, still chuckling. “I am laughing at us.” To think the whole time they’d been acquainted the two of them had been at odds and all the while they’d both been struggling with their underhanded deeds.

  She studied him with one brow arched. “Might I know why?”

  “I should have known you would find a way to run Merlin. Your determination is one of the things I most admire about you.” Along with her wit, those sultry whiskey eyes, her feminine curves… God he wanted her. “You are unique. Unlike any other lady I have ever kno
wn, and you captivate me all the more for it.”

  “You do?” She smiled a sultry grin.

  “Without a doubt.” Seth wrapped his arms around her small waist.

  Narissa placed her hand on his chest. “All the same, I was wrong in this. Allow me to explain my motivation.”

  “None of it matters.” He truly did not give a damn so long as he got to hold Narissa in his arms. Feel her molded against him.

  She smiled, her eyes sparkling. “It matters to me. You see, winning Epsom with Merlin was the last dream I shared with my Papa. Before his death, we trained and cared for the horse together. I felt compelled to do whatever necessary to see our dream come to fruition.”

  “Then it shall.” He pulled her into his embrace.

  “You are not cross with me?” She asked, nibbling her lower lip.

  “Not at all. In fact, if riding Merlin pleases you, then that is what I want you to do.” Seth would find no greater joy than watching her achieve her goal. Somehow over the course of their acquaintance he had fallen madly in love with the vixen. Her win would be his as well.

  She studied him through narrowed eyes. “Truly? What about your pride?”

  “It no longer matters, for I have found something I care about exceedingly more.” He pulled her against his chest, then angled her chin up so that he could gaze into her eyes. “You are everything.”

  Moisture pooled in the golden depths of her eyes, and she said, “I care for you as well. It matters not who rides Merlin. Hell, I do not even care if he runs in the derby this year. Papa would understand. He always said there was no greater gift than love.”

  “Merlin will race, and you will be his rider.” Seth brought his lips down on hers in a crushing, soul binding kiss.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, her tongue tangling with his. Passion burned through him as he held her tight against him, their hearts beating as one.

  Pulling back, he stroked her flushed cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Your happiness means more to me than any blasted race ever could. I want to spend the rest of my life proving it to you. Marry me, Narissa?”

  “Nothing would please me more.” She smiled up at him. “I do not understand how, nor do I know when it happened, but you have my heart.”

  “And you have mine.” He gave her a roguish grin. “When would you like to say our vows?”

  “As soon as it can be arranged.” She ran her fingers under his cravat, loosening it, and gazed at him through heated eyes. “I want to feel all of you. Your bare flesh pressed to mine, our hearts beating against one another. I want everything.”

  Warmth flooded through his body. He wanted to collect her in his arms and carry her to his bed chamber immediately. It took all the will he possessed to fight his growing desire. Seth released a pent up breath. “I will secure a special license. We can be wed tomorrow, my little vixen.”

  “Tonight.” She nuzzled her face against his chest. “I do not want to waste a single moment being apart when we could be together. I love you, Seth.”

  “I love you more.” He brushed his lips against the warm skin of her shoulder. “I always will.”


  NARISSA STOOD NEAR THE RAIL, her hand in Seth’s. Race day for Epsom had arrived at last, and true to his word, Seth had not asked her to ride Banshee. Little did he know, she’d arranged for both of them to get their wish. She would honor her Papa and Seth would maintain his pride.

  “A kiss for good luck.” Narissa rose up on her tiptoes.

  Seth leaned in dropping a soft peck on her lips. “Now go show them how it’s done.”

  “You can bet on it.” She grinned and held a piece of paper out to him.

  Seth took it, one eyebrow arched up in curiosity. “What’s this?”

  “Read it,” she said, then strolled away toward her waiting mount. She swung onto Merlin’s back before she cast a glance at Seth. His head was bent as he read the document showing him as co-owner of Merlin.

  If she won—no, when she won, victory would be theirs.

  Taking her place at the starting line, Narissa looked out at the crowd. Hannah and Brook had joined Seth near the rail to watch the race. He gave her a roguish grin that sent her stomach into a flurry. Narissa grinned back, heat rising within her.

  She blew out a breath and turned her focus to the task at hand. Leaning low over Merlin, she held the reins. Her horse bolted at the starting signal, taking the lead without hindrance. Narissa fought to hold him, her arms straining until they reached the final stretch. Once she turned him loose, he fairly flew. Sweeping the field to win by several furlongs.

  “We did it Papa.” She looked up into the clear blue sky. A gust of wind stirred her hair and she knew Papa had heard her words. She slid from the saddle, excitement pumping through her, and searched for Seth.

  When he approached and Narissa jumped into his arms. “Congratulations.” Seth swung her in a circle before setting her back on the ground. “You little vixen. When did you manage to make me part owner?”

  “A lady must have her secrets.” Narissa beamed. “I wanted to make all of our dreams come true and I found a way to do so. That is all you need to know.”

  “You made my dreams a reality the night you married me.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I am the luckiest man in all of England. Hell all the world.”

  Narissa’s heart swelled with love. If someone would have told her that marriage would be more thrilling than her horses and her club, she never would have believed them. She would have been a fool for it too.

  With Seth she’d found everything. He was her friend, confidant, lover, and so much more. He thrilled her down to her marrow and made her want to include him in all aspects of her life. What’s more, he accepted her for who she was and encouraged her to continue with her endeavors.

  “And I am the luckiest woman for I have you.” Narissa rested a hand on his chest as she gazed up at him. “Take me home, husband. I wish to celebrate our victory.”

  “What do you have in mind, love?”

  Narissa crooked a finger beckoning him closer before she whispered, “I want to feel you. All of you.”

  “Far be it from me to deny you.” Seth scooped her off the ground, then cradling her in his arms strolled toward their waiting carriage.


  USA Today Bestselling author Amanda Mariel dreams of days gone by when life moved at a slower pace. She enjoys taking pen to paper and exploring historical time periods through her imagination and the written word. When she is not writing she can be found reading, crocheting, traveling, practicing her photography skills, or spending time with her family.

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  Visit www.amandamariel.com to learn more about Amanda and her books. Sign up for Amanda’s newsletter while you are on her website to stay up-to-date on all things Amanda Mariel and receive a free eBook!

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  Amanda loves to hear from her fans! Email her at [email protected] or find her on social media:


  Ladies and Scoundrels series

  Scandalous Endeavors

  Scandalous Intentions

  Scandalous Redemption

  Scandalous Wallflower

  Scandalous Liaison

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  Fabled Love Series

  Enchanted by the Earl

  Captivated by the Captain

  Enticed by Lady Elianna

  Delighted by the Duke

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  Lady Archer’s Creed series

  **Amanda Mariel writing with Christina McKnight**





  Lady Archer’s Creed boxset

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  Scandal Meets Love series

  Love Only Me

>   Coming soon to the Scandal Meets Love series

  Find Me Love

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  A Rogue’s Kiss Series

  Her Perfect Rogue

  Coming next to the A Rogue’s Kiss series

  Her Perfect Scoundrel

  His Perfect Hellion

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  Stand alone titles

  Love’s Legacy

  One Moonlit Tryst

  Coming soon

  One Enchanting Kiss

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  Wicked Earls’ Club

  **Titles by Amanda Mariel**

  Earl of Grayson

  Coming next to the Wicked Earls’ Club

  Earl of Edgemore

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  Connected by a Kiss

  **These are designed so they can standalone**

  How to Kiss a Rogue (Amanda Mariel)

  A Kiss at Christmastide (Christina McKnight)

  A Wallflower’s Christmas Kiss (Dawn Brower)

  Coming soon to the Connected by a Kiss series

  Stealing a Rogue’s Kiss (Amanda Mariel)

  A Gypsy’s Christmas kiss (Dawn Brower)

  A Duke’s Christmas Kiss (Tammy Andresen)

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  Box sets and anthologies

  Visit www.amandamariel.com to see Amanda’s current offerings.



  This book is for my dad—Archal Brower, Jr. He always believed I should write a book, but I never believed I could or would. I wish he could have been here to see me finally doing it, not only once, but several times. I miss you daddy—the world isn’t the same without you in it.


  As always thanks to my wonderful editor, Victoria Miller. You make me work harder and create a better book each time. Also thanks to Elizabeth Evans—you make writing fun. Thank you for helping me and reading all my rough drafts.


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