Redeeming Heart

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Redeeming Heart Page 17

by Pat Simmons

  She smiled and squeezed his waist. “So how was daddy duty?”

  “Uh-uh.” He shook his head. “I want to talk about us. Timing is everything. I’m glad you were here, even if it was to see Olivia off. I’ve made some decisions, and I want to talk to you about them.”

  “Tonight?” She cast him a suspicious look.

  “Tomorrow,” he stated and guided her downstairs where his bag was spinning on the carousel. He linked his fingers through hers as he reached down and retrieved it.

  “Since I’m here, I can give you a ride home,” she offered.

  “It’s late and I’m out of your way. I’ll catch the Metrolink and then the bus.” When it appeared she was about to protest, he kissed her. “Baby, don’t argue with me,” he whispered against her lips. He proceeded to escort her to her car, then he waited until she was off. Twirling around, he jogged up the stairs to the Metrolink train platform. He smiled to himself as he took a seat. “Nope, I’m not going to let another man have you.”


  Don’t think I didn’t see that! Sweet dreams.

  Octavia read her sister’s text the next morning and grinned. After returning from the airport the night before, Landon had given her something sweet to dream about. The look in his eyes and the kiss on her lips made it impossible not to. As she sauntered into the office for the Monday morning meeting, her colleagues thought her glow came from her recent milestone.

  “A million dollars didn’t buy that glow. Hmm-mm,” Terri teased and lifted her brow.

  “You know money can’t buy you happiness,” Octavia said in a sing-song tone and put away her purse to prepare for the meeting. Terri went through her spiel and advised her agents of new listings. When the meeting concluded, Octavia thought about Landon and wondered how he was doing on his first day of regular employment. She prayed God’s continued favor over his life.

  A few hours later, Octavia was following up on leads when she felt a presence. Looking up from her desk, Octavia blinked as “wow” echoed around in her mouth before it escaped and vibrated through the air. She had seen Landon in a shirt and tie when he worked at Rossi’s, but the man before her was wearing a suit. If it weren’t tailor made, it was a close fit. “What are you doing here?”

  “Can I take you to lunch?” His eyes sparkled.


  Gathering her purse, she waved at Terri. Once they were outside, she saw Rossi’s company car and questioned him.

  Landon shrugged. “He thought I should drive to the new job the first week. After that, I’ll bus it until I can save for a car.” Helping her inside, he drove the short distant to a picnic area near the zoo in Forest Park. They settled on a bench at a table and he gave her one of the foam containers that held their lunch.

  “So how is your first day?” Octavia was excited for him and eager to hear the details.

  “You know how it is to be the new kid on the block—new faces and names. People knew of me from my contributions on some outsourced campaigns.”

  He grinned. “We’re in a tech-savvy world with tech issues. My boss told me to take a couple of hours for lunch while they work on resolving them.” He paused. “I couldn’t think of any other person I would rather spend my lunch with.”

  Lowering her eyes, she blushed. “That’s sweet.”

  He gently engulfed her hands in his, then bowed his head to say grace. “Jesus, I didn’t realize I could love You as much as I do at this moment, because truly you have blessed me. Thank you for the love of a good woman, even if she has never said it…”

  Octavia sucked in her breath.

  “Lord, I see that my life is bigger than me and that everything I have is because You gave it to me…Please bless and sanctify our lives as You do this food and remove all impurities from our lives and in this food. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  As Octavia listened to his prayer, she teared at his earnest petition before God. She quickly covered her face with her hands or Landon would make good on his threat to kiss her if she cried. No, she wanted to cherish this moment together and linger in the spiritual realm.

  Taking a deep breath, she stood and put distance between them. She needed a praise moment to speak with God and worship Him for Landon’s redemption. As she prayed, God communicated with her through heavenly tongues, and soon, she felt Landon’s presence. It was surreal as they continued to pray and worship God together.

  Once they were composed, Landon guided her back to her table. Before they even touched their food, he got on one knee.

  “Octavia, I have only my love and faithfulness at this time. My pockets aren’t filled with money and I’m eying an old clunker to get around in, yet with everything within me, I want you. Marry me and be the mother of my children.”

  As she looked into his not-quite hazel-colored eyes, she felt each sincere declaration. It was clear that he loved her. The confusion came when he said, “mother of my children.” That could be interpreted so many ways, but she didn’t ask him to break it down.

  “I’ve lost everything to find you.” He used his thumb to wipe at her eyes. “I believe God had this appointed time for our paths to cross. Otherwise, I might have hurt you and I repent even at that thought.”

  She reached out and massaged his smooth jaw. A light breeze circled around them and stirred his cologne, which she inhaled deeply. She remained speechless as he poured out his soul.

  “When I was in Boston, I thought I had a readymade family, but my cousin, Garrett—praise God, he forgave me—reminded me that I’m a readymade father. Can you hang in there with me and be a stepmother to my children and a wife to me?”

  His puppy dog eyes tugged at her heart, but she had to be frank now that it was her turn to speak. “No and yes.”

  Landon’s eyes widened. “Huh?”

  Pulling his face closer to hers, Octavia wanted to make sure he understood her position. “I don’t know how to be a stepmother, and I don’t want to learn. I’d love to be a mother to your children and ours, then yes…” Before Octavia could blink, Landon leaped up and took her with him. He hugged her as if she was a lifeline. “I’ll marry you,” she was able to finish through their moment of celebration.

  Taking a seat on the bench again, Landon pulled her close. He hugged her; peppered kisses on her cheeks, mouth and hair; then hugged her again. “I can’t afford a ring until the end of the month. My children wiped me out.” He grinned.

  Marry this man, and you’ll struggle from day one. The thought came from nowhere and it frightened her.

  Without knowing it, she had taken the devil’s bait as all the excitement seemed to seep out of her. “Can you afford me?” She patted her chest. “A wife?”

  He gave her the oddest expression before answering. “Although it may take a while before I bounce back financially, you will never go hungry. It may not be at a five-star restaurant, but you’ll never go without. I asked you to marry me because I couldn’t wait any longer. I’ve figured out my priorities. You’ll always come first—always, until death we do part.”

  “I believe you.” She smiled then reached for the deli sandwich he’d brought her. Their emotional charge had left her hungry. Before her first bite, she had a message for the devil. Satan, I rebuke you! My marriage will work.

  Chapter 30

  “What was I thinking?” Landon shook his head until his eyes fluttered open. Landon groaned as if he was coming out of a morning hangover. He should have never proposed to Octavia. He wasn’t ready.

  “I don’t know, man, but you were sure mumbling in your sleep about it,” Grady said, startling Landon. Sometimes he forgot he had a roommate.

  Pulling back his covers, Grady stared at Landon. “Do you want to talk about it, because when I move at the end of the month, you might not have a roomie cool like me?” He displayed a boyish grin.

  “I’m right behind you in another month.” Landon sat up and threw a pillow at Grady.

  When Landon first arrived at Mac’s Place, he wasn’t too
keen on sharing a room, and to top it off, with a young man who was reading his Bible. But God… He had strategically placed people in his life for his own good. Since his turnaround, he and Grady had bonded over the Bible.

  “Just don’t forget about us little people.”

  “Never again.” Landon stood, slapped Grady’s hand for a shake, then gathered his things for a shower. “Oh, and I’ll make sure you get an invite to the wedding,” he said casually as he walked out the door. Grinning, he counted as he waited for the news to sink in.

  “What?” Grady jumped to his feet, then pumped his hand. “Oh, no, you’re getting cold feet already?” He bowed over laughing.

  Shaking his head, Landon said, “No regrets on asking, only how I did it. It was on impulse—no ring—at a picnic bench.” He cringed. “It was a sorry excuse for a proposal. I should have had a ring and made it special because she’s special,” he chided himself as he continued on to the showers.

  Landon made a resolve. He didn’t care if he had to work three jobs and postpone a trip to Boston. He was determined to go over the top to pamper Octavia with what she deserved. The standoff with James flashed in his mind as he scrubbed. Landon snarled thinking about it. He would make sure that Octavia would never regret choosing him over that dude.


  Two weeks and counting. Octavia frowned. She had been an engaged woman for fourteen days, and since then her fiancé had been a no-show. Well, not exactly a no-show, but working. To make up for his absence, he sent her texts, which made her heart flutter. Sometimes the weekends were all they had, and even that was limited because of house showings. Not this weekend, Octavia thought, smiling. They had cleared Friday evening for dinner and Saturday morning for bunch. She couldn’t wait.

  Octavia had been home barely an hour when he called. “Hey, babe.’ Landon sounded exhausted. “I love you.”

  “I love you and I miss you, too,” she cooed as she searched her closet for something to wear.

  “You have no idea how much…” He paused. “I’m really sorry, but can you hold all that love you have for me until tomorrow? When I see you, I want to look presentable and right, not like I’m broke-down tired.”

  Her heart sunk in disappointment. Tonight was supposed to be the highlight of her day, but she couldn’t fault Landon for working hard at two jobs. His pride this time was misplaced. She offered to pick him up, but Landon would rather catch the bus and have her meet him places than have her pick him up from Mac’s Place. He said it was a man thing, so she respected his wish.

  “Okay. I’m going to get some rest, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Wait!” Octavia yelled. “Where?”

  “See you tomorrow.” Click.

  Placing her black dress back on the hanger, Octavia stepped out of the closet and took a cleansing breath. She was tired, too, but the thought of seeing Landon gave her energy. She headed toward her kitchen for a snack before going to bed. Now Saturday morning would have to be the highlight of her day.

  The next morning, Octavia was dressed by ninety-thirty. She wore fall shades of brown and green. She always received compliments on any shades of red, but rust seemed to accent her unusual blondish-brown hair. She admired her flirty appearance and hoped Landon would too, if he would only call or text her back. She had no idea where to meet him. Finally, at five minutes before ten, he sent her a text. Open the door and follow the path.

  Huh? Her subdivision wasn’t on a bus route. Peeping outside her front window, there was indeed a trail of red roses that began at her front door. She frowned as she grabbed her keys and locked her door. It was unusual to see many of her neighbors standing on their porches this early and looking toward her house as if they had a heads-up on something. Some were grinning, others waving—she even got a couple thumbs-ups. The cool October morning was a welcome respite from the lingering summer heat, but there was a slight chill, and she thought about going back inside for a sweater, but curiosity had her follow the path until she turned the corner, and that’s when she froze and gasped.

  Her eyes blurred at the sight of the longest stretch Hummer limo she had ever seen. There was a photographer and another with a video camera pointing in her direction. The door opened, and Landon stepped out dressed in a tuxedo. Her mouth dropped. He was a prince magnified. In synchronized actions, he knelt as he opened his hand to display a ring box. A gentle wind seemed to nudge her forward until she towered over him. “You already proposed to me,” she said in awe. It was nothing on this scale, but it was her moment to cherish forever.

  “But not the right way, baby.” He shook his head. “You’re a jewel, and I promise you, I’ll treat you as my queen until the day I die.”

  As if cued, four women spilled out of the limo and fitted her head with a tiara, then wrapped a silk shawl the same color green as her skirt, as if he knew her wardrobe, around her shoulders. She remembered him asking her long ago about her favorite colors. Landon remembered. His baritone voice began the words to “My Destiny” as the ladies backed him with up the chorus. The dam of her emotions spilled, and she cried unchecked as Landon stood, pulled her closer, then slipped a beautiful ring on her finger. She didn’t care if there weren’t any diamonds, she thought until something winked at her. There was at least one.

  Instead of kissing her, Landon wiped at her tears as he continued to serenade her. The moment was surreal as her neighbors crowded around them.

  Octavia’s head was spinning by the time Landon finished the last note solo. She opened her mouth, but words couldn’t describe what she was feeling. As Landon waited for her response, she placed her hands on the side of his face and whispered her love before she sealed it with a kiss.

  Her stomach growled, killing the moment. She blushed and looked away. “You did promise me breakfast, and I haven’t eaten.”

  That seemed to cue two servers to step out of the limo. “What else is in there, a house?” She walked closer to peep inside to find—her dad and his wife? Olivia was inside along with Rossi, his cousin and wife and Terri sitting at small makeshift tables.

  “Congratulations,” they screamed as if she hadn’t already been engaged for almost a month.

  Landon helped her inside and took the seat next to her.

  “This is so romantic,” Octavia lowered her voice. “But this cost a lot of money. How did you pay for all this?”

  Placing his arm around her shoulder, he grinned. “I’m an account rep, babe. When I mentioned to my client Dingo Limo Service that I wanted to impress my fiancée with a proper proposal, they offered their services and asked if it could be taped for a commercial, so we had our moment on our own reality show. Another client offered the tux.”

  “And the ring?”

  “That I worked every muscle in my body to buy.” He looked into her eyes.

  “Please let your clients know I was wowed,” she said.

  He winked, then smirked. “I think as soon as they see the video, they’ll know.”

  Suddenly, she playfully punched him in the arm. “Why didn’t you tell me you could sing like that?”

  “I once was a choir boy, remember?” He chuckled.

  So with all her questions answered, Octavia cuddled closer as two waiters served them fruit, juice and mini waffles. She never would have thought a man with so little could give her so much. Landon Thomas was rich in his love

  Chapter 31

  A month later, Octavia accompanied Landon on a weekend trip to Boston. Olivia tagged along to act as their chaperon to enforce the “let your good be not evil spoken of” clause when it came to dating and a Christian woman’s reputation. Once their plane landed, the Miller and Thomas families enforced their own rules with bedroom assignments at his grandfather’s house instead of at the hotel where Landon had originally booked their stay.

  His grandparents entertained her and Olivia with stories and baby pictures and so much food. It was a relaxing night, which Octavia appreciated because she didn’t know what the next
day would bring.

  Saturday morning, Octavia woke to the aroma of biscuits, eggs and sausage. She and Olivia quickly showered and dressed and then greeted everyone in the kitchen as Landon was coming through the door with a single flower.

  His demonstration of love received oohs and ahhs from his family. Once everyone had stuffed themselves, Landon was ready to see his children. Octavia did her best not to display her apprehension about seeing Landon’s exes again.

  Their first stop was at the Kees: Reba, Martin and Alyssa. His daughter was glad to see him as she hugged and kissed him.

  “You remember, Miss Octavia,” he asked Alyssa. “Well, I’m going to marry her,” Landon said with pride and love in his eyes. The child’s parents clapped and offered congratulations. “Are you going to be my extra mommy?” Alyssa asked her.

  Huh? Stepmother she expected, but extra mommy? Once Landon explained to her where the term originated from, she smiled. “Yes, I will.”

  That earned Octavia a hug. “If it’s okay with you—” she glanced at Reba—“we would love for her to be in our wedding. You and your husband are invited to come as well.”

  Alyssa grinned and jumped on one foot. “Can I, Mommy?”

  “Of course,” her parents answered in unison.

  The child gave her and Landon a group hug and kiss.

  Octavia enjoyed the visit and the pleasant conversation. She felt relaxed and encouraged that Reba would guide her in her parenting skills with Alyssa. When she, Olivia and Landon left, mother and daughter seemed disappointed.

  The next couple of stops proved to be more challenging. Unlike her first visit, Landon’s other daughter, Cherie, greeted him with a hug with little coaxing. Not only was she a little suspect of Octavia, but so was her mother—the same woman who refused her in her house the first time.


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