Saving Brielle: The Celestial Mating Series Book 1

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Saving Brielle: The Celestial Mating Series Book 1 Page 1

by Foshia, Jenny

  Chapter 1: Brielle

  "Bye dad, will see you tomorrow!" Brielle grabbed her coat and walked out the front door. She had just finished a 12 hour shift at the restaurant that her parents owned and she was exhausted. She had been working there alongside her parents for the last 5 years. Ever since she finished high school. She just recently made a down payment on her own condo this past summer and since she only lived a few blocks away, she always walked home. The air was crisp on this late October evening, so she buttoned up and pulled her coat collar up onto her neck to protect herself from the breeze.

  She was about two blocks away when she saw a shadow appear. She looked around but could not see a thing.

  "Must be my imagination playing tricks on me." she thought aloud as she rounded the corner of her street. She took a few quick steps and it was then that she heard footsteps. "Ok, definitely not my imagination!"

  She twirled around to determine where the sound was coming from and came face to face with the steel blade of a knife.

  She stood there, frozen. She tried to scream, but nothing came out. The knife moved closer as the person holding it took the necessary steps to bring them closer to her. "Scream and I will guarantee you do not survive through the night." She heard the menacing voice say. Brielle squinted her eyes, trying to block out what was happening. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she offered up a silent prayer that she would live. "If you are a good girl, I may let you walk away unharmed...this time." The man's voice was low, and she could hear his chuckle and smell the stench of his breathe. He grabbed her upper arm and squeezed.

  "What do you want from me?" She asked in a shaky whisper, trying not to gag from his smell.

  "You will discover soon enough. I have been watching you for weeks. I have been following you too. I gave up hope of your noticing me, but then you looked my way quite a few times and gave me your sweet smile. That is when it hit me and I knew then that you wanted me. There is no need to be scared my little sweet. I just want to have a little fun. I have been dreaming about this since the first time I saw you." He finished this last sentence in a whisper near her ear and pulled her tighter to him. Brielle tried to pull away, but his hold only got tighter. She could feel his fingers biting into her arm and the more she pulled away the closer he pulled her in. She twisted and screamed for help. He let go and slammed the back of his fist into the side of her head, knocking her down. As she fell onto the sidewalk, her head hit the hard cement with a thud. Her vision immediately became blurry, but she fought to stay awake.

  The attacker came down over then and held the point of the knife to her chin, lifting it so she had to face him eye to eye. "I warned you, my little sweet, and now you will feel pain. Remember, this is your doing." He made a slice in her skin from her chin down toward the hollow of her collar bone. The burning feeling brought a swell of tears to her eyes and she fought a wave of nausea. "Please, I beg you, do not do this!" She pleaded with him in a whimper, but this only cause him to laugh as he used the knife to pop the buttons on her coat. The combination of the cut and the headache from the fall were taking their toll and she was fighting unconsciousness. He cut the last button of her coat and made his way to her shirt. He ripped the shirt and cut her bra, revealing her breasts. "Please, no! Stop!" She yelled as he bit down on the tips of her breasts. She screamed and tried to push against him to get him off, but he was stronger, much stronger, and he slammed her back down.

  That was the last thing she remembered as the blackness overtook her and she drifted off.

  Chapter 2: Cole

  Cole was just locking up when he heard it. It was a loud, blood curdling scream accompanied by the unmistakable smell of blood. But this wasn't just any blood. No, it has a sweet smell to it. He had never smelled anything like it before. His mind wanted to taste it, but that something he could think more on later. First, he needed to find out where it was coming from because the strength of the scent he could tell it was a vast amount. He began following the scent, and as he got closer his inner wolf took over. He began running, picking up the pace the closer he got. He heard one more scream that was cut off quickly. He knew someone was in trouble. He ran faster and faster. As he came to the end of the street he turned the corner and came to a complete stop.

  There, on the sidewalk, was a girl. No, not just a girl, it was a woman. A very beaten up, unconscious woman. He bent down and brought his hand up to her neck to feel for any sign of life. It was there, the beating of her heart told him she still clung to life. But it was barely there. How, he was not sure, because as he looked her over he could tell this small creature put up one hell of a fight. He swore. Her clothing had been cut away, the faint light from the street lamps showed pools of blood between her legs and around her head. She was covered in marks and bruises and her breathing was shallow. He carefully picked her up and walked her back to his car. She didn't make a sound. She didn't wake up. As he gently laid her in the backseat his inner wolf growled "Mine!" Without thought, he got into the front seat and sped off.


  Once Cole got to the hospital emergency exit he picked up the small bundle out of his back seat and carried her through the double doors of the hospital and yelled for help. An ER nurse and a doctor ran over to him.

  "Jen, page Dr. Michaels and get a stretcher. Sir, follow me." The doctor spoke to Cole as he began to quickly walk through the doors to the ER rooms. "Can you tell me what happened?" The doctor asked as they laid the lady down and began hooking up monitors and calling out doctor codes.

  "No, I do not have any idea what happened. I saw her on the sidewalk when I was leaving work and brought her straight here." Cole answered quietly as he watched in a trance as the team worked on the girl. He couldn't move. He felt an overwhelming urge to protect her from everything and everyone. He could not even explain it, but he just knew he needed to be there by her side.

  "Sir, we are going to need you to step out into the waiting area while we examine the patient and stabilize her." One of the nurses said. "Is she going to be ok?" Cole asked. It was imperative that she lived. His inner wolf was crying out for her to live, to pull through. He needed her and couldn't understand why this feeling was so strong. "Sir, we do not know anything yet. We need to examine her and treat her. If you will just step out into the waiting room, we will inform you of her prognosis as soon as we have taken care of her." The nurse calmly replied. "I need to you to let me know, as soon as you know anything. You have to save her." He pleaded. "Sir, I promise we will keep you informed." She said as she turned her back and began assisting the team of nurses and doctors.

  Cole stepped through the doors to the waiting room and walked straight to the windows. He stared out into the dark night as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and made a call to Max, his best friend.

  Chapter 3:Max

  Max was just walking in his front door after a grueling twelve hour day at the office when his phone started ringing. "Damn it! Who would be calling at this hour?"

  He tossed his keys on the counter, dropped his brief case onto the tiled floor and flipped open his phone. "Max here, talk to me." He answered. "Max, it's Cole. I need you man."

  "Cole, can't this wait? I just got in and am headed to bed. I have been working for twelve hours straight!" He questioned irritably. The case he was working on was a real stressor.

  "No man, I need you now. I am at the hospital..."

  "Shit man! What happened?" Max asked, not allowing Cole to finish his sentence.

  "Max, calm down, I am fine. It's this girl. I found a girl, a woman actually. Badly beaten when I left the gym today. She was unconscious when I
found her so I brought her in. But I can't leave her. My wolf needs her. I don't even know her yet, but my wolf is crying for her." Max released a breathe and grabbed his keys. "I am on my way, Cole."


  Fifteen minutes later, Max was running through the front doors of the hospital and went straight over to Cole who was standing by the window.

  "Cole, brother, have you heard anything yet?"

  "No, nothing! This damn hospital and those ignorant doctors seem to be taking their time in there and I am going crazy!" Cole answered.

  Max frowned. He had never seen Cole this upset. And all over some girl he found on the ground? This did not make any sense! He appeared to be attached, somehow, without even knowing the girl.

  "Cole, I am sure that they are working as quickly as possible. They will be out here soon. Why don't you go take a seat over there while I grab you a drink?"

  "I don't want anything until I know she is going to be ok. I don't know why, but my insides are in scrambles over this. When I touched her my mind felt a jolt, I made a connection with her. It was as though she was a part of me. I felt pulled toward her. Nothing seems right now, everything is a little off kilter, and it is all because of her!"

  Max could tell that Cole was feeling something deep and strong. He felt he knew what it was but until he saw his friend with this woman, he couldn't say for sure.

  "Why don't you tell me what the class was like tonight?" Max made his attempt to calm Cole's mind just as the doors to the ER opened and the doc walked out. Spotting Cole in the corner, the doctor walked over and began to explain to Cole how the patient was doing.

  Max stood next to Cole, listening in shock to the doctor, as he detailed the extent of the girl's injuries and her prognosis. "Who in the hell does this to an innocent girl?" Was the only thought that came to Max's mind.

  Chapter 4: Brielle

  Brielle slowly opened her eyes, the throbbing of her head making it difficult to focus. She heard the faint murmur of voices near her. She turned her head slightly and winced at the pain. She took note of the beeping sound and the wires coming from various places of her body. Where was she? A hospital. How did she get here? The last thing she remembered was her head hitting the cement during her attack. And now she was lying in a hospital bed with no recollection of how she got there, nor the day. How long was she asleep anyway?

  The tall man in the white coat turned to look at her. "Ah, Ms. Stevens. It is nice to see you awake. My name is Dr. Michaels. I am the doctor who was on duty when you were brought in late last night. Do you remember anything about your attack?"

  She closed her eyes and attempted to recall what she remembered. She opened her eyes, slowly, and answered the doctor. "No, I don't remember much. I was on my way home and I was almost there when a man came out of nowhere. He struck me so hard that I fell to the ground. I remember him having a knife and threatening me. When I tried to fight him off he slammed me against the sidewalk and that is the last thing that I remember. Now I am here. How did I get here?"

  "There is a gentleman in the waiting room. A Mr. Irons. Do you know him?" Dr. Michaels questioned.

  "No doctor, not that I can remember." She quietly answered. She was sure she had never known anyone by that name before.

  "Well, he carried you in last night and was hysterical. He said he didn't know what happened, only that he found you on the sidewalk near his place of work. He was terribly concerned and rightfully so with the extent of your injuries. You said you cannot recall what happened during the rest of your attack?"

  "That's right," she began to answer "I remember nothing after being knocked out. I know that I am sore all over and my head is killing me. When you say the rest of my attack, what do you mean by that? What happened to me? Am I going to be ok?" Brielle was getting more and more upset the longer she thought about what that guy did to her. It was one thing for a man to knock you out, but to continue attacking after a woman was unconscious? That was low.

  "I don't know how to put this gently so I am just going to come right out and say it. You were violently attacked Ms. Stevens. The monster who did this to you not only used himself, but he used objects as well. You have some internal tearing and bruising. Once we stabilized you we were able to draw some blood for some testing as well as swabs for a attack internal swab kit. Your x-rays show a few broken ribs which should heal just fine as long as you are careful. You have numerous cuts and bruises and you have a concussion. We have you on some potent antibiotics and morphine drip for the pain. We will be keeping you over night for some observations, but once you are discharged I will have you on strict bed rest for two to three weeks. As long as you follow those orders you should be able to resume limited activity and progress to normal activity as you regain your strength. Do you have any questions? Is there anyone you would like me to contact for you?"

  Brielle looked to the ceiling as she took that all in. Attacked? She was attacked? But she had never been with a man before and now some pervert decided to have his way with her? He just took it, without her even knowing! Why? Why would someone do something so sick? She fought back the tears that were welling up in her eyes. She needed a shower. She needed to wash away everything about the night! She looked over at Dr. Michaels and asked "Could I please have a shower? And could I call my mom and dad? I do not wish to have them to worry about me. I...I just want them to know...that I am ok." She finished with a sob.

  Dr. Michaels gave her a look of sympathy before replying. "Of course. I will send a nurse in to help you into the shower and to assist you with your call."

  At that he left the room and Brielle broke down.

  Chapter 5: Cole

  Cole listened as the doctor finished detailing all the injuries Brielle obtained during her attack. He was in shock. Brielle. That was her name. But what kind of maniac does that to such a small creature? She was a fighter, he could tell, because only a fighter would live through such an ordeal. To have been beaten, stabbed and viciously attacked and still live? The doctor explained how she put up quite a fight before her body went into shock after receiving a blow to the head resulting in a concussion and she passed out.

  He couldn't wait any longer. He had to see her. Now! "Listen doc. I am getting really impatient here. When can I see her? Is she awake now? Can I go in to meet her now?" he asked the questions quickly.

  "You may go in, but remember she needs her rest so you cannot stay long. We have given her pain medication that may cause her some drowsiness so your visit must remain short." the doctor answered.

  "I understand. I just need to see her to know she is ok." Cole said. He just wanted to see with his own eyes that she was alive. He looked over to Max "Will you go with me bro?" he asked.

  "Of course I will, I am here for you." Max answered. Then turning to the doctor he asked "Can you show us to her room, please?"

  "Certainly sir, just follow me this way. We have her in the ICU for 24 hours as a precaution. "The doctor replied.

  Cole followed the doc down the long, white corridor leading to the sterile room where they were holding Brielle. Max walked quietly beside him. He didn't know what he would do if he didn't have Max. They had gone through so much together and even though he didn't really know Brielle yet he was somehow able to feel her pain. His inner wolf was an empath, meaning he was able to feel the emotions that those he was close to were feeling. However, what he was experiencing with this woman was so much stronger and deeper than anything he had ever felt before. His emotions were high and all over the place. He didn't understand it, but he knew that he would feel calmer when he was able to see her.

  They turned a corner near the nurses' station and the doctor turned to them "Remember, Miss Stevens has been through a lot and needs her rest. You need to keep your time in here short. You may return tomorrow during regular visiting hours. Please check out with the nurses when you leave."

  Cole slowly opened the door and stared across the dimly lit room toward the bed and instantly his heart
beat returned to normal and he released a hasty breath. Brielle was lying there on her side, facing the window. He walked into the room, remaining as quiet as possible as to not wake her in case she was already asleep. He motioned with his hand for Max to follow him. Max turned and closed the door, careful to make as little noise as possible but obviously making enough to catch Brielle's attention because when they both turned back toward to bed she was sitting up, facing them.

  "Who are you and why are you here?" she asked, surprising Cole with the huskiness of her voice. Such a sweet voice she had. It was like music to his ears. He could listen to her speak all day. He must have been staring too long because she asked him again. "Who are you? Do I know you?" He could tell he must be frightening her because her voice began to quiver.

  "My name is Cole, Cole Irons. We do not know each other yet, but I found you last night and brought you in. I just wanted to check on you to see how you were doing. I was waiting out in the waiting room, worried sick. Is there anything I can do for you? Can I get you anything?" He responded to her questions as he made his way to her bedside. Even with the tubes, wires, cuts and bruises, he could tell she was beautiful. She had chestnut hair and blue eyes. A tiny nose, on a perfectly rounded face, and full red lips. His body instantly responded when her eyes met his own. They weren't just any old blue. They were a crystal blue, like the clearest ocean.

  She gazed at him before lowering her eyes and replying "Thank you Mr. Irons. As you probably know my name is Brielle. Thank you very much for bringing me in. It was not necessary for you to stay, but thank you. I had them call my parents and they will be here soon. I appreciate your concern. The doctor said that I should be able to somehow make a full recovery, at least physically." After she finished speaking she looked up at him again with such sorrow in her eyes. He wanted nothing more than to wrap her in his arms and promise her no more pain, but he couldn't. Not yet. He needed to take his time and get to know her. After her experience last night he was sure she would take a long time trusting men again, but he was a patient man and he would be there for her when she was ready to open up again. He would be that man she would learn to trust.


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