Saving Brielle: The Celestial Mating Series Book 1

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Saving Brielle: The Celestial Mating Series Book 1 Page 3

by Foshia, Jenny

  She laughed and told him bye. She set the phone down, leaned back into her fluffy pillows and closed her eyes. She didn't remember falling asleep, but the next thing she knew she was wakening to the sound of Cole and Max walking into her room.

  Chapter 8: Cole

  Cole quietly opened Brielle's door and walked into her room with Max close behind him. They both took a few minutes to just watch her sleep. She looked so fragile lying there against the pillows, a stark contrast to her long dark hair that was strewn across them. She turned her head then and her eyelids fluttered as she opened her eyes. It took her a few minutes to adjust her eyes and when those dark blue eyes landed on him and Max Cole sucked in a sharp breath. What a beauty she was. Her tiny features on that beautiful face were perfectly proportioned making her look doll-like. Pink lips that slowly lifted at the corners as she greeted them caused Cole to instantly harden in his jeans. He felt like such a cad lusting after this girl whom he just met. He needed to ease back a bit before he scared her. He wanted her in his life for the rest of his life. He wanted her to be the most important part of his life, he wanted her as his mate...his wife. He wouldn't accomplish that if he went charging after her and forced her away in fear of him.

  "Good afternoon Brielle." He greeted her as he walked closer to the bed and gave her a gentle smile.

  "Good afternoon Cole, Max. I can't believe I fell asleep. I could have sworn I was wide awake when I called you guys." She laughed quietly. Oh what a sweet sound. He wouldn't mind waking up to that every morning. He would gladly give everything he owned to have that honor.

  "Good afternoon Brielle. You must have needed the rest if you fell back to sleep. You look wonderful. I trust the room is giving you the privacy and peace you need while you recover?" Max said as he too walked closer to her bedside.

  "It is. It's such a beautiful room. I feel like I am staying at a hotel instead of a hospital." She answered.

  "We're glad you feel that way. I hope you do not mind but since Max and I are both anonymous donor to the hospital I was able to get in touch with my contact who was able to provide you with this room. We wanted you to have the best possible care and comfort during your stay."

  "You guys did this for me? I don't understand why but thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I never knew a hospital had rooms this nice."

  "Brielle, we would give you anything you need or want if it would keep you smiling like you are right now. " Max answered back. Cole just looked at her. The smile she showed to him and Max took his breath away. It was like a lightning bolt went through him. Just give her a little more time he told his inner wolf.

  "Well, I thank you still. It was thoughtful of you guys to do this for me. The doctor said I should be able to go home tomorrow. I hope the cost of this room isn't too great. I will work to pay you back for it." He couldn't believe she thought she had to pay them back.

  "Brielle, you will do no such thing. Max and I wanted to do this, for you. We expect nothing in return, but would love the opportunity to visit you when you get to return home. Will that be ok? Can we visit you? We would understand if you would be uncomfortable and would rather us not but we would love nothing more than to have you give us a chance." Cole wished he could tell her more, explain everything to her right now but he knew he couldn't. It would be too much for her to take in, if she even gave him the chance the finish everything. It was not every day that someone of their pack mated with a human, let alone two of them mating with the same human. He was still waiting for his mother and father to get the answers for him and Max.

  "I would really like that. Somehow you both make me feel safe. Even after what happened and I know logically I should be afraid of you, but I'm not. When you guys are here I feel calm and at peace so no, I do not mind if you come to visit me. I would welcome it." She answered back. "Do you mind if I ask you guys some personal questions?"

  "Of course not!" Cole replied. "Ask away. We are an open book to you."

  "Ok, well, you both obviously have jobs." She stated with a quick chuckle. "Do you mind if I ask what you do? I mean, for a living. I work for my parents at their restaurant in town. I have been working there for 5 years, since finishing high school."

  "Well, I own and operate a gym. I am a personal trainer and teach classes at night. My sister works for me as manager of the front office which allows me time to help people get into shape. I have owned the gym for 10 years now, since I finished college with a degree in the fitness field." Cole answered her question and then allowed Max to answer her as well.

  "I am a lawyer and just recently made partner in the firm that I work for. I have been at the firm since finishing law school 3 years ago. I defend victims in malpractice cases." Max answered.

  Cole watched Brielle as she thought over their answers and then she looked at them and said. "So, I am friends with a lawyer and a personal trainer? That is great! So, then, how old are you guys and do you live in or near town?"

  Cole answered first. "I am 30 years old, just turned 30 last month. And I live about 10 minutes outside of town."

  "And I am 29, soon to be 30 years old. I live next door to Cole."

  "How long have you two known each other?" Brielle asked.

  Cole looked to Max who nodded, allowing him to answer. "We have known each other our whole lives. Our parents are all best friends and grew up together. Max and I are more like brothers than friends. We have always done everything together, except school." Cole finished this with a laugh and then asked Brielle how old she was.

  "I am 23 years old. I just bought my first place, a condo, right outside of town. I have 2 girls I am close to. My best friend since I was too young to remember, her name is Cassie and then my cousin Dani. I don't know what I would do without those girls in my life. I really want you guys to meet them, they will love you. They are suckers for tall men."

  Cole laughed, Brielle was so cute and the more they learned about her the more he knew she was the one. His wolf was a smart one, he will give him that. "Max and I grew up in a small community and have a few close friends and family whom we feel the same way about. I am an only child but Max has one brother who is a year younger than we are. We all grew up as a large family so I never felt like I was missing anything, until recently that is."

  "What do you mean "until recently"? Are you ok?" Brielle asked him quickly. She sounded worried and he felt like an ass causing her worry. That was the last thing she needed and he knew it.

  "Well, when you get to be my age you find that a part of you longs for a partner, a life mate. That is what I have recently realized was missing. And by recently I mean within the last few days. Until a few days ago I didn't think anything was missing and now I find that I am desperately in need of that one thing. Do you know what I am saying?" He asked her. He prayed she understood and didn't take it the wrong way.

  Brielle looked hurt and sad. She turned her head toward Max and asked him. "Is that how you feel too? Like you are missing your partner?"

  Max looked at him with a stunned expression before answering Brielle. "To be honest, Brielle, I feel the same as Cole. I have just recently come to realize that the one thing I didn't know was missing in my life is something I am in desperate need of, more than anything."

  Brielle nodded her head before closing her eyes. When she opened them again they were filled with unshed tears. She looked at Cole and asked. "I don't want to stop you guys from finding that person. You could be out there right now looking for her instead of trying to keep me company. I don't think I could live with myself if I knew you were in here with me and passing the chance to find your partners, your chance at happiness. I know how my mom and dad are with one another and I wish you both that same feeling." Her voice caught at the end and Cole's heart was breaking. This tiny, fragile creature thought she was no more than a hindrance in their search? How could he make her realize that the only reason that they realized someone was missing from their lives was because she was the one missing? He looked at Max w
ho looked just as confused as he was feeling. Cole stood up from his chair and walked over to the bed where Brielle was sitting and reached for her hand. He turned it palm up and laid a gentle kiss in the middle then closed her fingers around before speaking again. "Brielle, this may scare you and for that I am sorry, but we do not need to go out looking for that person. You are not keeping us from looking for her because for Max and myself you are that person. The reason we didn't know we were missing her was because we had never met you. There is so much we want to tell you, so much we know you need to know. Please know this more than anything else, we would never hurt you or allow hurt to come to you. We will do everything in our power to keep you safe and make you feel loved and cherished. Just give us time before you turn us away. Let us show you how we are feeling toward you. Even though we just met and still have so much to learn about one another I know that there is not another person in this world that I would want or need as much as you."

  Cole slowly lowered her hand to her lap and stepped back. He turned toward Max, searching for further guidance. Max took the few steps required to bring him next to Brielle and sat down beside her. Taking her hand in his he softly added "I know this may be scary and that you will need some time, which we will give you, but please know that we will be awaiting a call from you. I know I speak for both of us when I tell you this, our lives will be for nothing if we cannot have you in them." He stood up before adding one last thing. "Please Brielle, think about us while we are gone. We are just asking for a chance." He then leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead and walked out the door. Cole looked at Brielle and said "Thank you, Brielle, for giving us the chance today to visit with you. Know that no matter what we are here for you and always will be. I hope to hear from you soon." And then he too walked out the room to join Max in the corridor.

  "Well my friend, what do you think she will do? Do you think she will call us?" Max asked him as they left the hospital and entered the parking garage.

  "I sure hope so Max. I really do. Because I do not think my wolf could handle it if she denied us." Cole answered.

  "I feel the same way Cole. I guess we wait and see?"

  "That is all we can do now. Talk to you later? I am heading to the gym, I need to work out this aggravation."

  "Later Cole."

  Chapter 9: Max

  It was 4:00pm and Max had been at his desk for the last 4 hours trying to get work done but all he was capable of is thinking of Brielle. The sad, lost look she had on her face when they left her in her hospital room kept tearing his heart apart. He wanted, more than anything, to be there holding her in his arms and comforting her. He wanted her to know how much he cared for her regardless of the little time they have known one another. He needed her in his life and cared more for her than anyone else he had ever known. He was pretty sure his life would be over if she decided she couldn't allow them the time to get to know her, the chance to show her how much they truly cherished her. For humans it was too much too fast but for wolves it wasn't fast enough. If she was a wolf then this wouldn't be a problem. But she was more. She didn't know it yet but she was more than just a mere human. She had to be otherwise it wasn't possible for both he and Cole to claim her as their mate. He had a few calls in to his family and friends to find out exactly how this could happen and he was just patiently waiting for them to get him the answers he needed. The biggest obstacle they faced right now was getting Brielle to accept them, both of them. What she didn't know what they even if she did not accept them they would follow her for the rest of her life and since they knew their mate existed they would not mate with anyone else for what remained of their lives. So into his thoughts he was that he nearly jumped out of his seat when his phone rang.

  "Max here." He answered, almost irritably. He didn't want anything to interrupt his daydreams about Brielle unless it was Brielle.

  "Oh, uhm, Max? It's Brielle, sorry to disturb you at work." Her sweet voice sounded a bit shy and hesitant when she responded to his harsh greeting.

  "Brielle, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you when I answered the phone. You aren't disturbing me at all, you are a very welcome distraction." He said with a smile on his face and excitement in his heart. To say that he was happy with her call wasn't the right thing, ecstatic actually sounded more accurate. "How can I help you? Do you need anything?"

  "Not really, I just wanted to talk. When you and Cole said earlier about me being the person you were missing in your lives, did you mean both of you want me? Or he wants me and you someone else? I am a little confused. I mean, you guys left here before I had a chance to even absorb what you said let alone ask any questions and you did say that if I ever needed anything you would be there for me. So I was just wondering, is it just one of you or both?"

  Max took a few minutes to breath and think before answering her. He knew his reply to this was important to her answer and whether or not she accepted them. So he counted to 10 and then answered. " Both, Brielle. We meant that we both want you, more than anything. We both want to be the ones to take care of you and your every need for every day for the rest of our lives."

  The other end of the line was quiet and he was afraid he had scared her with his answer. But then the sweetest thing he had ever heard in his life drifted to his ear. "Ok." That was all she said, just 'ok' and his heart filled.

  "Ok? You mean you will give us a chance to get to know you?" He had to know. He prayed that that is what she meant.

  "Yes, ok. I mean, I told you guys earlier that I didn't understand how or why but whenever you and Cole are here I feel comfortable and safe. More comfortable and safe than I have ever felt in my entire life. I am not sure how to explain if but the way you two explained it earlier sounded like how I felt. It is like finding something that was missing before you knew it was missing. And odd because I know that if I don't give you a chance then I will never be able to fill that space that never existed until you guys grew the space for it. It belongs only to you. Does that sound crazy?" She laughed, a nervous laugh but it also sounded happy at the same time.

  "No, not crazy at all. I know exactly how you feel Brielle and so does Cole because we feel the same way. I was just sitting here thinking that I hope you give us a chance because there will never be another person who can fill the space you would leave behind if you refused to give us a chance."

  "Well, I guess I will let you get back to work. I should call Cole and let him know too. They will be releasing me in the morning and my mom is picking me up to take me to my condo. When I get settled in I will call you guys to let you know and then whenever you are free you can come by for a visit. Good night Max."

  "Good night sweet Brielle. Sleep well."

  Max hung up the phone and leaned back in his chair. He felt as if he had just conquered the entire world's problem in one afternoon. He knew he and Cole had their work cut out for them but he was ready. Brielle just agreed to give them a chance and he would not mess this up no matter what.

  Chapter 10: Brielle

  Brielle got off the phone with Max and took a deep breath. She was worried, when they left earlier, that she had done something to scare them away. As absurd as it was, she was excited at the thought that not just one but two extremely handsome men wanted her! She would be crazy to let this chance pass her by. Wait until C.C. and Dani heard about this. Or her parents. What would they say when they found out that she was dating 2 men at the same time and they were both ok with it? She would worry about that later, first she needed to give Cole and call.

  She dialed his number and listened for the ring. The only sound she heard was his voice. "Hello, this is Cole."

  "Cole? Hi, it's Brielle. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

  "Brielle! Hi! No time you call could be a bad time. Are you ok?" He sounded worried.

  "Yeah, I am ok. Well, more than ok. I just got off the phone with Max. I had a few questions that he was able to answer for me. When you both left earlier I was a little confused. I thought maybe I had
done something to scare you off because you left so quickly after telling me what you did and not giving me a chance to take it all in or ask questions. But, he assured me that I didn't do anything wrong. I wanted to let you know that more than anything I want you both in my life. I want you both to be there for me and I want to be the one that is there for you when you need someone."

  She waited patiently, giving him a chance to take it all in. The longer he took the more concerned she got. She quickly added "But if you changed your mind I completely understand. I know I don't have a lot to offer you but I want a chance too."

  "Brielle honey, you alone are more than enough for us. I am just so relieved that you are open to giving us a chance because to be honest with you I doubt I would have been able to give you much more time before I tried to do something to change your mind." He chuckled after he finished talking and she relaxed knowing that he still wanted her.

  "Well, I am going to get off here and call my parents. I already told Max but I wanted to tell you too that I am going home tomorrow. My mom will be picking me up and once I am settled at home I will give you guys a call so you can visit me when you want. Good night Cole."

  "Good night my darling Brielle. I will see you tomorrow, sweet dreams."

  She hung up her phone with a smile on her face. Now all she had to do was call her mom and let her know that she would be heading home tomorrow. She couldn't wait to be home in her own bed. With as beautiful as this room is there really is no place like home. She lifted the phone and dialed her parents' number. Her mom answered the phone


  "Hi mom, it's me. How are you and dad doing?"

  "Oh Brielle honey. We are doing just fine. Dad is at the restaurant right now. How are you? Everything ok?"


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