The Blood Bargain (Book 2): Breach

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The Blood Bargain (Book 2): Breach Page 7

by Macaela Reeves


  “I’ll come find you if he’s agreeable.”

  “Thanks again.” With that I pushed my way out of the nail salon. With hours before the sun went down I went to find the one person I wouldn’t mind wasting them with.

  I found him on edge of town on his way back from the wall, a massive wall of muscle draped in black sauntering back into civilization with a flat expression on his face, the look of a predator still on the prowl. Steel at his back and on his belt, a warrior ready for anything.

  Had to admit, it all looked good with his classic features. A quarterback turned special ops. Now there would be a good movie...if they were still making them.

  Cole’s mood changed abruptly when he saw me, that hawk glare lifting mouth turning up into a smile. His slow step picking up the pace to meet me.

  “How was your first day?” He called out as he approached.

  “Suffocating. So very old world.” I literally shuddered at the thought. “How was the wall?”

  “Not a single sighting. Almost like the good old days.” Meeting halfway, Cole paused to give me a quick hug and a spin. Despite being out in the cold all day walking about in a thick coat he still smelled fantastic.

  “Almost?” I asked as he sat me down.

  “After that horde came through, who knows? Makes me want to convert our wall into the damn Great Wall of China.”

  “If only we had the stone and the labor.”

  “Truth. So I’m meeting Adam at the Garage after sundown to shoot some pool. You in?” I smiled to myself, Adam’s ability to blend in with folks as though nothing had changed was amazing. Even more so was that xenophobic Cole Marshal had remained his friend. I had half expected Cole to try to lop his head off when he first showed up after we had left him for dead at the federal building. Instead, the two of them had carried on like it was just another day. Fangs or not.

  “I would love to but I’ve got to do some council things tonight.” Cole snorted at my words.

  “First day and you’re already working late? What’s with that?” I bit my lip. Oh man I did not want to tell him this. Telling him was a very bad idea. All the way around. One hundred percent.

  Still, if it were him, I’d want to know. I needed to stop acting all cagey like my Dad and be honest. Honest was the key to all quality relationships right? He’d be receptive. This could be positive.

  I hoped anyway.

  “I’ve been pegged as the vampire liaison. I’m supposed to go have a talk with Caius with about the attack yesterday. Voice our irritation with their clearing and all that. I’ve already spoken with Yu to get an appointment.”



  “No freaking way.” Cole took a step back, sweeping his hands in a wide cutting motion.

  “Graham deals with them, not you.”

  “I don’t really think that’s your call to make, plus it was the Graham's bright idea. Personally I think they suggested it to try and embarrass me. You know, get me to decline in front of everyone.”

  “Look what they did to you , you’re going to walk up in there?”

  “They? It was just her. Need I remind you that Adam is one of them now.” Cole cursed, running his hands through his hair. Then he cursed some more, turning his back from me.

  “It will be alright, he’s not going to hurt me. I’m on the damn council for crying out loud.”

  By that point I noticed we had raised our voices to the point where we were bellowing at each other. I stopped myself from arguing further, focusing on taking a nice deep cleansing breath. Exhaling slowly, I watched Cole pace as he worked off his own aggression.

  Six deep breaths had entered and exited my lungs before his shoulders sagged, slowly he turned to face me.

  “I know. And I know. It’s nothing against Adam seriously. I know he’s cool I just...if anything happened to you. I think I’d have a coronary.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to me.” I gave him a hug, wrapping my arms around his waist, my head resting against his chest. “I’m off the wall, just a lil ol colony girl. Safe and sound.”

  I felt his heart beat slowly settle back down to its normal rhythm. As much as I appreciated his Neanderthal protect me from everything including my own shadow routine, there were things I needed to do. The chivalrous crap just had to go...although I did see why it was so easy for Zoe to fall into it with Mark and why Candice was always on the hunt.

  Having that special guy in your life gives a tangible wall of protection you could rely upon. I didn’t doubt for a second anymore that Cole would put everything on the line to save my life, that his last breath would be spent cutting down anything that sought to harm me. Climb any tower, face any horde, a modern day knight that sat over my bed sword in hand watching me while I slept. That kind of’s indescribable as though he-

  Loved me.

  No. No, too soon. Pushing that thought into the process later mental bucket, I held him tighter. Flowery gestures and pretty words did not make the world go round. Despite all the roses and chocolates and little arrows floating through my mind at the moment, I knew it was just that.

  I’m a realist, we all have to do our part. I was no damsel in distress, nor did I need to be watched over. It wasn’t his wall of protection against the dead, it was our partnership against the dead.

  Two knives are better than one after all.

  “Miss Younger?” Yu Wei’s voice brought me back to reality. She had approached us on the sidewalk, standing maybe five paces to the left toward the square. I realized this was the first time I had ever seen her standing not to mention out of her little shop. She was shorter than I was, drowning in a giant parka, her dark hair covered under a stocking cap.

  “Hi Yu.” Dropping my arms from Cole I turned to face her. Without Cole to block it, the wind battered my face without apology.

  “He has agreed to see you tonight, be there at sundown.” I saw Cole standing a little straighter in my peripheral vision.

  “Thanks.” Before I even had the word out of my mouth she had turned and was walking away from us. I wondered for a brief moment if she was ever social.

  “So that’s that then.” The deep bass rumble of disapproval came from my side.

  “I guess it is.”

  When the sun fell I went to the farmhouse at the edge of town. Despite the fact that I knew the reason for my regrettable experiences within the house had been removed from the face of the earth, I still found myself full of dread as I walked up the sidewalk to those wide steps. Reminding myself that Adam was lurking somewhere within the house, at least I hoped he was, did little to calm me down. In the cold my palms were sweating. I wiped them on my pant legs twice before the door opened.

  Entering the foyer I found the place was just as I had remembered it. Straight out of a country chic magazine, the house was the farthest thing from what you’d picture when you thought ‘vampire’. A better association was ‘grandma’. In a way I guess they were older than dirt, still there was a certain black velvet to wall ratio one expected around vampires.

  In the usually orderly living room I saw evidence of Adam, clothes tossed haphazardly on the couch, fantasy books everywhere. Previously the room had been photo worthy clean leading me to wonder how his roommate felt about the mess. That had also been in the Antonia days however, so maybe the female vampire was the clean freak.

  Why do I care?

  I took a deep breath. Stalling, that’s what I was doing. Nerves were getting to me and I was having a hard time-

  “Good evening.” That voice, a perfectly deep tone layered with a strong accent that sounded almost Russian. His six foot eight frame filled the stairwell, dressed in a black silk shirt that was partially unbuttoned and a pair of dark grey pinstripe slacks. He looked very out of place amid the country decor, he’d fit in much better in an ad for Rolex or a ridiculously overpriced sports car. His angled face was enough to make other men shrivel up and skulk into a corner.
Everything was portioned correctly and sculpted with a master’s hand, no deviations or scars. A passive but alert visage; ice blue eyes that missed nothing while his mouth stayed in a flat line. The stoic expression made him seem slightly sinister, although I didn’t think a smile could make him any less terrifying.

  A long arm reached out towards me, his slender fingers beckoning my approach.


  Then he turned, his long black hair catching the air just slightly at the ends before resting at his lower back. Never looking back to see if I followed, he disappeared around the 2nd floor landing.

  I took a deep breath. It had not been so long ago that I had watched a volunteer farm girl follow him up these very steps in a calm trance. An evening she later didn’t recall. Standing there in the dark foyer I felt nothing pulling me forward, no need to ascend. Whatever tricks he liked to play it seemed for the moment I was spared.

  “I’m now your liaison to the council, all communications and requests go through me. I came to say hello, as I don’t think we’ve actually met in person and...” I trailed off, Caius towered over me, looming inches away, I could only assume it was to make me uncomfortable. A long fingered hand rose, foreign digits touching my mahogany locks, sending a shiver down my spine.

  “So, they send the one that captivated my Dimitri and damned my Antonia” I got the feeling he was evaluating my every pore as his eyes moved from my feet to my hair. “To me you are not overly engaging nor unique, yet you polarized my children. I still do not understand why you had such an effect.”

  What does one say to that? I’m sorry? You’re welcome? Next time I’ll get your little dog too?

  I shrugged. Breathing deep he leaned down, putting one of his massive hands in the small of my back. I stood utterly still. His smell was so different than Dimitri, while he was a rich pine mixture of masculine power, Caius was an olfactory assault of cool water for men.

  Dull scratching on the side of my neck, a familiar dragging of fangs. I twitched, an involuntary motion from the pin points. His rich baritone voice, laced with more vampiric hype than any I had heard to date, was at my ear. “Do I frighten you little love?” He straightened, pulling back to look me in the eye.

  “Is that why you’re crowding me? To scare me?” I huffed. “Look I’m here because the council volentold me, you don't want me? I’ll send the old fart.” I glared up at him, determined to find a way to look down my nose at someone who was almost three feet taller than I was.

  Caius snarled, deep and primal.

  “If I wanted to frighten you, I would. I could make you scream in a fraction of a second, I could rip out your spine in the blink of an eye, tear out your very being in an instant, if I so chose I could dine upon your beating heart before your dying eyes.” Swallowing hard, I shoved the fear I wouldn’t admit I was feeling down further in my gut. “Keep this in mind when you address me little love. I, unlike my children, demand respect.” In a blur of motion he was across the room, lounging comfortably on the edge of the sofa, a glass of wine-I hoped it was wine-in his goblet. Caius took a sip, that smug superior smile plastered to his face, staring at me like a dog that had just demonstrated the proper ability to sit.

  “Must be utterly boring for you.” I muttered.

  “What?” He sat down his glass on the end table, folding his hands in his lap.

  “Being all powerful, able to control us all at the flick of your little puppeteering wrist.” I started pacing, sarcastic sympathy dripping into my voice. I didn’t care if I pissed him off, if he lunged at me and ripped out my spine or drained me dry. The whole nosferatu routine was not happening. This was not a game; I was not a toy or a pet or a...whatever the hell. I was so pissed I couldn’t think. “How constantly dull, always knowing the story before it unfolds. Tell me, do you do the same thing with all of us, or is each person a different scenario? I suppose you could role play anything you wanted. Why you’ve probably been Don Quixote, Darth Vader and Zorro all in the same week. Honestly though, if this is going to work with you and me, cut the shit. ” Caius face was flat, like I had slapped him. Then slowly the corner of his mouth kicked up, one side at a time.

  “I’m beginning to see why he liked you.” My lungs deflated, there was only one ‘he’ that was worth mentioning.

  “Is he alright?” I had to ask. Caius gestured to the sofa beside him, giving the seat cushion a little pat with his long fingered hand.

  “An inquiry of your council or one born of your thoughts?” Slowly I walked over to him, and sat across from the giant hunk of vampire. Trying to keep as much room as possible between us. “I want to know.”

  “Well then we both want something.” It was hard to tell with him how many of his words were serious and how much he was testing my reaction. Perhaps each syllable that left his mouth was both threat and jest.

  “And what is it you want?” His fangs elongated, despite my best efforts, I paled.

  “When Dimitri saved your life you incurred a blood debt, doubly so with the newest member of my brood...”

  “I fed Dimitri...”

  “And due to circumstances outside of your control, that feeding duration was less than the three month period for a blood liaison. I wish to complete your tenure.”

  “It’s not a request is it?”

  “No.” He was beside me again, thick arms enveloping my waist. “Now you are frightened.” Caius nuzzled my neck. “...and a little something else.” My cheeks flushed as he spoke. I was not going to admit that this was even slightly appealing. He was not attractive.

  No way.

  In a quick movement he dragged me over his waist, turning me to face him. I didn’t struggle, I knew there was no way that I would be able to get away from his iron grasp. Thrashing about would just be an outward display of weakness, which I was not going to give him.

  “Do all your meetings with the council go this way? If so I’m going to have to spread rumors about Mr. Graham.”

  “Humor to diffuse a tense situation. Refreshing.”

  “So you’re just going to take what you want?” I looked him right in the eye. Ice blue, just like Dimitri’s.

  “As you said, I am the puppet master.” How quickly he moved, those long fingers in my hair, holding my head to my shoulder.

  I opened my mouth to respond, instead the only thing that left my lips was a hiss. A sharp sting at my neck interrupted everything in my mind. The bastard had bit me.

  For a moment I felt like panic would overtake my very being, my arms shook despite my efforts to remain rational, I endeavored to scream to no avail.

  Then a wave of serenity washed over me, every fear in my mind lost in a fog. I was at peace,

  At some point my grip relaxed, my head resting against his palm and body propped up by his other arm. The arm that was under my shirt, stroking my back. So inappropriate. Wrong. This whole thing was wrong. Still for some strange reason I felt safe in his grasp, I wanted him to hold me. Yearned for him to take whatever he wanted, however he wanted.

  D had made me feel that way too once...hadn’t he? A look into his blue eyes that had driven me mad. Blue eyes I couldn’t remember. Caius had blue eyes. Beautiful blue eyes. A tiny voice screamed in the corners of my mind that those feelings made no sense, a trick. A dirty trick.

  I didn’t care. I was with Caius, I nestled into his hold. He lifted his lips from my skin licking the wound and sending a shiver up my spine. Pulling away from me he nestled back against the lavish pillows of the sofa and I followed, laying my head on his chest. His long fingers still tangled in the mahogany waves around my head. He had fed longer than D, the long pulls at my neck left me light headed and slightly nauseous.

  How slowly the moment went from serene and relaxing to feeling...wrong. The little voice in my head that had been trying to throw warning signals and exit signs got louder and louder. We were not a couple relaxing after a heated moment, this was the first night I had ever spoken to this once man. How dirty
I felt as that voice screamed for sanity, yet I did not move from his loving arms. Caius would always keep me from harm, stand before all others to protect me.


  Against my instincts I sat up slowly and moved to the other cushion of the sofa. Unfortunately for me it was a loveseat and he was enormous so I’d only managed to put a few inches between us.


  I don’t know how he did it, I wasn’t sure how it worked, but he sure as shit was messing with my head. There was nothing in the last fifteen minutes that described a rational reaction or behavior. Even my thought process was skewed. I had seen this before though, hadn’t I?

  “May I ask something of you?” I said in no more than a whisper, still unsure of where my mind was at.

  “How quickly you learn to be respectful. What do you want little love?” He all but purred at me.

  The words left my mouth in a rush. “Please don’t make me forget.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well I remember...Anna. I had asked Dimitri and he said that when you fed you liked to do that. I just...I don’t want you to do that to me. If you’d be so kind. I won’t say anything about the feeding. I just don’t want my mind tampered with.” Forcing my jaw shut to cease the rambling I waited for his response.

  “If that is your request I see no reason not to honor it, given your past interactions with our kind.”

  “Thank you.” I cleared my throat, hoping the awkwardness of this whole situation would disappear with it. “So back to the beginning...with the reason I am here.” I sat up straight and tried to sound official. Like such a thing was possible after all that. “As you are fully aware we had an incident at the north wall yesterday. The council would like to request further and more thorough sweeps of the surrounding area as protection is outlined in our arrangement.”

  He inclined his head. “We will cast a wider net.”

  Awkward silence followed, he was still playing with my hair and smiling at me in that wistful imaginative way. When I couldn’t bear it a second longer I spoke.


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