Phoenix Rising

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Phoenix Rising Page 10

by Anne, Melody

  I will never be fooled by another person again, that’s for sure.

  Phoenix sighed, feeling exhausted. She and Jayden were constantly on the move, never in one place longer than a night, and rarely taking breaks to fill their bellies or rest.

  It was exhausting, and she wanted to go home, but she knew they were doing this for a good reason. Despite knowing that, Phoenix was exceptionally excited for them to get to the next city so they could get some rest.

  “How close is the next city, Jayden?” Phoenix asked, grasping his hand a bit tighter.

  They were making their way through a forest, and it was positively eerie. There was very little light from the moon, as there was only a waning crescent visible. Every rustle of leaves had Phoenix on edge. She had probably jumped into the air a good twenty times by now.

  An hour ago, as the two of them were making their way through the area, one of the bushes in front of them had rustled and Phoenix nearly fell on her butt in surprise. Jayden had valiantly fought laughter when a tiny white rabbit sprang from the bush, stared for a moment, and then bounced away. It was definitely not her finest moment.

  He’d reminded her she was immortal. She had barely kept from reminding him his sister had been immortal, too. Neither of them needed to be reminded of Cassidy’s death and the consequences resulting from it.

  “We’re getting closer, maybe ten minutes,” Jayden responded.

  If Jayden had it his way, Phoenix would never need to traverse the woods, hide away, and leave her home and family. She would be safe and happy, wanting for nothing.

  But Josiah had a different idea.

  Phoenix was the chosen one, destined to save the world. She wouldn’t be allowed peace until that happened.

  “I’ll be glad to get out of here. I don’t know what it is but this forest gives me the creeps,” she said as she looked around.

  “I’ve noticed,” Jayden said.

  “And frankly, it’s been too long since we’ve had time to rest or get a shower,” Phoenix added with a blush.

  “Both of those things sound heavenly,” Jayden said.

  “You know–”

  “Wait,” Jayden interrupted, his body going still while he stepped in front of Phoenix and went on alert.

  “What is it?” Phoenix asked in a slow whisper.

  “I’m not sure yet,” Jayden murmured with a frown. He turned to the right, staring at a thick patch of trees. Without further elaboration he moved toward the area, his footsteps silent.

  Phoenix followed behind him, keeping her distance while trying to avoid making a sound. Jayden was a lot better at it than she was, as she accidentally snapped a twig, making her cringe.

  After taking a moment to calm herself, she continued following Jayden, being more careful.

  He pressed himself against one of the trees and stood still, listening to the noises around them.

  “I hear breathing. It’s mortal,” Jayden said quietly, knowing he had worried Phoenix and wanting to assure her they would be okay.

  Jayden moved a tree branch to see who might be there. Human was a rather vague description. Was it a runaway, hiding from the soldiers? Was it an enemy soldier scouting the area?

  Deciding he needed a higher advantage point, he leapt into the air so that he could look past the trees without creating any noise. It didn’t take him long to find the mortal. Nestled into a tight ball on the ground was a young girl, no more than ten years old at the most. Her brown hair lay chaotically around her head like a halo. Her eyes were tightly closed, and goosebumps covered her pale skin. She was malnourished and looked like she had a fever.

  “What is it?” Phoenix whispered, knowing he would hear her even up in the sky. He took his time answering, and she was growing impatient.

  “Look for yourself,” Jayden called back. He hopped down and carefully pulled aside the branches so Phoenix could step through and see the tiny child.

  Phoenix immediately dropped to her knees, pain in her eyes at the sight before her.

  “Oh, Jayden. This breaks my heart,” Phoenix said. “How has she survived on her own? We can’t leave her here, you know that, and we can’t send her on the journey back to the base.”

  Phoenix was torn as to what to do. They hadn’t encountered such a young child before, not without adults being there to care for them.

  “I don’t want to leave her alone, but she might be in more danger with us,” Jayden said slowly, unsure of what to do.

  Every fiber of his being screamed at him to protect the little one, but where would she be the safest? Alone in the forest, or with them, trying to sabotage the enemy? Each of the scenarios had their own dangers. There were enemy soldiers, wild animals, and dark forces, and even normal environmental factors like falling trees and flooded rivers.

  “Maybe someone from camp can meet us and take her back,” Phoenix said. “I won’t leave her to be attacked by the enemy or some wild animal. It looks as if she’s starving to death.”

  “Of course, you’re right,” Jayden murmured.

  Jayden reached down and lifted the child. She didn’t move a muscle.

  “Let’s get her somewhere warm and then get some food in her. We’ll make plans after that.”

  They picked up their pace and began making their way toward the city once again. Little did they know they weren’t out of danger just yet.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Drake shot out of bed as soon as the alarm sounded next to him.

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t know,” he hurriedly told Elise as he dressed, armed himself, then rushed down the stairs, calling back at the last minute. “Lock the house and keep the children guarded. If there’s a fight, you know what to do.”

  With that, he was gone, knowing Elise wouldn’t want to, but she would use the secret getaway beneath the house and tunnel the children to safety if needed. She would want to stay, but she knew her first priority was to protect the children.

  His men were rushing to the front of the house. They knew the drill, and they were prepared to protect their community of well over two thousand.

  “Have we gotten a report from the tower?” Drake asked.

  “Yes, they say a large group of people are moving toward us.”

  “Enemy or friends?”

  “Don’t know yet, Sir,” his first lieutenant answered.

  “Let’s find out,” Drake told them.

  The men silently moved to the gates at the entrance to the property and waited behind the sturdy walls. They weren’t taking any chances.

  “Halt!” His man on the wall tower shouted down to the people stepping up to the gate. “State your intentions.”

  A female voice could be heard low and clear, and confident. “We’ve been sent here by Brian and Sadie. My group consists of three hundred, and we were forced to leave our home.”

  “How long ago did you speak with them?” his guard asked.

  Though they would double check this story, Drake already felt his body relaxing. Drake was a good judge of character. It had kept him alive a very long time. And her voice was that of a commander but not military.

  “I’m going out,” Drake shouted.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea yet, Sir,” his lieutenant said.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  He stepped to the side gate, opened it, and walked out. The ragged people standing behind the petite woman with her head held high looked nervous.

  “I’m Drake. I’m the leader of this operation,” he told the woman.

  “I’m Samantha. We had trouble with some forces and have nothing left. Sadie assured me I could bring my people here and they would be fed and taken care of,” Samantha said, defiance in her shoulders.

  “You don’t like getting handouts, do you?” Drake asked, fully relaxed now.

  “No. We intend to earn our keep,” she said, pride in her voice and eyes.

/>   “Then you’ve come to the right place,” he assured her before turning to his guard. “Open the gates.”

  The men didn’t argue. Within seconds the gates were open and Drake walked to Samantha.

  “Come with me. We’ll get you fed and temporarily sheltered for the night. Tomorrow we’ll start setting you up with permanent accommodations.”

  His lieutenant came up to him, and he sent him off to have the cooks prepare food.

  “This is quite an operation,” Samantha said as she gazed around in awe.

  “We’ve spent a lot of time making sure it’s secure while we bring more and more people to it,” he told her as he moved around to the gigantic covered dining area they’d created with a multitude of wooden tables and carved chairs.

  “How do you have enough resources for so many?” she asked.

  “We have hunters, doctors, woodworkers, electricians, and more. This is a small town now, and soon, it will grow even larger. We have another base that has grown to well over a thousand at this time. We plan to keep expanding. That’s why Phoenix, Jayden, Sadie, and Brian are out scouting. They send back people and supplies. We will end this war,” Drake assured her. “Tell your people to please have a seat. Food will be out shortly.”

  Samantha told her people to sit, and after several minutes warm soup and bread were brought out. Drake was satisfied to hear their happy sighs. He sent one of his men to let Elise know all was safe.

  The sun was beginning to rise by the time they got all the people settled, and Drake wrapped his arm around Elise’s waist as they walked into the house together.

  “We have maybe two hours before the kids wake up. Is it worth it to go back to bed?” Elise asked as they moved up the stairs.

  He turned and looked at her, a wicked smile on his lips. “Oh, darling, that is just enough time,” he said with a wink that made her giggle.

  Their stress faded away. And it turned out that was exactly enough time . . .

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “Darling, I think you’re right. I need to do something. I need to make this world right, once and for all,” Jessica stated, pacing through the throne room.

  Vyco was sitting on his old throne, though Jessica still thought he was the pathetic creature, Devon, who still annoyed him with his bickering thoughts that wouldn’t leave his head.

  Watching Jessica in amusement as she moved from one end of the room to the other, he couldn’t help but smile. If he had to watch a woman pacing, Jessica was certainly the one. She was quite the sight; seeing that booty shaking each and every time she turned was a pleasant reminder of the times they had spent together in the past.

  “You’ve already said this before. Several times. Make it happen, if that is what you want,” Vyco responded simply.

  Finding her and bringing her into the underworld was one of the smartest decisions he’d ever made, and it was one that would truly pay out the most in the end. She certainly wasn’t loyal, but she was stupid and manipulative enough to be helpful.

  Now if he could get her to do his bidding, his plan to return would end perfectly in his favor. Vyco would have a quick and easy way to retain his position of power upon the throne where he now sat.

  “When should this happen? Should we do it today?” Jessica asked, her impatience almost endearing, if he were able to care. “Wouldn’t it be fantastic to take over as ruler right now?”

  She gazed at him, and he knew she was trying to gauge his opinion, desperately wanting approval. She really was a follower. He wondered how she’d ever imagined she’d have made a decent leader. She was never doing anything for herself, always looking for acceptance. What a sad existence.

  “How about a week? Gain approval from the underworld, have time to prepare, and when it comes it will be a hard hit, a hit that won’t fail,” Vyco suggested.

  He needed more time. He was certainly strong enough to possess Devon, but his full powers hadn’t yet returned.

  He wanted to use the raid on the council as time for the underworld to take over the universe. He needed to visit his body and absorb the power to allow the process to fully merge, but the time had to be right. He needed more strength to complete the process, and to find a good doppelganger once more. Those were not the easiest to come by, after all.

  Jessica contemplated Vyco’s suggestion before letting out a sigh. ”You’re right, Devon, as usual. I just really want this to happen. It’s so unbelievable. I was a pathetic mortal, and soon I’ll be immortal, and the mate of the leader of the universe!”

  He wanted to tell her how pathetic she still was, but he kept that to himself.

  You’re just as pathetic as she is to think you will pull this off.

  “Shut up!” he thundered.

  “What?” Jessica asked, stopping in her tracks.

  “That wasn’t meant for you,” Vyco snapped.

  Jessica looked confused but she was so self-centered she continued her pacing while mumbling to herself.

  You’re beginning to crack — to make mistakes. Devon’s laughter echoed through his head.

  “And soon you will be nothing more than a distant memory,” Vyco whispered, relishing the thought.

  If I’m gone, you’ll be gone with me, and the sacrifice will be well worth it. Phoenix will be protected.

  “I will kill her even if it’s with my last breath. She will either choose to be my bride, or she will die,” Vyco snarled.

  Jessica wasn’t paying the least bit of attention to him.

  “Oh, I felt your heart leap at that. You want to possess her so badly you’d be willing to have her even if it’s through me. That’s precious,” Vyco taunted.

  You’re a fool. You won’t have her, and you won’t have me. Devon was getting angrier.

  “I’ll have both, and so much more.”

  “Did you say something?” Jessica asked as she stepped closer.

  “I was just thinking about you, darling. Soon you will have all you want and more,” Vyco promised. That made her beam.

  Of course he was lying. She wasn’t who he cared about. She was a pathetic means to an end one he would gladly dispose of when he was finished with her.

  Sitting, he pushed Devon back, the man’s words no more than a whisper as he planned his takeover. He could almost say he was happy right then. If he could feel actual happiness, that was.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  “Hold her,” Jayden demanded, suddenly serious. Phoenix jumped, a bit shocked by the sudden loud command.

  Without thinking Phoenix grabbed the precious child from Jayden’s arms, knowing he wouldn’t have commanded her like that unless it was of utmost importance. She felt blood rush from her face, terrified that something was going wrong. Were they suddenly unsafe? What could have caused it?

  The young girl was still out. She must have been exhausted, because jostling from the ground to Jayden’s arms, walking around, and then going from Jayden to Phoenix’s arms didn’t seem like it would be an easy thing to sleep through.

  It probably helped that she had more warmth now with the two of them holding her. The poor thing barely weighed anything at all, not too surprising considering how hard it would be for her to find food alone and on the run.

  “Jayden, what is it?” Phoenix asked.

  Jayden looked stunned, and seeing him look so helpless terrified Phoenix. His head twisted from side to side as he looked around. Phoenix tried to follow what he was seeing, but all she noticed were trees swaying in the breeze.

  “We’re surrounded,” Jayden whispered.

  Phoenix felt a cold chill move through her body. She quickly glanced around, trying to see something she might have missed while scouting on their walk, but still she saw nothing.

  Despite that, she knew Jayden well enough to know he wasn’t mistaken. Somehow they were being ambushed, and judging by Jayden’s reaction, he wasn’t sure if they would m
ake it through. This couldn’t be a human attack.

  “I spy with my little eye, three helpless victims,” a female voice cackled, stepping out from behind a bush on their side.

  She was frightening to look upon. Her hair was wild, full and curly, and as black as midnight. She wore dark fluttering clothes, helping her meld into the night.

  “I wouldn’t say helpless,” Jayden responded.

  Maybe if they were scared of what he could do they’d be deterred from attacking. He’d been second-in-command to Vyco during his long stay in the underworld. Every creature who dwelled within that realm knew exactly who he was and just how deadly he could be if he chose.

  “Maybe not always helpless, but certainly helpless right now,” the being responded, a grin filling her face. “Look at all who face you!” From the shadows, body after body emerged. There were more than Phoenix could count, all surrounding them.

  Phoenix gazed ahead, feeling helpless. She knew Josiah had blessed her with power, but she didn’t think there was enough between her and Jayden to take on such a large group of evil forces, all staring at them with evil, bloodthirsty eyes.

  Phoenix felt her breathing quicken, as she worried about the child she held. How could they have done this to the poor little girl? If they had just left her alone, she might not be in this situation, she might live through the night. But then again, these creatures might have found her where she laid too.

  “Jayden,” Phoenix whispered. “I love you.”

  Phoenix saw a look of dread on Jayden’s face as he slowly faded, and everything went black.

  Chapter Thirty-Four



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