Phoenix Rising

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Phoenix Rising Page 12

by Anne, Melody

  “We better work hard to get this ball rolling then, because I can’t wait to start my true life with you. I want a permanent home with a beautiful blonde girl who is a clone of you running around the yard,” Brian said.

  “I haven’t even thought about having children,” Sadie said slowly, looking into Brian’s eyes to gauge how he truly felt about the topic. “I wouldn’t want to bring them up in this environment, but under different circumstances, that would be a dream come true.”

  “It will happen, my love. There’s nothing I won’t give you,” he assured her.

  She sighed as he kissed her, showing her how much he truly loved her.

  “As much as I want to stay right where we are, my mother is going to kill us if we don’t leave the room soon. She’s probably pacing the kitchen now.”

  Brian grumbled, but the two got up and walked down the hallway.

  “Sadie,” Megan exclaimed, jumping up from her seat and rushing toward the door as soon as her daughter entered the kitchen. “I’ve been waiting all morning for the two of you to join us! I made breakfast.”

  “Mom,” Sadie joyously replied, embracing her mother. It felt like centuries since the two of them had been together.

  “How is the group we sent doing?” Sadie asked.

  “Look outside,” Megan responded with a grin. “Those children are loving their new playmates.”

  Sadie went over to the window and watched as a large swarm of children ran from one end of the field to the other. She wondered what they were playing. Were they lost in imagination, pretending to be in other parts of the world? What a wonder, that their imaginations still allowed them to be anything from pirates to fish in the deep blue sea. She missed being a child.

  “I’m so happy it’s going well for them. They need peace after what they’ve been through,” Brian said as he gazed at the happy group outside the window.

  Since he and Sadie had spoken about children, the idea wouldn’t exit his mind. How completely wonderful would it be to have a child with the woman he loved? Sadie rubbed Brian’s back, and sent him a bashful blush, knowing exactly what was going through his mind.

  “We will make it happen,” Sadie promised, reaching down and grasping his hand.

  “You aren’t planning to leave so soon after I just got you back, are you?” Megan asked with a frown.

  “We will probably head out tomorrow night,” Sadie responded slowly. “Don’t be upset, Mom, please.” Megan tried to smile, but her face looked sad.

  “I know you have a job to do. I’m just worried. I’m your mother; it’s my job to worry.”

  “I know. I love you all the more for it,” Sadie responded.

  She released Brian’s hand and pulled her mom into another hug, relishing in the comfort her mother gave her by just being there. She had this magic touch that Sadie hoped to have when she became a mother someday.

  “Don’t you worry about us,” Brian cut in. He pulled the two of them into a hug and leaned his head closer. “I plan to give your daughter the marriage of her dreams. We will have a family, and you will be the best grandmother any child could ever want. We just have to make circumstances work for us, first,” Brian whispered.

  It took a while to get her mother to allow them out of her sight, but finally Brian and Sadie made it outside.

  “It probably wasn’t the wisest decision to tell my mother we’re ready to start having children,” she told him.

  “She needs hope right now, and there’s no greater hope than a new generation,” Brian said with a simple shrug.

  “I suppose you’re right,” Sadie conceded. “But you should be aware now that you’ve uttered the baby word we won’t hear the end of it until it comes true. We might be hearing comments for years to come.”

  “I can handle that,” Brian said with a grin.

  “Of course you can because you’re perfect.”

  “Exactly. Just like we’re going to handle this problem with the world, starting by talking with Samantha,” Brian replied, pointedly tilting his head in the distance where Samantha rested with several of the people she’d traveled with.

  “Samantha,” Sadie called out in greeting.

  She firmly gripped Brian’s hand and tugged him toward the other woman. “Just the person we were looking for.”

  “Your home is truly lovely,” Samantha said as soon as they were within talking distance.

  “Thank you so much. This is really Elise’s home, but she is a blessing to us all and has opened the area up for anyone who needs it. I take it that works well for the rest of your group?” Brian questioned.

  “It works remarkably for my group. I’ve never seen the children so playful and carefree. The adults are happy to be able to socialize with more people, and it is such a treat to have a beautiful home with amazing food,” Samantha responded happily. “But I wanted to ask, do you plan to go back out again?”

  “Yes, we leave tomorrow. We won’t stop until this country is free and we can live in peace once more,” Sadie responded immediately.

  “Several members of my group want to join you. None of us would be content to sit at camp while people around us are dying. We need to make a difference, and we need to be a part of the process toward freedom.”

  “It’s okay to take some time to rest. You’ve been fighting a lot longer than we have. Nobody expects you to come out and fight,” Sadie said.

  “This is what I need to do,” Samantha said quickly. “Because of this war, because of these soldiers, I have to go through the rest of my life knowing I’m suddenly an orphan and an only child. If I can spare even one other person that same suffering, then I will do anything within my power to give mercy.”

  Sadie understood where she was coming from. They all had lost too much. There were so many lives ripped apart.

  “We would love to have your aid,” Brian said, reaching out a hand and clasping his with hers. “From here on out we are teammates, working toward the same goal, creating a difference in this place we call home.”

  “Thank you,” Samantha whispered.

  “Take some time to say goodbye to those you need to and gather the ones coming with us. We’ll meet you tomorrow morning.”

  They separated and Sadie tried to remain strong when all she really wanted to do was fall to pieces.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  I haven’t told Jayden this, but sometimes I wake up from my nightmares absolutely terrified. I have to glance around and ground myself back to reality. I have to see him and realize he’s still with me and that it wasn’t a dream. A terrible and wonderful dream.

  The love I found in these dark times seems too good to be true. It seems crazy that it happened, and to me of all people. Sometimes I don’t feel like I deserve it. Why was I chosen by Josiah? Am I good enough for Jayden? Why did Vyco take an interest in me? These are just some of the things I don’t understand, and I wonder if I will ever get an answer to them.

  Phoenix looked around in confusion, feeling disoriented. Where was Jayden? Hadn’t they been in the forest just a second ago? Weren’t they in danger? Jayden had said they were in danger.

  Trying to brush off the confusion, Phoenix took time to study her surroundings. They were nothing like where she’d just been standing. She stood atop a tall cliff, barren of trees. The edge of the cliff dropped off steadily and ended with jagged rocks, steadily slammed by strong ocean waves.

  But how? Phoenix and Jayden had been making their way away from the ocean. She shouldn’t be here. It didn’t make sense.

  “Jayden?” she shouted, hoping he would respond, that he would hear her. There wasn’t even a rustle. It was like he’d left her alone. But he would never willingly do that.

  Phoenix glanced away from the cliff’s edge and began walking down the hilly slope. The mountainside was barren, and it made Phoenix feel on edge; it made her feel utterly alone.

  A silhouette flickered in
the distance. Phoenix hesitated before deciding she needed answers more than she needed to be fearful. With her decision made she sprinted toward the image.

  As she moved closer the feeling that something was wrong grew tenfold. It wasn’t just anyone that stood before her. It wasn’t anyone Phoenix hoped, or even thought she would ever see again. There, grinning like the cat who got the mouse, stood Vyco.

  “You’re supposed to be dead,” Phoenix murmured, staring at his figure in shock. She wasn’t prepared for this. After watching Johnathan stab him she’d thought her problems concerning him were over.

  “Wouldn’t you like that, darling?” Vyco taunted, stepping a bit closer. “You must have been so overjoyed to watch that puny brother of yours step on a high horse and knock me down. Too bad it didn’t last.”

  “Why are you here? Why did you bring me here?” Phoenix demanded.

  “Do I need a reason to see my favorite girl? I was just dying to let you know the good news, my love.”

  “Stop! I don’t want to see you. I don’t want to be with you.”

  “Now what would be the fun in that?”

  “Stop playing with me. What do you want?”

  “I want everything that I’ve always wanted, little girl. I want to watch this pathetic world Josiah created crumble. I want to watch your world fall apart as everything you hold near and dear disappears and dies. I want to crush the life out of your soul. Normal things,” Vyco responded with a chuckle, amused as the blood left Phoenix’s face, turning it an ashen color.

  It was so good to feel powerful and be in control once more. It had been too long since he’d experienced that feeling.

  “Jayden, please get me. Please help. Jayden, I need you,” Phoenix murmured, staring into the sky, and praying Jayden would get her out of this nightmare. She didn’t think she could handle the presence of Vyco much longer.

  “Oh. Poor Phoenix can’t even handle a little banter,” Vyco taunted.

  Phoenix ignored him and continued to quietly call for Jayden, tensing harder as more and more time elapsed without any aid offered. Could he not hear her? Was he unable to offer help? Had he been injured? Would she be stuck in this dream world that Vyco created, stuck with him forever?

  She felt herself begin to panic, feeling tears appear in the corners of her eyes before a warm presence enveloped her. Without a second thought Phoenix drifted into the warmth, and closed her eyes, allowing it to take her away.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  “Alaric, so nice to see you,” Johnathan said with a predatory grin. He moved down the hallway toward the terrified minion, minimizing the distance between them in seconds.

  “What are you doing back so soon, My Lord? We weren’t expecting you for quite some time. Jessica implied you were preoccupied,” Alaric stuttered, pouring out questions in a jumbled, nervous mess, practically shaking in his boots.

  He knew Jessica didn’t want any interruptions in the throne room now, especially from Johnathan, but he couldn’t make enemies with such a powerful being. He was terrified Johnathan would harm him. And even if Alaric wanted to block Johnathan’s entrance, he wasn’t a fool. He knew exactly who held more power.

  “I don’t think you’re in any position to be asking questions. Not after I trusted and appointed you to guard the throne room, and to pay me back you followed Jessica’s whims to betray me,” Johnathan whispered threateningly, inches from Alaric’s face.

  Alaric went white. Jessica had promised him that Johnathan would never know. She had promised him rewards beyond his wildest imagination, yet it seemed that all he would receive was punishment.

  “My lord, I didn’t know what to do. I thought I was supposed to listen to Jessica fully and completely,” Alaric pleaded, falling to his knees and grasping Johnathan’s pants in an attempt to beg for mercy.

  “Get off of me. You’re pathetic,” Johnathan hissed, kicking Alaric off him. “I won’t have your filth tainting me. And I won’t have a lowly being as you, lying to my face.”

  “I’m sorry, My Lord. I will do anything,” Alaric begged.

  “Yes, you will if I give you a second chance,” Johnathan murmured. “Don’t move. I’ll be back.”

  Alaric curled into a ball where he lay, not risking angering Johnathan any more than he already was.

  Johnathan kicked him again as he moved past him to the door. Without hesitation Johnathan pressed one palm on each double door before throwing open the doors. He reveled in the loud crash that echoed throughout the room.

  “Miss me?” he asked loudly, glancing around. The room décor hadn’t changed. At least Jessica hadn’t begun to customize the underworld to her liking.

  No, the only differences Johnathan noted were the occupants. Several minions were standing around the room, several breeds of evil, John noted, coincidentally a leader in each faction of the underworld. What a shocker.

  He made sure to make eye contact with any being who dared to glance his way, feeling satisfied when they all looked down in subservience.

  “Johnathan!” Jessica exclaimed, not able to hide the flash of panic. “You’re back early. I expected you’d be gone much longer.”

  “What? Don’t want me back here to keep you company?” Johnathan asked, not missing his chance to mess with her.

  “Of course I want you back with me. I missed you being here, keeping me company, doing such a good job of reining in the whims of the underworld,” Jessica immediately responded, finally regaining her composure.

  She truly was a master of manipulation. If Johnathan hadn’t eavesdropped and gained knowledge from the followers earlier, he might not have realized there was something wrong.

  “Then what is this? A secret meeting? Why am I not a participant?” Johnathan questioned, allowing the anger that had been simmering beneath the surface to slowly rise.

  He was quite angry she’d lie to him in such an outright manner, and in front of so many of his followers. Her attempt at portraying him as a weak leader was pathetic and inept.

  “I just wanted to talk to a few of your followers. I was feeling lonely and abandoned in this giant room all by myself,” she said with her custom pout. “They were telling me more of their horrendous stories. The power rush from hearing it all is positively intoxicating,” Jessica finished with a purr.

  Sexuality was definitely her forte. It was her main weapon to use against powerful men, since she didn’t have a vast supply of her own power.

  “Leave,” Johnathan demanded, glancing at the group of followers gathered around. He didn’t need an audience for what he had planned.

  “Sending away my friends? Don’t do that,” Jessica said with a pout, angry as they quickly poured out of the room, completely ignoring the fact that she wanted them there. Why did they listen to Johnathan when he was here, over her? She’d gotten used to being the one in power.

  She loved being the person who all of the followers listened to, and it made her angry that Johnathan could simply waltz into the room after being gone for so long and they immediately listened to him as if they were all his puppets.

  Soon that would change. Soon she would show them all just who had control in this situation.

  “Don’t complain. It’s unbecoming, and I’m not in the mood,” Johnathan demanded, stomping into the room and slamming the door behind him so the two of them were alone. “Now let’s get to business.”

  “What do you mean by that? I don’t know of any business we should discuss,” Jessica stuttered, wondering what he knew.

  Johnathan was angry and moody on a regular basis, but this anger was different, and quite a bit more terrifying. This anger was uncontrolled, untamable.

  “Get out of my chair, Jessica,” Johnathan demanded.

  He moved toward the throne, and she quickly leapt up, not just to listen to his command, but to put herself into a less vulnerable position with him so close. He was already in such a bad mood she di
dn’t want to risk his anger coming down on her. What had caused it this time? Phoenix!

  It had to be Phoenix.

  “What’s wrong, darling?” Jessica finally asked. She hated not knowing anything. The unknown was a dangerous subject. Knowledge was key to power. Knowledge was what gave her the power to manipulate people to her advantage. It gave her the ability to survive even under the worst of situations.

  “I think the question should be, what are you attempting to hide from me?” Johnathan retorted, circling Jessica as though he were a predator who was about to attack.

  Jessica would have been okay if it had been a sexual attack, but she wasn’t quite sure how to handle what was going on.

  “Teammates don’t hide things from each other,” Jessica responded quickly, feeling panicked. What did he know?

  “Then do you consider yourself above me, Jessica? Do you think I’m stupid? Because I happen to have sources who have told me some pretty big secrets,” Johnathan threatened, loosely wrapping one large hand around Jessica’s throat, reveling in the feeling of power as she swallowed, feeling the soft skin beneath his fingers, and the all too vulnerable pulse of her heart that he could easily rip out.

  “What do you know?” Jessica finally asked.

  “My sources seem to have told me about a private little meeting you conducted. A meeting you intended and planned for me to be unaware of,” Johnathan said, watching Jessica carefully for any reaction. She was good. She remained impassive in his grasp. “Sound familiar?” he prodded, tightening his fingers and loving the rush of her quickened heartbeat.

  “I might recall it,” Jessica finally conceded, shifting from foot to foot.

  “Oh? Finally jolted your memory, did I?” Johnathan said while looking into her eyes. “So you want a new world order, with you on top of the chain. Not a likely scenario. You are weak and a bottom grubber. That is a fact of life, and it will never change,” Johnathan said coldly, feeling satisfied in anything that would tear her down and place him on top. Feeling powerful was the only thing that made him feel any sort of emotion that didn’t make him crushingly weak, and the sensation was too euphoric to let go of.


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