Blackmark (The Kingsmen Chronicles #1): An Epic Fantasy Adventure Sword and Highland Magic

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Blackmark (The Kingsmen Chronicles #1): An Epic Fantasy Adventure Sword and Highland Magic Page 67

by Jean Lowe Carlson


  Talim enenya khoum vhris.

  We mean you harm none. (We mean you no harm.)


  Alrashemni Kingsmen:

  Elohl den’Alrahel – First-Lieutenant of the High Brigade, twin to Olea

  Olea den’Alrahel – Captain-General of the Palace Guard, twin to Elohl, Fourth Captain of the Realm

  Ghrenna den’Tanuk – Kingswoman, a thief

  Dherran den’Lhust – Kingsman, a prize-fighter

  Suchinne den’Thaon – Kingswoman (deceased)

  Vargen den’Khalderian – A silversmith, Kingsman-in-hiding

  Roushenn Palace:

  Elyasin den’Ildrian – Dhenra and heir to the throne of Alrou-Mendera

  Uhlas den’Ildrian – King of Alrou-Mendera (deceased)

  Alden den’Ildrian – Dhenir of Alrou-Mendera (deceased)

  Lhaurent den’Karthus – King’s Castellan

  Jherrick den’Tharn – Corporal in the Guard

  Aldris den’Farahan – Second-Lieutenant of the Guard

  Fenton den’Kharel – First-Lieutenant of the Guard

  Theroun den’Vekir – King’s Chancellor, ex-General, Black Viper of the Aphellian Way

  Thaddeus den’Lhor – Secretary to Chancellor Theroun

  Evshein den’Lhamann – Head Chancellor

  Rudaric den’Ghen – King’s Chancellor

  Arthe den’Tourmalin – King of the Tourmaline Isles

  Khouren Alodwine – The Ghost of Roushenn

  First Abbey of Lintesh:

  Brother Temlin den’Ildrian – Second Historian of the Jenners

  Abbot Lhem den'Ulio – Abbot of the Jenners

  Abbess Lenuria den'Brae – Abbess of the Jenners

  Mollia den'Lhorissian – A Seer of the Jenners

  High Brigade:

  Ihbram den’Sennia – Second-Hand to Elohl

  Wereth den’Bhariye – A troublemaker

  Eleshen den’Fenrir – An innkeeper

  Arlus den’Pell – Captain of the High Brigade


  Grump – Friend to Dherran

  Khenria den’Bhaelen – Friend to Dherran

  Muk – A horse

  Merrow – A horse

  Vicoute Arlen den'Selthir – Vicoute of Vennet


  Luc den’Orrisian – A thief of the Fhouria Thieves’ Consortium

  Gherris den’Mal – A thief of the Fhouria Thieves’ Consortium, once Kingskinder

  Shara den’Lhoruhan – A thief of the Fhouria Thieves’ Consortium, defector from the Fleetrunners


  Therel Alramir – King of the Highlands

  Lhesher Khoum – Highsword to King Therel

  Devresh Khir – First Sword of Elsthemen

  Hahled Ferrian – One of the Brother Kings of Elsthemen


  The Vhinesse – Queen of Valenghia



  Lintesh (The King’s City) – City at the base of the Kingsmount

  Watercourse Gate – Gate of Lintesh that leads to the Elhambria Forest

  Elhambria Forest – Aka the Kingswood - by Lintesh, contains an Alran-stone in a grotto with a spring

  Elhambrian Valley – Valley at the edge of Lintesh

  Elhambrian River (The Kingsriver) – River on the border of Alrou-Mendera and Elsthemen

  Elesk (The Kingsmount) – By Lintesh

  The Eleskis (The Kingsmountains) – Border of Valenghia and Elsthemen

  Elsee – Lake in the Eleskis

  Alrashesh – First Court of the Alrashemni (Kingsmen), a city

  Valdhera – Second Court of the Alrashemni in Alrou-Mendera, a city

  Dhemman – Third Court of the Alrashemni in Alrou-Mendera, a city

  Kepsburg-on-the-Rhine – Ruins, a safe-house for the Alrashemni

  High Camp – High Brigade base camp, on the Elsee

  Arden – A city on the coast of Alrou-Mendera

  Vennet – A city on the eastern bogs, home of Vicoute Arlen den’Selthir

  Rhaventia – A city in central Alrou-Mendera

  Quelsis – A city in the foothills of Alrou-Mendera

  Fhouria – A city in southwestern Alrou-Mendera, home of Ghrenna's Consortium

  Thalanout Plain – Where most of the fighting is against Valenghia

  Aphellian Way – Site of the Black Viper's slaughter

  Lheshen Valley – In the mountains near Quelsis, has seen vicious fighting, now well-protected

  Gerrov-Tel (Mount Gerrov) – Ruins in the Kingsmountains, site of Haled's Stone

  Gerthoun – City on the border of Elsthemen and Alrou-Mendera

  Lhennian – City on the plains of Alrou-Mendera


  The Deephouse – A natural cavern, now a tavern in the bowels of Roushenn

  Small Hall – A meeting-room in the palace for dignitaries and small events

  Viewing Gallery – A portrait gallery in the palace

  West Guardhouse – The Captain’s guardhouse

  West Armory – Antiquities hall under Roushenn

  Great Hall – Aka the Throne Hall, site of large events

  Royal Galleries – A portrait gallery of the royal line

  Greenhouse – Indoor palace gardens

  Dawn Room – Private area for the King’s family

  Receiving Hall – Main reception hall at Roushenn’s entrance

  Dressing Gallery – Dressing for royal events

  Central Plaza – Main fountain and trade plaza in the city


  Lhen Fhekran – Capitol city of Elsthemen

  Fhekran Palace – Therel Alramir's palace at Lhen Fhekran

  Kherven Valley (Valley of Doors) – Leads from Alrou-Mendera to Lhen Fhekran, has ancient ruins


  Velkennish – Capitol city of Valenghia

  Palace of the Vhinesse – The White Palace in Velkennish


  Straits of Luthor – Straits through the Isles

  Isle of Luthor – Capitol island of the seven Tourmaline Isles


  Cennetia, Praough – Nations annexed by Valenghia

  Thuruman (Cape of Lost Hope) – Far eastern nation

  Ghrec (Sea of Ghrec, Ghreccan Desert) – Far eastern nation

  Lhemvian Isles – Islands in the Archipelago of Crasos

  Crasos – Island to the west of Cennetia

  Jadoun, Perthe – Southwest countries to Alrou-Mendera

  Unaligned Lands – To the northeast, nomadic lands


  Aeon – God of the Air, like Zeus

  Aeon’s sack – A curse

  Alrashemni Kingsmen – Elite fighters and peacekeepers sworn to the King of Alrou-Mendera

  Arawein – A grain, like amaranth

  Bales – How straw and raw goods are measured

  Barreloak – A stout timber tree of Alrou-Mendera

  Blackmark – A derogatory slur used for Kingsmen, refers to the mountain and stars Inking

  Byrunstone (Bluestone) – Common bluegrey stone in Alrou-Mendera

  Carrow-deer – A small deer in Alrou-Mendera, like a gazelle

  Cendarie – Like a cedar tree

  Centime – Unit of money, like a penny

  Chandria – Yellow mushrooms, edible, grow in woods

  Chirus Alrashemni (Alrashemni Inking) – “Dedicated of the Land” received after Eighth Seal

  Claw-feet – Like crampons for climbing

  Consortium – An operating group of thieves in each major city

  Courhe den’Byrune – “Heart of Bluestone”, Ghrenna’s nickname from her team

  Dragon-snaps – Like a snap-pea, but wild, edible

  Eldunne – Like an elder tree

  Eloi – A fast-climbing lizard, like a gecko

  Essenac – A pain-dampening herb
  Fennewith – A drug that is smoked, like opium, seeds can also be chewed, like fennel

  First through Eighth Seal – Rites of passage for the Alrashemni, start at age 14, end at 21

  Ghennie – A slur, refers to idle lordlings

  Halsos – Lord of the Underworld, like Hades

  Hecane – A measurement of mass, like a ton

  High Alrakhan – The ancient Alrashemni language

  Highsummer – Summer solstice

  Holy Penitence – A curse

  Hopt-ale – Like beer

  Hopt-blume – Like hops

  Jenner’s Penitent – An order of monks in Lintesh at the First Abbey

  Karthor – A vengeful god of war, like Aries

  Keshar – A large battle-cat/saber-tooth cat, like a cougar but huge

  Khehemni – A shadowy faction in opposition to the Alrashemni

  Kingskinder – Children of the Alrashemni, not yet 21

  Kipper-flisk – A river fish, like trout

  League – Mile (measurement)

  Leavonswood, bairn, ironwood – Different kinds of trees

  Lhoru-butter – Like yak butter

  Mellon-blume wine – A sweet wine

  Mitlass – A type of wild-game stew

  Oaths of Reinstatement – Oaths Alrashemni take before the King upon their Eight Seal at age 21

  Oilcloak – Used to keep the rain off in the mountains

  Pay the Fifth Price – An Alrashemni Kingsman threat, killing five people for a transgression

  Rou – Currency of Alrou-Mendera, like the dollar

  Seeproot, vheldan, morris-blossom – More herbs for medicine, from the southwest

  Shouf – A trade grain from Alrou-Mendera

  Summons of the Kingsmen – Historical event ten years prior

  The Lothren – High council of the Khehemni

  The Red Valor – The high brigade regiment of Valenghia

  Threllis – A drug that is smoked, like marijuana with cocaine

  Travelers – Like gypsies, put on plays and stories

  Vellas-wine – A wine from Praough

  Wesl-root, thranac-leaf, bitterbark – Herbs for medicine, from the Isles

  Yegovian cider – A strong pear cider, like brandy

  Yhulen-thorn – Like a holly bush, but more prickly

  Ranks of Lords (Least to Greatest):

  Dhepan – Mayor of a town/city

  Vicoute/Vicenne – A lower Viscount, manages a moderate area around cities/townships

  Couthis/Couthenna – A higher Count, manages large areas including multiple cities

  Duchev/Duchevy – A Duke/Duchess, manages major sections of the nation

  Chancellor (King’s Chancellor) – Advisers to the king

  Dhenir/Dhenra – Prince/Princess of Alrou-Mendera

  King/Queen – Monarch of Alrou-Mendera

  Alrou-Mendera War Brigades:

  High Brigade – Operate in the highest mountains in the Valenghian border

  Longvalley Brigade – Operate in a well-protected valley on the Valenghian border

  Fleetrunners – Messengers at the Valenghian border

  Stone Valley Brigade – Special tactical unit, fierce fighters, called in where necessary


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