Wolf Protector_A Wild Security Book

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Wolf Protector_A Wild Security Book Page 1

by Ruby Forrest

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Wolf Protector

  A WILD Security Book

  Ruby Forrest

  Join my Ruby Forrest Moonlight Lovers list, for all things paranormal… and dirty: http://bit.ly/2AZ6NW9

  WARNING: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults ONLY.

  Please ensure this book is stored somewhere that cannot be accessed by underage readers.

   Copyright 2018 by Ruby Forrest - All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

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  Table of Contents

  Wolf Protector

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Wolf Protector

  Chapter 1

  Mary-Ann felt the bus shake beneath her, shuddering as it moved along the road, bouncing and jostling her as they went along. She sighed and leaned against the window, feeling the cool glass press against her cheek.

  It had been so long since she had ridden a bus, and the thought sent a spike of excitement and anxiety twisting up her stomach and shivering through her body. Everything was new here. In her old town, she always took the car, or had her father drive her. There were no major busses, so this was new and Mary-Ann only remembered the distant hum of her school bus from childhood.

  She tugged on her skirt, shifting and making sure that the bodice of her dress was fitting okay. She had taken forever to get ready this morning and it didn’t seem to have helped her nerves at all. She swallowed them back. This wasn’t her first day of work. This was at least her fourth, but it didn’t get any less frightening as time went on.

  Mary-Ann was in a new town, with a brand new job. Fresh out of college, she was new to the workforce, aside from a few jobs that she had taken during college, to pay her own way. She shifted in her seat again as the city whirred past her. Such a huge city, such a big place to be and so much to see and to do. She felt nerves shudder through her.

  It was beautiful. Her job was amazing and she was very, very lucky to be able to work in such an amazing place. Mary-Ann swallowed and fixed a smile on her face. There was only one problem- she didn’t know anybody here! Her father had been the one who suggested that she apply for the job, and she had done so on a whim. She had not expected to actually get the position and she was surprised and stunned that they wanted her to start work right away.

  It had been a hectic month of finding an apartment in the city, getting settled in and moved and ready for work. But now she was here, settled half way across the country and happy to be here. Mary-Ann’s hand strayed to the pendant that she wore on her neck, the chain light on her skin and the metal warm from wear.

  Mary-Ann never took it off. It was her mother’s pendant, after all. She had given it to Mary-Ann before she passed and Mary-Ann never, ever wanted to let it go, let it slip from her neck. She smiled, feeling comforted by its presence. She wasn’t really as alone as she thought that she was.

  The bus pulled up and Mary-Ann realized that they had reached her stop. She got up, stepping through the aisles and making her way to the door. She thanked the driver and stepped out, bag in hand. The doors shuddered shut behind her and Mary-Ann heard the roar of the engine as the bus tore away. She smiled and tilted her face upwards, feeling the warm glow of the sun against her skin, comforting and soft.

  The weather here had been glorious so far, but Mary-Ann had been told that it could change in the blink of an eye. Mary-Ann walked the block it took her to get to work, stopping off and grabbing herself a coffee from a cute café. She decided that she needed something to settle her nerves and make herself feel a little bit better before work. After all, she was hoping to have this job for a while- she couldn’t have butterflies every day of her life.

  With the warm, sweet coffee in hand, Mary-Ann felt more settled. She headed into the building, stepping into the elevator. Before it shut, a man stepped in beside her.

  Mary-Ann felt her stomach tighten at the sight of him. She recognized him instantly- he was working security in the building. He was a big guy. Broad shoulders and defined arms, with tattoos curling from beneath the sleeves of his shirt. He wore black, and something about the way he held himself told Mary-Ann that he had had some serious training.

  He looked formidable, with sharp, copper colored eyes and a burning stare. His hair was dark and neat, and his features were strong and handsome. There was something about him that made Mary-Ann shiver.

  There was a predatory gait to his movement, a strength in his muscles and a barely restrained power that threatened to break loose. And then, there was perfect control, perfect balance and a silent watchfulness.

  Mary-Ann wasn’t sure if she felt exceptionally safe around him, or exceptionally worried. He was dangerous. Mary-Ann knew that, and yet the scent of him in such close quarters had her leaning against the elevator wall, trying to keep her balance.

  He barely glanced at her, save for to nod, and then went black to looking ahead of himself. Mary-Ann could see the way his muscles bunched slightly beneath his shirt, ready to move in an instant. Mary-Ann wasn’t sure why, but she was suddenly feeling very hot and very flushed. She sneaked a glance at his name badge. Alister.

  She swallowed. The name seemed right for him somehow, a little bit edgy, a little bit dangerous.

  The elevator slid open and Alister waited for her to step out. Then he followed behind, turning down the hall, no doubt doing his duty and performing his rounds. Mary-Ann felt a little giddy, feeling a rush of endorphins shudder through her body.

  She swallowed, adjusted her skirt and tried to hide the way her face was now flushed, hurrying down the hallway and to her desk. She signed in, slid into her cubicle and grabbed the water bottle that she had tucked into her bag. Taking a quick, deep sip, Mary-Ann tried to steady her nerves.

  She wasn’t used to a man making her feel that way, especially one that she didn’t know from a bar of soap. He just worked security in the building- nothing special, nothing to get so damn worked up over.

  She flicked on her computer and checked her paperwork for the day. She had quit
e a bit to get through. Mary-Ann loved her marketing job. She loved taking on new clients, generating more sales, and chasing the leads. She loved creating content that could boost the sales and manage a product effectively.

  She loved her job and it was easy to get lost in it, now that the nerves were easing and subsiding into a manageable glow. It wasn’t until Jennie knocked on her cubicle, that Mary-Ann felt the butterflies slip back in. Jennie was a nice girl about her age, also working in the company. She wasn’t that much more experienced in the company, but she was friendly to Mary-Ann and, in such a new place, it was exactly what Mary-Ann wanted.

  Mary-Ann smiled as she entered and Jennie didn’t waste any time. A sly smile slid across her face and she smirked, “You came in looking a bit flushed, Mary-Ann…what was all that about?” She leaned against the wall, looking Mary-Ann over, and her eyes sparking with humor.

  Mary-Ann blushed and shrugged, “It’s warm out there.”

  “Oh no, not that warm.” Jennie grinned, “You rode the elevator with Alister, didn’t you?”

  “What?” Mary-Ann squeaked, unsure how her friend had gotten it so right, so quickly.

  Jennie laughed, “It’s written all over your face. That, and I saw you guys.” She grinned and leaned over, “Cute, isn’t he?”

  Mary-Ann shrugged, “If you’re into muscle heads.”

  “Oh, but I heard he had brains as well as brawn.” Jennie smiled.

  “Oh?” Mary-Ann blushed.

  “Mhmm. I heard he used to be a Navy Seal, before he got into the security business.”

  That was believable, actually. It sent a shiver through Mary-Ann. So he was as skilled and as dangerous as she had first thought. It made sense, with the intense focus on his stare, the dark, brooding personality and the strong, tight muscles.

  “He’s kept in shape, then.”

  “I know, right?” Jennie purred. Then she laughed, a soft, pretty sound and shrugged, “He’s only been here for a few weeks, you know?”

  “Really?” Mary-Ann was surprised. He walked around like he owned the place, while Mary-Ann was still trying to feel confident walking through the front doors.

  “Yep. He’s pretty new.” Jennie glanced back, “I should probably get to work before I am caught.” She winked and smiled, before leaving as quickly as she had arrived. Jennie was fun, hard work and easy to talk to. Mary-Ann smiled, relieved that she didn’t have to explain herself any further, and turned back to her work.

  Chapter 2

  The rest of the day seemed to slip by in relative silence and peace and Mary-Ann was content to settle into her routine, drafting emails, product details and sales pitches, checking in with her manager when needed and generally just getting the hang of things. Mary-Ann was proud of how quickly she was managing to adjust to her new life. She could navigate the city on her own, manager all her own groceries, bills, payments and her new job. It had been a big adjustment, but one that Mary-Ann was definitely ready for. She valued her independence, even if the whole situation could feel a little bit intimidating.

  When it was time to close up for the day. Mary-Ann lingered for a while, just wanting to make sure that she had finished everything she needed to do, and that she was ready to start work in the morning. Satisfied, Mary-Ann packed up her things and made her way down the stairs. She was surprised at how quiet everything was becoming, and how quickly the sun seemed to be setting.

  Mary-Ann hurried to the bus stop. As she did, she caught a glimpse of someone out of the corner of her eye. She turned, seeing the broad, strong back of Alister as he made his way down the street. Mary-Ann was surprised at first, but decided that he must have finished his shift. Thinking no more of it, Mary-Ann stepped onto the bus, paid for her ticket and sat down.

  The bus itself was quiet and Mary-Ann was glad that she had missed the rush hour crowds. She couldn’t get used to how busy things were here, although she was sure that she would, given enough time. Mary-Ann glanced at her phone, sighing when she realized that she had no battery left. She had to get on top of that. She was sick of her phone dying at the worst possible times.

  Staring out of the window, Mary-Ann let her eyes skim over the people who were walking in the streets, the occasional taxi and the bustle that always left her in awe. Her eyes scanned one person after another. It wasn’t until her eyes locked with glowing copper ones, that Mary-Ann started paying attention. No way.

  She only knew one person with eyes like that. And why would Alister be on this route if he didn’t take the bus? Added to that, there was no way that he could keep pace with a bus on foot, no way.

  It must have been a trick of the light, or someone else. That was it. It was someone else, with the same color eyes and a similar build. It couldn’t be Alister. Mary-Ann swallowed, but she could not stop her eyes from straying to the window, checking who was there, checking to see if Alister was there again.

  The bus hummed to a stop at the lights and Mary-Ann took a deep breath. She was imagining things. She was nervous and she had been thinking about Alister this morning, so it was only natural, especially after her conversation with Jennie, that he was the one she saw in passing strangers.

  A pedestrian pushed the button to cross and headed across the street. Mary-Ann felt a shudder pass through her. Predatory and confident, well built in dark clothes. Curling tattoos from beneath his sleeves.

  There was no mistaking it. Alister. But she had just seen him a few blocks down. It was impossible. No one could move that fast, and why was he walking the bus route? He could have just taken the bus. The unease twisted in her stomach. Something just wasn’t right here, there was a reason to be concerned and unsettled and Mary-Ann didn’t like it. She didn’t like it at all.

  The bus pulled away and Mary-Ann sighed in relief. If only she could get inside her apartment. She was craving a hot shower, a hot cup of tea and something a bit mindless. She’d read a book, or watch some television, something, and anything, to settle her nerves, and help her get a good night’s sleep. And maybe, tomorrow, she wouldn’t stay so late. She was all for working hard, but not at the expense of her own, mental health, which seemed to be the case at the moment.

  When the bus finally stopped, Mary-Ann climbed out quickly. She was the only one to get out at her stop and the streets seemed deserted. It was eerie and Mary-Ann clutched her bag tightly. She looked around and then started a quick walk to her apartment.

  Chapter 3

  She couldn’t shake the jitters that played on her nerves, the certainty that something was wrong, and the certainty that she kept seeing Alister everywhere she looked. She kept her head down, trying to ignore the movement of shadows around her and the gnawing tension in her heart. She felt the thrumming hum of tension across her skin.

  She felt like something was going to snap at any minute, like the atmosphere had been pulled as tight as it could go, without being broken. She shivered, feeling the cold descend on her like a blanket. The weather had changed, just like she’d thought this morning.

  And yet, somehow, this morning seemed so far away, with the echoing threat hanging over her head, heavy and overwhelming. She didn’t know why her heartbeat was speeding up. She didn’t know why she felt like she was prey about to be attacked, but she did. She couldn’t shake the feeling. Breaking into a run, Mary-Ann turned down the street just before her apartment.

  And then it happened. Suddenly, and without warning, the tension snapped, leaving Mary-Ann reeling. A hulking figure stepped out of the shadows, blocking her path.

  “Alister?” His name rolled off her tongue before she could stop it. But this wasn’t Alister. He didn’t hold himself in the same way. He hunched, hulking and dark, his features kept in shadow. There was something menacing about him and Mary-Ann suddenly realized what it was. He felt like Alister, dangerous and deadly, but where Alister had iron clad control, this man had none.

  He was dangerous, and he didn’t give a damn about tempering it. Before Mary-
Ann could run, the man let out an inhuman sound, a dark snarl, and leapt at her. Mary-Ann screamed, and threw herself out of the way. The man hit the concrete and turned quickly, agile and quick. Mary-Ann stumbled back, picking herself up.

  “Give it to me!” He snarled, dark and low, and then catapulted after Mary-Ann. He was fast and Mary-Ann stumbled, clutching her bag as panic raced through her. She turned, and did the only thing she could think of doing. She ran.

  She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She ran along the empty streets and towards her apartment. She had a phone in there. She could call the police, call for help, bang on doors. If she could just get to her apartment, that she would be safe. She would be okay. She just had to keep moving forward, moving towards her home.

  But he was hot on her heels and Mary-Ann realized with a sudden, sinking feeling that she wouldn’t be able to outrun him.

  He was gaining on her, and she could hear his footsteps, deceptively light, getting closer and closer. Maybe if she turned, she had a chance of hitting him with her bag, dodging a blow, anything at all. Mary-Ann wasn’t sure, but she had to try.

  She turned, shaking, but ready to face her attacker. He was close, and in the dim glow, she saw features twisted into anger so fierce it made Mary-Ann baulk.

  It was over. She was dead. Everything seemed to slow, her heartbeat pounding in her ears and her chest.

  Then, out of the corner of her eye, Mary-Ann saw movement, graceful and fast. Before she could register what was going on, someone slammed their body into her attacker, sending them both crashing to the ground, “Don’t you dare!” His voice was clear, low and dangerous. Mary-Ann stepped back, heart racing.

  Her attacker was on the ground and Mary-Ann watched, frozen, as he was grabbed and hit hard, with brutal force. They wrestled for a moment, before her attacker stumbled up, snarling something dark that she didn’t quite catch.


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