The Changer Complete Box Set

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The Changer Complete Box Set Page 5

by A C Wilds

  There is no choice here. It is becoming a survival situation. I need to think and act smart to get out of this. I approach the woman and take the clothes from her. “Where do I get changed?”

  “Through that door is the bathroom. I will be back in 18 minutes to escort you down.”

  I turn and walk through the door into a similarly styled room. It’s done in an all-white marble tile with a few shiny accents. There is a massive shower on one side with a bench built into the wall. To the left is a claw foot tub which looks so inviting. Too bad I don’t have time for a bath. I haven’t soaked in a tub since New York.

  I peel off my dirty clothes and throw them into the trash. I climb into the shower and stand under the rainfall spray, letting all the dirt and grime wash off of me. The hot water feels amazing on my tired muscles and achy head. There is shampoo, conditioner, and body wash that smells like peppermint candies. It gives me tingles all over and surprisingly makes my skin feel soft and smooth. Stepping out of the shower, I towel off and pad over to the mirror to get a good look at myself.

  I look tired and sick. I don’t know what Greyson gave me, but it’s taking a toll on me. I feel out of it – like I could sleep for three days.

  I dry my hair off and put on the simple outfit I was given. It is a beautiful white blouse made out of super soft material. It feels like heaven on my achy skin. There is a bra and a pair of underwear too – thank God, because it would have been gross to put on my old ones. The pants are a soft grey color and feel comforting on my legs. They are sized correctly, almost as if they were made for me.

  Just as I open the bathroom door, the maid comes in carrying a pair of dark grey leather ballet slippers. “Here you go,” she says, thrusting the shoes into my arms.

  “Um, thanks. How do you guys know my sizes?” I question, ‘cause this is starting to get a bit weird. Who am I kidding, this has been weird from the beginning.

  “The King knows everything,” she states, then turns around and heads for the door without looking back to see if I am following. I quickly put on the slippers and follow her. We walk down the same corridor as the night before. Before we get to the main entrance, there is another hallway on the right. The maid proceeds down it until we reach the end. There is a set of double doors as tall as the ceiling. The two guards from last night are standing at attention on either side, staring at nothing. They both have on matching grey suits that are the same color as my pants. They also have two massive swords strapped on their backs in a criss-cross pattern. There must be holes in the jacket to accommodate the holsters. As we approach them, the guards nod to the maid and then open up the doors. The guard on the right bellows out, “Azrael Sumner.”

  Wait, what? How does this guy know my birth name?

  Before I can question the guard, the King yells from the other side of the room. “Good Morning, Azrael. Join us. I want to introduce you to my family.”

  I cautiously walk into the room. There is a vast table stationed in the middle of the room. There is a massive spread of food. Anything you could want for breakfast is there, including a box of Lucky Charms. They happen to be my favorite. It stands out like a sore thumb amongst all the fine china and crystal. Walking up the length of table takes a minute. It has seating for thirty with high backed chairs that have intricate scenes carved into them. The room is what you would expect a palace dining room to look like, except everything is done in whites, creams, and light gray. I am starting to notice a pattern here. There are paintings on the walls, but of abstract art — splotches of paint thrown onto a canvas in a range of gray shades. It is all very expensive looking.

  When I reach my destination, the King is smiling at me as if nothing happened last night. There is a woman, who I assume is the Queen, and two young men sitting near her on white satin covered chairs against the wall. One of the guys is more youthful looking than the other. He has a head of hair the color of straw, the same as the woman next to him. He is seated with his arm around the back of the chair in a relaxed fuckboy position. I can tell this guy is pompous right away. He gives me a toothy grin and a little wave. I smile back because this is the friendliest anyone has been to me, even if this guy is playboy.

  The second man, who I assume is his brother, is sitting with his back straight and his eyes glued onto me. He is gorgeous. At first glance, my breath is taken away. His energy is pulsing this intense white light, and I have to look elsewhere before I am caught staring. My face is flush, and I feel something stirring in my stomach.

  The King takes a seat at the head of the table with the woman sitting to his right. Each of the guys situates themselves in the second chairs on the right and left the side of the table. The left chair next to the King is empty.

  “My name is Azra, not Azrael. I changed it a long time ago,” I say to him, with no emotion in my voice. He doesn’t need to know why. He smiles at me and gestures to the chair next to him.

  “Yes, of course. Please Azra, have a seat. This is my wife Ariel and my sons Cassiel and Daniel. We didn’t get a chance to be introduced last night. I am Michael, the leader of the Seelie Court or Court of Light. We are known as Fae, or sometimes can be referred to as angels. I am Michael, the Archangel,” he states, so matter of factly.

  I can’t help but to lose it then. A long hard belly laugh, that brings tears to my eyes, escapes my mouth and is directed right in his face. I must look like a deranged lunatic because they are all just staring at me. It’s all getting to me now. Instead of crying, the laughter is making all the emotions come out. I feel relieved there is some release. As I catch my breath, he speaks.

  “What is so funny?” Michael fumes.

  “So, you are telling me that you...this, is The Seelie Court? The Light? Angels? What is this, some fucked up version of Dungeons and Dragons? Next, your gonna tell me you have unicorns in the stables and brownies working in the kitchen,” I say, like the snarky bitch that I am.

  “What did I say to you last night? This attitude of yours is going to get you into considerable trouble. A sidhe of your power should not be ridiculing her own people,” he spits out forcefully. It seems he is losing his patience with me. I don’t know if that is a good thing.

  “Excuse me? You just said, my people? I am not what you think I am. I am a human female, and I’m pretty sure I am not, what did you call it, shee?

  “Yes, that is what I said, sidhe. It is the supreme race of the Fae — the ruling class. The only Fae who are deemed important in our world,” he says, with his nose in the air and his head held high. Can this guy get any more pretentious?

  “Well, thank you for the explanation, but I have no idea what this fantasy world of yours has to do with me,” I say sarcastically. I am beginning to think this is all a bad dream. How could this be real? It’s everything I don’t believe in, although deep down, I’m not sure what to believe anymore.

  An exasperated sigh leaves Michael’s lips. The youngest son, Daniel looks very amused by everything that was just said. I can tell this is the most excitement he has had in a long time, and he is reveling in it. Cassiel seems indifferent, and Ariel is fuming. A bright red shade has crept up her neck, and there is a fire in her eyes. I guess no one has ever spoken to the Seelie King like that, and she must be taking it personal.

  “Let us eat, and then we can discuss more about what is real and what isn’t,” exclaims Michael. I take a seat because there really is no other option here, and if I am truthful, I’m still starving.

  At his prompt, the waiters start filling the plates with large amounts of food. I look down at my dish and see bacon, eggs, potatoes, toast, and fresh fruit. A bowl of Lucky Charms is placed on the side of my dish. I quickly trade plates with the bowl and begin eating the cereal with abandon. The cold soup and crusty bread this morning were not enough. I’m so focused on eating that I don’t realize someone is talking to me until I hear my name being called.

  “What? Did someone say something?” I ask, not looking at any one person.

; “Yes, I was asking how you slept last night,” said the eldest son Cassiel, not the fuckboy.

  “As well as can be expected for a prisoner,” I reply, looking at him with a very annoyed expression, even if he is the hottest thing I have ever seen.

  “You are not a prisoner, Azra. You are our guest,” states Michael, with almost a smirk on his face. He knows that I’m aware that I am not a fucking guest. He also thinks it’s quite amusing.

  “If I were a guest, I would have the option to leave. You have given me no such option. You have made it very clear that my freedom rests in your hands,” I spit at him. This guy is starting to get on my last nerve — what a douchebag.

  “Even though it may seem that way to you, it is the furthest from the truth. We brought you here for your safety. How old are you?”

  “I’ll be 25 in a week,” I tell him, with a what-does-this-have-anything-to-do-with-it look.

  “Well, your powers are going to begin to manifest. It’s fortuitous that we found you in time.”

  “As much as this makes sense to you, it makes none to me. Either you start at the beginning, or you leave me out of this crazy nonsense you have been spewing for the last twenty minutes.”

  “Your sass is going to get you into more trouble than you can handle. If I were you, I’d watch how you speak to your King!” yells Ariel. She throws her fists down on the table making all the glasses shake. She is angry. Pure hatred swirls out of her every pore. She is like a volcano ready to erupt, and it is all aimed at me.

  “Azra, maybe it’s best if we take a walk? I’ll show you around the palace and get you acquainted with your new home,” Cassiel interjects, sensing something terrible may happen if I stay here. By the looks of things, I am stirring the pot at this moment, and I could care less. These two rulers have no idea what they jumped into when they captured Azra Sumner.

  “Yeah, I think I’m done here anyway,” I say, while rising to my feet. I push my chair with the back of my legs, as I stand up, making a loud scraping sound that echoes off of the colorless dining room walls. Cassiel’s chair makes no noise, as he rises to meet me.

  We walk toward the enormous double doors, I glance over and notice a bit more about the Prince. He is tall, maybe 6’2”. Thin, but with muscles, almost like a ballet dancer. He has a healthy head of combed blond hair speckled with golden highlights. Not a single strand is out of place. He walks with the cockiness of a real prince. Someone who knows their worth and makes sure the whole world does too. I don’t get a good look at his face because it is so stuck up in the air. I have a feeling this isn’t going to go well. He is going to be a problem.

  As we exit the dining room, I turn toward him and ask, “So Cass, what is all this talk of fairies, the Light, and angels? Am I in some cult where people are brainwashed zombies? Is this a dream, or does someone want to take five minutes to let me know what the fuck is going on?” I give him my full attention, staring into the side of his face. It’s a gorgeous face.

  Cassiel stops mid-stride and turns to face me. I finally get a good view, and damn it, he is stunning — chiseled jaw and stormy grey eyes. His nose is straight, and he has a cleft in his chin. He has a dusting of a beard, and his eyebrows are perfectly manicured. He is pretty and handsome in a clean, crisp way. My insides are doing that hot burning thing again, and I’m starting to feel a little flustered.

  “Azra,” he says, with a sigh on his lips. “Please, there is no need to be rude. This is not a cult or commune. You are in the Seelie Court, the Court of Light. We are Fae, not fairies. We no longer have wings, nor are we visions of fictional writers. We are real and powerful beings who rule this realm and every Light Fae in it. Angel is a term adopted by an ancient civilization. They called us that because they believed we were messengers of the gods: not gods ourselves, but a direct link. It was a time when the true gods ruled, and the Fae were merely walking alongside them. When the gods of old fell, we took their place. We created monotheism as a means to control humans better. It gave them one focal point instead of many. Humans need to be given direction, Azra. They cannot be left to think for themselves.”

  I am stunned. Floored really. I have never met someone with such ice in their voice. It is so disappointing that this gorgeous guy is such a dick. A fucking dick with a capital D.

  “Well Cass, I guess you better start talking while we walk, because so far, I have seen no proof of anything you are talking about. There has been nothing out of the ordinary here except everyone being a complete jerk to me. Oh, and the fact that I was stolen and am currently being held prisoner by some guy who thinks he’s an archangel!” I can’t take much more of this. I’m not getting through to these people. They are convinced that they are right, and you can’t argue with ignorant and delusional people.

  With that last breath, the air begins to get thick, almost pliable. It is now humid and moist, but it was as dry as the desert before. Right in front of my face, a rain cloud starts to appear. It begins to accumulate and grow bigger. Soon thunder can be heard and streaks of lighting form in the middle.

  “Are you…are you doing this?” I gasp.

  “Yes,” says Cass. “And this is just a small sample of what I am capable of. So, if I were you, I’d stop complaining and observe. Let me show you the world you were born for. There is so much you don’t know, and so much that you need to be taught. Please Azra, stop fighting it all and accept the truth in front of you” He says the last part like a prayer. He wants me to believe.

  I am speechless, and I am never at a loss for words. The cloud is still in between us, but I can make out the outline of his beautiful face. It starts to disappear as I stand frozen, thinking about what he said. Could this be all true? I never believed in the supernatural. I mean I live with Noli, and she believes in all of this. We did our tarot readings, and it was fun, but is there more to it than just entertainment? I make fun of her all the time for believing in the unbelievable. She would practice these rituals and put herbs all around the house, but I thought it was just Noli being Noli. What if she is part of this? Could she have been lying to me this whole time? They seem to know everything about me, so her being a spy sort of makes sense, but the thought of my best friend being an imposter is something I don’t want to consider.

  I’ve always been someone who was so sure that what we see in our world is what we get. I’ve never subscribed to the magic or mystical beliefs, but now everything I thought I knew seems shaky at best. After Cass’s little demonstration, I’ve got to start opening myself up to new possibilities...could I be a part of this world? It would explain my ability to stop time and my blowback powers that I recently developed. I was able to do these things. I have powers that I need to learn how to control before I hurt someone innocent. Looking up into Cassiel’s eyes, I can see that he wants to help. His motivations aren’t clear, but he genuinely looks like he is interested in how I come out of this.

  “Ok, you have my attention. Where do we start?” I say. giving as much sincerity as I can muster. I want him to know I am serious, and from now on will cooperate as best I can so I can figure this whole situation out.

  “We start in the barn, of course,” he says calmly, as if everyone starts there.

  “Wait, what?! You have a barn? Full of horses?” I say to him, jumping up and down in place. I feel like a five-year-old again. This is the best news I have heard since I got here.

  “Yes, full of horses who have high-caliber breeding. Most of the horses are show jumpers. There are one or two dressage horses, but most types of Fae breeds don’t have the patience for that. They want to run, jump, and cause trouble. Some of the bloodlines can be traced back thousands of years. It’s all fascinating if you like that sort of thing. I’m also a jumper, so I figured this would be the best place for us to find common ground and work on our relationship,” he says, as he leans closer into me as we walk. I take two steps away from him. I don’t want to give him the wrong impression.

  “I hope you mean working relation
ship because I don’t date…ever,” I tell him. I need to make it loud and clear that I can’t be involved.

  “Of course, that's what I meant,” he says, but I notice he turns away from me before he says it.

  Chapter 6

  Barn of Light


  Walking across the palace grounds is eye-opening. This is an extensive piece of property. There are manicured gardens with vegetables and giant flower beds. In the distance, I spot a weeping willow on the far edge of the property that must be massive if I can make it out from here. It is hands down the most beautiful place that I’ve even been.

  Around the back of the property stands a building that looks like a castle made of all of stone and wood. This stable is breathtaking. It seems medieval, but you can see the modern touches like electric sconces and doors on mechanical wheels. There is a courtyard in the center and branches leading to hallways. It looks like one big wheel.

  I walk through the grand archway, eyes wide and awe-struck. This place is every equestrian’s dream. There are handlers, riders, and trainers everywhere. It is like it’s own little working city. The flow of it puts me into a trance. For the first time since I was taken, I feel more in my element. This is my language. This was how I have coped with all the crap life threw at me since I was a little girl. Cass was right to bring me here first. He is smarter than he looks.

  “What do you think?” Cass asks in a quiet tone, like he might spook me if he talks too loud.

  “It’s uh…kind of amazing. I truly have never seen anything like it,” I say breathlessly.

  “I’m glad you like it. I want to give you a full tour, but first, let me introduce you to the stable manager. His name is Bartholomew. He’s been in service of my family for over 100 years.” he says.


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