One and Done (Island of Love Book 1)

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One and Done (Island of Love Book 1) Page 5

by Melynda Price

  “Can we walk down to the beach? I think the fresh air will help me clear my head a little.” It wasn’t going to help, but he didn’t need to know that. Autumn may be drunk, but she wasn’t so wasted she didn’t know what she was doing, nor was she sober enough to care.


  Balen slipped his arm around her back. His fingertips were just shy of brushing the outer swell of her breast. Her nipples tightened in anticipation of his touch, the sizzle of awareness rushing through her was strong enough to banish any guilt she may have over her plan to deceive him about her sobriety. He slowly guided her out of the restaurant and Autumn had to focus hard on putting one foot in front of the other without swaying. She was grateful for his assistance, and managed to walk rather well, especially once she got outside and slipped her sandals off.

  “I had a nice night,” she told him as they headed down to the beach. “Thank you for dinner.”

  “You’re welcome. And so did I.”

  The sea was calm. The sound of the waves gently lapping the shore filled the silence stretching between them, but nothing could touch the sexual tension igniting the air. The full moon reflected on the water, lighting the beach just enough that she could see Balen’s profile as they walked together. When they reached a stretch of vacant beach, Autumn rallied her nerve, said a Hail Mary, and took Balen’s hand, tugging him to a stop. “Can we wait a minute?”

  Balen turned toward her and Autumn was tempted to close the distance. That brief kiss in the restaurant flirted with her memory. If something that fleeting could be so electrifying, what would it feel like if he really kissed her? She wanted to know. She wanted to feel alive again...

  “Autumn, are you all right?”

  No, no she wasn’t. She hadn’t been all right in a long time. But Balen could change that. He could give her back the part of herself she’d lost. But how could she explain that without sounding desperate or pathetic? The last thing she wanted was to be a pity fuck. She doubted someone like Balen would understand what it was like to be broken and then put back together with pieces missing.

  The desire she’d seen in his eyes was replaced by concern as he studied her in the moonlight. “I’m fine,” she assured him, hoping the alcohol made her a better liar than when she was sober. “We’re almost back to my villa. I guess I’m not ready for the night to end yet.” That was true.

  Autumn dropped her shoes in the sand and took a step closer, unfastening the top button on Balen’s shirt. He tensed, but didn’t make a move to stop her. How far would he let her go? She’d felt the hardness of his body when she was pressed up against him, now she wanted to see it. The top button slipped free, revealing smooth, sun-bronzed skin stretched tight over the upper rise of his pecs.

  Autumn glanced up to gauge his reaction and noticed the little muscle in his jaw flex as he ground his molars. The look in his eyes was like golden fire as he stood there, statue-still, seemingly waging a war with himself. She wondered which would win, his honor or his desire.

  She unfastened two more buttons and Autumn’s money was on desire. His breaths quickened. She slipped her hands inside his shirt and could feel his heart hammering against her palm. The chaotic tempo emboldened her to take another step closer and reclaim her sexuality. She made quick work of the last few buttons, sliding her hands over his shoulders and down his muscular arms to remove his shirt. Her breath caught with an appreciative little gasp. She’d never seen a man this beautifully sculpted before—only on the cover of her romance novels, or maybe in magazines, but never in the flesh. It was like his body was carved from granite.

  Balen still did not move, but the effort was evident when she glanced down and saw his hands clenched into fists. He was going to break. She could feel it in the hum of electricity crackling in the air, see it in the flagging restraint of his eyes as they devoured her. She couldn’t help herself. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to that little divot of muscle between his pecs. She wanted to touch him. The moment her lips made contact with his flesh, a harsh curse ripped from his throat.

  “Ah, fuck me,” he growled. “I’m going to hell for this.”

  Before she realized what was happening, because her brain was processing on a five-second delay, Balen framed her face with his hands and his mouth came crashing down on hers.

  It wasn’t sweet or tender. Not at all like the one he’d given her in the restaurant. This was…this was hot, hard, and demanding. His tongue thrust into her mouth as his hand slipped into her hair, fisting tight and angling her head in the position he wanted her. Autumn’s breath caught her lungs in a surprised gasp at the sharp tug. A rush of adrenaline flooded her veins and she was helpless to do anything more than keep up with his insanely wicked mouth. How had she lived thirty years and never been kissed like this?

  Autumn’s knees went weak and before she knew it, they were in the sand. Balen was on top of her, his weight pressing against every achy place, fueling the fire he quickly stoked inside her. She wiggled beneath him, trying to get closer, trying to relieve the gnawing need that had been denied so long it felt like phantom pains echoing in her core.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, breaking their kiss. His hand dropped to her hip, fingertips biting into her ass as he held her still, pressing her into the sand. “Stop moving, Autumn.”

  But she didn’t think she could, especially not when his mouth dipped to her neck and he began to suck that sensitive spot below her ear, sending goosebumps erupting over every inch of her flesh. Her head was spinning. Autumn wasn’t sure if it was from the alcohol, or if she was just drunk on Balen. She couldn’t think. All she could do was feel. Everywhere he touched her was like a hot brand. His mouth made a trail down her throat as he captured her breast. His grip was firm, bordering on painful, but riding that thin line of pleasure. When he trapped her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, it was like an electrical current shot straight between her legs. A startled gasp tore from her throat and she arched into him. “Don’t stop,” she begged as his mouth dipped lower, his hand sliding behind her neck.

  He unfastened the clasp of her dress and the sides of her halter fell away. The night air kissed her bare breasts, or maybe it was the hiss of breath rushing from Balen’s lungs. Autumn opened her eyes to find him staring at her, and the look in his eyes was a mixture of adoration and ravenous hunger. She’d never felt more beautiful, more desired, than this very moment.

  “I have spent the whole night imagining what you looked like beneath this dress.” He cupped her breasts, testing their weight in his hands and gently teasing his thumbs over her pebbled nipples. A whimper of need escaped her throat, dragging his gold-flecked gaze up to hers. Autumn held his stare, her breath stalling in her lungs. “You’re more beautiful than I even imagined.”

  His eyes stayed locked on her as he dipped his head and took her nipple into his mouth. He pulled deep and her lids drifted closed as a wave of dizzying pleasure crashed into her. Suddenly, she wished she wasn’t drunk because she wanted to remember every single second of this erotic moment. Her head was spinning and she just wanted it all to slow down so she could focus on the decadent things Balen’s mouth was doing to her.

  His teeth abraded her nipple, sending little darts of pleasure into her core. Her exhale turned into a moan when his hand slipped to her knee and then slowly glided up the outside of her thigh. His mouth was on her other breast—nipping, sucking, worshiping her. He was leaving his mark on her pale skin, making her his. Even if it was just for the night, she belonged to him—to this moment—and she loved how it made her feel.

  For the first time she could remember, Autumn felt alive. Her head was swimming, she was adrift in a sea of pleasure—pleasure that detonated when Balen slipped his fingers beneath her panties and pressed two fingers deep inside her. She gasped at the invasion, reveling in the fullness of his touch.

  “Autumn… You’re so tight,” he rasped against her breast, then kissed his way back to her neck. “You have no idea how badly I
want inside you right now.”

  His confession…his honest, dirty words, nearly undid her, especially when his fingers began to move. There was purpose in his touch, as if he were searching for—oh, that’s it!

  “Balen,” she pleaded, her core clenching. Tension built inside her, swift and turbulent, ratcheting her higher until she feared she’d shatter. His mouth covered hers, his kiss devouring. She needed to touch him.

  Fighting the urge to let go and surrender to the pleasure he was giving her, Autumn slid her hand down Balen’s stomach, letting her fingers linger over the delicious roadmap of muscles she wanted to explore with her tongue. She unfastened his pants and slid them down his narrow hips. Taking his erection in her hand, she gave him a slow, root to tip stroke, teasing her thumb over the moisture beading his crown.

  He was larger than she’d expected, not that she had a vast frame of reference to draw from, but Autumn was not so drunk that a flicker of apprehension didn’t cross her mind. She’d only been with three men in her life, two in college and then Alex. And none of them were even close to the wow-factor this guy was rocking.

  Another shudder ran through her, her muscles tightening against his fingers as the tension coiling inside her turned to blissful torture. “I’m going to come,” she warned him, because he needed to stop touching her or she’d never last. “In my purse. There’s a condom in my purse.”

  “Just let go, Autumn,” he whispered against her mouth. “I’ve got you.”

  His sweet promise sent her over the edge and she shattered. Spasms wracked her body as her orgasm took hold of her, sending wave after wave of dizzying pleasure crashing over her, pulling her under into blissful oblivion.

  Chapter Six

  The sound of crashing waves pulled Autumn to consciousness. A gentle breeze kissed her bare skin as she tried to open her eyes and was immediately blinded by the sun. The pounding in her head felt like she had a spike in her brain and her heartbeat was the anvil. Moaning in agony, she rolled onto her back, vowing she would never drink again.

  She’d been hungover before, but this was the mother of all hangovers. Her head had never hurt this bad, her body had never been this sore. Wait a minute… Autumn brought her hand up to her chest and ran it down her body. She was completely naked. Holy shit, she had no idea where she was.

  Squinting against the blinding rays, she lifted her head and tried to focus her eyes. The villa. Oh, thank God. She was in her bedroom at the villa. Exhaling a sigh of relief, Autumn flopped back down and tried to remember what the hell happened last night, but it was as if a veil had descended over her memory. The last thing she recalled was leaving Ambrosia with Balen right after propositioning him for sex. The rest was all a blur.

  But that was okay, right? One and Done. That was the plan and she’d executed it. Autumn raised one hand and used the other to give herself a high-five, wincing at the loud clap and then let both limbs drop back to the bed.

  Yay me! she congratulated herself, but the victory to reclaim her womanhood was bitter-sweet. Without the memories, she didn’t feel any different than she did yesterday. Well, that wasn’t exactly true, because right now she felt like she’d been run over by a bus. Maybe when the pounding inside her head subsided, the events of the night before would come back to her. For now, she needed a shower, some ibuprofen, and water—not necessarily in that order.

  The room spun as she crawled to the edge of the bed. Before she could toss her legs over the side, Autumn spotted a glass of water and three Advil sitting on the nightstand with a note beside them. She swallowed down the pills with the water, and then picked up the note.


  Had a great time last night. Thought you might need these when you woke up.


  As she made her way into the bathroom, or stumbled was probably a more accurate description, she wondered if she might still be a little drunk. Her head was spinning. Bracing her hand against the wall, she took a deep breath, swallowing back a wave of nausea.

  She made a potty stop on the way to the shower and her eyes caught on something shiny reflecting in the trash can. Squinting against the throbbing pain inside her head, she leaned a little closer to see what it was, but her balance wasn’t top notch and she almost fell off the toilet. She recognized that gold foil wrapper in the waste basket. Well, if she’d had any doubt, there was her proof. She could finally put a big fat X on Summer’s Day One page. But truth be told, she regretted the need to get wasted in order to do it, and she regretted the hangover she was suffering as a result.

  Oh, well. No sense dwelling on things she couldn’t change. One and Done, and now it was time to look ahead. There was no going back. No do-overs. She’d reclaimed that part of herself and Alex had no hold on her anymore. It was worth a killer hangover to finally be free of that bastard. She was going to shower, drink a shit-ton of water, and let the sun bake this headache away.

  Autumn couldn’t remember what Summer had planned for her today, or if she would be up for it, but first things first. As she headed across the bathroom, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror and gasped. Holy hell, she looked like Medusa on crack. Her fiery hair was sticking up all over, and her eyes were bloodshot with dark circles beneath them. Oh, bonus…she had hickies all over her body to prove just how down and dirty her amnesic night must have gotten. There was a mark on the inside of her neck, one on her boob, and one on the inside of her thigh. Guess how many of them her bikini was going to cover? Yep, not a one. She was going to look like the slut of the beach. Just wonderful.

  At least she could be grateful Balen wasn’t still here. Thank God for small favors, though he didn’t exactly strike her as the kind of guy who would want to stick around for the awkward morning after routine.

  No, thankfully her walk of shame would be a solo run. It was nice of him to leave her with a parting gift though. The water and ibuprofen had been a nice touch. Now that it was over, she felt like a big weight had been lifted from her shoulders. And once she shook her headache, she knew she’d feel even better.

  The shower helped her feel a little more human, but unfortunately, it did nothing to fix her amnesia. Maybe it was for the best, she decided, while combing through her tangled mess of hair and piling it on top of her head in a messy bun. This way there was no chance of an emotional attachment. The last thing she wanted was to get the feels for the guy when there was no chance of it going anywhere.

  After slathering on sunscreen, she got into her bikini then grabbed her beach towel and a complimentary bottle of water from the fridge. She slipped on her gaudy white sunglasses she’d bought on a dare and now secretly loved. On her way out the door, she spotted her BF Guide Book on the table. Opening it to Day One, she grabbed a pen and put a big fat check-mark beneath Get Laid. Deciding to take it with her so she could re-read through Summer’s itinerary for the week, she tucked the book under her arm and then paused to send her friend a quick text before heading to the beach.

  One and Done! ;)

  Stretched out on her beach towel, listening to the sound of the waves, Autumn was drifting somewhere in that state between awake and asleep when a large cloud rolled in, casting a shadow over her. The heat disappeared and the breeze sent a chill, causing goosebumps to erupt over her flesh. Her sensitive nipples puckered in protest, and that wasn’t the only part of her body feeling the after-effects of her hot, one-night stand. She was pretty sure she had whisker burn on the inside of her thighs.

  Seconds passed by, and when the sun didn’t reappear, Autumn cracked open an eye to check out the size of the cloud. Oh, it was huge all right. Only it wasn’t a cloud. Her stomach dropped at the same time her heart surged into her throat. What in the hell is he doing here?

  “I see you survived your hangover.”

  Balen stood over her with a surfboard in his hand, dripping sea water onto her towel. He wore nothing but a pair of low-riding board shorts that showcased the muscular V at his hips and instinctively drew her gaze

  Heat rushed to her cheeks and she forced her eyes back up. His moppy hair curled at the ends now that it was wet, adding a boyish charm to his already devastating good looks. He tossed his head to get the hair out of his eyes and sent a spray of water all over her.

  “Hey,” she complained, wiping her hand over her stomach.

  “Sorry,” he chuckled, propping his surfboard in the sand and dropping down beside her.

  She could tell by the way he said it that he wasn’t sorry, and she didn’t recall inviting him to join her either. This was not One and Done. Her date was not supposed to be here. Even as hot as he was, the guy needed to leave. She just wasn’t sure how she was going to get that message across without sounding like a total bitch.

  “What are you doing?” She didn’t even try to disguise the displeasure in her voice. Maybe he’d take the hint and go.

  “Surfing. The waves are fantastic this morning.”

  Was he deliberately being obtuse? She couldn’t tell. Autumn glanced over at him sprawled out in the sand beside her. His impressive arms were raised, hands propped beneath his head, eyes closed as he tipped his face to the sun like some sort of Greek god. A flush of need ignited low in her stomach, and she promptly shut that business down. Turning her head away, she closed her eyes to block out the image of him.

  Oh, this is not good. Not good at all.

  “There’s a great surfboard kiosk down the beach if you’re interested,” he continued to talk, completely unaware of her internal panic attack.

  Where was the awkward morning-after silence? Apparently, she was the only one feeling it.

  “You should check it out.”

  “I don’t surf.”

  She could hear him shifting beside her and sensed his movement. Autumn opened her eyes to find him turned on his side and facing her, his head propped in his hand, elbow buried in the sand. “Have you ever tried it?”

  “Nope,” she responded, hoping he’d get tired of her cold shoulder and move on. No such luck.


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