Taming and Tanning Libby

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Taming and Tanning Libby Page 4

by Carl Hamlin

  Clay put his hand on her shoulder. “No… no… I assure you, I had no intention of having sex with you. But it was my intention to be alone with you.”

  Libby raised her eyebrows. “Okay…… so, what do you……”

  Clay lowered his hand from her shoulder to her upper arm and strengthened his grip. “I brought you out here so that when you were sober enough to appreciate it, I could tan your hide. I warned you that could happen.”

  Libby’s eyes grew large and her jaw dropped. “No… Clay… I can’t let you do that.” All of a sudden, she found it difficult to breathe, and her heart felt as if it were in her throat as she began to tremble in fear.

  Without saying another word, Clay tightened his grip on her upper arm. Libby was in a state of panic, having no idea what the obviously inescapable experience was going to feel like. Her emotions raced, as she simultaneously wanted to flee what was about to happen, while also feeling an odd sense of trust in the man who was about to punish her.

  Clay leaned back against the sofa and pulled Libby across his knees. Once she found herself pressed down in that position, her imagination began to surge, wondering just how badly it was going to sting when Clay’s large, hard hand landed on the seat of her thin shorts. At the same time, she found her predicament arousing to her great displeasure and confusion.

  She began to feel desperate wondering how painful each smack would be, and how often she would feel it. At the same time, she found that she was distracted from her fear and anxiety by the warmth of Clay’s strong left hand pressing down onto her lower back, so that the right hand could play its role efficiently and painfully.

  Just as she anticipated the first spank, Clay reached his fingers into the elastic waistband of her shorts and yanked them down, while she was squealing “Clay… no… I’m not wearing any pant…” A loud sharp CRACK echoed in the tour bus. “…ieeeeees.” Another loud CRACK followed, generating a desperate squeal in response.

  Libby’s curiosity as to what a spanking felt like was being satisfied at a much higher level of flaming discomfort than she could have ever imagined. In addition, a man was seeing her bare backside for the first time in two years, although under circumstances she would never have expected.

  “Clay… please… stop…” There was another loud CRACK, and a panicked yelp filled the bus. That was when Libby came to the realization that the pain involved in being spanked was closely rivaled by the anxiety of not knowing how long it was going to last.

  Another sharp CRACK brought about another high-pitched squeal of protest and pain, even though Libby was feeling simultaneous fear of the next whack, and a rush of anticipation to experience it. She did not have to wait long, before she was subjected to… WHACK… WHACK… WHACK… WHACK… WHACK… WHACK!

  Libby felt as if she were losing her mind as her struggle to cope with the pain was intertwined with shocks of pleasure simply from undergoing the experience of having such a man focused on bringing sensations, painful as they may have been, to that part of her body.

  Libby could hardly catch her breath as the spanking paused. “Clay… I’m sorry…”

  Clay halted for a moment. “You remember what Max had to say about drinking too much.” WHACK… WHACK… WHACK… WHACK. Libby was amazed by the level of pain provided each time Clay’s hand landed on her defenseless bottom. She was also stunned by the fact that she had no reason to believe that the ordeal was over.

  “Oooowww… Clay…ooooouch! No more, please.”

  Clay rested his hand on the center of her sizzling bottom. “I guess that when you were in that bar, you forgot about the chance you were going to be taking if you misbehaved, didn’t you?”

  Through her sniffling, Libby choked out the words, “Okay… I did. I’m sorry.”

  WHACK! “And Libby, I think there’s only one thing I can do to get you to think straight. And you know what that is?” WHACK.

  “Yeeeeoww. What?”

  “I’m going to give you another good paddling.”

  “Nooooooooo…” But hearing those words from Clay caused the middle of her body to suddenly experience a mass of flutters and spasms, and an unexplainable yearning for the paddling to resume. She was experiencing side effects of being spanked that she never would have anticipated, in spite of some the arousing sensations she had felt after hearing Clay’s threat.


  “Yeeeeooowwww… Clay… stop… please.”

  “Has anyone in your life ever made you behave yourself?” WHACK!

  “Oooowww….” Libby went silent for a moment before she continued. “No… I guess never.”

  “Have you ever gotten in trouble and wished that someone would have done this to you?” WHACK!

  “Oooohhhh…ouch… yes.” To Clay’s surprise, he heard Libby began to giggle. “Lots of times.” WHACK!

  “Ouch… yikes!”

  Once again, Libby felt Clay’s hand resting on the center of her red, bare bottom as he spoke to her. While one side of her brain was telling her that she should have been humiliated by her dilemma, the other side of her brain could not deny that feeling his hand resting there was causing her to feel some pleasurable shudders. She could also not deny that as soon as the first spank had landed, she had felt quivers of arousal that made no sense, but were undeniably real.

  “So, let me understand this… Max gives you a good job… I’ve seen the payroll. All he asked of you was to do your job, be civil to other people and behave yourself.” WHACK! “Do I have that right?” WHACK!

  “Yeeooww… yes!”

  “But what did you do, instead?” WHACK!

  Libby raised herself up on her elbows, and then looked back at Clay while wiping tears from her face. “I mouth off to lots of people… and tonight I drank too much and made an ass of myself.”

  Clay nodded in agreement, his hand once again resting in the center of her sore red bottom. “Are we still going to have a problem?”

  Libby took a deep breath and wiped her face once again, but this time she revealed a thin smile. Nothing she was feeling or thinking at the moment held any logic. As she considered an answer to Clay’s question. She only knew that she had a sense that she was finally growing up, and was uncertain as to whether she wanted it to end.

  She looked back at Clay. “I suppose that we won’t have any problems that a good spanking can’t fix.”

  Clay continued to rest his hand on her bottom, and then began to pat it gently. “If you are ready, Miss Libby. I think that I would like to conclude with a few more just to make sure that I have gotten my point across. Of course, if you’re absolutely certain that you have been sufficiently spanked to ensure good behavior…”

  Libby looked back at Clay, then simply pursed her lips and turned back and rested her head on her crossed forearms once again and waited as her breathing became more shallow and her pulse raced faster. Then… WHACK… WHACK… WHACK… WHACK… WHACK… WHACK… WHACK… WHACK!

  Clay halted the spanking, and then began to softly caress the inflamed area. “I think you’ve had enough, Libby. Time to let you up now.”

  “Wait… Clay… I might just stay here for a few minutes, if that’s okay.” Her own words startled her, she felt enveloped at the moment by a sense of security she had not known since leaving home to go to college.

  In spite of the fire raging in her bottom, lying there so vulnerable over the knees of a man she had immediately come to trust was unlike anything she had ever known. As her abdomen rested upon his knees, her hip rested against his torso; she felt a rush of excitement when she felt the undeniable evidence that he was finding the circumstances quite arousing himself.

  Clay was surprised at her reaction, but resumed the soothing caressing in silence, listening as Libby continued to sniffle but eventually settle down and grow quiet and still. But even after several minutes, she seemed content to remain in that position, Clay’s strong and firm hand seemed to becom
e more tender as the stroking continued.

  Libby lay there with her eyes closed, feeling the same hand that had set her fanny on fire softly caress it in a soothing manner that she found surprisingly erotic and arousing. She had never experienced such a wild jumble of mixed emotions as she had during the previous ten minutes.

  Libby finally broke the silence. “I don’t know why I don’t want this to end. My ass is absolutely on fire, but this feels so good. It doesn’t make any sense to me… but I don’t care.”

  Clay laughed softly. “Believe me… I don’t mind doing this one little bit. After all, I told you how much I like your bottom. In fact, I could do this for hours.”

  Libby sighed softly. “And I think I would be okay with that.”

  They were quiet for the next minute, and then she murmured, “I’m actually glad that you spanked me.”

  “Are you really? Why?”

  Libby let out a deep sigh. “I feel like it brought me back to reality. For just having experienced something that hurt so damn bad… I sure do feel good right now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I feel… mellow. I feel so under control.” Libby once again raised herself up on her elbows. “It’s hard to put into words… but it seems like I’ve been in need of this for a long time.” Libby raised herself into a kneeling position and pulled her shorts up, and then rested her head on Clay’s shoulder. “This is the craziest thing I’ve ever said in my life… but Clay Harris… if you ever think I need that treatment again, you go ahead and let me have it, no matter how much I squeal in protest.”

  Clay began to laugh. “Do you really mean that?”

  Libby kissed him on the cheek. “I mean it. If you see me getting out of hand… if you see me putting my job in jeopardy, but most of all… if you see me being unappreciative of what Max has done for me, I want you to take me across your knees again and spank me into the next morning. Promise? I told Veronica that you had threatened to spank me. I told her that I had never had a spanking in my life; but she thought that was part of my problem. I’m starting to wonder if she wasn’t right.”

  Clay nodded slowly. “I pledge to you, Elizabeth JoAnne Hamilton, if I ever have to spank you again, for two days after you will be able to sit on a dime and tell if it’s heads or tails.”

  Libby murmured something he could not understand. “I don’t know, Clay. I’m feeling a lot of confusing things right now… I may have to sort it out. I think I’m going to have a hard time getting this… experience… out of my mind. Of course, I guess the point of all of it is that if I don’t keep it fresh in my mind, it will not have the desired effect.”

  Clay kissed her on the forehead. “Now you get it.”

  Libby laughed. “Oh, I just got it all right. But I may want to talk about it from time to time.”

  Clay began to run his fingers through her red hair. “That will be fine. Maybe we need to get back to the hotel now.”

  Libby began to laugh. “Yeah… if Veronica wakes up and sees that I’m not there, she’s going to think…”

  Clay reached down and patted her on the bottom. “Actually, I think that Veronica understood what was going to happen when I took you out of that bar.”

  Libby’s jaw dropped at the realization of what Clay was implying. “Oh no. I’ll never hear the end of this.”

  They rose from the sofa and headed toward the door of the bus. Libby leaned her head outside to look around to see if anyone she knew was there to see them, then stepped down onto the pavement and waited for Clay to follow and lock the door. As they made their way to the front of the hotel, there were a number of people about, but none that they knew.

  They rode the elevator to the eighth floor where all of their rooms were located. Walking down the hall, they first came to the room Libby was sharing with Veronica, and without another word Libby stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on Clay’s cheek before unlocking the door and disappearing behind it. Then, just as he stepped away, the door opened again and Libby rushed out, embraced him, and they enjoyed a deep, lingering kiss.

  Chapter Three

  Upon entering the dark room, Libby quietly made her way to her bed, stripped off her shorts, then her shirt and bra. She pulled back the covers and lay down on her stomach, carefully pulling the covers back over her to avoid irritating her still fiery bottom.

  She usually slept on her back, but that would hardly be possible on this early morning. The stinging seemed to actually increase in intensity as she attempted to rest with her head on her crossed forearms. It felt as if hundreds of tiny needles were pricking her bottom.

  Carefully, she reached her hands back and began to gently rub the hot, burning cheeks. However, all that accomplished for her was to replicate the pleasant sensations as Clay’s hand had moved about the burning spot. She could not help but close her eyes and pretend that she was feeling his fingertips, rather than her own.

  Before she realized it, only the fingertips of her right hand were continuing with the soothing motions on her burning bottom. The other hand had somehow drifted beneath her, to the front of her. The fingertips of both hands began to work in tandem, in a pleasurable and intimate rhythm.

  Her eyes closed tightly shut; she pictured herself once again over his knees, feeling the hard limbs upon which she was trapped and the warmth of his left hand holding her in place. She also imagined she was once again feeling his arousal beneath her left hip that rested against his abdomen.

  Recalling the unnerving sound of the crack of his hand landing on her bare bottom and the simultaneous shock of fiery pain, Libby attempted to recapture the confused mixture of fear and anticipation she felt while awaiting the next whack. She tried to wrap her mind around the feelings of being protected from her own worst impulses that accompanied each loud crack as much as the pain.

  Libby bit her lower lip to prevent herself from moaning from the pleasure she was feeling. Finally, she raised her body slightly so that her fingertips could finish her quest for release, and she collapsed back on her stomach as she visualized Clay’s face as she descended into an exhilarating rush of spasms and toe curls that nearly caused her feet to cramp.

  She found herself beginning to cry and she had to muffle the sound lest she disturb Veronica and be forced to explain things that she did not understand. She had experienced something new, and she was totally unable to determine if it had been a terrible ordeal or a cauldron of pleasure; if it were one that she should avoid again at all cost, or one that she would consciously or subconsciously seek to relive.

  What she did know was that she would have given anything to be with Clay Harris at that moment. She would have been satisfied to once again be embracing him in the hallway, or she would have been content to have him next to her holding her tightly and caressing her. And she could not deny that she would have been willing to be back across his knees. Libby fell into a deep sleep, no doubt enhanced by her impromptu orgasm.

  * * * * *

  She woke nearly four hours after having slinked back into the room, fresh from an experience she would never forget. When she finally did open her eyes, sunlight was illuminating the room in spite of the curtains still being drawn. Veronica was sitting up in her bed and stretching; she looked over at her younger cousin and shook her head in a scolding fashion.

  “Oh, Lib… I think you are probably regretting those last two beers. So, just what did our Mister Harris have to say about your little escapade?”

  Libby laughed. “I guess I’ve always been able share everything with you so… take a look for yourself.” Libby rolled onto her side and tossed back the covers, her still red bottom on display for Veronica.

  Veronica arched her eyebrows and laughed. “Oh, my.”

  Libby turned over onto her stomach and sighed, but managed to grin. “He told me that if I messed up and misbehaved he was going to tan my hide.” She reached back and rubbed her bottom with a dramatic flair. “Mission accomplished, I would say.”

  Veronica sho
ok her head as she smiled. “It does appear that he did a thorough job of it. And how do you feel about that this morning?”

  Libby hesitated for a moment. “This is kind of hard for me to explain. That day when we were sitting beside the pool and he threatened to give me a spanking, I felt furious. To be honest, Veronica, I was pretty unhappy with you and Max for telling him I needed to shape up. But the funniest thing happened… perhaps funny isn’t the right word… there I was, twenty-two years old, getting my bottom paddled like a naughty child. Then, somewhere in the middle of all that… I didn’t start to like it one bit… oh, maybe I did… but I guess I started to accept it. The next thing I knew, I realized that for the first time in my life I was really being held accountable for my cocky attitude.”

  She grimaced. “He spanked me pretty hard, and I can’t even guess how many times that big hard hand of his landed on my ass. All I know is that when it was winding down, I was at the point of being grateful to him for doing it.”

  Veronica arched her eyebrows again and exhaled a deep breath. “Wow! I can’t believe I’m hearing you say this. I’ve always been concerned that you would derail yourself because of your temper and impulsiveness. Don’t get me wrong, Lib… I talked to Max about you because I knew that you had the talent and the creativity for the job. But having you around, having to keep an eye on you… well, that was okay too. I know your parents felt pretty good about it.”

  Libby put her head down and buried her face in the sheet. “But when I see him today, I’m going to feel so… embarrassed.” She raised her head and glanced at Veronica. “You see… he spanked my bare bottom.”

  Veronica began to giggle. “Well, Max told me that Clay’s references referred to his efficiency.”

  Libby laughed, then picked up a pillow and threw it at Veronica. “Have you ever had a man spank you?” Veronica hopped out of bed and plopped the pillow onto Libby’s head as she headed toward the bathroom. She stopped at the bathroom door, turned with a smile and whispered, “Yes! And the next day, we were engaged to be married.”


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