Death by Seduction

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Death by Seduction Page 9

by Jaden Skye

  Cindy and Eric were quickly seated at the far end of the restaurant, where it was a little quieter than at the entranceway.

  “This is a good spot,” said Cindy as she took her seat.

  “You’re incredibly beautiful,” Eric replied, staring at her. “And you’re incredibly innocent, it’s an intoxicating combination. You’re definitely not someone I’d ever take for a detective.”

  Cindy was startled, barely knew how to reply. Eric was not someone she would have ever taken to frequent brothels either, or be a prostitute’s main John. The picture didn’t fit.

  “You’re here from the States?” Cindy quickly turned the conversation down a different road.

  “Yes, I am,” Eric replied quickly, “from the Midwest, if you want to know.”

  Cindy’s eyes lit up and she smiled.

  “Let me guess,” he jumped at her reaction. “You’re from the Midwest as well?”

  “Wisconsin,” said Cindy, “and so is Loretta, Pete’s wife.”

  Eric frowned a moment. “Didn’t realize that,” he said.

  “Loretta and I were friends in college,” Cindy filled him in. “That’s why she called me to help.”

  “You’ve also got a huge reputation for solving murders in the Caribbean,” Eric looked puzzled a moment. “CM Investigations, right?”

  “Right,” Cindy responded. Eric had done his homework, as she would have thought he might.

  “What’s the initials stand for?” he went on.

  “Cindy and Mattheus,” she answered plainly.

  “Your partner?” he asked.

  “My former partner,” said Cindy. “We’re actually in the process of dissolving the partnership as we speak.”

  Eric looked strangely sad for a moment. “I’m sorry to hear that,” he said quietly.

  “Thanks,” said Cindy, unnerved that they were having such a personal conversation, that it was so easy and natural to speak to him. It was as if they’d known each other forever.

  “I’ve heard that you’re a big time lawyer down here,” Cindy continued.

  Eric’s eyebrows lifted a little. “What else did you hear about me?”

  “Charma said you’re her number one customer,” Cindy forced herself to stay on track. “She said you’ll do all you can to help her get out.”

  Eric flushed as Cindy spoke. “Yes, I will,” he answered promptly.

  “I realize that no one can know about your involvement with Charma,” Cindy’s voice dropped as the waiter approached them.

  Eric waved the waiter away. “That’s exactly right,” his low tone matched hers. “I will help Charma through you,” he said.

  “Through my finding the killer?” asked Cindy.

  “Exactly,” Eric replied. “And no one will know I’m involved at all. If people think anything, they’ll think I’m involved with you. Some kind of brief encounter. Tons of things like that go on down here.”

  Cindy nodded. She was glad that they weren’t mincing words, but laying out things directly. Above all Eric had to be frank with her and had to trust her, as well.

  “I understand you were with Charma the night Pete was killed,” Cindy went on.

  “Yes, I was,” Eric responded, with only a moment’s hesitation.

  “And that you brought her home after the time of Pete’s death,” Cindy added.

  “That’s correct,” Eric replied.

  “So Charma has a clear alibi,” Cindy continued, struck by that point.

  “Not so clear because I can’t testify to it,” Eric quickly added. “If anyone knew I was involved with her my company would go down the tubes.”

  “I understand,” said Cindy looking away.

  “No, you don’t understand,” Eric suddenly put his hand over Cindy’s suddenly. “You’ll never understand, it’s beyond you to understand. I see that written all over your face.”

  Cindy wanted to pull her hand away, but didn’t want to offend Eric in anyway. They needed each other to solve this case.

  “I can understand enough to do my job,” Cindy replied. “And I certainly understand your need for confidentiality.”

  “Please don’t get upset with me,” Eric took his hand away. “I have no intention of insulting you, just putting things where they belong. You’ll never understand why I see Charma, or care so much about her.”

  There was no reason for Cindy to dispute that. She had to agree that she might never understand why a man of this caliber would be so involved with a prostitute, who had other customers as well.

  “It’s confusing, of course,” Cindy admitted.

  “That’s fine,” Eric’s voice rose. “I appreciate your honesty, Cindy.”

  “But I don’t have to understand you to find Pete’s killer do I?” Cindy continued.

  “Well put,” Eric seemed pleased. “You don’t understand me and you never will. We come from the same life style, both bright and successful, but that’s where our roads part ways.”

  Cindy nodded. “I suppose so,” she murmured.

  “No supposing about it,” Eric insisted. “So I’ll do everything I can to help you find Pete’s killer, as long as you don’t try to understand me. Don’t try to figure out why I’m with Charma.”

  Cindy smiled despite herself. “Alright, I won’t, that’s fair enough,” she agreed though she couldn’t help feel what a strange request Eric had made.

  “Okay then, we’ve got a deal?” he said.

  “We have a deal,” said Cindy as the waiter came over once again so they could order a delicious dinner for two.

  Chapter 11

  After the waiter left Eric poured a glass of sangria for Cindy from the pitcher on the table. “Go ahead, ask me anything you want,” he smiled

  “Did you know Pete personally?” asked Cindy. “Tell me about him.”

  “I saw him in passing once or twice,” Eric replied, “but I didn’t know him at all.”

  “You saw him where? At the brothel?” asked Cindy.

  “I saw him taking Charma out once or twice,” Eric continued. “Why? Is that a problem?”

  “No, not really,” said Cindy, “it’s just that his wife doesn’t believe Pete was Charma’s customer. She believes he was killed elsewhere and dumped him in Charma’s room.”

  “That’s right, I think I heard that she’d said that,” Eric slowly mused.

  “But now you tell me you saw them together with your own eyes,” said Cindy, probing for more.

  “That doesn’t mean the wife isn’t right too,” said Eric. “Sure Pete was a customer, no question. Some of the customers take the girls out and then bring them back. But it’s also

  possible the guy was killed somewhere else and brought here.”

  It didn’t seem very likely to Cindy, though. “Brought here by who?” she asked. “And why left in Charma’s room?”

  “Charma’s got a record,” Eric answered quickly. “She was accused of stabbing another John, when she worked somewhere else.”

  Cindy, scrutinized Eric closely. Didn’t this bother him? He spoke about it casually as though she were someone he barely knew.

  “It seems that Charma could be dangerous.” Cindy ventured on. “Isn’t it possible she could turn on a dime and do damage?”

  “Sure, it’s possible,” said Eric, smiling slowly, “that’s what makes her so exciting. Guys love women like that, you know.”

  Cindy felt shaken.

  “They love all kinds of danger and challenges,” Eric went on. “The guys who come down here have had it with packaged relationships that are as boring as hell. Those kinds of women do nothing for them. Not one of them can hold a candle to Charma.”

  Cindy felt a wave of nausea and fear rise up in her. Eric was obviously talking about himself. Was Mattheus one of those guys as well? Cindy wondered. Had their relationship grown routine and packaged?

  “Charma always has a bunch of guys hovering around her,” Eric added slowly.

  “That doesn’t bother you?” Cin
dy finally asked, incredulous.

  “Why should it bother me?” Eric replied. “I like it, it’s exciting. There’s one guy though, that’s creepy.”

  Although she didn’t know why, it pained Cindy to hear this from Eric.

  “What’s the matter? What’s wrong?” Eric leaned closer over the table.

  Cindy opened her eyes and stared at him. “I don’t understand why it doesn’t it bother you that Charma has other guys besides you,” she couldn’t help ask.

  Eric pulled back swiftly, and shook his head. “I told you, this would be beyond you. You promised not to try to understand me.”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry,” said Cindy suddenly. “I’m just baffled.”

  “Yeah, I know you are,” Eric replied. “I know you’re baffled, but put that to the side. It’s not about me. Listen to what I have to tell you. If you want to know more about Charma, there’s a guy John Burnd you have to look into. He’s one of her Johns. This guy became obsessed with her, started sending her texts all day long, calling and hanging up just to hear her voice.”

  “He was stalking her?” asked Cindy, nervous.

  “We don’t call it stalking down here,” Eric broke in. “We just say a guy popped his lid, which means he’s become obsessed with a girl. I’ve been thinking that Burnd could have had a motive to get rid of Pete.”

  “What about the other guys Charma does business with?” asked Cindy. “Why doesn’t Burnd go after them as well?”

  Eric smiled broadly at that. “I like the way you think,” he responded.

  “What about you, even?” Cindy wouldn’t let go. “If this guy Burnd killed Pete, why wouldn’t he go after you next?”

  “Good question,” Eric agreed. “Anything is possible, of course.”

  “My God,” Cindy shivered. “You wouldn’t care? You’re not afraid for your safety?”

  “Not at all,” Eric became tough. “It’ll take a hell of a lot more than a lunatic to bring me down. Besides, right now it’s Charma I’m worried about. For all we know, Burnd could get to her in jail. He’s probably getting agitated with her being gone so long. Probably desperate for his fix. You’re working with the police on this, right?”

  “Not really,” said Cindy. “I mean the police know I’m around, but I wouldn’t say we’re working the case together. From their point of view, it’s all sewed up.”

  “For them it’s Charma!” Eric became indignant.

  “Yes, it’s Charma,” said Cindy. “They don’t see a reason to look anywhere else.”

  “So who are you working on the case with?” asked Eric, his antennae’s up.

  “No one,” said Cindy.

  “Wait a minute,” Eric held his hand up. “Just say that again, slowly.

  “Right now I’m on this case, alone,” said Cindy.

  “No way,” Eric shook his head back and forth. “That’s crazy, it’s nuts. You’re walking straight into danger. There are a lot of lunatics down here, circling around.

  Cindy breathed out slowly.

  “Oh boy, what the heck am I into?” Eric muttered as he looked directly at Cindy again. “Okay, I get it. Maybe you don’t have Mattheus around. But right now I’m on your team. I’ll help all I can. I’ll come with you when you go to see Burnd and hang in the background.”

  “Thank you,” said Cindy, enormously grateful.

  “What else have you got lined up?” Eric asked.

  “I need to check into the real estate company Pete just bought a condo from,” she filled him in.

  “You mean Loori Inc.?” asked Eric.

  “How did you know?” asked Cindy.

  “The company’s well known down here,” Eric spoke slowly. “People come from all over to buy vacation condos.”

  “Have you heard of trouble with them?” asked Cindy.

  “There’s trouble with everything down here,” Eric muttered. “Just scratch the surface of our beautiful Island and you’ll slip into quicksand wherever you go.”

  So why do you stay down here, Cindy wanted to ask him? What’s the pull on you? What went wrong in your life, Eric? But she remembered the promise she made to him though, not to find out more about what made him tick.

  “I plan to talk to some people at the company tomorrow,” Cindy continued.

  “Good, and let me know what they tell you,” Eric replied.

  “I will,” Cindy was glad she could bounce it off him.

  “Any other suspects at the moment?” Eric leaned in closer.

  Cindy scanned her mind quickly. “Nothing yet,” she replied.

  “Is the wife being helpful?” Eric asked.

  “Of course,” Cindy replied. “She hired me and she’s determined to find out who killed Pete. The last thing in the world she wants is for people to think he was killed by a whore.” The word slipped out of Cindy’s mouth inadvertently.

  “By a sex worker,” Eric broke in. “Charma’s an incredible woman, if you want to know the truth. I don’t like hearing her referred to as a whore.”

  “I’m sorry,” said Cindy simply. “I liked Charma too when I met her. But you also have to understand that they’ve got all kinds of evidence against her.”

  “That means nothing,” Eric insisted. “Evidence gets manufactured down here in the flash of an eye. Charma would never actually kill anyone.”

  “She stabbed a John before,” Cindy remembered..

  “That was self defense, it was different,” said Eric.

  “How do you know Pete didn’t come after her in some way?” Cindy asked.

  “Because he wasn’t one of those guys you worry about,” Eric chimed in. “He was a regular trick that came now and then. His whole life didn’t center around Charma.”

  “How do you know? Does Charma tell you about all her customers?” Cindy got the whole picture.

  “Yes, she does,” Eric smiled slowly again. “Every one of them. I make her tell me and she doesn’t leave a thing out.”

  “Why did you make her tell you?” Cindy demanded.

  “Because I care about her,” Eric spoke more softly. “I don’t want anything bad happening to her. I told her I’d take care of her forever, and I meant ever word.”

  Cindy sat quietly taking in his fervor and devotion. “I get it,” she said quietly.

  “Good, then let’s order dinner and eat it in peace,” said Eric. “After that we can both go back to our safe, little worlds.”

  There wasn’t anything so safe about Cindy’s world or Eric’s either she realized. But sitting here together, drinking wine in this lovely restaurant, there was also no way in the world that anyone would guess that the two of them lived teetering on the edge.

  Chapter 12

  Cindy left dinner with Eric feeling both fascinated and relieved. He was certainly a complex guy. If Cindy forced herself to ignore the fact that Eric was Charma’s number one customer, he seemed like a terrific, solid, caring man. He was good to be with, made her smile.

  “You’re one heck of a special woman,” Eric had commented in passing after dinner as they parted, going their separate ways.

  “Thanks,” Cindy replied, off handedly, deciding to keep her promise and not try to figure him out at all.


  When Cindy returned to the hotel she quickly checked her phone, half expecting another message from Mattheus. There was nothing from Mattheus, however, just a few messages waiting from Loretta.

  “Where are you? Call immediately! I need to hear what’s going on?” Loretta sounded a bit frantic.

  Even though it was late Cindy decided to call and put Loretta’s mind at ease.

  “Where’ve you been?” Loretta’s voice had a raw edge to it as she picked up the phone. “I’ve been trying to reach you and take you out to dinner with Angela and me.”

  “I’ve been working the case,” Cindy answered simply, feeling for a moment as if she were being tracked down by an overly protective mother.

  “You have to check in with me, tell me where
you’re going,” Loretta became more strident.

  “That’s not how I work,” Cindy answered carefully, realizing how important it had become to establish firm boundaries between the two of them. “I’m here as a detective, not a friend,” Cindy continued. “I am working for you, but not with you, Loretta. I don’t need to check in about every step I take.”

  Loretta’s stony silence in response was jarring. “Are you hiding something from me, Cindy?” she finally asked.

  This was becoming annoying. “What would I be hiding? I’m taking slow, careful, methodical steps, putting together a picture of everyone involved.” Cindy tried not to sound as exasperated as she felt.

  “Who exactly are you trying to get a picture of?” asked Loretta quickly.

  Cindy decided it wouldn’t hurt to give her the information she was so hungry for. Hopefully it would calm her down.

  “I’ve spoken to Taylor, Charma, and visited the brothel again.”

  “You what??” Loretta’s voice became paper thin and piercing. “You actually spoke to the whore? Why in the world would you go slumming like that? And I told you up front not to meet Taylor. He hates women, he always hated me.”

  “It doesn’t matter who a person hates or loves,” Cindy’s voice took on an edge as well. “It’s my job to speak to everyone. That’s what you do when you’re investigating a crime.”

  “I can’t believe you spoke to Taylor after I asked you not to,” Loretta became fitful. “I’m hurt, Cindy, very hurt.”

  “I’m sorry you’re hurt, but I’m trying to help,” Cindy wouldn’t go along with it.

  “And to top it off you also spoke to Charma,” Loretta went on. “Now I actually feel like throwing up.”

  “Why?” Cindy began to feel angry now. “Charma’s a person, too, and for the moment she’s being held in custody for a crime you tell me she didn’t commit.”

  “I know,”” hissed Loretta, “and I know she didn’t do it. But I can’t stand her anyway. I wouldn’t visit her if my life depended on it.”

  “Your life doesn’t depend on it,” Cindy flung back at her. “But maybe Pete’s life did.”


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