Death by Seduction

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Death by Seduction Page 13

by Jaden Skye

  “Nah, why in hell would she do something like that?” Burnd wouldn’t have it.

  But the idea didn’t seem so farfetched to Cindy. “How often did Pete see Charma? Did she look forward to seeing him?” Cindy wanted more information.

  “Pete came here enough,” Burnd shook his dizzy head. “But Charma didn’t like anyone, just me, I was the only one.”

  “Pete didn’t know that, though, did he?” asked Cindy, determined to trip Burnd up. “Did she make Pete think she liked him?”

  “She made them all think that,” Burnd seemed irritated. “That’s the business she’s in. The idiot looked happy when he left, even though he never stayed too long. But he did keep coming back over and over. You could count on him for that.”

  Cindy shuddered. There was no question that Burnd knew what he was talking about. Despite what Loretta believed, Pete had definitely been Charma’s customer. Suddenly, Cindy was finished with the questioning. There was nothing more she needed to hear from Burnd tonight.

  “Did you get what you needed from Burnd?” Eric turned to her after Cindy grew silent.

  “At least I’m now sure Pete was Charma’s customer,” Cindy replied.

  “What else?” asked Eric.

  “I see there could even have been a reason Charma wanted Pete dead, to get back at Loretta, maybe?”

  “Nah,” Burnd jumped up at that. “I told you that’s crazy. Charma has contacts. If she wanted Pete dead, she could easily have found a better way to do it. One thing, she’s not stupid. She wouldn’t have had him left lying in her room. Charma doesn’t want anyone dead. These guys keep her going. She just wants to get out of jail already. She thought she’d be out long before this!”

  “What do you mean?” Eric was quick on the uptake. “Why did she think she’d be out long before?”

  “She just did, she just did,” muttered Burnd. “The other time the cops took her in, she got out in a few days. What’s going on now? You tell me! If I were you, I’d get smart. It’s not good when Charma gets antsy!! Not for me, for you, or anyone!” With that, he pulled himself up off the table, turned around in his chair, grabbed what was left of his beer and in a few gulps, chugged it all down.

  Chapter 16

  By the time Cindy got back to the hotel she was completely wiped out, dropped down onto her bed and fell into a deep sleep immediately. When thin streams of morning light came through the window, waking her, for a few moments Cindy had no idea where she was, or why. She pulled a pillow over her head and thankfully, fell back to sleep. The sound of phone awoke her soon though, carrying with it the endless demands of the day.

  Cindy reached for the phone and picked up, still groggy.

  “Are you there? Are you there?” It was Loretta’s harsh voice, louder and more desperate than ever.

  “I’m here,” Cindy responded in a muffled tone.

  “Wake the hell up,” Loretta demanded. “I’m in trouble. I need you. Something’s happened.”

  Cindy bolted up in bed, terrified. “What?”

  “Someone climbed onto my patio and threw a rock through my window a few minutes ago,” Loretta yelled. “It came crashing into my room and there’s glass everywhere.

  “My God,” Cindy muttered.

  “They want to kill me,” Loretta was breathing fast, “I told you that in the beginning.”

  “Calm down, Loretta,” Cindy jumped out of bed.

  “Don’t you dare tell me to calm down!” Loretta spoke faster. “First they were after Pete and now they’re after me!”

  “We can’t be sure,” Cindy breathed. “Listen to me now, do what I say and you’ll be safe. First of all, call the hotel and tell them what happened. They’ll send up security immediately. Then call the police.”

  “I’m not calling the police,” Loretta muttered. “You call them. I hate the police and they hate me. That’s your job.”

  “Fine, I’ll call them immediately,” said Cindy, “and I’ll also investigate further.”

  “That’s right! You better find out who did this!” Loretta suddenly sounded as if she were going to cry.

  “I will, be calm, I promise you,” said Cindy.

  “You promise me?” Loretta’s voice became softer, almost childlike for a moment.

  “Yes, I promise I’ll do my very best to find out both who threw the rock and who killed Pete.”

  “They’re connected,” Loretta whispered gravely then. “They have to be.”

  “It’s possible,” said Cindy, “we don’t yet know. Someone might be getting too close to the truth and this could be a huge distraction.”

  “Just find the killer! Find him, find him!” Loretta started to scream.

  Cindy hung up the phone and before even calling the police, she put a call into Eric.

  “I had a great time last night,” he answered happily. “Always wonderful to hear from you, Cindy,”

  “Someone threw a rock threw Loretta’s window in the hotel,” Cindy answered abruptly, by passing the small talk.

  “That’s crazy,” Eric stopped cold.

  “Could it be Burnd? The guy’s unhinged,” Cindy answered, nervously. “Did we put the idea in his head?”

  “I’m not sure, I’m not sure,” Eric was mumbling.

  “I’m calling the police now,” said Cindy. “Is there anything else I should know before I do?”

  “Let’s think about this for a minute first,” Eric became calmer. “Taylor’s been digging into the books at Pete’s company. That could be stirring up trouble. Someone there could be sending a warning to cut it out.”

  “I’ll talk to Taylor about it as soon as I can,” said Cindy. Cindy’s heart beating faster now. From the very beginning Loretta felt as though she were in danger and Cindy worried that this premonition could become a reality now.

  “I should also talk to Charma about it,” Eric said then, in a hushed tone.

  “Why Charma?” Cindy didn’t like the idea.

  “Burnd said Charma’s antsy to get out of jail and he’s right. He’s also right that she’s got contacts. If something’s going on in the street, she’ll know about it. I’ll go talk to her right after breakfast.”

  “I want to go with you,” Cindy suddenly said, surprising herself.

  Silence greeted her on the other end of the phone. “Why?” Eric asked finally.

  Cindy didn’t know why exactly, but it couldn’t hurt to see Charma again. “She’s the main suspect and I want to see her again,” Cindy answered flatly.

  “Fine, have it your way,” Eric said quietly then. “I’ll meet you at the station where Charma’s being held.”

  Cindy hung up feeling unsettled. It seemed strange that before they went to speak to Charma Eric didn’t offer to have breakfast with Cindy first.


  Cindy called the police to let them know what happened to Loretta, then ate a quick breakfast up in the hotel room. As she ate, she put a call into Taylor who wasn’t there and left a message for him. Then she got dressed. It would take a few minutes to get down to the station and Cindy decided to give herself some time. It wouldn’t do anyone any good for her to arrive frazzled and unkempt.

  As Cindy stood before the mirror, brushing her long, auburn hair the phone rang suddenly. It was either Eric, Taylor or Loretta, thought Cindy, and all of them could wait until she had finished dressing.

  After she was dressed and ready, Cindy picked up the phone to see who had called. To her surprise it was Mattheus. A message was waiting from him.

  Please call me back as soon as you can, Cindy, Mattheus familiar voice rang out. I can’t stop thinking about you there alone. I don’t like it. I’ve been thinking of going to Antigua to live with my daughter, but I can’t. I need to come down and see you as soon as possible. Please call and tell me if I can.

  Come down and see her? The thought both startled and relieved Cindy. She stared at the phone and then ran her hands through her newly brushed hair. Then she sent Mattheus a quick text message in

  Thanks so much for your concern. I’m doing fine. It’s okay. It’s not a good idea to come down and see me now, right in the middle of everything.

  Cindy felt better that, at least, she’d answered. She’d left the basic question of whether Mattheus could come down hanging, but it wasn’t something to be addressed on the run. Right now she had to get down to the station. Eric had probably arrived there already some time ago.


  When Cindy walked into the small, holding room at the station she saw Charma and Eric seated close to each other, their heads practically pressed together, talking softly, but heatedly.

  “I swear, I swear,” Cindy heard Charma saying as she walked in.

  When Charma saw Cindy, she jumped a little back. “What’s she doing here?” she asked Eric, irritated.

  Cindy found it odd that Eric had not told Charma she was coming.

  “Do you remember me, Charma?” Cindy took the initiative.

  “Sure, you’re the detective, right?” Charma slid a little away from Eric.

  “Right,” said Cindy.

  “I told you everything I knew,” Charma bit her bottom lip and ran her hands over her shoulders. “Now I’m asking you, why the hell am I still here?” Then she tossed her long hair back. “I should have been out of here a long time ago.”

  “As soon as we find the killer, you’re out,” Cindy answered abruptly.

  “Who’s we? You and Eric?” Charma kept glancing back and forth between them.

  “You’re the one who told me to contact him,” Cindy reminded her, “you said that Eric would help you.”

  “That’s right I did,” Charma’s eyes flashed. “But I didn’t tell you to go to dinner with him and hang out at Rattlesnake Gin, did I?” Charma was obviously threatened and jealous.

  “Who told you we were there, Burnd?” asked Cindy, putting the pieces together, fast.

  “Sure! At least Burnd comes down to see me every day, not like some other people I know,” Charma threw an angry look at Eric.

  “I’m on the case, Charma, I’m doing everything I can,” Eric responded, stung.

  “So why the hell aren’t you here like Burnd is, letting me know all the time what’s going on?” Charma was rattled and nervous.

  “Someone threw a rock through Pete’s wife’s window this morning,” Cindy diverted the discussion. “Do you know who did it?”

  Charma stood up, her eyes narrowing. “No I don’t. I’m locked up here, but if you get me out and I’ll find out in two seconds.”

  “I thought maybe Burnd told you?”Cindy drew closer to her.

  “How the hell would Burnd know?” Charma asked, her eyes locking into Cindy.

  “Last night Burnd said that he wanted to give you the pleasure of taking Pete’s stuck up wife down!” Cindy replied, staring back at her. “He said you guys laughed at Loretta. You couldn’t stand her.”

  “There’s a lot of people I can’t stand,” Loretta burst out. “What has that got to do with anything? Burnd says all kinds of stupid things, but at least he’d do anything in the world for me. Even something crazy like taking Pete’s rotten wife down.”

  “You never suggested anything like that to him, did you, Charma?” Eric was flustered. Charma turned towards Eric upset. “You really think something like that of me?” she

  asked, shaken and crestfallen.

  “I don’t, I don’t,” Eric put his hands on her arms gently, trying to quiet her down.

  “I have more important things to do than worry about all the uptight wives who don’t know how to take care of their men,” Charma’s voice rose into a wail. “They leave that to me, don’t they?”

  “I care about your completely,” Eric cried back, upset by the sound of her wailing.

  Charma closed her eyes then and leaned onto Eric’s chest.

  “I know you do, baby, I know you do,” she melted. “And I couldn’t live another day if you didn’t.”

  Eric closed his eyes for a moment as the full weight of this wild and beautiful young woman pressed upon him.

  Troubled, Cindy backtracked. The intimacy between Eric and Charma was more than she could bear to witness. It made her remember the beautiful moments she’d shared with Mattheus, and she suddenly longed for them fiercely.

  “So?” Charma pulled away from Eric and turned towards Cindy, victorious. “Is there anything else you want from me now?”

  “Not at the moment,” Cindy yielded.

  “Good,” snapped Charma. “I was supposed to be out of here already. Just go do what you have to and find the killer. And leave Eric alone!”

  “Charma,” Eric interrupted, putting his hand on her forehead.

  “You belong to me, baby,” Charma looked right at him, “and I don’t want you ever forgetting it, either.”

  Eric grew quiet and sad as they stared into each other’s eyes.

  “We’ll get you out of here as fast as we can,” was all he answered in return.


  When Cindy and Eric got out into the street a heavy rain had started. Fortunately Eric had brought a large umbrella with him. He quickly opened it up and placed it both over his head and Cindy’s. Cindy had no choice but step under it with him as they walked along the drenched streets.

  “Why does Charma mean by saying she was supposed to be out of here already?” Cindy did her best to stay with the facts of the case.

  “Charma always gets what she wants,” Eric replied simply.

  “Including you?” Cindy couldn’t help remark.

  Eric wouldn’t respond to the comment and Cindy felt ashamed she’d made it. It was petty and childish to get involved with the relationship between them. Eric and Charma obviously meant a great deal to each other, and Eric was right in the beginning. None of it was any of Cindy’s business.

  “Listen, you’re doing a wonderful thing for her,” Cindy back pedaled. “Charma’s lucky to have you.”

  “She doesn’t have me,” Eric objected as a huge gust of wind came at them, practically flinging his umbrella out of his hands.

  “Put it anyway you want,” said Cindy. “You’re doing a lot to help her.”

  “I’m not only doing it for Charma,” Eric spoke strongly, “I’m also doing it for you, Cindy.”

  Another gust of wind struck at them then, practically pushing both of them around the corner.

  “Come on, let’s catch a cab and get out of here,” said Eric, as he grabbed Cindy to keep her from falling down.

  Chapter 17

  Cindy knew that as soon as she returned to the hotel she had to see Loretta and make sure she was okay. It was also time to confront her with the fact that Pete had been Charma’s customer and find out about the reality of their marriage. Taylor had not as yet returned Cindy’s call and she imagined that he was still knee deep in the money trail. Cindy was glad he was tracking it, too. There was obviously a lot hidden about Pete’s life and no matter who was frightened by it, it was time for it to surface.

  Cindy knew she first had to repair her relationship with Loretta and re-gain her trust before trying to learn more about her personal life. She decided to call and invite her on an outing. It would be good for Loretta to get away from her room, which was now being guarded by hotel police. Once out in nature she and Cindy could enjoy the incredible beauty of the island and hopefully put their differences behind them.

  Cindy put a call into Loretta right away. “I have a great idea,” Cindy said the moment she picked up the phone. “Let’s take get away from the hotel and some time at the waterfalls together this afternoon.”

  Loretta didn’t respond so quickly. “Why?” she asked finally.

  “I’d like to work things out between us, Loretta,” Cindy went on, “we need a chance to talk.”

  “Well, that’s gutsy of you, anyway,” Loretta seemed impressed. “As least you’re admitting you’ve done something wrong.”

  Cindy wondered exactly what Loretta thought she did wrong? She decid
ed to go along with it, however. “I’d like to talk it over,” Cindy repeated.

  “Alright,” Loretta finally agreed, “but why the waterfalls?”

  “I heard it’s beautiful there with crystal clear water and the rainforest above,” Cindy felt encouraged. “It’s a good place to unwind, isn’t it?”

  “Sure it’s beautiful” Loretta went along, “but how am I going to unwind until this is all over and you find the killer? How do I know someone won’t throw another rock at me tomorrow?”

  “The police are there now, they’ll protect you,” Cindy answered plainly. “What good will it do you to stay tied up in knots?”

  “None at all,” Loretta sighed. “And I am completely in knots. Okay, we can just go and look at falls. I’m not taking the jumps, though. There’s a hike of about forty minutes to the top of the falls where you can jump and slide your way back down. I don’t want to do that right now.” Loretta stated.

  “No, of course not,” agreed Cindy.

  “But I’ll go for the hike, just to look at the falls,” Loretta continued. “Should I invite Angela to come, too?”

  “How about just you and me for now?” Cindy wanted Loretta to herself, she needed to distract her and create a situation where Loretta could talk freely.

  “I guess you don’t want Angela to hear you apologizing to me,” Loretta declared.

  “I’d rather we had some privacy,” Cindy agreed. “When can we leave?”

  “I’ll meet you downstairs in half an hour,” said Loretta.


  The ride to the falls was tense and brittle, with Cindy and Loretta making meaningless small talk .Cindy thought Loretta might be waiting for an apology before she would open up. After they got out of the cab, before they started the hike, they paused at the waiting station at the foot of the trail. It was private and hidden, surrounded by trees and rocks, a perfect spot to clear the air between them.

  “I’m terribly sorry if I offended you, Loretta,” Cindy started, as they sat on two small, carved, wobbly chairs.

  “You did offend me,” Loretta snapped back.

  “That was never my intention,” said Cindy.


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