Death by Seduction

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Death by Seduction Page 20

by Jaden Skye

  Chapter 25

  Cindy wasn’t surprised when Eric asked if Mattheus was going with her to see Burnd. She knew Eric didn’t feel Cindy should be with him alone.

  “No, I want to go myself,” Cindy replied. “This is a good time to talk to him.”

  “Not smart,” Eric replied. “Burnd’s unstable. The place to find him now is around the brothel and you never know who you’ll run into there. Reporters are going to be swarming the place as soon as word’s out that Charma’s going to be released. “

  “When will that be?” asked Cindy.

  “As soon as the cops finish talking to Val,” said Eric.

  Cindy felt a suddenly stab of worry for Eric. “Are you worried about yourself?” she asked.

  “I’m ready for whatever comes,” Eric answered slowly. “Most of all I’m excited to see Charma get out.”

  “Of course,” said Cindy softly. “I’m happy the two of you will be together again.”

  Eric remained silent for a moment. “I’m happy that you and Mattheus are also back together. He’s a good man, Cindy.”

  “Yes, he is,” agreed Cindy.

  “Much better than me,” Eric laughed quickly and then stopped.

  “He’s not better than you,” Cindy couldn’t help saying. “You’re both wonderful men in your own ways.”

  “Thank you for that,” said Eric softly. “And, you and me, just two ships passing in the night,” he repeated the words Cindy had said to him earlier. “Guess the tides have their own ideas about where the ships are headed.”

  “I guess they do,” Cindy replied.

  “Glad the tides know because it beats me,” said Eric. “Okay, I’ll call Burnd now and tell him to meet you down the street from the brothel, at Casa’s Fish Joint. Stay out in the public. I’m not sure exactly what you want from the guy, but I’m glad to put in the call.”

  “Thank you,” said Cindy, “I appreciate that.”

  “Happy sailing, Cindy,” said Eric wistfully.


  Casa’s Fish Joint was oily, spicy and smelled of must. Cindy decided to wait outside for Burnd in the muggy day, rather than go in alone. She waited a short while and then finally saw him lumbering down the street towards her, his hair a tangled mess.

  “Hello there,” Burnd started, “sure good to see you. Want to go inside?”

  Cindy was surprised at the warm greeting. Burnd must have felt Cindy was responsible for freeing Charma and was grateful to her.

  “Maybe we can talk outside?” Cindy offered. “I feel like walking a bit.”

  “Sure, why not?” Burnd agreed as they moved away from the restaurant and walked slowly down the narrow block.

  “Three more hours until I see her again, thanks to you,” Burnd grinned at Cindy, exposing a jagged row of yellow teeth. “You did a great thing to help her.”

  “Thanks,” said Cindy, “pleased to be on his good side. “I was starting to think Charma would be stuck in there forever, never get out.”

  “That would not happen as long as I’m alive,” he howled up to the sky. “You think I’d let my honey rot in jail? Every day she told me she was getting out soon, and I believed her.”

  “That’s good, that’s great,” Cindy wanted to quiet him down. “But how could Charma be so sure she’d be getting out?”

  A crooked smile appeared on Burnd’s face. “Nobody puts anything over on her,” he mumbled. “My honey knows what she’s doing every step of the way.”

  “I can see that,” said Cindy, “she’s smart, she’s beautiful.”

  Burnd liked hearing that. “Glad you realize it,” he exclaimed. “Besides, the guys at the company promised her she’d be out in a few days. There was no way they could trick her, either. If they did, they knew they’d end up dead.”

  Cindy felt a long chill run over her shoulders. “Dead?”

  “I’d slit their throats from back to front,” Burnd leered at Cindy. “They know nobody messes with my girl.”

  Cindy felt her whole body tighten into a knot. Was Burnd the one who’d made the death threat to Taylor, and taken Pete down? Had he practically confessed?

  “Did you ever kill someone to protect Charma?” Cindy asked as if it were no big deal. “Did you ever threaten to kill someone?”

  “No, I didn’t, not yet,” Burnd spoke happily, completely unaware of what he had said. “But nobody would put it past me, either. People know if they mess with Charma, they mess with me first.”

  Cindy stopped and confronted him directly. “Who killed Pete?” she asked plainly, “you’ve got to know.”

  “No idea about that,” Burnd ground his teeth together. “I only know that Charma got a nice pile of money for letting them dump him in her room. She knew she was getting locked up for it, but promised she’d be out soon.”

  Cindy was startled by the information? “The guys at the company made a deal with her?” Cindy mumbled.

  “That’s right, a sweet deal,” Burnd was obviously proud.

  “So Charma knew that Pete was going to be killed?” Cindy asked carefully, aware that Burnd was just talking on and on, not realizing what he said.

  Burnd’s head bobbed up and down. “Charma knows everything happening on this island and everyone who it’s happening to.”

  “Who told her about Pete?” Cindy had to know.

  “The guys at the real estate company,” Burnd grinned. “Hell of a bunch of real dudes. Real money in their pockets, too. Charma does a lot to keep them happy and they give her plenty in return. And I get to have some of their bucks in my pockets, too.”

  Charma was an accessory to a crime and must have paid off Burnd for protecting her. Cindy suddenly wondered how much of this Eric was aware of?

  “Does Eric know that Charma gives you money?” Cindy asked.

  “Eric knows everything,” Burnd mumbled, “and nothing bothers him. He lets Charma do what she wants, if you know I mean. And he pays her big bucks for their time together.”

  Cindy shuddered. “Did Eric know that Charma was aware that Pete was going to be killed?” she demanded.

  “Nah, he didn’t know that,” Burnd wrinkled his nose. “Charma’s no fool. But one thing Eric did know that bothered him a lot. He found out that Pete gave Charma a bracelet that cost

  big bucks.” Burnd started grinning. “Charma and I laughed a lot together about how much it bothered Eric.”

  “I can see why it would bother Eric,” said Cindy, wanting more.

  Burnd laughed louder then. “Yeah, all these dudes think that Charma loves them, that they’re the main man. But I’m the only one she gives money to. The main man is me.”

  Cindy thought of Eric and his feelings for Charma and felt like throwing up. Charma had deceived him completely, was just using him as she used everyone else.

  Cindy had to get to the bottom of this. “Did you happen to see the bracelet Pete gave Charma?” she asked Burnd.

  “Sure, I did,” Burnd butted his head forth. “I saw Charma’s bracelet and another one, too. I even told Charma she wasn’t the only one getting the bracelets from Pete cause I found another one hidden in the leaves on the ground outside her window. I found it the day Pete died. Someone must have dropped it there.”

  “Who?” Cindy was stunned.

  “Hell if I know,” muttered Burnd. “What difference does it make?”

  “It makes a huge difference,” said Cindy, completely on edge. “Who was hanging around outside Charma’s window the day Pete died?”

  “Who knows? Who cares?” Burnd exploded. “I just found the bracelet because it’s the spot I always hang in to check on my honey. Habit, I guess.”

  Cindy looked closely at this odd man, tremendously grateful he was on board with her.

  “Do you know where the other bracelet you found is, Burnd?” Cindy asked, desperate to see it.

  “Right here in my pocket,” Burnd was gleeful. “I decided to keep it with me until Charma got out, then give it to her as a welcome home pre

  “I need to see the bracelet immediately, “ Cindy said with bated breath.

  “Sure, why not?” Burnd pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to Cindy, proud.

  Cindy took the bracelet from him and looked at it. Even though it was coated with mud and grime Cindy could tell that it was exactly like the one Loretta had, but this one was amber. Cindy had heard that Pete gave each of his girls bracelets that had their names engraved on the back of them. If the name was engraved on this one, it would tell who else knew that Pete was going to be killed, and was waiting outside for it to happen. Cindy would have an eye witness, and direct evidence linked to the scene of the crime.

  Cindy carefully scraped off the mud and scratched it clean to see if a name was engraved on the back. When the mud was gone, she held the bracelet up to the light. Slowly she could see faint, blurry letters. In a few seconds more the letters came together and she could read the name.

  The moment Cindy realized who the bracelet belonged to, she clutched it to her breast.

  “What’s the matter?” asked Burnd, seeing how upset Cindy suddenly became.

  “Loretta,” mouthed Cindy.

  “So?” asked Burnd.

  “This bracelet belonged to Pete’s wife,” Cindy uttered.

  “Is that so?” Burnd grinned.

  “What was Loretta doing outside Charma’s window?” Cindy’s eyes flashed as her voice plunged down to a place deep inside her.

  Burnd jumped away, frightened. “What’s the matter? What’s wrong?” he began to retreat. “All kinds of women were jealous of Charma. Give me the bracelet. I want to give it to her.”

  “It’s not that simple,” Cindy called out, “there’s been a murder here. I need to hold onto it for a little while, Burnd.”

  “So, hold onto it! What the hell do I care?” Burnd seemed blind sighted.

  There was no reason Loretta’s bracelet should have been found under Charma’s window, unless Loretta had been there. How was that possible? Loretta had said she’d never seen Charma or been near the brothel. Cindy thrust the bracelet into her bag then, pulled out her phone and called Mattheus.

  “I’ve got hard evidence,” Cindy breathed when Mattheus picked up the phone.

  “What?” Mattheus was startled.

  “I’m on my way over to Loretta’s room now,” Cindy’s voice got louder. “Stay where you are, more to follow.”

  Cindy felt shaken to the core as she hung up and then called Loretta to tell her she needed to see her right away.

  “I need to talk to you, Loretta,” said Cindy, in as casual a tone as she could manage.

  “Of course, come over,” said Loretta, “we’re having a gathering here in a few minutes, anyway. Angela and my father are coming. Everyone thinks you’re the greatest. They’ll be happy to see you.”

  “Thank you,” Cindy stayed as calm as she could manage. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”


  When Cindy arrived Loretta was dressed in a lovely mauve dress with matching scarf. Her hair brushed, and make up done, she looked almost as Cindy remembered back in college. What have the yeas done to you, Cindy mourned as she and Loretta looked at each other, eye to eye.

  “You’ve done an amazing job,” Loretta rushed over to give Cindy a hug. “They’ve got Val, who engineered everything. Pete was obviously killed due to the greed of the company.” Loretta was putting it all together in a way she could live with.

  Cindy wished she had more time to get into the heart of the matter slowly, but Angela and Henry were on the way over and Cindy needed to talk to Loretta privately.

  “Let’s go out on the patio,” Cindy suggested, “it’s good to get a fresh breeze.”

  “Of course,” said Loretta, smiling. “The days have been so muggy and I’ve haven’t been spending enough time outdoors since all of this happened.”

  As Cindy and Loretta walked outside, Cindy looked across the wide expanse of sky and watched some birds flying across it. Gripped with fear, Cindy had no idea how Loretta would respond to seeing her bracelet again, or the questions Cindy had about it.

  “You know I found something surprising,” Cindy started calmly.

  “What?” asked Loretta, still smiling at her.

  Cindy dug into her bag then, and brought out the bracelet she’d put inside. “Do you recognize this, Loretta?”

  For a moment Loretta didn’t. Then she blinked a few times, “it’s mine,” she uttered, before quickly trying to grab the bracelet away.

  But Cindy held the bracelet tightly in her grasp.

  “It’s mine!” Loretta repeated. “I didn’t know what happened to it. I lost it somewhere.”

  “Where?” snapped Cindy.

  “I don’t know,” Loretta looked confused, “somewhere.”

  “It was found under Charma’s window,” Cindy replied.

  “Someone must have found it and put it there,” Loretta gasped.

  “You were there under her window looking in the day Pete was killed, weren’t you?” Cindy said, watching the color drain from Loretta’s face.

  “You’re starting again with me?” Loretta muttered. “I haven’t been through enough? You’re determined to hurt me, no matter what?”

  “The bracelet’s part of the evidence now, Loretta,” Cindy replied.

  “There’s no more evidence needed,” Loretta breathed. “Case closed, Val did it. The money trail points to it.”

  “Not so fast,” Cindy took a step closer to her. “This is new evidence, and we need it.”

  Loretta’s eyes narrowed as her face flushed. “Evidence of what? That I lost a bracelet? That someone found it and gave it to you?”

  “It’s not that simple, Loretta,” Cindy wasn’t buying a word she said.

  Loretta’s eyes narrowed then. “What are you saying then? It’s evidence against me?”

  “How did the bracelet get underneath Charma’s window?” Cindy insisted. “You told me over and over you never went there and or saw her.”

  Loretta stared at the bracelet. “It was a gift from Pete. I cherished it, I was sad when I lost it. Give it back!” she commanded.

  “I won’t,” Cindy replied, thrusting it back into her bag.

  Loretta’s voice became rasping, “You’re jealous of me and my life. No one gave you a bracelet, did they? You don’t have a life of your own so you enjoying taking down other people.”

  “What was the bracelet doing there, Loretta?” Cindy demanded. “Blaming me won’t wipe out the facts.”

  Suddenly Loretta’s face became contorted. “That’s right, it won’t,” she shot out. “Nothing will wipe out the facts, will they?”

  “Nothing,” said Cindy. “The facts speak out for themselves when you listen to them.”

  “And I tried to wipe them out for a long time, didn’t I?” exclaimed Loretta.

  “Yes, you did,” replied Cindy. “It didn’t work.”

  The reality of the situation suddenly swept over Loretta as she shut her eyes tight.

  “You want some facts, well here they are,” she lashed out. “I knew all the time that the bastard went to whores, even back in Wisconsin! I knew it and I shut my eyes.”

  “I’m sorry about that,” breathed Cindy, relieved and shocked to hear Loretta’s admission.

  “Even though he promised me he’d stop over and over, he wouldn’t.”

  “He couldn’t,” said Cindy.

  “No, wouldn’t,” Loretta shouted. “He’d come home late at night, smelling of cheap perfume and whiskey and make up all kinds of stories. Do you know what it does to a woman to have to follow her husband, check up on him in secret, go into his computer, listen to his phone messages? At the end I realized he preferred those low lives to me. Do you know how humiliating it is? Finally, we came down here to make it right, but he had no intention of doing it. Even as he was signing papers for the condo he was chasing after the bitch.”

  “You knew every move he made all the time, did
n’t you?” Cindy was shaken.

  Loretta’s voice grew fierce, “Sure I knew and I finally did something about it! Is that so awful? Is it so bad? I gave the hundred thousand my father gave me to a guy at the real estate company, Lou Grand. Then I told him to find someone to finish Pete off.”

  “To kill Pete?” Cindy had to be absolutely clear about it.

  “That’s right, kill him,” Loretta snarled, “and dump the body in Charma’s room where it belonged. Charma was paid off for letting us do it. We told her she’d be taken in as the suspect, but promised she’d be let out soon. Lou had his way of arranging it. Charma knew Lou and she trusted him.”

  “And then you had Lou call and threaten Taylor’s life?” Cindy’s voice was shaking.

  “Taylor was digging too deep, getting too close. And I hated him anyway,” Loretta breathed. “Two for the price of one,” she laughed suddenly. “Taylor was smart though, he hid away.”

  “So, you threatened Taylor’s life and had Pete killed?” Cindy repeated, wanting to make sure Loretta heard exactly what she was saying as well.

  “That’s right,” yelled Loretta, suddenly irate. “And you’re next.” She turned and ran to lock the door and then started pushing furniture around to create a blockade. “Nobody gets in until I let them,” she yelled.

  Cindy ran after her to restrain her, but Loretta was on a tear now, running back and forth like a madwoman, pushing chairs back and forth, throwing vases to the ground.

  Cindy quickly put a call into Mattheus. “Get over here instantly. Get the cops,” Cindy shouted.

  “I’m on it, I’m here, right down the hall,” Mattheus was all over it.

  “Calm down, Loretta,” Cindy yelled to her above the din then. “You won’t get away with this, ever. Game’s up.”

  “Game’s just beginning,” Loretta’s eyes shone darkly at Cindy.

  “Mattheus knows I’m here. I told him about the evidence,” Cindy tried to frighten her.

  Loretta seemed fearless. “So, I’ll get the bracelet from you after you’re dead, and bury it where no one will find it,”


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