The Vampire King’s Nanny (The Vampire King Chronicles Book 7)

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The Vampire King’s Nanny (The Vampire King Chronicles Book 7) Page 4

by T. S. Ryder

  "She did." Clarissa's lips began to wobble and she bit down hard. "Papa stopped loving me when she died. He stopped giving me kisses and calling me his little girl. He used to carry me on his shoulders and tell everybody that I was his daughter. He doesn't do that anymore. He thinks I'm the reason Mama died and he hates me."

  "No, honey." Adrielle pulled the little girl into her arms. Her heart clenched, but what could she say? Clearly, she needed to have a heart-to-heart with Thomas. Right then, Clarissa needed comfort. "No, he doesn't blame you. He loves you, sweetheart. He's just… He's just sad."

  Clarissa sniffed as she buried her face in Adrielle's shoulder. "It is my fault Mama died, though. I'm the reason."


  "Yes." She trembled, clinging tighter to Adrielle. "It's because I'm half-demon. She died because she got pregnant with me. I killed her."

  She collapsed into sobs and Adrielle comforted her the best she could. Clarissa sobbed for hours and, once she finally quieted, Adrielle stayed with her until she fell asleep. Her own emotions were in turmoil as she slipped back to her room.

  Was it true? Had carrying Clarissa killed her mother? It couldn’t be. She said she remembered her mother reading to her, so she had to have been at least a few years old before Erela died. Being pregnant didn't kill her at all. Why would Clarissa think that she was to blame?

  Tomorrow, when she wasn't feeling so overly emotional, she would have to go to Thomas and tell him everything. He needed to change the way he acted around his daughter. There was no reason for her to think he didn't love her when it was clear to everybody else that he cared.

  Adrielle slumped into the chair in front of her computer and turned it on. Though exhaustion dragged at her limbs, she still pulled up the romance novel she'd been typing away at every now and then since she had arrived. Tonight she needed something to turn her mind away from what Clarissa said, otherwise she would never sleep.

  Unfortunately, she didn't feel like writing. She tapped out a few sentences and then stopped, shaking her head. She scrolled up and reread some of the things she had already written. She stopped at the sex scene she had written the previous night – right after she had returned from kissing Thomas. The taste of his mouth was still on hers and she almost groaned aloud.

  It was a distraction alright. One she didn't exactly want right now. So many other concerns flooded her mind.

  Was this… healthy? Writing a romance novel when she was, essentially, a prisoner? It was wrong, wasn't it? To be having these feelings to a man who bought her? She rubbed her temples, groaning. Then, of course, this romance novel was completely her fantasy… Thomas was making his appearance in the hero, and the heroine… Well, she wasn't Adrielle exactly, but she was pretty dang close. It was wrong to be having this sort of reaction to being a prisoner, wasn't it?

  "She cried out in pleasure as he entered in one thrust, amazed at how receptive her body was to his own."

  Adrielle jumped at the sound of Thomas's voice. She turned to find him standing just behind her, his gazed fixed on the screen. A puzzled look was on his face as heat rose up in hers. With a quick yank, she unplugged the monitor. Embarrassment and anger mingled so tightly in her chest that she couldn't speak. She made a few squeaking noises as the king's fathomless dark eyes moved to her face.

  "Your sex scenes read as though you're a virgin."

  Oh, that was the final straw. Adrielle leaped to her feet and poked her finger hard into his chest. "Stop coming into my room without knocking! Actually, stop coming into my room unless I give you permission, period. I didn't ask for you to read my story. I'm not interested in your opinions. So if all you're going to do is come in here and scare the crap out of me and insult my work, then turn that ass around and get out!"

  She huffed, putting her hands on her hips. Thomas stared at her, eyes widened. The shock on his face would have been comical if she wasn't already so upset.


  "What? Not used to people talking back to you?"

  "Well, I'm not used to it from you." He smiled suddenly. "I like it."

  Her heart rate spiked and her knees turned to jelly. Dammit! Why couldn't her body behave? She drew herself up taller and pointed at the door. "Get out."

  Thomas held up his hands. "I'm sorry. I guess I forget how private you are. But the door was open, so I thought that… Next time I will knock. I only came to apologize. I should never have kissed you yesterday."

  "What kiss?" Adrielle's cheeks grew hotter as her gaze wandered to his lips. His perfect, full, kissable lips. "And I don't know what you're talking about, saying my writing is inexperienced. I've had sex. I've had sex loads of times."

  The frown came back. "Well, maybe so, but you can't have had good experiences. Your writing is completely unrealistic. Any man who enters a woman without making any effort to prepare her isn't going to give her pleasure. He's being selfish. There is no love in such an act."

  "Again, I didn't ask you." Adrielle gulped. "Well, maybe you're right. I've only… Well, I’ve only had one partner and he never… I never enjoyed it."

  What was she telling him this for? Adrielle sucked her lower lip between her teeth, chewing on it. This was none of his business. Yeah, maybe there was some animal magnetism going on here but it was just wrong to feel this way. Maybe if they met in a bar. Maybe if they had met in any way other than him literally abducting her. Maybe if he promised to let her go… so that she wasn't a prisoner or slave. She could become a guest who wanted to be with him… Not that she would leave now. Not with William out there searching for her and Clarissa here, needing her.

  The king was different than she expected. Behind that emotionless mask was deep pain. Something was broken inside and she wanted to help him feel better. She'd have to be blind not to see the way he looked at her – the lust in his eyes as his gaze traveled over her figure.

  Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all, just to have a little fun…

  Adrielle moved the chair aside and pushed the keyboard tray back under the desk. She was a romance writer who lacked romance in her life. Maybe if she had more experience, she'd be able to write better stories and enjoy better sales…

  "Maybe you can help me out," she blurted. Her voice was low and husky. "Make my writing more realistic, I mean."

  Thomas's hand clenched. He swallowed thickly, his gaze traveling down her figure. The light blue dress-coat she wore accentuated her body nicely, especially since she had taken the crinolines out from under it. She had also removed the leggings since she had spilled paint on them earlier. The king made a groaning noise in his throat and stepped back.

  "You shouldn't tempt me like this."

  Hearing that she was tempting made heat pool in Adrielle's core. She sat on the desk, pushing the monitor out of the way and spread her thighs. She had never felt like a temptress. Never felt like a sexual creature. The heat in Thomas' eyes made her skin feel too tight. She loved that look and was surprised by how much it made her blood heat.

  "Why not?" Still that husky voice.

  With a snarl, Thomas turned. He strode with firm footsteps toward the door and Adrielle was disappointed – until he slammed the door shut and came back to her. Her heart spiked and a pleased, startled gasp came from her as Thomas gripped her hips. He pushed himself between her legs and ground himself against her. His jaw was clenched, muscles corded. Adrielle groaned.

  "You shouldn't tempt me because I'm a vampire," he growled. "I told you we have voracious appetites. For sex, for blood, for violence. It's all connected with us. If I touch you, I want to drink from you. If I drink from you, I want to have sex with you. If I have sex with you… I could kill you. You're small and fragile. I'd break you."

  "Then let me tie you to the bed and I'll be on top," Adrielle blurted. She rolled her hips against him, clinging to him as the tightness squeezed her harder. So what if this was sudden? She wanted it and she so rarely ever went after what she wanted.

  Another snarl, this one de
eper. "Tell me to leave."

  "I don't want you to leave."

  "If you don't, then I'm going to drink from you. I'll make you ride my hand and then I will sink my fangs into your neck and drink your blood. Once I've done that, I'll tear off your clothes and feast on you." His head dropped to her breast and he nipped at the fabric while his hand pushed between her thighs. "Everywhere."

  "Yes," Adrielle groaned, her head falling back as she pushed her hips out to connect more fully with his hand. "Please."

  A low, deep growl. It made goosebumps break out on her arms and heat to pool between her legs. She rocked against him, loving the friction between them. It eased the feeling inside while making everything tighter.

  There was a tearing sound and Thomas' fingers pressed against naked flesh. Adrielle gasped as they sought out her clit, each passing over it in a gentle, gliding touch. She mewled as the heat and tightness inside of her increased. Thomas' dark eyes glittered as he circled it with one finger than the other, finally deciding on his thumb. He flicked it back and forth casually a few times before pressing harder and making a deep circle.

  Adrielle gasped, jerking. Her arms circled his shoulders while his hand remained tight on her hip, holding her in place. Her blood rushed to her ears. His mouth brushed against hers, then dropped to her neck. His muscles corded beneath his jacket and, though Adrielle longed to rip it off him, she merely grasped at the fabric with both hands. Thomas eased a finger into her, keeping up his ministrations, and a zing of pleasure moved through her. She arched her back and cried out.

  Thomas' lips pressed into her skin, causing shivers to run up and down her spine from both ends. She rolled her hips against his hand, surprised at how quickly he found the right way to touch her. When she was with William, he never…

  Don't think about him.

  "I'm going to drink from you now," Thomas snarled, sounding both angry and aroused.

  A sharp pain pinched at her neck, making her cry out again. Thomas' thumb made harder sweeps over her clit, causing her eyes to roll into the back of her head. He pushed another finger into her, pushing them in and out. Adrielle rolled her hips in time with his movement, literally riding his hand. She was making a horrible panting sound but didn't care. Thomas made slurping noises as he drank her blood. Adrielle knew it should disgust her, scare her, something – but all it served to do was heighten her arousal further.

  With a snarl, Thomas suddenly pulled back. His hand left her, making her whimper, but the look in his eyes made her stop. Her blood painted his lips. It dribbled down his chin, making him look like something out of a horror film. She had mussed up his hair and his eyes were practically glowing. With another snarl, he gripped the edges of her coat and tore it in half. Buttons flew off, popping against him. Adrielle groaned as the cold air hit her.

  Thomas didn't let her stay cold for long. He dropped to one knee, sucking first one nipple then the other into his mouth. His hand returned to its place between her thighs, resuming its previous work. Adrielle dug her hands into his hair, crying out. Her skin was too tight. The buildup in her core was going to rip her in half. Her face contorted as she held her breath, her face turning red.

  Another cry followed as Thomas nipped at her breast with his long, beautiful fangs. Then he fell lower. His hands gripped her thighs, spreading them apart with a force that couldn't be denied. Adrielle fell back on the desk, knocking the monitor off, but neither cared. Thomas buried his face in her, his tongue moving expertly around her clit.

  Her back arched. A scream ripped through her throat as everything went black. An earthquake shattered her bones, pulling her skeleton apart at its joints. She wasn't even aware that she still rolled her hips, grinding against him, wanting more, needing more. Three fingers were inside her now as his mouth was latched firmly on her clit. She could hear his growls, heard another ripping sound.

  When the blackness cleared, he was standing over her. Strips of his shirt hung from his body and his pants were nowhere to be seen. He yanked her legs apart even further. There was no recognition in his eyes as he pressed against her: only raw, unfettered lust.

  A hand trailed down her front, stopping to tweak her nipples, a growl rising in his throat. She loved the sound and let out a pleased sigh as he pressed against her. His work had already made her ready, but his thumb kept up its work on her clit, softer now, as he pushed in. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as he started moving.

  The tightness that had exploded moments ago was already returning. This time it came back harder, faster. Thomas gripped her hips with both hands, his head moving back as his rhythm picked up pace. Adrielle gripped the edge of the desk, trying to keep herself in place as he battered her body. She whimpered, loving the look of his sculpted muscles tightening; loving the way he unrelentingly entered her, making the build harder.

  He dropped over her. His fangs pierced her skin again and she made a screaming noise as everything exploded. Her eyes rolled back into her head and black washed over her vision. Just when she thought it was over, another wave of pleasure overtook her.

  And, suddenly, it was gone. Thomas withdrew, slowly, blood dribbling down his chin. Still moving slowly, he straightened and stared down at her. Adrielle lay on the desk, panting, waiting for him to enter again.

  But he didn't.

  Instead, he swallowed again and stepped back. Then stepped back again.

  Chapter Seven – Thomas

  What the hell was he doing?

  Thomas stared down at Adrielle's naked form. Her nipples were hard, her legs falling open to give him a perfect view. Her eyes were hooded, her face red and flushed. Those magnificent breasts heaved. When she licked her lips, he took another step back. He wanted so badly to just take her again. The taste of blood was still on his lips and he wanted to bury himself into her; drink until he was full and thrust again and again like an animal, forgetting everything but his own pleasure.

  He couldn't. He had already lost enough control. Blood dribbled from her neck. She had no idea how close he'd come to draining her… This was a mistake – a terrible mistake. He had known it was before that first kiss, but he had done it anyway.

  He was a monster. This was proof of that.

  "Don't go." Her voice was soft, sending shivers down his spine. "Thomas…"

  "It's not safe," he choked out. "I shouldn’t… I could lose control."

  He had already lost control, but he had caught himself in time. There was no telling if he would do it again.

  Adrielle pushed herself into a standing position. She pulled off the ruined remnants of her uniform and approached him, her eyes like steel as they bore into his own. Thomas swallowed again. Even now, he trembled on the verge of throwing her onto the bed and taking her like an animal. But he couldn’t. He was a vampire. His hold on his sanity was tenuous at best.

  "Then we use a ball gag and ropes," she whispered as she moved closer. "If you're scared—"

  "I'm not scared." His hands clenched and he shook his head. "Aren't you listening to me? I don't want to kill you, Adrielle. I don't want to have to go through all the trouble of training a new human to look after Clarissa. You are tempting, but I can control myself."

  "If you can control yourself, I don't see the problem."

  Thomas drew back from her as she reached for him. "I said no!"

  Adrielle flinched. Good. Finally, she was showing the right amount of fear. Thomas pulled his pants back on and left the room, not glancing back. He felt a slight tremor in his hands and stuffed them in his pockets. What was with that human woman? Did Adrielle have no sense of self-preservation? Did humans have even less control than vampires did?

  He knew exactly why she was affecting him like this. It was more than just the fact that she was so gorgeous and her body made him want to do unholy things to her. This was the first time since Erela that there had been a woman in his personal spaces, looking after his daughter, other than Madrid. The werewolf was his friend and subject, besides which s
he was happily mated. When it came to Adrielle, though…

  "Erela." He sagged against the wall, gripping it to keep upright.

  Rage boiled in him. She was the one who chose him. She came to him and claimed him as her own. He hadn't asked for her to pick him. He hadn't asked to fall in love. It was all her. From the moment he saw her, how could he do anything but love her? Seeing her walk through the fields, feet bare, wearing a robe as white as snow. There was a command in her eyes and who was he to deny it? No-one.

  She had chosen him and it had destroyed his life.


  No. He straightened and continued walking. Adrielle's dainty footfalls caught up with him quickly. She panted as he lengthened his stride. Why couldn't she just leave it alone? He thought he'd be safe from this temptation seeing how frightened she was of him. If she had only just stayed afraid, none of this would be happening.

  "Wait." Adrielle grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop. "Talk to me, please."

  "There is nothing to talk about."

  "Oh, yes there is."

  The king yanked his arm free. "No. I am the king and you will do as I say. Now go back to your room."

  She didn't even blink. "I'm not your slave to order around and I'm not a teenager that you can send to her room just because you can't face your emotions. And you don't want to talk about what happened back there, fine. You said no. That's it. No is no, no matter who it's coming from. So, it's done. It's over."

  Thomas' eyes narrowed. Was she really going to let it go that easily? Doubtful, but he could at least accept the concession for what it was. From the look on her face, though, she wasn't going to leave him alone. She had something up the sleeves of the silk bathrobe that hugged every curve, spiking at the points of her still-hard nipples…

  Ball gag and ropes, huh? It sounded humiliating. Being tied up and choking on a piece of rubber while Adrielle climbed onto him and rode him with her large breasts bouncing…

  He groaned in frustration, feeling himself harden once more. Dammit! Why couldn’t his body just listen to him for once? When he turned to leave, Adrielle planted herself in front of him again. He growled a warning, but she ignored it.


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