His Father

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His Father Page 1

by A. E. Murphy


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  About the Author

  Also by A. E. Murphy

  Zean Maskell, this one is yours. I hope you like it but if you don’t, I still love you.


  I’ve seen pictures of his house, of course I have. We traveled together for a year, backpacking across the world. He became my closest friend and confidant. He’s the best person I know, which is what brings me to now as I stand here, looking at his bloody beach house! It’s like something Barbie would live in except it’s not pink.

  How can Mad be such a cool person when he came from all of this money? It’s insane. The pictures he showed me make the place look a lot smaller than it actually is, but he’s very good at photography. I bet he did it on purpose.

  “Not one to brag are you, Mad?” I grin at my friend as he climbs out of the black Uber and opens the boot of the car. “You weren’t lying when you said there’d be space.”

  He nudges me with his shoulder, looking embarrassed by it all, and slings both my heavy backpack and his onto his shoulders. “Come on. Let’s see if Dad’s home.”

  I trail behind a little, taking in the scenery, it’s hot here, nearly as hot as India but not quite. India’s heat is a bit dryer but more powerful. This is a bit more humid, probably because we’re on the coast and there’s a nice breeze to take the edge off.

  The breezy places are killer though, because you don’t feel your skin burning until it’s too late. I need to lather on my factor fifty before leaving the house.

  I can’t believe I’m staying here.

  When he opens the door, I yank on the bobble at the back of his curly, dark hair. He needs a trim but he won’t. He’s growing it until he can chop it off for a cause. Nothing that Mad does is for selfish gain.

  “Leave my hair, Pest,” he snaps playfully, his eyes twinkling with humor as he kicks the bottom of the door. “Get the handle.”

  I yank it down, trying to peek through the glass on either side but loose voile covers them, making it hard to see much but a spacious hall. This is confirmed when we step inside.

  I feel so out of place and funnily enough, I can tell Mad does too.

  “Beats that shack in Cambodia,” I mutter and bend down to undo the laces of my walking boots.

  “Leave them,” Mad says, dropping our bags on the floor next to a white door which I’m guessing is a closet. “DAD?”

  This place is so big, his voice echoes. I’ve never seen such high ceilings in a home before. In fancy hotels and such, yes, but not homes. I bet it costs a fortune to keep cool.

  “I told him we wouldn’t be here until four, so he might not be home yet.” He looks around anxiously and I can tell he’s missed his dad.


  He scrunches up his nose, making his plump upper lip seem thicker. “I got the timeline confused.”

  “Now why doesn’t that surprise me?” I laugh and grab my bag. “I really need a sho—”

  “Maddox?” A deep, male voice echoes over the sound of a door sliding open somewhere beyond the long hall. I can’t wait to tour this place.

  I’m anxious to meet his dad, I’ve seen a picture of him smiling with Mad on his shoulders when he was a young boy. I didn’t inspect it thoroughly and now I really wish I had.

  As his father rounds the corner, where the hallway opens up on the right at the very end, my breathing stops. My eyes are likely as round as saucers and I genuinely forget to breathe.

  He’s… gorgeous.

  He has thick brows, those are the first thing I notice, but they’re thick in the way everybody wants their eyebrows to be thick. They shadow sky-blue orbs that have a powerful dark ring of midnight around the striking edges. I want to paint them, I want to stare into them and capture every fleck of color, every genetic imperfection of his iris and pointed pupils. Thick, long lashes cast a shade onto his lower lids which only make the color pop more. Mad has similar eyes, I think, but nowhere near as striking as this.

  I’m staring. I can’t help myself.

  He has dimples that are slowly vanishing as his smile becomes a frown and his frown becomes a scowl in my direction.

  “Dad, meet Pest,” Maddox introduces me, placing a hand on my elbow. “Pest, this is my dad, Sargent.”

  I already knew his name but I pretend I didn’t and extend a hand which could be cleaner, but in my defense, we just traveled for eight hours from Cambodia to LA and there are no showers on airplanes the last I checked.

  “This is Pest?” Sargent looks at his son, his blue eyes glowing with confusion and ire as he ignores my hand and lets it hang between us. This is awkward.


  “She’s a girl.”

  “I did clear that up in my last email, Dad, before you said she could stay.” Maddox frowns, dropping his bag again and squaring up to his father who has maybe a hundred pounds more of muscle on his frame. He’s wearing shorts and a vest, I can see everything, including the sharp point tribal tattoo peeking over his right shoulder. I wonder how big it is and where it leads. “Did you read the emails or did you just have Marcy do it for you?”

  “I didn’t read them all, I wanted you to tell me your tales when you arrived,” he snaps, giving me another look, this one even less pleasant than the last. His eyes drag from my dirty boots to my messy hair which still has mud and Lord knows what else in it.

  I’m wearing a very baggy checked shirt and leggings that I cut above the knees. They’re comfy and not too warm, and cheap to replace when they are no longer wearable. It’s safe to say I look like I just crawled out of Oxfam and not Prada.

  “I’m sorry if me staying is a burden,” I input quickly before the situation escalates. “If I could just get cleaned up and rest a while I’ll be on my way.” I don’t want to stay where I’m not welcome but I don’t have anywhere else to go right now. Not because I feel intimidated by this man but because I’m not a pushover and I can see me not getting on with him despite him being my host. I’ll never be anything but polite so long as that attitude is returned.

  Quiet I may be, pushover I am not.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Mad snaps, looking, well, mad. “Dad.” He cuts his father with a glare. “You’re being a douchebag.”

  I’m glad he said it because I was thinking it.

  “I know, I’m sorry.” He pushes his short hair back and looks at me before extending a hand.

  I take it but only after a nudge from Mad. I wanted to leave him hanging like he just did for me. I’m that level of petty.

  His large hand engulfs mine and squeezes gently. “You’re welcome to stay for the length agreed.”

  His meaning isn’t lost on me. He means the length agreed and not a second more.

  I should have insisted on speaking with his father before even entertaining the idea of coming all the way to Malibu. I should have tried to form a relationship with him before arriving. I’m an idiot.

  When he releases my hand, he turns to his son and they hug at last. “It’s good to see you, Maddox.”

  “You too.”

  “We’ll have dinner together tonight, I’ll have Marcy book us a table.”

  “Not tonight.” Mad pulls back. “We’ve been flying for eight hours and three kids were
screaming the entire ride. Plus, jet lag, you know?”

  “Of course.” He smiles so warmly at his son I almost start to like him. I almost start to find him attractive again. “I’ll leave you both to rest for tonight and accost you in the morning.”

  “Thank you for having me, Sarge,” I say, and his eyes narrow on me infinitesimally.

  “It’s Sargent, or Mr. Wolf.”

  Yikes. He’s super intense.

  Though again, I’m not intimidated because I’m trying not to laugh at his name, Sargent Wolf.

  “Dad,” Mad snaps, grabbing his bag and then my arm. “Come on, Pest. I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping.”


  He’s finally home, after nearly a year away. I hated the thought I’d have to share him with a friend but said yes purely because I knew if I’d said no, he would have delayed his journey longer.

  Had I known his friend would be female I’d have let the journey delay. Though knowing Maddox, he would have simply shown up with her anyway. The stubborn shit that he is.

  Why didn’t I read the emails? I saw the pictures but they were always group photos. I didn’t pay attention to the filthy little dark-haired harlot in his photos.

  It was obvious they were close but so was everybody in the pictures he sent. He’s very good at photography. He likely did it that way knowing I’d miss it and say yes, knowing Marcy would also manipulate the situation so I can’t say no. I’m not a complete bastard, not always. I just can’t stand the thought of a woman in my house for days and nights on end. Filling the space with her things, her scent, her womanly touch.

  Tampons in the bathroom, hair in the drains, nail polish on the sides of the basin. I dealt with that fucking crap once for his psycho of a mother, never again.

  Nonetheless, I was raised better than how I behaved. I’m a grown man and I likely frightened the little girl to death. Not that she showed it in her defiant little shortening of my name. I loathe being called Sarge nearly as much as I loathe having a woman in my home.

  Soon my son leads her away and she pierces me with a curious look over her shoulder. Those round, warm, greenish-hazel, innocent eyes narrow with intrigue.

  I wait for them to enter the spare room before I follow. My apology is stuck in my throat, rehearsed and ready though I don’t mean it, not fully. I’m only saying it so Maddox doesn’t give me a hard time, which I know he will.

  The door is still open, I can hear their voices drifting my way. Hers is hushed so I can’t make out what she’s saying but his isn’t.

  “My dad is scarred,” he explains and I have to lean on the wall with my hand for support. “My mom did a number on us both. He never got over it. Never learned to trust again.”

  “He never moved on?” Her voice is louder now and her meaning is clear. She thinks I’m some virginal little martyr, waiting for the right woman. Ha. The thought is laughable.

  “Oh, no, I wouldn’t say that. He’s always with somebody, but never here. It’s always just been me and him, and his assistant, Marcy, who was originally male when my dad hired her, so she doesn’t count.”

  “You’ve told me about Marcy, she sounds amazing.”

  “She is, my dad would be lost without her.”

  I would not.

  “Just give him time and ignore him if he’s rude. He doesn’t mean it. He’s just scarred. Badly, badly, scarred.”

  I am not scarred. I just can’t be dealing with the same fake bitch trashing my life day in, day out when I can have my pick, day in, day out. Who needs the rest of the baggage when you can choose between every pussy letter of the alphabet?

  “You might have told me this about your dad before, though.”

  I hear my son sigh and my chest tightens. “I thought he’d be better than that. His email seemed so sincere but, then, I should have known it wasn’t him who sent it.”


  I back away quietly, deciding my apologies are better suited for the morning.

  He’s also wrong, I’m not still holding onto the pain of what his mother did or any morbid shit like that. I’m simply enjoying life this way, without the influence of a woman.

  I guess I shouldn’t blame my son for wanting a woman in his life. He’ll soon learn to stay away. There’s something about this girl, something in her eyes that I don’t like. She’s going to be hard work.


  I can’t believe this house. It’s insane.

  Everything is glass, every room has floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking an incredible view of Malibu. We’re high up so nobody can see in without trespassing first. Everything is the same color, the floors are all a brownish, gray wood that’s glossy and gorgeous. The walls are an off white with cleverly placed art here and there. The furniture is minimal but so comfy looking and classy.

  Mad only gave me a brief tour last night as we were both wiped but he told me to make myself at home. I’m not sure I can, not until I’ve spoken to his father and cleared the air. As much as I’d like to make myself scarce immediately I am stuck here until I can make alternative arrangements. He agreed to have me so he will have to deal with it. I was just calling his bluff in the hall yesterday when we arrived, knowing on the spot he wouldn’t have told me to fuck off because Mad would have followed.

  It's such a shame that such a handsome man is such an arse.

  I stretch on the rug in my bedroom after a second, long, hot shower. It’s been so long since I felt the softness of a shaggy rug. Especially one so expensive and authentic.

  My wet hair dampens it as I stare at the ceiling in a pair of Mad’s gray boxer briefs and a white vest that’s a bit too large. All of my things need cleaning. Not that I have many things. This is why I had a shower before bed and one upon waking, I was filthy. Now I feel clean, so squeaky clean. It’s amazing. I never want to feel dirty again.

  I unravel the leather strap from around my journal and roll onto my front. The sun is only now rising outside but my mind’s jet lag had it rising two hours ago and in Cambodia we always got up before it broke through the darkness anyway. We had to, to gather water from a mile away and have it filtered and ready to drink.

  I write:

  “Today is going to be a good day, I can feel it. Today is a day of harmony and happiness and today I’ll try to bond with Sargent. I still can’t believe Mad told Marcy to purposely withhold the fact I’m female, just so I could come here with him. I knew he valued my friendship and company but to the extent that he’d risk the wrath of his father just to keep me around is mind blowing.”

  I roll my journal back up and tuck it under my pillow after I stand, stretch again, check my thick braid that hangs over my left shoulder, and then I exit my bedroom.

  The polite thing to do would be to wait for Maddox to wake up but I am starving and he put my bag in the utility room with his. I have maybe two meal replacement bars in the front pocket that I forgot to take out before handing it over.

  I creep along the hall, keeping to the right as I make my way to the large archway that joins the hallway to the open-plan kitchen and dining room, which also leads to the most amazing outdoor pool I have ever seen. It looks like you can swim straight over the side. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  Sure beats the piranha-infested waters we dared to swim in. Maddox even got bitten once, that wasn’t fun. Nasty little gits they can be. He still has the scar to prove it above his right ankle bone.

  On bare feet and tiptoes I move silently across the kitchen and through another door, relieved when I see my bag on the side where Mad left it, though it’s empty of clothing and the washing machine is making a racket. He must have chucked our shoes in there with our clothes. Not an uncommon thing to do when backpacking but definitely not the right thing to do in normal civilization.

  I laugh quietly and peel open the meal replacement bar. It leaves much to be desired in the flavor department but I’m starving. This is the first thing I have eaten since that awful plane meal that I took one b
ite of yesterday.


  “What are you doing?” I bark and she startles, squealing like a little girl as she spins to face me. There’s something hanging from between her lips, something in a silver packet. She grabs it and swallows the piece in her mouth.

  “Getting food,” she replies, placing her hand to her heart and my eyes, unfortunately, catch sight of her perky rosebud nipples that are clearly visible through the white tank top she’s donning.

  Damn it, she has amazing breasts. I bet they’d be heavy in my hands despite their perkiness and I’m almost certain the shape I see surrounding the pebbled tip of her left nipple is a piercing.

  Why do I like that?

  She shifts on the spot, uncomfortable by my staring and now I feel like a perverted fool.

  I look at her in the eyes and keep my expression flat despite the raging hard-on my pants are hopefully concealing.

  “Eating what?” I ask. She’s my son’s girl. I am sick. Or I am normal for appreciating a beautiful female form, which she definitely has. Gentle curves, if not a bit too slender from her travels, perky breasts which I can’t stop looking at, wider hips than most of the women I’m used to fucking in Malibu. I bet she has a great ass.

  I have to stop myself from leaning around to check it out.

  “It’s a meal replacement thing, like a cereal bar. It’s supposed to be beef dinner flavor but it tastes like shit actually.”

  She just swore, my cock, which is already fucking killing me, gives a happy little twitch. I don’t typically speak to women with a potty mouth, I think I might like that too. Piercings and curse words… what an odd thing to enjoy.


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