Club Fantasy

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Club Fantasy Page 16

by Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

  “I don’t date much and when I do I’ll do whatever I need to do. What’s in it for me? I want to be able to use your rooms, especially the basement, to entertain my clients when it’s convenient for all of us.”

  “How many clients do you have?”

  “Dozens, of both sexes.”

  Erika chimed in, “There’s lots of money in bondage and domination.”

  “I guess there must be,” Jenna said. “There’s even a place in Las Vegas that does it right out in the open.” Chloe looked at Jenna. “I saw it on CSI.”

  “If either of you want to play, I can certainly show you lots of tricks.” Rock looked from Jenna to Chloe. “With your size, you’d be dynamite, Chloe. And Jenna, with the right outfit, men will grovel at your feet and love it. But don’t overlook women. I have many—let’s call them lady-friends—who love to spend long hours tied, gagged, and forced to do unspeakable things, which, of course, we speak of at great length. A few have asked for a mistress.”

  “I’m certainly ready to learn, but it’s a little out of my league,” Jenna said.

  “I gather. Try this.” His voice became soft, low, and almost hypnotic. “Picture yourself with your hands tied and fastened to a hook above your head. Your ankles are fastened to a spreader bar so your legs are wide apart. I can touch anywhere, kiss anywhere, slap anywhere, and you’re helpless to prevent it. Does that wet your pussy?”

  Jenna nodded slightly. The crotch of her panties was soaked. She knew why he was such a success with his women friends.

  Erika said, “If it does, you’re not alone by a lot. Lots of women agree with you. And Chloe, picture yourself with a whip in your hand, some man crawling toward your high-heeled shoes, ready, willing, even anxious to lick your boots, or your cunt, or wherever you want him to put his mouth for as long as you want.”

  Chloe’s “Yeah” sounded like a long sigh.

  “What do you think of the whole idea?” Erika asked. “We can solve lots of problems at the same time. You gals get safety, Rock gets a nice place to live and play, and you all get a dungeon to be filled every night at a hefty fee.”

  Jenna considered, listing problems and their easy solutions. Their mail could still come to the brownstone, and since she and Marcy kept in touch by cell phone her sister wouldn’t have to know she’d moved. For now, she couldn’t see herself discussing any of this with her sister. She was planning to go back to Seneca Falls for Thanksgiving. Maybe she’d tell her then. No! She vividly recalled Toby’s reaction. She couldn’t tell Marcy anything, but, with a bit of care, she wouldn’t have to. “I think Chloe and I need to talk, but it sounds like a good deal to me,” she said finally.

  “I guess I do too,” Chloe said, turning to Jenna. “You, Rock, and Erika need to work out the numbers, of course, but the dungeon sounds like fun.” Jenna almost laughed out loud. Chloe, professionally helpless when she didn’t want to do something, was now interested in becoming a dominatrix. Oh, well, that was Chloe.

  “I think we’ve got a deal,” Jenna said. She found a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator and they all toasted the new arrangement. Then everyone hustled out since Club Fantasy was booked for the evening: Chloe in the Western room, Jenna in the desert room, and one of Erika’s employees in the motel room, now set up to be a newlywed’s bedroom.

  As she walked up the stairs to get ready for her “date,” she thought about the way the business had grown. The numbers were staggering. The previous week, they had taken in almost nine thousand dollars from Chloe’s customers and hers, in addition to several visits by Erika’s people. They could easily cover the rent for Erika’s apartment and that way Jenna would be living rent-free. The cost of redoing the basement would be small in comparison to the amount they’d charge. The numbers kept getting larger and larger.

  Jenna had just about stopped accepting any translation assignments and Chloe had cut her time at the advertising agency to three days a week. Actually, there was no need for either of them to work at all, but Chloe felt more comfortable with that stability.

  Rock moved in two days later. He welcomed guests like the concierge in the finest hotel, while providing an imposing presence that no one could ignore. A sort of combination of maitre d’ and bouncer. It quickly made both women feel much more secure. Chloe was delighted with Rock’s apartment in Queens . It was just a quick subway ride from Midtown, but Chloe seldom used public transportation. She was rapidly becoming a taxi-only woman.

  Jenna loved Erika’s small apartment, one Erika said she’d lived in when she first moved to New York City from Long Island. It took Jenna two buses to get there, but it was worth the slight inconvenience. It was comfortable and secure. The furniture had been changed several times and, when she’d stopped using it for business, Erika had bought a new bed. Jenna was glad not to be sleeping where so many others had frolicked.

  Rock took over Chloe’s room and, with the addition of new bedding and some of Rock’s personal things, the room became his.

  Rock was scheduled to entertain his first client the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Since Chloe and Jenna had declared Monday and Tuesday their off days, Rock could use the empty rooms without the need to be available for security. He and Jenna sat over coffee Monday afternoon. “I know you’ve wanted to learn about what I do. I thought, since you’ve got that motel room set up with cameras, I could film our session and you and I could watch later together. Would you like to do that?”

  “We have a policy here about never taping an encounter without the complete consent of everyone involved.”

  “A sensible idea and I will certainly abide by it. What about watching from another room through your TV-and-VCR system?”

  “I’m sorry,” Jenna said, although she was dying of curiosity to see Rock in action. “Not without the client’s permission.”

  “Good girl. I like the way you handle things here. Let me see what Eleanor has to say. I don’t think she’d object.”

  “Rock talked to me about taping our evening together,” the woman said to Jenna when she arrived at eight the following Tuesday. Eleanor was an ordinary-looking woman in her mid-forties, with a slight potbelly and a double chin. “I like your rules about cameras and I trust you since I trust Rock. If I didn’t, I couldn’t play with him. I don’t object to being taped. Rock will make sure that my face isn’t visible. Anyway, I rather like the idea of being the subject of a lesson in this stuff. My only demand is that after you watch the tape, you destroy it.”

  Jenna was excited that they had been able to come to an agreement. After the discussion the previous evening, she had set up the camera so it had a wide view of the bed in the motel room just in case Eleanor agreed. She had also shown Rock how to use all the equipment. Now Rock whispered something in Eleanor’s ear and she stepped aside so Rock could climb the stairs. Carrying a small tote bag, she followed meekly behind.

  Chapter 10

  Two hours later, Jenna sat curled up on the corner of the sofa and Rock, in what Jenna viewed as his typical position, filled a side chair, legs stretched out in front of him, ankles crossed, his arms folded. Although Jenna knew he was harmless, dressed in his usual unrelieved black, Rock exuded an air of arrogant menace. No, maybe danger was more like it.

  “I’m sorry that Chloe couldn’t be here,” he said. Since it was an off day, Chloe had a date with a new man she was very excited about. With Eleanor gone, Jenna and Rock were alone in the building. If she were honest with herself, Jenna had to admit that she found that fact deliciously threatening.

  Rock pressed the play button on the remote and the video showed Eleanor, fully dressed, being led into the motel room, a hood over her head. “For Eleanor, a blindfold is a deeply sensual experience,” Rock said to Jenna, his voice low and a bit gravelly. “The hood makes her completely dependent on me.” He pressed the pause button. “I know very little about Eleanor, except that she’s been widowed for about three years and her late husband left her very well provided for. They had a dominant
/submissive relationship throughout their ten-year marriage and she found she needed to continue that for the sexual release it provided. She found me through Erika and, as they say, the rest is history.”

  Jenna turned to Rock. “What exactly do you mean by the release? You mean orgasm?”

  “Not totally. It’s sexual of course, but it’s more than that. When she’s totally under my control she doesn’t have to think about anything, make any decisions. She does only what she’s told and speaks only to answer questions.”

  “I played with a guy in the desert room a few weeks ago and he spent quite a bit of time giving me instructions on exactly what he wanted.” She recalled how freeing it felt not to have to worry about what to do. “I can understand how Eleanor feels.”

  “You enjoyed it?”

  Jenna thought about it seriously as she hadn’t done previously. After a long pause, she admitted, “Actually, I did.”

  “Did you two have a safe word?”

  “What’s that?”

  “A way for you to say I don’t want to do that.”

  “We didn’t talk about that. If he did something I didn’t want, I would just say stop, I guess.”

  “What if part of the scenario involved you screaming ‘No! No!’ How would he know when it was real?”

  “I never thought of that.”

  “If you ever play like that again, you need to do more than think about it. Eleanor and I have agreed on Desist. If she says that word I stop whatever I’m doing.”

  Jenna considered. “That means she really has the control.”

  Rock grinned and said, “You understand what most people don’t. Eleanor doesn’t really, probably because she doesn’t want to. It would ruin some of the fun for her, I think, if she knew that the ultimate power was hers.”

  “Safe word. Interesting. I’ll have to remember that.”

  “It’s something you need to agree on with anyone who plays in the dungeon. If I gag someone I give them a small object to hold. If they drop it, it means stop, just like the safe word.”

  A picture flashed through Jenna’s mind of herself tied to the pole in the desert room or in the as-yet-to-be-completed dungeon, blindfolded and gagged, with Rock’s hands all over her. She felt herself moisten and quickly returned her attention to the TV. The video came back to life. Silently, Rock lay Eleanor out on the bed, then tied her wrists to the headboard. “I’ll bet you never considered how perfect that motel room is,” Rock said to Jenna. “The head and foot boards work really well for what I’m doing now.”

  As Jenna watched, Rock pulled Eleanor’s legs apart and tied one to each post at the sides of the footboard. “You must tie someone with just the right degree of discomfort,” Rock continued as the video rolled on. “If she’s too comfortable it ruins the illusion and too uncomfortable ruins the mood.”

  Eleanor’s hips were squirming as she pulled at the restraints. What was Rock going to do with her clothing, her lightweight denim pants and a yellow, button-down, men’s shirt? Always the problem solver, Jenna said to herself, laughing inwardly. Rock would obviously deal with it.

  In the film, Rock opened a dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of scissors. He pressed the cold metal against Eleanor’s cheek and she made a tiny squeak. “Notice, Jenna,” Rock said, “I say very little. The silence makes her anxious, wondering what will happen next. In addition, being deprived of sight and sound allows her to concentrate all her senses on her skin and erogenous areas.”

  As Jenna watched, Rock made cutting motions with the scissors near Eleanor’s ear. With each snip, Eleanor jumped. Then he moved to the foot of the bed and slowly cut up the front of one leg of her jeans until he reached her belt. He did the same with the other side, then cut across, between the two legs and, while the jeans remained belted around her waist, the lower parts fell open. He then made a few more cuts and fileted her panties the same way. “If you’re wondering, Jenna, she brought a change of clothes as she always does. She never knows what I might decide to do.”

  Jenna expected him to cut away her shirt next, but he didn’t. “I think Eleanor likes this next part best,” Rock said, as he combed his fingers through her pubic hair in the video. “Sometimes it’s only a slight trim, but this time we hadn’t been together for several weeks so it took quite a while.” Then, scissors snipping loudly, he began to work carefully. “First, I clip the long hairs, then I make it neat and close to her skin.” Although she couldn’t see much since the camera was aimed at Rock’s back while he trimmed Eleanor’s bush, she could hear the scissors and almost feel his fingers on her own crotch.

  “Ever trimmed your hair, Jenna?”

  “I try to keep it neat, but from the sound of it you’re doing more.”

  “Maybe you’ll let me play barber for you sometime.”

  Jenna remained silent as she wondered how close she and Rock were going to get this evening. How close did she want them to get? He was certainly an intriguing man.

  They watched the film for several more minutes while Rock ministered to Eleanor’s pussy hair. Finally, when he had it clipped to his satisfaction, he sat back to admire his handiwork. “You should really keep this beauty visible,” he said to Eleanor. “You know how good it is to feel so exposed, even under your panties.” Jenna noticed that when he purred like he was doing, his Southern accent got thicker. Was it an act or did he get so far into his pleasuring that he became more genuinely himself?

  “I know,” Eleanor said, her voice slightly muffled by the hood, “but I do so like it when you take care of me.”

  Rock chuckled. “So you do.” He ran his finger through her now exposed slit. “You’re sopping wet. Do you want to touch yourself?” he asked.

  “Oh yes, but I know you won’t let me.”

  His voice was like warm honey, sweet but firm as well. “Of course not. You know that eventually I will be watching you on film.”

  “Yes. I hope it will excite you even though I’m not there.”

  “It will.”

  “It does,” Rock said to Jenna, then returned his concentration to the film.

  “I want a close-up shot of your neatly clipped, little pussy,” Rock said to Eleanor. “I’m going to play photographer.” He picked up the camera from the dresser and walked toward the bed. “I’m going in for a close-up of your cunt. Closer and closer,” he crooned as he moved to the bureau and picked up a high-intensity light that had been aimed at the bed. “I want more light so now you’ll be able to feel the heat of the lamp on your flesh.”

  As Jenna watched, Rock shined the lamp on Eleanor’s almost naked skin. She watched the tissues swell and moisten and found her pussy doing the same thing. “I can tell,” Rock said to Eleanor, “that you’re enjoying this. The camera will show just how hot this makes you.” He kept the camera aimed at Eleanor’s groin for several more moments, then replaced the equipment on the dresser. “Now for your top.”

  For several minutes there was only the sound of the snipping scissors, and Jenna moved on the sofa to take some of the pressure of her jeans off her groin. “Getting hot yourself, Jenna?” Rock asked. “Why don’t you admit how hungry this makes you? I’d love to satisfy that hunger and you know that I know just how to do it.”

  What could she say? Yes, she wanted it. Jenna had watched lots of X-rated films to prepare herself for her customers, but this was an entirely different experience. The film was real. Real people and real hot sex. Real excitement, not the phony stuff she’d seen on the professionally made videos. And, of course, the man in the film was sitting beside her, offering to pleasure her.

  She remained silent as she focused on the TV screen. Rock now had Eleanor’s clothing completely off but she was still tied, spread eagled on the bed. From a dresser drawer he took a piece of fur and began to slowly stroke her with it. He began with her arms and lower legs, then moved on to her breasts, the insides of her thighs, stroking one spot then quickly moving to another.

  “It’s particularly sensual for h
er,” Rock whispered to Jenna, “since she can’t see where I’m going to touch next.”

  He repeated the stroking with a piece of nubby fabric, then held both and alternated as she undulated beneath his hands. He took an ice cube from an ice bucket on the bedside table and slowly stroked her heated flesh with it, her arms, legs, the palms of her hands, and soles of her feet, eventually lightly touching her overheated cunt. As the camera watched, he rubbed the shrinking cube through every fold. “You know what I’m going to do now, don’t you Eleanor?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He pushed the ice cube into her pussy and again focused the camera on her. Jenna watched the melted water trickle from her, obviously teasing her hot flesh. “How long are you going to tease her?” Jenna asked, now almost unable to breathe.

  “As long as it’s pleasure, and not one second past the moment that it becomes discomfort.”

  “How do you know when that moment comes?”

  “I know,” he said softly, a slight chuckle in his voice. “I always know.”

  “I’ll bet you do.”

  Rock put the camera back on the dresser and took a large dildo from the drawer. “You know what’s next,” he said to Eleanor, “and that you can’t stop it or make it go any faster.”

  “I know. And I know that begging does no good, but please. I need it so much.”

  “I know you do,” Rock said, holding the dildo against her opening but not pushing it into her. Jenna could see Eleanor’s hips reaching for the thick plastic phallus and watched Rock’s amusement at her struggles. “You really want this, don’t you?”

  As Eleanor said, “God, yes,” Rock rammed the dildo into her. Jenna watched the flesh colored staff disappear into her body, then reappear as Rock pulled it out. In and out, over and over, until Eleanor was writhing with pleasure and need.

  “She’s ready right now,” Rock whispered into Jenna’s ear. When had he moved to sit on the floor beside the sofa on which she was sitting? “You are too, aren’t you?”


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