Daring Little Daisy

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Daring Little Daisy Page 8

by Rayanna Jamison

  She knew she didn’t have to say it anymore, but she couldn’t stop. It had become her mantra, her war cry and her balm of pride all at once.

  She spoke the words again and again, while Daddy rubbed her back, combed his fingers through her hair, and held her tight.

  Finally, the sobs subsided, she pulled away from his chest and beamed up at him.

  “Thank you for not letting me talk about myself that way. Thank you for—” she stopped mid-sentence and blushed, suddenly mindful of all the places his lips had been and how wantonly she had enjoyed his attentions.

  Rett was looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to finish.

  “For all of it,” she whispered.

  “All of it, huh?” He chuckled. “Even the spanking?”

  “As much as it physically pains me to say it, yes, even that.” Reaching her hand up, she played with the collar of his shirt.

  “I knew spankings could be therapeutic, but I’ve never had a therapy spanking before or anything. That was…” She paused, leaned back, and wiped the last of the tears from her eyes, as she searched for the right words. “Intense and effective,” she finished, finally.

  “Good.” Rett leaned forward and kissed her nose. “And, flower, Daddy doesn’t think you are beautiful. Daddy knows it.”

  How could one sentence make a man so desirable? How could it make her forget the aching in her ass, in favor of the throbbing in her pussy?

  Goosebumps rose across her skin and every nerve ending seemed to be on fire. That last sentence had taken her from slowly emerging from Little space, to a full-on aroused woman whose only mission was to ride that cock.

  With a deep and feral moan, she leaned forward to claim his lips with hers. Greedily, she kissed him, pushing her tongue past his lips and into his mouth, exploring him the way he had explored her body earlier.

  No longer caring about the ache in her ass, she twisted her body, shoving his legs together and straddling him. She could feel the bulge in his trousers against her throbbing clit, and she moaned. Needing more, she gyrated her hips against his cloaked erection, using her pull on his collar for leverage.

  She was in a blind haze of arousal as she moved against him. Her hands roamed up and down the fabric of his shirt as she pulled the hem, freeing it from his trousers.

  He was panting too, blindly grabbing, pulling, kissing, taking.

  Their bodies were sandwiched together as close as they could be with not a centimeter of space between them.

  She tugged up on the hem of his shirt, and he grabbed it from her grasp, pulling it up and over his head, and discarding it somewhere onto the floor.

  “Yes!” She cried, moving her attention to the opening of his pants, working first the snap and then the zipper.

  To her great relief, and excitement, his erection sprang free without the barrier of undergarments to stifle her exploration.

  Finally jolted out of her needy frenzy, she stared wide-eyed at his thick cock, and leaned back, licking her lips. It did not escape her that while he had seen and touched and kissed every inch of her, this was the first time she had seen him even a little bit undressed and the first time she had set eyes on his cock, in all its naked glory. Just as he had worshipped her body, she wanted to take a minute to appreciate his.

  Sliding off his lap, she stood, and taking his hand, pulled him to standing. When his feet were firmly on the ground, she slid to her knees in front of him, and grabbed the belt loops of his pants. One sharp tug and they pooled around his ankles, giving her full access to his package, and finally, making him as naked as she was.

  Sitting back on her heels, she stared up at him taking in the sculpted muscles of his calves and thighs that hadn’t seemed so hard or big when she had been lying across them. He had a six-pack that was creeping up on being an eight-pack, and his chest was tufted with just the right amount of hair. His cock was straight up beautiful, which didn't seem like something she had ever thought about the male body before, but Daddy… he was beautiful. And she was lucky.

  “Like what you see, little one?” Daddy looked down at her with a sardonic grin, and she realized she had been staring.

  “Very much.” She swallowed hard as she smiled up at him. Leaning forward, she cupped his balls in her hand, and wrapped her other hand around the base of his cock.

  Licking her lips to wet them, she opened her mouth, and licked the tip of his penis slowly. First just the very lip, and then circles around the head. Up and down the shaft, and around the base.

  Rett hummed his appreciation and adjusted his stance, thrusting his hips toward her. She got the message clearly and took him in her mouth. With her hands still gripping his cock and balls, she moved her mouth slowly up and down the shaft, taking him in and pulling back slowly. Her tongue worked slow circles around the head, and he gripped her hair with his hands, pulling her closer.

  Her lips stayed tightly closed around his girth, and his grip on her hair became frantic and feral as she slowly sucked and teased.

  Just when she thought her jaw might lock from sucking so hard, Rett tugged on her hair, yanking her head back and forcing her to look up at him.

  Eyes wide, with her lips still clamped over the head of his cock, she did just that.

  “If you keep going the way you are, flower, I’m going to come.”

  It was all the encouragement she needed, and she took him deeper, licking and sucking with great gusto, intent on bringing him to orgasm when he stopped her again.

  “As good as that feels, little one, I think I would rather have my dick between your pussy lips, over those lips, if I had to choose.”

  Letting him fall from her mouth, she smiled mischievously. “Who said you had to choose?”

  His groan wracked his body. “When I come, it’s going to be a lot, and it’s probably going to only happen once tonight. It’s been a good while. So, you choose. Am I going to come in that pretty pussy or that cute little mouth?”

  Daisy tipped her head to the side and tapped her chin with one finger as if considering, but there was really only one answer. Her pussy throbbed, screaming for attention, and her nipples puckered remembering his kiss.

  “My pussy,” she answered with a soft, breathless sigh.

  Letting go over her hair, he offered his hand and helped her stand.

  “Good choice,” he muttered in a voice that was low and growly.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close, and grabbed her by the lower butt cheeks, eliciting a soft hiss as the pain from her spanking was reignited under his touch. Using that as his grip, he lifted her off the ground, wrapped her legs around his waist and stumbled backward toward the couch, flopping down when he reached it, landing in such a way that she was straddling him, and the top of his cock was poised against her soaking wet pussy.

  “Daddy wants you, here,” he whispered, teasing her slit with his tip.

  “Then shut up and take me,” she moaned, lifting her hips and sliding onto his cock.

  “My naughty girl is so demanding,” he scolded playfully. She had inwardly recoiled when he said it, until the twinkle in his eye had given him away.

  “Ride that cock,” he goaded, gyrating his hips in a way that shifted her whole body. “Ride it good and hard, and maybe Daddy will let you come when he does.”

  He was a master of dirty talk, she decided. A fucking master who could probably bring her to the brink of orgasm with just his words.

  Probably. Except his cock felt so good.

  She couldn’t stop her moan at the fullness stretching her open, filling her up, just like she couldn’t stop the rocking of her hips as she rode him. Harder and faster, and without so much as a thought to what she looked like or if she might crush him.His mouth was on her breast and his hands cupped her ass, squeezing to add that burning spark of pain that went right to her clit with a sudden snap of intensity as sharp as any spank he’d yet given her. Her body rebelled, overwhelmed by rushing waves of pleasure, all of them centered in
all the places where he and she mutually caressed.

  She shuddered, waves crashing into waves. Her breath catching as her body locked down and he, with his fingers digging into her ass, in a few last upward thrusts, hit his own release.

  Panting, she rolled off of him, and collapsed next to him, too tired and satiated to notice the way her sweaty skin stuck to the leather couch.

  Peeking out the window above the couch, she noted that the light in the room had dimmed and the sun was about to set.

  Jumping up, she crossed to the bathroom, and gathered her discarded clothes off the floor.

  When she came out holding them, Rett stopped her in her tracks with a sharp glare.

  “What do you think you are doing with those?”

  “I…” She faltered, gut clenching. Surely, he hadn’t been serious about making her go naked.

  “I was gonna put them on.”

  “I said no clothes in the bedroom, and I meant it. Drop them.”

  She didn’t want to disobey, but her grip on the garments remained tight.

  “But… I thought… you said we were going to do something tonight. The fireworks,” she finished lamely.

  “We will order up and watch the fireworks from the window. This room has a perfect view of the garden. I want to be selfish and keep you all to myself tonight. And I want you naked.”

  “Are you going to put clothes on?” she asked with a stubborn pout.

  Rett stretched, arching his back against the couch. “Not anytime soon. I could, of course, but I don’t know, naked window fireworks with my little flower sounds awfully appealing. I also have a box of special ornaments I got from Derek, and I thought we could decorate the tree together. I’ll order up hot chocolate with candy canes, and we can have a nice relaxing, naked evening together.”

  “Well, when you put it that way…” Hot chocolate and tree decorating tempted her, and any regret she had felt about not going to the garden for the fireworks show disappeared, and she opened her fist, letting the gathered garments drop to the floor.

  “When you put it that way,” she repeated, scampering to crawl into his lap and tucking herself against his chest, “it does sound kind of nice, doesn’t it?”

  “It does indeed, little one. It does indeed.”

  Chapter Twelve

  When she awoke in Rett’s arms the next morning, her ass still ached, she was instantly aroused, and for the first time in longer than she could remember, she didn’t feel disgust at the sensation of her skin touching skin where the rolls formed when she laid down.

  She felt sexy, which was weird, because she also felt very Little.

  The Little side won out as Rett squeezed her tight and nibbled at her neck. She giggled and squirmed needing to use the restroom.

  “Daddy, stop! I have to go potty.”

  Rett let go of her and pulled the blanket off. “Go on then, we need to get ready for the day anyway. We have big plans.”

  “We do?”

  “Yep, so scoot.” He swatted her butt as she rolled off the bed.

  “Ow, you meanie.”

  “I’ll show you mean.” Quick as a wink, he was out of bed and chasing her. Luckily, she was closer to the bathroom and shut and locked the door just in time.

  “You’re lucky I didn’t catch you, but you can’t stay in that bathroom all day. Who would I decorate cookies with and take to see Santa?””

  “Santa’s here?” Daisy squealed in delight, then quickly went about her business. After fixing her hair and brushing her teeth, she flung the door open. “Ready! Let’s go see Santa!”

  “Whoa, there, little lady. Hold your horses. Santa’s not here quite yet, but he will be later. Besides, were you planning to sit naked on Santa’s lap? Because I gotta be honest, I might get a bit jealous of the old man in red if that's the case.”

  “What? See Santa naked?” Daisy shrieked. “That's silly!”

  “Well then.” Rett crossed his arms over his chest and let his gaze roam over her body until she looked down and startled. She had been naked this whole time and had been too giddy and excited to even be self-conscious about it.

  “Daddy!” she shrieked. “I’m naked!”

  “You are?” he asked with mock surprise, holding his belly as he laughed. “Yes, little lady, we both are. We should probably get dressed before we head on down to breakfast. “Oh, that’s right. I ordered you a pretty dress to wear today. It’s around here somewhere.” He twirled her around like he was looking behind and all around her for the clothes before throwing her over his shoulder.

  Giggling like crazy, Daisy couldn’t believe how much fun she was having, and they hadn’t even left the room yet.

  “You wait here while I look.” Rett tossed her onto the bed and she bounced on her tender butt. It didn’t hurt though. It was a reminder that her Daddy was strong and capable, and she was a lucky girl. She loved it.

  He continued his over-exaggerated search for the clothing, and she watched shaking her head.

  “You’re not a very good finder, Daddy,” she teased as she lifted the hanger with the pretty red and green dress on it from beside her on the bed.

  “So it seems. That’s what I need my little girl for.”

  She giggled. “Is this my pretty dress? It looks like a perfect Christmas Eve dress!”

  “And so it does. A Perfect Christmas Eve Dress for Daddy’s perfect Christmas princess.” He approached her, taking the hanger from her hands and removing the dress. “Stand up so I can get you dressed.”

  “But what about my bra and panties?”

  Rett grinned. “I would prefer you naked underneath your clothes, but I think I might get jealous of Santa if you sat on his lap without any panties on. Here.” From beside the bed, he retrieved another bag and opened it, withdrawing a red satin bra and matching ruffled panties. “You can wear these for now. But when we go to the party tonight, they come off.”

  “But…” A blush heated her cheeks and she sighed, knowing she wouldn’t win this one. “Yes, Daddy.” The idea of spending any time at all naked beneath her dress was nerve-wracking and arousing all at the same time.

  “You will be just fine, little one. Trust your Daddy. With the fabric brushing against your pretty nipples and the air caressing your naked pussy, you will be constantly reminded that Daddy is in charge and you are just a little girl doing what you are told.”

  Daisy squirmed as she sat on the bed and allowed Rett to dress her in the red bra and panty set, followed by the dress, white frilly socks and black buckle shoes.

  Rett stood her in front of him and kissed the tip of her nose. “You look good enough to eat.”

  Her tummy growled.

  “But we need to feed that tummy before it gets angry and we have some fun things to do, ready?”

  “Are you sure I can’t have panties tonight, Daddy? I like these ones, they’re pretty.”

  “The only thing you will be wearing under that dress tonight are belt marks if you would like to keep pushing the issue.” His warning was spoken softly, but the threat was enough for her to clamp her lips together and shake her head.

  “Well then, let’s go.”

  Stomach full of yummy breakfast, Daisy stood staring in excited wonder at the scene before her. The large kitchen that was usually staff only had been transformed into a cookie making paradise. A large industrial standing kitchen rack held trays upon trays of the cut-out cookies in all shapes and sizes just waiting to be decorated. The workstations had been covered in disposable candy-cane printed tablecloths and were set up with icing in every color and all the sprinkles and decorations imaginable. In the far corner of the room, a table held a massive stack of Gingerbread House Kits just waiting to be assembled. Littles were bustling around excitedly, pouring sprinkles on cookies and announcing their decorating decisions loudly to one another.

  “I’m going to make a Santa cookie for Santa!”

  “I’m going to make a pretty snowflake!”

  “I’m going
to make a reindeer!”

  Daisy just stared around the chaos frozen in place. She had never been around another Little, much less a room full of them.

  “What do you want to do?” Rett asked, nudging her gently. “Cookies for Santa or a gingerbread house?”

  “Will you come with me?” she whispered, without looking away from the scene in front of her.

  “What? You think I’m going to let you have all the fun without me?” Rett scoffed. “As if! I’m just waiting for you to tell me where to go, little lady.”

  “Cookies for Santa!” Her voice elevated to a yell, and she all but dragged Rett across the room to a decorating station that still had space for them.

  The only three occupants at the table were a warm-looking older woman and a boy and girl in matching Christmas garb. The girl’s dress matched the boy’s red and green checked shirt. Both were happily slathering green icing onto cookies shaped like trees.

  “My Christmas tree is going to be prettier than yours!” the girl exclaimed loudly. sticking her tongue out at the boy while the woman looked on in disapproval.

  “Nuh-uh!” the boy retorted. “Your Christmas tree is going to be stinky like you!”

  “Nathan! Natalie!” the woman exclaimed, tapping her fingers loudly on the table. “That is quite enough. You two better start getting along or we will go right back up to our room and you two will spend the day in bed with bright red bottoms!”

  Daisy gasped at the threat, and the woman turned to her with an embarrassed smile. “I’m so sorry about that. They tend to get a little naughty when they are excited, and today is an exciting day, isn’t it?”

  With a shy glance up at Rett who nodded for her to answer, Daisy looked at the woman and bobbed her head up and down. “It’s Christmas Eve,” she whispered.

  “That’s right it is!” the woman exclaimed as if she had just been informed. “Are you here to make cookies for Santa?”

  “Uh-huh. Me and Daddy are going to make Santa a reindeer cookie!” Despite the threats, and the feuding Littles who were still making faces at each other behind the woman’s back, her warm smile had put Daisy at ease, and she had scooted her chair in and picked up two reindeer cookies off a nearby tray.


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