Daring Little Daisy

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Daring Little Daisy Page 11

by Rayanna Jamison

  Daisy's mind was a mass of emotions. She was upset, confused, scared, unsure… she was a mess. A mess she had to sort out all by herself before she made her decision.

  She could just leave and never look back, but was that the coward’s way out? Daisy wasn’t a coward. She had come to the Ranch and faced all sorts of fears even though in the end, her worst fear had come true.

  Leaving without talking to Rett was out, she was going to hear him out and maybe even let him have it for lying to her and leading her on.

  Decision made, she steeled her shoulders, marched to the door, and before she could lose all of her courage, she grabbed the knob and flung it open.

  Three heads turned toward her in unison, and three sets of eyes focused on her, but she was only interested in one of them.

  “Okay, you win!” she exclaimed, marching up to Rett with her face and her voice hard. “We can talk, but I’m warning you, I’m very angry.”

  “I can see that,” he responded evenly. “Would you like to continue yelling out here or should we go back inside?”

  At his question, she stopped and took in her surroundings. They were standing in the middle of a hallway outside of Derek’s office. It may have been an empty hallway at the moment, but it was still a hallway.

  “Oh yeah, sorry.” Suddenly chagrined, she backed into the room, but did not go to the chairs to sit. She wanted to be on her feet, just in case. Just in case what, she didn’t know, but it felt safer that way.

  “Why are you running away?” Everett asked as soon as the door shut behind them, jumping right into the root of the problem.

  “Are you serious?” She crossed her arms over her chest and pinned him with a death glare.

  “Yes! First, you’re happily in Little space, dancing like nobody's watching and then you’re running away from me and trying to leave without so much as a goodbye or explanation. What happened?”

  His innocent act infuriated her. She couldn’t believe the audacity and she couldn’t have held back if she wanted to. Marching straight up to him, she had two fists and came at him with both barrels.

  “You kissed another girl!” she yelled. “A very pretty, very skinny girl! I saw it with my own two eyes, so don’t even try to deny it. You two were chatting like best friends and then she jumped into your arms and you kissed!” She gritted her teeth, forcing the tears back. “If you didn’t want me, you didn’t have to pretend. I would have been just fine staying home and never meeting you.”

  Rett could not believe what he was hearing. His heart fell as disappointment filled him. His little flower actually thought he would kiss another woman? Sadie may have kissed him, but it had been a friendly peck on the lips, and a mistake. He had put her in her place straight away afterwards, and he knew she felt awful.

  While he had planned to tell Daisy about the exchange, he hadn’t realized that she saw the whole thing and had worked herself into such a tizzy that she actually ran from him. His palms itched with the urge to throw her over his knee and spank her ass raw for thinking so little of him.

  He knew that wasn’t fair. She had no context for what she had seen, and it hit her right where her insecurities were the strongest. Their connection and good sense wouldn’t have mattered at that point. Not to her. She would have spiraled. Did Spiral.

  Thank God for Derek and Jared bringing her back and giving him a chance to explain. She may be ready to fight with him, but he was ready to fight for her. There was something real and special between the two of them and he would never just throw that away, not for anything. Now, he just had to make her see that.

  Pride though, had him itching to respond with anger of his own, but he knew better. She was hurting. He had inadvertently shook her and he was the only one that could fix it.

  Derek was standing right inside the door, observing the conversation. Rett turned toward him. “Hey cousin, is there any chance you can have Sadie join us? I think Daisy needs to meet her before she makes any rash decisions.”

  As he expected, Daisy’s reaction to this request was not favorable. “What? No! We don’t need to call anyone. I don’t want to talk to anyone else about any of this!” She was screeching now, and he had had just about enough.

  “Listen to me, little girl,” Rett growled, “Sadie, my cousin’s wife, is the submissive you saw me with and rather than try to convince you that what you saw was completely innocent, I want to prove it to you.”

  “Oh. My impulsive little Sadie. That makes sense. Let me make a call. I’m certain that we can get this all cleared up quickly and easily.” Derek shook his head and went to his phone. He pushed a few buttons, waited a beat, and then spoke into the receiver. “Sadie, please come to my office immediately.” His voice was gruff and Rett stifled a laugh as Daisy’s eyes grew wide.

  “This is is wholly unnecess—” Daisy started to say.

  But Derek, in that low stern tone, smoothly interrupted over the top of her, “Great. We will see you shortly.”

  She did a cute little stomping routine, throwing a silent tantrum. Rett made note to take her to task for it later. Much later. After he whooped her little ass for trying to leave him for no reason.

  “Thank you.” Derek hung up the phone. “Sadie will be here momentarily.”

  “I’m sure Sadie would have told you about the incident. She promised me she would,” Rett said. “Now she can tell Daisy at the same time.”

  Daisy stood in silence, staring at her feet as they waited for Sadie to join them. He couldn’t imagine the war going on in her overactive imagination.

  Finally, Sadie arrived. She entered wearing a robe and her eyes were red and puffy. She shuffled over to Derek with an exaggerated pout, but her Daddy Dom was not in the mood.

  “I think you know why we are here, princess,” he said to her, sounding a bit tired. “Go fix it.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Sadie went straight to Daisy with a tearful apology.

  “Earlier, I was talking to Rett, and he told me about you, and I got so excited for him, I gave him a big ol’ hug and a kiss on the lips,” she explained, blushing as she admitted her wrongdoing. “It was completely innocent, but also totally inappropriate. Sometimes my emotions get away from me, and I act without thinking. I’m working on it.”

  Derek cleared his throat and addressed his wife. “I think you and I are going to have to work on this upstairs, princess. Expect my cane to do a lot of the talking.”

  Sadie gulped and flushed as she stared at the floor, and then up at her disappointed Daddy. “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered. Before leaving, she turned to Daisy one more time.

  “I really didn’t mean to cause so much trouble. Please accept my apology. I couldn’t bear it if my actions caused trouble for Rett and ruined your happiness. I was so happy for Rett and so excited to meet you and I’m mad at myself that it turned out to be under such awful circumstances.”

  As the door closed behind them, Rett leveled Daisy with a stern glare. “Are you beginning to put the picture together in your head, little flower?”

  “I…” She sighed and stuttered, looking a bit like she still wanted to be mad, and a lot like she was embarrassed. “Umm… You didn’t kiss another woman?”

  “Sadie kissed me, and even though she is family, and it was a very innocent peck, I told her it was inappropriate and went to find you right away.” His voice was low and menacing. “I looked everywhere and finally went to our room. When I saw your things missing, I came straight here and demanded to see the security footage to find out where you had gone. I was racking my brain to try and figure out what had happened, and why you would have just left the party you had so been looking forward to. I had no idea you had seen me and Sadie.” He took a deep breath and clenched his teeth. He was still angry, and his heart rate had not returned to normal since he had gone to their room and found her gone. “You should have given me more credit than that. You should have at least come to me and given me the chance to tell you my side of the story. Do you really think so l
ittle of me?”

  Tears tracked down Daisy’s cheeks and she shook her head. “No, I think so little of me. I’m so sorry, Daddy.”

  Hearing her use his title softened him and he pulled her into his arms. “Oh, little flower, I love you, but you have no idea how sorry you are going to be for this stunt, let me tell you.”

  Daisy rushed to explain herself again. “You were smiling at her and she was so pretty and then—”

  “Shh, little one, I know. Daddy is sorry any of it happened. If I could have stopped the kiss, I would have. There is only one set of lips I am interested in kissing,” he said as he grabbed her around her waist and turned them toward the door. “Well, two sets, but they both belong to you, beautiful girl.”

  Daisy blushed. “I made a terrible mistake.”

  “That you did, but it’s all over now, right?” He held his breath and hoped he was reading the situation right. He couldn't bear the thought that she would still want to leave, but he also couldn’t try to force her to stay. “Or do you still want Derek to find you a room for the night and a flight out ASAP because you know you are going to be seriously punished for being so silly?”

  “It’s your choice, Daisy,” Derek assured her.

  Rett paused with his hand on the doorknob and waited for her answer. He still didn’t like Derek butting in, but he knew his cousin was just doing his job.

  Daisy shook her head and clung harder to Rett when she answered him. “I don’t wanna leave. I want to spend Christmas here with you.”

  “Very good.” Derek beamed. “Just one more thing Miss Grace. I don’t know if you’re aware, but we have a rule here at the Ranch. Usually, a naughty Little would not be allowed to leave this office without a spanking, but since it is apparent your Daddy will be giving you a whole lot more than that, I’ll overlook it, just this once. You two enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  He winked, and Daisy gasped, looking from him to Rett with surprise and confusion. Rett could tell she was trying to figure out if Derek was serious or joking with her. Rett knew it was a little bit of both, but he wasn’t going to fill her in on that. Let her wonder.

  “It’s going to be a long night for us both,” Rett promised, taking Daisy’s hand and leading her out the door.

  “Wait, my stuff.” Daisy turned and looked for her bags.

  “It has already been returned to your room,” Derek informed her.

  “But how did you…” she trailed off when she saw the smile on his face. “You knew all along that I wasn’t going to leave.”

  “It’s my job to know,” he assured her. “Now, go be a good girl for your Daddy.”

  A little smile played on Daisy’s lips as she looked back at Rett.

  The weight of needing to punish a submissive had never felt so heavy, but they both needed it to clear the air between them. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and pulled her closer to him.

  “Let’s go, naughty girl.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she mumbled, shuffling her feet slightly.

  “Does Daddy need to carry you?” He stopped and turned to her. Her eyes widened and she took a step backward, shaking her head. “Oh, I think I should.” He gave her hand a tug and threw her over his shoulder. “Now I can spank as we walk.” He announced cheerfully as his hand fell against her jeans.

  Daisy wiggled in his grasp, protesting half-heartedly. “You don’t need to carry me, Daddy. I don’t wanna spankin’.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you don’t, but you have earned a doozy of one. You hurt Daddy’s heart and I have the perfect implement to mend it.”

  “You’re going to mend your heart with an implement?” she sassed. It was obvious she was feeling a lot better. He was getting there.

  “The implement is going to go to work on your naughty butt, and the tears it brings out will be what mends us, sassy brat,” he informed her with a hard smack to her bottom over the top of her jeans.

  “But I’m sorry,” she whined as he unlocked their door and took her inside.

  “You are certainly going to be.” Setting her on her feet in front of him, he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. “In a very short time, Daisy Grace, you have become my world. You are the only woman I want to go to sleep with and wake up next to for the rest of my life, do you hear me?”

  Daisy’s eyes filled with tears. “I-I hear you, but why?”

  “Because you are the perfect little girl for me, flower. You complement me in so many ways, and you make me happier than I have ever been.”

  “You m-make me happy, too.”

  The tears leaked from her eyes and Rett gently kissed them off each cheek.

  “I’m glad to hear it, my flower. Now, let’s get this punishment over with, so we can get back to being happy.”

  “But it’s Christmas Eve,” Daisy whined.

  “Which is exactly why we must take care of this right now, so we can keep you on the nice list, and so we don’t have this hanging between us on Christmas morning.”

  “Are you going to spank me with that yucky spoon again?”

  “No honey, the spoon is for naughty little girls who disobey. You, my dear, are going to be punished like a big girl because you made the big girl decision to run away from me.” He gave that a moment to sink in. “Now, I want you to strip yourself bare and go stand in the corner. I have some things I need to prepare.”

  “What do you need to prepare?” The anxious look on her face told him she was off balance, which was exactly where he wanted her.

  “You don’t get to ask questions. The only response I want to hear from you tonight should be ‘Yes, Daddy’, followed by quick obedience. Trust me, little flower, this is going to be a difficult punishment and you do not want to add to it.”

  Daisy shifted nervously but did not move until he raised a brow in warning. She dropped her chin to her chest and reached for the button on her jeans.

  She undressed herself completely, never once looking back at him, which worked in his favor. Rett could not keep the smile off his face at her nervous and reluctant obedience. She was so cute, and her submission made his cock ache. He couldn’t wait to be inside her again. But they had a session to get through first, and he planned to make it a good one.

  Once she was finished undressing, she made her way to the corner and huddled as deep into its safety as she could possibly get.

  Rett moved quickly, making sure to rustle and shake things around as he prepared so that Daisy could hear them. She had no idea what she was in for.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Come here.” His voice was stern, but not cold, as he spoke the words Daisy wanted so badly to avoid. Turning, she found him sitting on the bed with his tools of choice laid out beside him. Oh, she did not want to do this, and yet, one reluctant step after another, she made the long journey across the room. On one hand, she didn’t really feel like it was fair that she was being punished, but on the other, she knew that it was the only way to make things fully right between them.

  She was embarrassed by her erroneous assumption, and the fact that she hadn’t given Rett the benefit of the doubt when he had been so good to her, but she really didn’t want to face the punishment she had coming, and she was scared to hear how badly she had hurt him. She also knew that she had no choice. She could either submit to his punishment or go back to Derek’s office and request a new room for the night, and wake up on Christmas morning without her Daddy.

  She’d spoken a big game in his office when she said she could walk away from Rett. Being back in his presence made her realize what a lie that was. She couldn’t imagine never seeing him again. Hell, she couldn’t imagine what it was going to be like to have to go their separate ways in a few days. The thought made her heart drop into her stomach, and bile rise into her throat. What was going to happen next?

  She froze in place and her tears intensified as dread filled her belly. Suddenly, her impending punishment didn’t even hold any space in her brain. All she could think about was havin
g to be without him, once she left here, and she panicked.

  Her breathing became shallow and she grabbed at her chest trying to pull oxygen into her lungs.

  Rett was at her side just in time to catch her as she lost it completely and crumpled to the floor.

  “Daisy, are you okay?” He scooped her into his arms and carried her to the couch. “Daisy, baby, what’s wrong?” His voice was fraught with fearful concern. She couldn’t see his face through her own tears.

  She shook her head, unable to form words as she struggled to breathe.

  “Do I need to call someone?” Concern filled his voice, and she wanted to reassure him, but all she could do was shake her head. Her whole body shook as she sobbed. “Daisy, honey, you’re scaring me.”

  “I-I’m o-okay.” She forced the words out.

  “You are very obviously not okay, little one. Shh, Daddy’s here,” he assured her, holding her closer. She focused on his voice, his breaths, his heartbeat, his arms that were wrapped possessively and protectively around her. She focused on all that was him, trying hard to calm herself down.

  “You’re such a good girl, little flower. I’m sorry this is so hard for you. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “You didn’t s-scare me. I’m j-just s-sad.” She sobbed.

  “Why are you sad, little one?”

  “B-because I don’t w-want you to leave me.”

  He held her tighter. “Leave? I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here. You made a mistake, but nothing between us has changed.”

  “Monday!” she wailed trying to get her point across in as few words as possible.

  Understanding dawned on his face, and his eyes filled with sadness. “Oh my little flower, it’s going to be okay, I promise.”


  “I don’t know how quite yet, but I do know that what we have between us is real and I will do anything to make it okay. You have my absolute word on that.”

  His promise was exactly what she needed to hear, even without the specifics. Rett said he was going to make it okay. He had followed through with every single thing he had said thus far. Why shouldn’t she trust him on this one too? Snuggling into him, she closed her eyes and felt the oxygen flow back into her lungs. Her tears dried up and her shaking ceased.


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