Chaos Mortalitus

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Chaos Mortalitus Page 6

by Mark LaMaster

  A roar from this army as thousands of creatures stand together cheering for this mysterious figure, their leader and I too feel the dark one's passion for the first time. Tears stream from my eyes free flowing as I sob aloud at this awakening. Falling to my knees in the face of this figure, my heart begins pounding as my tears fall to the porous crystal textures on the floor. The cheer from this army grows louder as the creature lowers itself to me extending its hand. My eyes trained on the whirlpool high in the sky as the opening continues to expand, its reflections changing all visible surfaces.

  Reaching for the figure's hand, I feel for the first time a pain I can't describe, a truth I'll never forget. Fear rips through me as a relentless pictorial of images flood my subconscious with too much pain to even understand the images. Whatever this figure has given me in this moment; I know it must be his purpose somehow. "Rise my brother, for your road is long. This journey is dangerous, yet forget not your heart Lord Mortal, unlike any before it." The figure says speaking to my thoughts. "Forget not these words."

  "Who am I?" I ask as a sense of terror grips me once more.

  The figure stares silently back at me as I can feel the sense of urgency. "You are Ashton Mortal, the evolution of liberation. Forget not the cause, for you are desperately needed."

  "Who are you?"

  "Your answer is moments away. The truth seeks you Lord Mortal, it's coming."

  Jonathan Reynolds stands atop a podium addressing a large crowd, mostly military and other leading figureheads. Government officials that make all the choices dictating the dreams for the population of a small planet listen closely. His voice has a subtle tremble with a declaration of urgency as he treads unfamiliar waters. "Our window is nearing a close, soon we will be through the encryption in Mr. Morgan's message and our standby teams can retrieve the Payload. I don't think I need to stress the dire emergency tactics put in place to keep this under wraps. All standby teams are authorized to use any means necessary to complete their objectives. Are there any questions?"

  "Sir, do we have any intelligence on possible targets?" One of the officials asks.

  "At the present time all of Tyler Morgan's family is being interrogated in hopes of finding some clue to the whereabouts of the Payload. We haven't turned up anything yet and its currently 7:17 P.M. There should be an exact address by 10:00 P.M. at the very latest. We thought we would have the encryption taken care of already, but Mr. Morgan has proven resourceful."

  "What if they can't solve the encryption?" A soldier asks. "Do we have any contingencies in place Sir?"

  "There are no alternatives. We have no choice soldier, any means necessary."

  Finally, my vision returns and I realize where I am once more as I sit knees to the cool concrete, my face soaked in tears like a child. I comprehend well enough that something is going on in my head, something I can't explain or understand and no matter what I do, it's coming. The cloaked figure promised the truth yet I am cautious, terrified at what all this could mean as today becomes a day I will never forget, one that has changed me forever. Somehow this creature knew me, but I can't help but wonder how any of this is possible and who the hell is Vexicus?

  Still not a hundred percent collected I glance at the time on my phone and realize its 7:19 P.M. and I have an art show to attend. Climbing to my feet, I wipe my face full of tears with my sleeve and turn to head back into the gallery, hopefully on time. As I walk through the rear emergency exit I see the gallery is now filled with people from all walks of life. Very pleased with the turn out, I watch the crowds of people gather amongst the paintings discussing ideas and general opinions about the different works on display. As I scan the faces I hear a voice from my right side. "There you are! Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you Ash, you had me worried!" Angela says.

  "Sorry babe, I just needed some air and a little alone time. Didn't mean to make you worry."

  "So many of our friends have come, your gonna' have so much fun baby." Angela says with enthusiastic excitement. "You deserve every second of this!"

  A man emerges from the crowd and walks up to Angela and I. "Hey Ash buddy! Great to see you, man this show is amazing. You and Kalden are so talented. I can see what you've been working so hard on now. This is absolutely mind-blowing."

  "Hey there Dave, glad you could make it. Where's Naomi?" I ask, glad to see my good friend.

  David Livingston and his wife Naomi are very close to my family and great friends to Angela and I. David has always been real supportive of my artwork, constantly trying to purchase my latest work before anyone even has a chance to see it. A great man and even better father, I'm sure I could stand to learn a thing or two from him. He has a two-year-old daughter named Michelle and she already has quite the personality. Their daughter is the most adorable little girl a quarter Japanese, after her mother who was born and raised in Japan. Angela and Naomi are like two peas in a pod, especially when it comes to drinking wine but thankfully I won't have to worry about that one for a while.

  "Naomi's running around here somewhere. You know it was such a pain in the ass finding a sitter tonight, but we got one just in the nick of time." David says with a laugh.

  "Oh great, I'm gonna' go find her, its been ages since we've gossiped. I'll be back in a flash babe, don't go anywhere this time." Angela scolds as she runs off to find Naomi.

  "Ok, ok! I'll stay inside the building this time. Hey Dave, have you seen Jason or Greg anywhere, I sent out their invitations weeks ago. I'm sure they're here already, you know, always ahead of schedule."

  Jason Scott and Greg Knight, my two best buds are the guys I can be myself around. Enlisted in the United States Marines, I believe they are some form of Special Forces. Jason is a First Lieutenant and Greg, a Second Lieutenant having made a career with the military. Both are bachelors very clean cut, definitely guys whom I differ from yet our friendship is strongly defined. We met years back and have managed to become quite the tripod together. I know they are great guys and pretty high up in the chain of command, but we leave work where it belongs.

  "I saw Knight in the other room, so I'm sure Jason can't be too far. I'm gonna' check out the rest of the show Ash and make my way back over to Naomi, I'll catch ya' later." Dave says shaking my hand and heading off.

  Exiting Exhibit Hall One I head over to Exhibit Hall Two, Nightmares of the Cosmos. As I enter the room the majority of the lighting is set on the outline of the room where the paintings hang. The light dimming as you enter the center of the room, to a much darker area with holographic imagery of the universe on display. Perfection in the look I envisioned so long ago, with the layout coming together magnificently, fitting the paintings and the stories they tell. Out of the corner of my eye I see my friend, Jason Scott staring at a favorite in the set entitled, Liberation. I approach him with a soft tap on his right shoulder. "How you doing this evening Jason?"

  Jason turns his view from the painting to the voice at his back. "Hey bro, great to see you!" Jason says giving me a hug after not having seen me in weeks.

  "So what have you and Greg been up to?"

  "Runnin' around all over man, secret missions all week, a bunch of bullshit if you ask me. I don't even know how long we'll be able to stay tonight, pretty much on call right now." Jason explains. "Something really big is going down."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Big time government guys all over this one, but I can't go any further than that bud, top secret...sorry."

  "Don't sweat it, I'm sure I'll live." I reply with a slight sarcasm.

  Out of the corner of my eye I see my mother making her way over to me. She is glowing, with a huge smile and suddenly it dawns on me, damn her. Angela told her already I know it, that woman can't wait for anything. "Hey honey, great to finally see you. Everything looks absolutely amazing, your father and I are so proud."

  "She told you didn't she?" I ask, interrogating my mother with a cold stare. "I know she did, you might as well just tell me already." />
  "Maybe dropped a hint or two."

  "Damn her! She can't ever keep a secret."

  "What secret is that bud? Jason asks intrigued by our conversation.

  "Nothing!" I quickly reply. "Angela and I are gonna' make an announcement later tonight."

  "Sounds good, till then. I'm gonna' find Greg, catch ya' later Ash."

  My mother stands with me excited as if it were Christmas morning and I can tell she can barely contain herself from screaming. "I can't believe I'm really going to be a grandma! I knew this was coming! This is by far one of the happiest days of my life."

  "Hey! I thought the day you had me was the happiest day of your life."

  "Ok, the second happiest day of my life. The day I met your father comes in strong thereafter."

  "I'm glad you're happy mom. I know this is exciting and all but don't tell dad. Let Angela and I…please."

  "My lips are sealed, but don't wait too long. I love you Ashton, thank you for being such a wonderful son." My mother says pulling me down gently kissing my forehead.

  "I love you too mom." I lean forward and hug my mother for she has supported me down every road I've traveled.

  My show seems to have been a hit as the time passes, using the remaining minutes to bounce from friend to friend. Through the evening I've been catching up with so many people I couldn't possible recall all of them. As I make my rounds I glance at the time and realize its 8:45 P.M. and I need to find my wife for our announcement. Heading into the first exhibit, I find Kalden in the middle of a speech to the assembly about our art projects and future work we have planned. Perfect timing as he lays the foundation of our next big projects.

  "And I would like to dedicate this show to our friends and family but most of all, to my friend and dear colleague, Ashton Mortal." Kalden says as the crowd turns and the spotlight is suddenly on me. "Ashton is a great man, an amazing artist and the truest of friends to any who know him. I look forward to many years with my brother in this world of art. Thank you Ashton."

  Staring back at him I raise my hand into the air and give my partner a thumbs up, for he knows where I stand. His guidance has given me direction, created these inner visions and for this I owe him much. I watch as Angela makes her way up to the podium next to Kalden, I knew she wouldn't be able to wait. "And a quick word from Mrs. Angela Mortal, wife to my dear partner."

  She stands silently for a moment scanning faces in the crowd until her eyes lock onto mine. "I have prepared this for my husband so here goes. I'm amazed at the world you've built for us, at the forces driving this artist inside you and the beautiful talent you possess. Standing in awe of your exceptional gifts, I am truly grateful to be your wife. Thank you Ash, for being the most wonderful husband a woman could ask for. I know you'll be an even better father!" Angela suddenly reveals as voices and whispering are instantly exchanged by all who have heard the news. "That's right everyone, we're pregnant!"

  Even though I wanted us to give our friends and family the news together, I think Angela handled it just fine; she's great with theatrics. Instantly I feel myself bombarded by friends and family congratulating me and wishing me the best as a new father. This evening has been nothing short of magical, a night I won't soon forget. It's all so wonderful that I'd almost forgotten the madness that has plagued me all day, these visions of things I can't explain. The clock continues to tick against me as I glance at the time, now reading 9:15 P.M. as our guests are getting ready to head home.

  Kalden and I stand at the doorway to the gallery and thank everyone for showing up. "Thanks for a great time Ash, keep up the good work and congratulations bud, your gonna' be a great dad." Jason says as he heads out the door, Greg right behind him on the phone.

  "Yes Sir, we are in route now." Greg says finishing his phone call. "Sorry I didn't get to hang out with you much tonight Ash, these government suits have been on my ass all day. Either way, thanks for having us and good luck bro!"

  "You guys be safe tonight, stay outta' harms way!" I call out to them.

  "Comes with the job!" Jason shouts back. "Take care of yourself Ash."

  The two men head toward the parking lot, having a long night ahead of them, longer than either of them could have imagined. Just then David and Naomi show up at the doorway with Angela who takes a place at my side. "Ok Ash we're taking off, thanks for everything, tonight was great." David says as he gives me a hug. "I know you'll be a great dad." He whispers.

  "I had a great time with you Angela, thanks for hanging out with me."

  "Anytime Naomi, call me whenever and we'll have a girl's night."

  Naomi turns her focus toward me. "Your stuff looks great Ash, well done. Good night and be safe you two." She says as she puts her arm around David and they head out into the parking lot as well.

  My father and mother are the last to leave, saying their goodbyes to Kalden and then heading over to Angela and I. My mother immediately begins chatting with Angela about the baby and everything they have to get ready for. My dad pulls me to the side of them. "So it looks like you are going to be a father huh?"

  "Looks like it pop and let's not forget, that makes you a grandfather."

  "Yeah, yeah! I tell you Ash; you've made a proud father out of me. That wife of yours is just amazing and you know your mother has been just waiting for this day. I know you'll do fine son, just fine." My father says fighting back the tears.

  "Thanks pop, I guess I had a great example. You've always been there for me…that's why I have to tell you something."

  "What is it Ash?"

  "I know this may sound weird, but if something should ever happen to me, make sure my son knows how much I love him. Take care of him pop."

  "What do you mean?" My father asks wearing a look of concern. "Is something wrong?"

  "No, I just thought I had to say it dad."

  Staring for a moment, my father raises his hand to my shoulder. "Don't worry son, I'll always be there for you and my apparent grandson."

  "I know it's a boy dad, trust me."

  "If you say so son. I love you Ashton and remember, I'm always here if you need me." My father says as he pulls me in for a hug.

  Angela and I switch and my mother says goodnight as Angela explains all her plans for our son to my father. "Well Ash, you did absolutely fabulous! You've made your mother very proud. Make sure you take care of Angela son, she needs you now more than ever."

  A strange feeling comes over me of absolute helplessness and as the minutes tick by these farewells feel so permanent. Why is that? Why this uneasiness? "Don't worry mom, I'll always be with all of you, never forget that. Never forget how much I love all of you." I reply as I kiss my mother's cheek.

  She stares back at me sensing something only a mother can as she can feel the beat of my heart. Though she may not understand it, something is happening to her son, something big is coming in his life. Grace Mortal's love for her son is undying, but this is far from her reach as destiny waits for none. My father holds my mother's hand as they head out into the parking lot. "Ride safely you guys!" Angela calls out to them. "We love you!"

  Jason Scott and Greg Knight cruise at a high speed on the local freeway heading toward a secluded base of operations near the coastline. A secure message comes in as a holographic display reveals a familiar face issuing orders. From the center console of the vehicle the soldiers watch their superior, Jonathan Reynolds as he speaks to his primary tactical team. "All team members must rendezvous at choke points to begin Operation Payload Retrieval. We should have a location within the next forty-five minutes. This is crunch time men! No mistakes or it's your ass! Wait at your scheduled checkpoints for further orders." Jonathan's message concludes and vanishes.

  "Crazy shit! What do you think this is all about, aside from the obvious?" Greg asks.

  "Political bullshit if Jonathan's involved, mixed with alien technology. Honestly I don't want to know what any of this is about, I mean this is way over our heads." Jason replies.

Lame, I wish we didn't have to leave in such a hurry, we never get to chill with Ash anymore." Greg complains. "Damn duty calls crap."

  "After this is over with, I'm sure we'll get some leave. We should charter a boat and take Ash and Angela out fishing or something. Maybe we can convince her to bring some cute friends." Jason says as he bumps his fist with Greg's.

  "Sounds like a plan."

  "Ok, get your game face on Greg. We've got work to do."

  Back at the gallery, everyone has pretty much gone home for the evening and all things considered, the show was a big hit. Kalden, Angela and myself sit in front of the building getting ready to head home.

  "Thanks for everything tonight guys. The whole event went exactly how I planned. I couldn't of done it without the both of you." Kalden says expressing his genuine gratitude.


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