Chaos Mortalitus

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Chaos Mortalitus Page 13

by Mark LaMaster

  "I am here for you and Seth, for anything you might ask of me. Till we meet again my dear friend, till that day I'll keep your memory held close to my heart and fresh in my mind. Ashes to ashes." Kalden says pouring his heart out, tears streaming into the raindrops.

  Kalden pauses for a moment and just stares at the casket in front of him and it all becomes very real in that moment. He then rounds the small podium and pulls a paintbrush from his right jacket pocket, his lucky brush. Placing it against the casket as the rain droplets pelt the glossy finish, he can finally say goodbye to his friend. Kalden returns to his seat as Daniel approaches the podium, his wife Grace barely able to hold it together as she sobs aloud. "I stand here before you not only for myself but for my wife Grace, whom most of you know. My son was a wonderful man…" Daniel says barely able to utter the words.

  Finding it hard to swallow, Daniel stares out toward his family and friends, toward the many lives his only son has touched as the pain becomes mesmerizing. His wife sits sobbing, a wounded heart with no remedy in sight. Daniel digs deep in this moment, for his family, his wife; he knows he must be strong. "My son was a wonderful man, a man you all knew well. His life is celebrated here today, his legacy honored. I loved my son. Even in this moment I still love him with all my heart and with everything good inside me, I pray for his safekeeping."

  "In the last moments with my son I find the memories I will reflect on until my last breath. Although this experience has shown me a father's true pain, I would never change it for the world, you hear me son. Wherever you are, I wouldn't change a thing!" Angela and Grace squeeze one another's hand with everything they have, holding each other in these moments that shake the cold depths of their shattered hearts. "You're my greatest accomplishment son, the only reason the stars ever made sense to me. Never forget the love your mother and father have for you my boy. We miss you everyday, every second. This family will love you always." Daniel says no longer able to hold back the tears. "Goodbye son."

  Daniel also stops in front of the casket as he makes his way back to the seat next to Grace. Placing his hand upon its beaded wet surface he stares at his reflection through the raindrops. Tears continue to merge with the falling rain and he feels a brief moment of peace as a lifetime of sorrow approaches. I love my father and on this day I wish things could've been different, if only somehow this chalice could pass from their hearts, yet sacrifice is required in this the grander scheme of things. Many emotions this afternoon as one after another speaks of memories with a man they knew as a friend, a teacher, comrades till then end.

  Jason Scott stands at the right side of President Reynolds, Greg Knight to his left. They both struggle to maintain a stone cold stare forward, grieving silently for the friend they also lost long ago. Suddenly Jason leaves his post and makes his way to the front of the podium and as the rain pelts his face he calmly removes black shades from his eyes. Raising his right hand, he rubs his sockets to help focus as the droplets bombard him. Pulling a small piece from his ear setting it on the podium, his link to the control center constantly barking orders. A moment of silence from the military man as this congregation wonders the soldier's intentions.

  "My name is Major Jason Scott, special forces in the United States Marines Corp. I've been called a patriot, a hero and above all, a Marine. In this moment I am wounded and backup is nowhere in sight, all I know for sure is I'm hurt bad. I live by certain codes in life and nothing can break these ideals held close to my heart. I have a mission that extends beyond civilian life, but above all I swore to myself an oath, to never leave a man down. I know in my heart that my friend, Ash Mortal, understood that, embraced it. I knew the man that we go to release into the hands of our heavenly father, I knew him well."

  Jason's words are evocative, heart felt and for a widow who has lost the will of forgiveness, these words mean the world. "I promise this, I'll never leave a man down and I'll never forget you Ash Mortal. Know that your life inspires my dreams and vindicates this drastic sacrifice. To my brother from long ago I say good bye for now and for those still lost on the battlefields of life, in the name of Ashton Mortal, we will not leave you behind." Jason says finishing the speech with a powerful voice.

  Jason heads back to his position at the President's side, Captain Greg Knight saluting his friend as he approaches, having always thought very highly of him. Angela feels a knot tie up in her stomach, as she knows the moment has finally come and she must now say her last goodbye to her husband. Standing with our son Seth, the two make their way to the podium. Another good friend, David Livingston, leaves the side of his wife Naomi and six year old daughter Michelle to join Angela at the podium, to hold an umbrella for her, with the rain steadily growing heavier.

  Angela holds Seth's hand as they both face the crowd, raindrops streaming from the sharp corners of the umbrella. Uncontrollably, she begins to cry and their isn't a heart here that doesn't understand, that doesn't feel the desperation for truth in her eyes. "I've come here today to say good-bye to my husband and the love of my life, Ashton Mortal. My husband was an amazing man, the light of my life. In the moments that are most difficult, I remember the best times, my best friend, my heart and everything he meant to me. Our son has never had the privilege to know his father, yet with every passing day he already reminds me of him so much." Angela says with a smile, her face soaked with tears.

  "My only regret is that Seth won't grow up with such a great man in his life, but I know he'll be there every step of the way in spirit. The hardest moments in my life are the ones with no explanations, but I will go on living and my heart will eternally belong to you Ashton Mortal. I hope you are at peace my husband and I patiently await our reunion, whenever and however you see fit. We love you Ash."

  Angela reaches down and scoops up Seth who has stood patiently by her side. He clings to his mother tightly as she readies him in front of the podium. Seth speaks softly. "I love you daddy." He says to a father he's never known.

  The people I held the closest, the family and friends from the life I used to have, I wish I could relieve them from these haunting reminders. Through all things yet to be I remind myself this is for the greater good, better they bury me in the past. With this I will insure their safety as this battle will remain mine alone, or so I thought.



  Sometimes the line between reality and fantasy is difficult to walk, like a constant symmetry sometimes it's hard to remember who you've always been. Like staring into a mirror wondering who you really are, what you intended to be. Telling yourself that if you could make a difference you would, if somehow you just had the power to change things, then you should. Sometimes on the most seldom of days, your opportunity may arise and you might find the chaos for what it truly is. Upon my return to the universe I was born to, many questions had been answered, many truths revealed, but most of all I knew the gravity of what was to come and this was no game.

  The battle ahead is very real, a war is about to begin and I intend to draw first blood as this fight is just outside their doorstep now, the Xxirian hordes need only look out to see the devil has come for them. Mercilessly, these Xxirian armies parade to every corner of the universe spreading their anarchy hatched within this embrace of lawlessness. Mortalitus and I searched the universe from a distance watching the dramatic play unfold right before our eyes. From every corner of creation discovering that chaos rules all things, a disheartened universal truth. Then I came upon my enemy, the creatures that rule with madness and this willingness to embrace such carnal atrocities, this has to stop.

  Lord Erazux and the Xxirian fleets that await his beck and call must be stopped no matter the cost. I couldn't realize the extent of damage, didn't see the countless worlds overrun and turned into slave camps, death camps as I try to comprehend that this has gone on since before the birth of a planet called Earth. When we first began traveling this vast universe, my mind wandered through the never-ending celestial bodies I could now face
up close. Such wonders to be witnessed in this seemingly endless universe, the experiences I could never describe in any detail that would serve their majesty properly.

  The vision of standing upon a star's surface, the intensity of the singularity and the event horizon's edge, ever so radiant. I came upon worlds in the furthest reaches of space, hidden from the hellish nightmares that would surely one day dawn their horizons. Primitive cultures, tribal leaders, advanced alien worlds with technological and spiritual supremacy over their planets and systems. A universe filled with such wonders, such possibilities and now the story of a brave few, becomes the legend that might save the universe. Today these free worlds are fewer and fewer, while the bringers of death and genocide are many.

  I thought of my wife often when I first returned, my son, the life I left behind. Made aware of the passage of time between us, I knew they had to put my memory behind them. For what its worth I don't blame them, I'm the one that hasn't come home. Knowing the task at hand was the only thing that mattered at the moment, the only way I could protect my family and all I care for. For all this I've sacrificed, I am pained; disappointed that the simple life I dreamed of with my loved ones is now a distant memory. The artist that enjoyed the silence in life becomes the warrior that defies the faces of evil, bringing the dawn of a new era of peace.

  It was in these first days I found my true calling on a planet called Seithux, when I met a boy that started a war, the boy that gave birth to the legend of the Xxirian Verse War.

  Floating silently just outside a desolate planet, hovering in its orbit, defying all logic as I hold my position. This is the first time I've returned to the galaxy known as Siivech since my days as Vexicus Miogar in a former life. Siivech and the Imperial Nations have been overrun for billions of years now, with no trace remaining of the peaceful nations and worlds that once occupied its space. Now the enemy controls the Edoxan system, claimed by Lord Erazux himself and the majority of the Xxirian coalition.

  "Mortalitus. Where are we?" I ask. "What is this world?"

  "This planet is called Seithux, forty seven light years from Edoxus and the Xxirian stronghold. It has become a slave camp and military installation for the Xxirian military."

  "Why do they do this Mortalitus? These unspeakable evils, like nothing I could imagine."

  "When the Xxirians conquer a new world they slaughter most of the occupants and make soldiers of those deemed worthy. They usually turn these assimilated worlds into slave camps using prisoners to consume all available resources to further their vicious campaigns. There is no method to this madness, they want to watch existence burn."

  Pausing for a moment longer, I then quickly accelerate toward the planet through the atmosphere, my figure shifting into a transparent camouflage. I'm not ready to show myself just yet, for I need to study my enemy, learn my capabilities and limitations if any. Raindrops bounce off the transparent armor and cloak as I pass through the heavy cloud cover and light from the young star that feeds this system. Seithux has high levels of iron oxide giving it a look of the planet Mars located in the same system as Earth. Not quite as desolate, Seithux has a descent amount of vegetation and other forms of plant life very alien in origin, native to the planet.

  As a result of the high levels of iron oxides, the precipitation effects sometimes have the look of blood falling from the skies above. Red streams cover my invisible body as I land atop a mountain not far from the end of the slave camp that seems to stretch as far as the eye can see. This planet is massive, much larger than Earth and from the vantage point in orbit, the whole camp itself seemed half the size of the United States. Surrounding the camp on all flanks, ancient battle machines with endless rows of weaponry and soldiers, an arsenal like nothing imaginable. Such an intimidating unit and these slave camps litter the cosmos making the true numbers of the Xxirian coalition almost immeasurable.

  Centered in the camp are large mechanical towers, seemingly a central point for the military leaders of this planet. Flying ships docking and hovering, scattered throughout the skies above. Endless commotion from all corners of this planet, drawn toward the mechanical towers and surrounding architecture beautiful in design like nothing I've ever seen. This massive military force seems necessary as my vision magnifies and the slave camps become visible to me. Gazing with a look of disbelief at thousands upon thousands of creatures, most born into this hell, most unknowing of the concepts of freedom, nor its beautiful rewards.

  Some are new residents, each sharing a dramatic tale of the dead end road to the slave camps of Seithux. "How can this be?" I ask mortified. "Why do they not fight back Mortalitus?"

  "That fight would be in vain. The military force that shares this world is merely a percentile of Lord Erazux's true power." Mortalitus replies.

  "How could it of come to this? How can this place produce such wickedness?"

  "This is simply part of the evolution of all things. As horrible as these things are, they are the necessary steps to build a foundation of peace."

  "No they're not! This is not right Mortalitus! Damn it! There will be hell to pay for these acts of indecency!"

  "Indeed young friend and you shall be the one to deliver us all. You are the next step in the evolution of peace, of true liberation. Do not forget that facing this enemy with the eyes of revenge is to embrace the force that drives their blackened hearts. This is necessary to set the example of what to fight for Ashton."

  Mortalitus has a way with words, a way of explaining things so I cannot only understand but embrace as well. The more time I spend with this creature I call Mortalitus, the more I understand his personal quest through infinity. He holds me in such high regards, but I'm not entirely sure if I can live up to these prophetic expectations written in the stars eons ago. Staring out at the camp a while longer I begin to formulate a strategy as Mortalitus and I exchange ideas pondering the next course of action. Suddenly my attention is shifted away from the sea of figures that stretch all the way to the mountain's base. "Ash, I can sense a faint life sign not far from here, on the cliffs just below us. It's slowly fading away." Mortalitus says.

  Just then I pounce from atop the high altitude cliff below to investigate. Jumping down fifty feet or so to a small cleared area on the edge of the jagged cliffs where I see a small boy lying against a dark colored rock, clutching a small-sharpened stone in his right hand. Making an approach toward him, my camouflage begins to fade as I reveal my true appearance. The boy seems scared at first attempting to raise the stone in his defense, yet fatigue has come to claim him as the stone falls effortlessly from his hand to the floor below. He is not a human boy; I can't be sure what he is, similar in some ways yet very alien in others.

  A bluish silver tone to his skin and the hairs on his head are like individual hard strands, like animal whiskers. Electrical impulses conduct through the individual stands of hair like fiber optics. The boy belongs to a race called the Mezar, a humanoid race that once ruled a planet called Vaothel in the Xiodal Galaxy. I reach down to cradle the boy in need of medical attention. "What should we do Mortalitus?"

  "The boy's life force is draining, his wounds are fatal."

  His body littered with scars, his back covered in fresh wounds with heavy lacerations and electrical burns. Tattered clothing reveals the boy to be a prisoner from the slave camp not far from here. The child's escape is questionable, no doubt obtaining his wounds on the backside from crawling through miles of energized razor wires that surround the camp on all sides and any possible exits. One can't help but wonder what this child thought in this desperate act, where would he go, how would he survive? I hold the small boy in my arms as he struggles to stay conscious, the electrical impulses in his hair becoming fewer and fewer.

  "Can I speak to him Mortalitus?" I ask. "Will he understand me?"

  "Yes. You can speak to all walks of life from all languages. They will hear truth in your words."

  I begin to softly rub that child's brow doing the best I can to calm h
is nerves. "Don't be scared young one. I'm not going to hurt you, you're safe now."

  "I, I care not…for my life…only for my dreams." The child says calmly.

  "Why did you escape? Where did you plan to go boy?"

  The boy struggles to hold on, as pain shoots through his body. "Home, to be wi-with the sp-spirit…of creation."

  "He doesn't have much time Ashton." Mortalitus reminds me as the seconds fade away.

  "Are you here to save us?" The small boy asks.

  "Yes, I have come to save you all." I reply as the boy does his best to form a smile.

  "Then our prayers…have finally been an-answered, then all is well and my dreams…can now fi-finally come true."

  "What is your dream son?" I ask.

  Struggling to catch his breath, a final moment. "To die…a fr-free soul…freedom…if for only a short while…sis-sister…Tikik…love al-always." The boy says as his eyes become lifeless.

  Right there in my arms the nameless boy who fought so hard to get to that mountaintop, lost his fight and died upon its peaks. I held him closely for a while, Mortalitus retracting from my body to watch our interaction personally. The black cloak remained, giving me the look of an ancient monk. Such a tragedy, that this boy finally escaped the horrors of the life he was born into so he might experience freedoms grace, even for only a few moments. Feelings of despair cloud my judgment and deeply enrage my heart with the innocent child that now lay lifeless in my arms, this wrenching of my heart, this awful truth.


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