Chaos Mortalitus

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Chaos Mortalitus Page 17

by Mark LaMaster

  Countless lost souls once haunted these grounds and now might they finally rest in peace among the stars. The attention shifts back to the cloaked figure that generates mystery with each passing moment. The young Mezarian girl looks to me with soft eyes. "What are you?"

  Turning away from the burning wreckage to face this large crowd as they all stare back in disbelief, could their luck have finally changed? These creatures don't believe in luck, it's a notion they are not designed to comprehend. Most gave up on the ideas of luck and freedom, or any other version of hope. "I am the redeemer my friends. My name is Lord Mortalitus, king of all things known. I've come here to Seithux with a mission. This world will be the first of many to find true freedom, and everlasting peace."

  "What do we do now?!" A voice calls from the crowd. "Where will we go?!"

  "Come speak with me friend." I reply.

  A creature makes his way to the front of the crowd where I stand, followed by his friend. So many different species gather here once bound by a common slavery, now independent from the chaos. The creature is a Viluxian, a unique hybrid of the Xxirian race, looked down upon by true Xxirians. They are much smaller than their counterparts, about five feet in height and also have interesting attitudes. The one that follows is a different species as well, known as a Silokian, from the planet Silok. Silokian's are a distinctive race, part of an extremely large star system in the Neshuza Galaxy.

  They are very similar to a feline species mixed with a human body structure with most having very short hair, yet there are hybrids that can produce a variety of combinations. Some have a strong resemblance to tigers from the planet Earth, with the ability to walk upright and the controlled use of their appendages. Staring at me for a moment, the two creatures express their concerns. "Why have you taken this up yourself Mortalitus? To redeem us?" The Viluxian asks.

  "It is my destiny."

  "What makes it your destiny?" The Silokian asks joining the conversation.

  "It was passed to me. This choice is my own, and I choose for this to end."

  "What makes you so special?! Why do you have this power?"

  "Silence Viluxian! Do not insult this brave warrior! He has come to help you fool!" Xenom snaps back.

  "How do you know that Xxirian?!"

  "Had I not come for this very reason, you would not have lived this day through. Believe what you will, Xenom speaks the truth."

  "What do we do next then Mortalitus?" The Silokian asks.

  "Rebuild. Beginning by building my army and together, we will take back this universe from the cruel and the wicked."

  "But we are weak, and now homeless." The Silokian responds. "Hope is lost."

  "Freedom has come brothers and sisters of the stars. A new life is moments away for you all. Tell me, what are your names friends?" I ask.

  "My name is Sirec Exale. I was once a Commander in the Silokian Guard, yet have not known that life for many years."

  "I am Halex. Viluxian by descent, hated by Xxirians, born into this hell."

  I look to the small humanoid girl. "And how about you young one?"

  Shy at first, for her innocent eyes have seen too much. "My name is Tikik Ranklix. I am Mezarian, born here in Seithux."

  "It's good to have you all with us. We have much to do and many long days ahead, together. I hope in time to know you all personally and call upon you as friends."

  "Where will we go Mortalitus?" Sirec asks.

  "To the stars brother. We will build a new world to call home and then another until a universal freedom exists for all time."

  "How can we do all these things Mortalitus?" Halex asks. "How can you?"

  "Answers will come in time. I ask of you four, help me to prepare everyone."

  "Prepare for what my Lord." Xenom asks.




  Edoxus was once the beautiful kingdom of Lord Vexicus Miogar, beloved human king to the free worlds within the Imperial Nations of Siivech. A utopian planet offering renewal and tranquility, the first birthplace of freedom. Honor and loyalty painted across the horizons of the first human race that ruled the respectable way for thousands of years. Those amazing days within this universe have long since passed as Edoxus has now become a technology based world, raped at its core. Massive structures litter its surface paying homage to Lord Erazux and the massive Xxirian coalition he commands.

  Now the fortress of death, this sanctuary for the bringers of chaos as Edoxus has new masters that control the fates of many. Toward the heart of the Edoxan equator, a large island once known as Miogar was home to Lord Vexicus himself. These billions of years have eroded is original image all together as Lord Erazux now calls these shores home. The Miogar Island has become packed with large structures and the monumental castle built for the vanity of the Xxirian leader. His castle called Xxiria, ascends high into the heavens of Edoxus as Lord Erazux surrounds himself with monuments in praise of his brilliance over the eons.

  Finally we come to Lord Erazux himself, a fierce creature billions of years aged, genetically altered, permanently preserved and legendary in terms of deadly. Standing eight feet tall, a very dark creature with his scale tone a black ashy shade, providing heavy contrast to the intricate armor patterns that surround his body and appendages. He sits atop his throne surrounded by vastly advanced technologies and a personal guard of the most deadly creatures known to the universe. One in particular is pure Xxirian blood, Master General Veorix Deif, Lord Erazux's dearest friend and comrade.

  "WHAT!!! What do you mean the whole camp at Seithux has been destroyed?" Lord Erazux shouts to Veorix.

  "Sire, we received a transmission from General Raithus not long ago stating the camp was attacked along with the entire Xxirian military stationed on Seithux. Apparently by some unidentified assailant and our entire operation was destroyed my king." Veorix replies.

  "This isn't possible! How could this have happened?! We are the Monarchy of Chaos!! No one can defeat us!!!"

  "Sire, our military units are all on high alert at this point, we are moving into defensive positions throughout all galaxies within our control. We will find this threat and eradicate it my Lord."

  "There is no doubt Veorix. I own this universe and all within it." Lord Erazux says in an overly confident tone. "Nothing can stop me!"

  "I wouldn't be too sure about that Erazux." A mysterious voice says.

  Lord Erazux and Veorix quickly draw their weapons at the foreign sound and signal the alarm as the entire planet seemingly shifts into a panic mode. The two alien creatures desperately search for the origin of the voice as Xxirian guards begin to pour into the throne room at the sound of the alarm, taking defensive positions to protect their king, to the death. "SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!!!" Lord Erazux commands as frustration takes hold.

  "Calm down." The mysterious voice replies. "Look at you, such a commotion and to think I've come baring gifts for the monarchy and yourself."

  "You dare to intrude on the king of all things, Lord Erazux?" Veorix says his Xxirian blade held firm.

  "Who are you?" Lord Erazux asks. "What do you want with us?"

  "I am merely a friend, sharing mutual interest. I know what it is you're dealing with and make no mistake, this enemy is like none you can imagine, a danger to your empire." The voice explains.

  "It makes no difference, my warriors will crush this menace and any who follow his path!" Lord Erazux says displaying confidence and defiance toward this new enemy.

  The mysterious creature reveals itself within the shadows of the large throne room, holding in darkness where it cannot be identified with eyes burning, giving an aura to the creature's outline. "Without my help, you will be defeated. You are no match for this enemy, for he has no limits, no weakness. He is truly unstoppable."

  "I fear nothing creature! I am unstoppable!"

  "Fear you certainly do not have my Lord, but you will need more than courage to face this foe. Together we can d
efeat him. Together, we can rule all places." The mysterious figure propositions.

  "I am king!" Lord Erazux shouts. "The one and only true king of this universe!"

  "There is no doubt within me Lord Erazux."

  "What is this creature that dares to defy my empire?"

  "The question is not what, but who is he? The creature you seek is a human being, the reincarnation of Lord Vexicus Miogar. His name is Ashton Mortal, from the human planet Earth within the Milky Way Galaxy." The mysterious figure reveals.

  "VEXICUS!!! He no longer exists! A coward that vanished in shame lifetimes ago!"

  "He has returned, as the human Ashton Mortal to reclaim your throne."

  "Has he now? Come to me, tell me more of this Earth. Tell me everything you know about this Mortal human." Lord Erazux replies becoming intrigued.

  A small town about an hour northeast of Montreal, Canada is the place Tyler Morgan now calls home. It's been five years since that fateful day that changed his life for good and five years is a long time for anyone trying to forget a haunting past. Tyler is a changed man, leaving his dreams far behind him as he sits hoping for some sort of resolution. Waiting for the truth of God's plan to reveal itself as he clings to his beliefs in the word of God, knowing that events have been set in motion. These epic trials will change the course of every history as they have been foretold in the stars and nothing can halt the approach.

  Tyler has never revealed these truths to anyone not even Angela, for he knows something is coming as he continues preparing for the arrival. A small cabin on an acre and a half is where he can finally enjoy his solitude, with the closest neighbor a ten-minute drive down the road. Free from a world closely watched by a government that's always two steps ahead, but Tyler knows what's coming and there is nothing that can be done, not yet. Deep in his heart he knows the truth, that somehow the friend that vanished long ago still lives, somewhere in the unknown.

  The cabin is a bit out of the times, revealing a way of life long forgotten by modern civilization. Free from the grasp of dazzling computer systems and convenient technologies, a place where one can find growth as a spiritual being of the universe, a being of God. On this journey the notion of God has been Tyler's only companion, his light in these dark times. Living a simple life always having been a simple man, Tyler enjoys the time he has left, for he knows the clock is ticking. A fire burns in the small fireplace inside the two-room cabin as Tyler cooks a beef stew over the open flames, reflecting on his past as dusk approaches.

  Contemplating what tomorrow might bring, he stirs the burning embers collecting under the fiery logs, as his feast is almost ready. Pulling the stew from the fire, he pours it into a bowl as hot steam dances off its surface. He begins to eat, blowing on the sizzling soup to ease the heat a bit, not a sound in the house as he takes a drink of bottled beer. There he sits staring hopelessly at the wall that seems to remain the same day after day. Sporadic thoughts bounce around in his mind as he eats the soup that is still steaming, singeing his taste buds. Suddenly there is a knock on the front door of the cabin that instantly preys on Tyler's paranoia.

  Throwing the soup down he grabs a forty-five stashed under the end table next to his worn recliner. Cocking the hammer back, he walks to the door in a defensive position. Tyler isn't expecting visitors today, or any other day for that matter because no one even knows where he is. Standing with his back to the door holding the gun in a tactical position as panic begins to set in, yet it is obvious that someone knows he's here and if Tyler's learned anything at all, he knows he can't escape fate. Turning the knob to the front door, he pulls it open slowly keeping the gun ready at his side. He seems to get upset as the figure is revealed on the other side of the door.

  "What are you doing here?" Tyler asks the figure. "What do you want from me?"

  "I need to speak to you Tyler." Major Jason Scott says to the man he met long ago. "It's important. I didn't come here to cause problems, I only wanna' talk."

  "There's nothing to talk about! I've told you people all I know damn it!"

  "Off the record, that's all I ask, a few minutes of your time. Can I come in?"

  Tyler hesitates for a moment, having flashes of the interrogations that still haunt his dreams. "Fine, but only for a minute. Don't try anything stupid!" Tyler says sternly as he puts the gun into his back waistband.

  "No problem."

  Jason Scott walks inside the secluded cabin in the wilds of Eastern Canada and looks around a bit. Tyler offers him a seat in the chair opposite to his recliner. The two men once again sit in front of a fireplace, although different circumstances have designed today's encounter. "How'd you find me?"

  "Canada might be out of our jurisdiction, but we have ways of monitoring you. Military satellites are always watching you Tyler, you're a number one priority." Jason says.

  "Then why have you come here, is this personal?"

  "Look, I don't care about any of that. I've come here for answers, the ones I know you have."

  "I don't know what you're talking about." Tyler replies.

  "Bullshit! I know you're hiding something! I knew it then and I damn well know it now. During your first interrogation you were babbling about the approach of a new age. What did you mean by that?" Jason firmly asks.

  Tyler pauses, staring back at the man that once tortured him for information, the man that beat him for the whereabouts of a friend to them both, a friend they lost long ago. Tyler Morgan, so desperate to conceal the truth on that fateful day, yet somehow finds it easy to confess today. Deep down he knows more are involved than could ever be imagined, that the man sitting across from him has his part to play as well. "It doesn't matter what I meant. Destiny will have its way regardless."

  "Stop with this shit Tyler! Seriously, I understand your beliefs but I'm trying to help. I just want to know what happened to Ash, I have to know. You spoke of revelations, what does that mean?"

  "I don't know what you want me to say."


  "That I don't know for sure. I just know he's alive, somehow he's still out there." Tyler softly replies.

  "How can that be possible?"

  "Before this saga ends, I imagine we will all ask that very same question. I saw only bits and pieces, when I touched the Artifact. All I know is that everything that is coming revolves around Ash and everyone is tangled in the web of this mystery. I know something is coming, I just don't know when." Tyler warns.

  "What can be done?" Jason asks. "What can we do Tyler?"

  "Nothing. The wheels of destiny are turning. Revelations are coming, day by day, year by year, the hour approaches. Nothing can stop it."

  "God help us." Jason says taken back by the cryptic overtone.


  General Raithus makes haste as he heads for the royal throne room of Lord Erazux fumed with rage. Thankfully he was able to dock with a quantum teleportation ship to make it back to Edoxus in record time, a small advantage he hopes. Marching down the winding hallways of demonic alien architecture, dark shades reveal a dismal presence far different from the beauty that once dawned these grounds as he nears his destination. A feeling of anxiety surrounds him as he goes to meet his own Lord of all things and bad news never goes well with Lord Erazux.

  Raithus begins to pass the many Xxirian guards keeping a watchful eye over all the areas that surround their king. Coming to the large throne room doors, a messenger is sent to notify Lord Erazux of the General's arrival. General Raithus is granted an audience as the doors open and he walks into the throne room. Quickly, he takes a knee in front of Lord Erazux who sits atop his throne staring back at his military Commander. "Sire, I come with word of an attack from a new enemy!"

  "Yes, I know General." Lord Erazux replies not seeming agitated. "I've been well informed at this point."

  "Our forces were no match for the aggressor General Raithus?" Veorix asks.

  "No sire, we were completely eradicated.
Returning fire did little to slow the creature's approach."

  "Do not worry General Raithus." Lord Erazux says. "I don't think even you could have seen this one coming."

  "Sire?" General Raithus questions. "You are not angry my Lord?"

  "Not this time. I am honored that you survived this epic series of events and you will be rewarded appropriately for such courage. I now know our enemy, I know what must be done to visualize this Ashton Mortal's defeat."


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