Chaos Mortalitus

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Chaos Mortalitus Page 26

by Mark LaMaster

  For the rest of us these moments are filled with uncertainty, for the fate of this universe now dangles by fine lines drawn by the hand of destiny. Any reason has become a good one for a family get-together in the Mortal home as Daniel and Grace Mortal round the corner to their daughter in-law's home on 4983 Utopia Drive. Sprinklers flicker with sudden bursts of water in front of the homes lining both sides of the street as the hot sunbeams provide a typical Southern California day. The couple's car comes to a complete stop as they look out to see their grandson running in their direction.

  "Grandpa! Grandma! I'm so glad you're finally here!" Seth says very excited to see his grandparents as they step out of their vehicle.

  "Hey there champ! Great to see you!" Daniel replies rubbing his hand on the boy's head. "Hope you've been practicing your fast pitch, we're gonna' throw a few today."

  Grace is slow to make her way from the car, for she has chronic back pain. "Come here Seth and let grandma give you kisses." She says as Seth runs to his grandmother for a great big hug and a kiss on both cheeks.

  Angela walks through the front door and down the curving pathway's outlet onto the hot driveway toward the family that has become so dear to her. "Hey you guys! Glad you could make it." She says shielding her eyes from the sun as she calls out to her late husband's parents.

  "Wouldn't miss it for the world! Especially if there's a chance for some of your mother's famous fried chicken and country gravy." Daniel says rubbing his stomach.

  "Mom's in the kitchen Grace. She already started cooking." Angela says as she turns her focus to her young son. "Seth, help grandma inside please."

  "Yes mom. C'mon grandma, let's go see nana."

  "I tell you, that woman is so impatient." Grace says with a chuckle in her voice as her grandson takes her by the hand to help her up the walkway to the front door. "I'm coming already Cynthia." She calls out.

  "Did you see that segment on the early morning news Angela? I guess President Reynolds is calling some press conference this afternoon on the South Lawn. Leaders from nations all over the world were flown in over night. Seems like something big is going on." Daniel reports as he gathers his wife's belongings and heads for the front door.

  "Yeah I saw something about that. I'm sure its just something for Memorial Day, you know President Reynolds, all gung ho about honor and what have you. Guess we'll have to tune in and find out what it's all about. Oh, Naomi and David should be over with Michelle in about thirty minutes or so. Kalden's on his way also and I guess he's bringing a date." Angela says as they walk through the front door to the sound of Cynthia and Grace gabbing in the kitchen.

  Sitting in a chair facing a large opening to the balcony of my private chambers things finally make sense, the visions of my past. I watch the curtain flap furiously, like so many times before as Avothina rains down her elements to set the tone. It is this moment where the truth finds me as I've seen this day before; I've lived this moment in another life. Standing, Mortalitus retracts from me as I walk forward feeling the soft mist about the air along with its beautiful crisp taste. Mortalitus stands behind me, watching the way I embrace such a fateful moment.

  It's been ten years since that day outside the gallery and I can still remember the cold feel of the concrete wall as I pressed my hand to it. That day was filled with questions of an unknown fate, premonitions of the possibilities of destiny. I remember the room from that dream, the way the curtains flapped ever so furiously in the wind. My main chambers have a solitary feeling to them, decorated with gifts from alien creatures that pay homage to a king. The private art studio, once with blurred images now revealed as my lost love, separate from my main chambers it is my private sanctuary. I haven't shown the room to anyone on Avothina, not even Xenom though I have my suspicions.

  Walking through the curtains déjà vu returns once more, only this moment feels as real as the certainty of the fates that hang in the balance. "Your mood seems restless. What troubles you Lord Mortal?" Mortalitus asks as I stand just outside on the balcony of this large monument we've made our home.

  I look upon the open valley of my dreams as I watch the fleets square up. Warriors from every corner of the universe, united in the common defense of peace, for these are the righteous hearts that hold stead fast against the approaching storm. "Nothing troubles me Mortalitus. I have lived this moment before, seen this future. Remarkable really, the way all things connect through the common admiration of peace. Every time I've lead these armies against the forces of evil, I've searched my heart for the words to boost their moral, uplift their spirits. To remind them that not only Mortalitus stands with them, but Ash Mortal as well." I reply to my symbiotic counterpart as he also joins me on the balcony.

  "Destiny becomes real for me this day as well. I've waited a long time to make peace with the origins of all things. To finally quarrel these endless squalls. The course has been treacherous, having claimed the hearts of the legends of greatness. Today begins a new journey, the last journey on the last road to eternity. You're my greatest friend Ashton Mortal of the planet Earth. You're my greatest accomplishment." Mortalitus says as he walks toward me and unites with my body once more as Xenom Bairix enters my chambers.

  Xenom emerges onto the balcony where I stand as one with Mortalitus, my black cloak shielding me from the downpour of the heavens above. "Lord Mortal, the hour approaches. The time for our departure is at hand." Xenom reminds me as the seconds tick away from our friendship.

  "General, you have been a loyal friend and a great comrade in the revolution against the Xxirians. Standing by my side you bring redemption to all Xxirians who feel the truth in their hearts and true honor in their souls. Might I and those around you, be able to live up to the standards and regards in which you hold yourself." Looking to my second in command I find a subtle sadness, for now we must part, our paths separate across the stars.

  "You say too much Lord Mortalitus. We are saved through your guidance, for it is you who has liberated us all."

  "Not just yet. These battles of late might be ours, but their victories live in the shadow of a war that's been churning since the dawn of time." I reveal as we stare out onto the beautiful valley below as the military units assemble, ready to be lead to victory.

  Earth will be the new home of some, their purpose, to protect that which is most dear to their king. All who stand in the name of Lord Mortalitus would face the devil himself to honor their king, so Earth it shall be and any who might seek a fight there should do well to bring their courage and prayers with them. "Lord Mortalitus, we're ready." Xenom reaffirms his loyalty to this saga as the minutes draw near to a final conclusion. "My team is ready to leave at your command my Lord. We'll make contact with the humans of Earth and reinforce their primary defenses while you acquire Edoxus. Just try and leave some glory for us my king."

  A moment longer to embrace the silence of revolution, for once these wheels of fate begin turning, nothing will slow their course. "The honor and glory in this battle belongs to its warriors. To you General Bairix and those who stand at your side. This fight has been your own long before it was mine. It's a privilege to fight along side beings with such honor for you set the example for the rest of the universe. Now we'll show them the spirit of perseverance, for lights flicker in the vast distance ahead. Hold on, to those fighting against all odds till sunrise. Now we take back what is rightfully ours."

  3:05 P.M - EST

  "Mr. President, you're on in ten minutes." A Secret Service agent says to President Jonathan Reynolds as he sits in the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden near the East Wing of the White House, a glass of scotch in his hand. The South Lawn is filled to maximum capacity with press and world leaders anxiously awaiting the President's mystery speech. Over the years the world has learned, it's the last minute situations that require a gathering of world leaders to reveal something groundbreaking and today will be no exception.

  Scandals, exotic scare tactics and promises of war usually fuel these fires, but not
this day of remembrance. Today will be one the planet Earth will never forget and from it, nothing will ever be the same for the billions of humans that call this blue pearl of the cosmos home. General Greg Knight as personal escort to the President, walks up the brick paved walkway along the east colonnade. To his right, flowers in bloom with the color of bronze, to his center, the President of the United States sits in a chair placed in the middle of the walkway.

  He casts a silent stare for a moment sensing the calm about this beautifully maintained garden as he stops just short of the President. Jonathan's eyes connect with Greg's with no words for the moment as he simply takes a drink of scotch and turns his attention back to the peaceful garden. "I thought you were gonna' quit drinking Mr. President?" Greg asks.

  "Well I figured with recent events and all, why the hell not. Besides, we did find Ashton Mortal after all, or he found us I mean." Jonathan says with a hint of sarcasm as he shoots the rest of the scotch, a shiver against his lips as the ice cubes rest. He picks up the bottle placed on the floor next to him and pours into the empty glass watching the pale golden liquid gently cascade over the ice. Something big is about to happen and no one knows from which direction it will surface.

  "I'm ready when you are Sir. No matter what may come of this, I'm with you." Greg says extending his hand toward the President to help him from his chair. Helping him to his feet, the President puts the glass of scotch down on a small end table, for he has a job to do and focus is needed in this delicate situation.

  "Ok. Let's go tell the world the truth for once old friend."

  The day grows warmer as the Mortal family enjoys an afternoon in the backyard with close friends. David and Naomi Livingston sit with Daniel and Grace at a picnic table under shade of a large Arroyo willow tree. Michelle and Seth run around having fun as children do on days when school is out. Holographic images float about as the group prepares to watch the upcoming Presidential speech from the South Lawn of the White House. Angela stands over the 20th century barbecue, cooking the burgers and hotdogs by hand.

  "When you gonna' get a normal barbecue Angela? I mean for crying out loud, the thing will do the work for you!" David shouts with a laugh.

  "Be quiet Dave! I happen to like doing it this way thank you very much. Besides, the food tastes better. Not everything can be advanced by technology you know. Some things are fine just the way they are." Angela quickly responds with a grin as she begins flipping the patties.

  "Well I think the way you cook them is perfect." Naomi says coming to the defense of her friend.

  "You would!" David replies. "I mean just look at the mess you're making."

  "How come you don't ever barbecue daddy? Michelle asks as she runs up and takes a drink of her punch sitting on the picnic table.

  "She gotcha' there chef!" Grace says poking fun at David.

  "It's too much work sweetie, plus mommy likes cooking for us." David replies as Naomi peers at him with a playful scorn. "You know Grace, you're really not helping my cause here."

  "Figures! You're a pig." Naomi says as the group has a laugh.

  A message from Omega pops up on a holographic screen in front of Angela as she finishes the first batch of hamburgers, having freshly toasted the buns with a hint of butter. "Go ahead Omega." Angela says.

  "Kalden Skamar and an unknown guest are here. Shall I invite them inside?"

  "Yes Omega, let them know to head out back to find us."

  "Yes Mrs. Mortal." The Omega System replies as Angela turns with a plate of cooked hamburgers and hot dogs and walks over to the picnic table to set them down.

  "Ok everyone, dig in. Seth! Michelle! Come get something to eat you guys."

  The slider to the back window opens and Kalden Skamar emerges with his mystery date. A short petite girl with an oriental look to her, a very timeless beauty as Kalden walks over to Angela and politely bows to the gathering.

  "Glad you could make it Kalden. Who's your friend?" Angela asks as she gives her good friend a hug and kiss on the cheek.

  "Forgive me. Everybody, this is my girlfriend Kyoko. Kyoko, this is Angela, David and Naomi Livingston and their daughter Michelle and that's Angela's son Seth. Over at the table are Daniel and Grace Mortal, Seth's grandparents and Cynthia Winters, Angela's mom." Kalden says as the group gives a wave and smile to the new face.

  "Girlfriend huh?" Angela asks softly with a subtle jab of the elbow to Kalden.

  "I wanted to introduce you formally. Don't take it personal Angela."

  "I'm happy for you Kalden." Angela replies. "You deserve someone special."

  "Great to finally meet you Angela. Kalden talks about you and Ashton all the time." Kyoko says, as there is a sudden silence among the group. "I'm sorry, I hope I didn't upset anyone. Geez', me and my big mouth." She quickly follows up fearing the mood may have been spoiled.

  "Oh it's no problem, don't sweat it Kyoko. Just caught me a little off guard. It's still a bit touchy but we can talk about it." Angela says with a lump in her throat.

  "It's just with Kalden's painting and all. We talk about him all the time, trying to figure out what the paintings might mean." Kyoko reveals.

  "I think it's just beautiful artwork depicting the great friendship shared between my late husband and Kalden. I'm thankful that I understand that now and have let go of hopes for a miracle." Angela replies as the group begins to talk among each other again.

  "Although I did not know your husband, I'm sure he was a great man. As far as miracles are concerned, never stop believing Angela. You never know what might be coming." Kyoko says trying to connect with Angela, unaware of the approaching truth.

  Dreamscapes from the years I lived on the planet Earth walk alongside me as I exit the massive monuments of Avothina. Walking out into the large valley just outside Avotha City where my military has gathered in full force, I can feel the stage is finally set. Like so many years ago, the image is painted brilliantly with a resemblance to the manifestation of a being known only in my dreams as Mortalitus. Behind me, the four leaders of the mission to Earth follow my example as destiny follows us all ever so close now. Xenom, Halex, Tikik and newest to this cause, Jasfire, are my finest warriors chosen to protect my home world and I'd have it no other way.

  Commander Sirec Exale has risen in rank also, just under General Xenom Bairix in this revolution as he stands holding the massive army at the attention of a king. Mandrinx, Rinkin, Demixil, Soharix and Zenica also stand at the side of Sirec and together we will leave here for our new target. First to Miitus, the dangerous Xxirian training camp and after we conquer the installation we will use it as a base for our forces to begin the invasion of Edoxus. Once we defeat Lord Erazux at Edoxus, we will purge these remaining evils within this universe and for the first time in all of creation, unify all things to come.

  More importantly, I can pass my title to leave this life and finally return to my wife and son, and never let them go. Coming to a stop in front of this massive army, I stare ahead at this awesome force generated by the free beings of this universe joining forces to face the most dangerous of circumstances. My leaders of this revolution take their place on both sides of my position as every known walk of life and some only recently exposed stand together now. Today there is no difference in brother or sister, upon these grounds we all stand as family.

  Countless large ancient battle machines line the flanks of this army that stretches as far as the eye can see. Walking forward from those who will help me command this massive force I stare mystically at the sea of creatures that suddenly take a knee or useful appendage and bow in honor of their king, now forever locked in their hearts. Although the battle armor that makes up the physical structure of Mortalitus coats my body hiding my core from view, tears stream from my eyes as it feels like some beautiful dream, one from a life long ago.

  "Friends. Thank you for this honor you've bestowed upon me. Thank you all for finding the courage to stand with us in this last revolution. Forget not that each of you brings
your own strength to this coalition, even though our enemy might outnumber us drastically. They might have every advantage tactically and strategically. But remember that they do not have you. They do not have the brothers and sisters that stand at your side. Remember, without you they don't have a chance in hell at victory!" I say speaking to the minds of the hundreds of thousands that dawn these grounds, to those who will not be ruled by evil.

  Xenom walks forward as tears also stream his cheeks for this moment has finally come and with an Xxirian roar, he praises his king. "LONG LIVE MORTALITUS! KING OF ALL CREATION!!!"

  With a deafening sound of unison, these courageous soldiers prepare their spirits to follow this king called Mortalitus as their hearts beat purely at the mere mention of his name. Extending arms and weapons in the air these creatures would follow their king into the darkest depths of hell without hesitation. Lifting my arms once more from my sides as the prophecy becomes fulfilled and the weather begins to shift. My body slowly begins ascending into the air as all who witness this very real moment revel within its unveiling.


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