Rule of Magic: The Revelations of Oriceran (The Leira Chronicles Book 4)

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Rule of Magic: The Revelations of Oriceran (The Leira Chronicles Book 4) Page 5

by Martha Carr

  Leira answered the phone before the last ring as Lois whispered, “Find a mentor.”

  “Hello General Anderson. Yes, I know what happened. We’re monitoring the situation.” That damn necklace.


  Correk found Perrom near the Dark Market not bothering to blend in, walking toward the vendors who ringed the outside of the tent. “I didn’t believe your wife when she told me I could find you here.” Correk jogged to catch up to his old friend.

  Perrom turned, surprised, his four pupils moving in different directions to see who noticed Correk calling to him. He raised a finger to his lips. “I’m here as a customer. It’s good to see you.” He grabbed Correk in a hug, slapping him on the back. “It’s easier to get to know the different players as a buyer. Merchants tend to say too much all the time, letting things slip,” he said in a hushed tone.

  A tall broad-shouldered merchant with a small booth near the front of the market was loudly yelling hello to everyone who passed by him. Correk looked over at the young Wizard as he playfully slapped a customer’s wallet out of their hands.

  Perrom watched as the Wizard shook his head, smiling.

  “They put the newer merchants out front. They put Louie out front because he’s annoying and that way no one inside has to listen to him,” said Perrom

  “If he’s that annoying how did he get a place in the market at all?”

  “He’s uniquely gifted at finding small artifacts that pack a punch.”

  “Ah, a clever thief.”

  “He manages to get in and out of strange and dangerous places on Oriceran without a scratch. He’s either clever at hiding how powerful he is or he was born under a lucky star.”

  Correk stepped closer to the table and picked up a metal armband with a ruby set in the middle. “This is quite old.”

  “No, you’re old,” said Louie, his blonde curls bouncing as he nodded and pointed at Correk.

  Correk arched an eyebrow and stared at Louie.

  “I told you his people skills were a bit odd.” Perrom smiled. “But he’s right. You are getting older.”

  Louie laughed and pointed at Perrom. “You feel me, right!”

  “How much for the armband?”

  “Ten gold coins. Worth every one of them. Almost lost one of my arms retrieving it.” Louie stood back, his hands on his hips. Correk put the piece down and walked away.

  “You’ll be back. They always come back to Louie!”

  “He’s not going to bargain with you. Somewhere under all that bluster is a shrewd businessman as well as a nimble thief. Besides, I hear he has a crew he splits the profits with. He has a thin margin of profit.”

  Correk could still feel the buzz in his fingers from the armband. An ancient and powerful artifact. “I can come back.”

  “Louie is one of the merchants I’ve been getting to know. He’s good at blending into the background and just listening. Bigger players forget that he’s there. I’m hoping he’ll share some of that with me. Doesn’t hurt that I was also able to get my hands on more electronic parts.”

  He pulled out a solderless breadboard from his leather pouch. It was in a package with a red Radio Shack printed on the front. Perrom smiled. “I can make a circuit. It’s fascinating. What brings you here? You home to stay?”

  “I’m here to find out if you’ve heard anything else and to make sure I have as much energy as I can keep with me on Earth.”

  Perrom frowned. “It’s gotten worse, then.” He took in a deep breath, blowing it out quickly.

  “I’m looking for the mastermind behind the new followers of Rhazdon’s old cult.”

  “There are more rumors about something being off with the old Gnome and I’ve seen him a few times passing through the Dark Market on his way to the large tent in the back. That place is invitation only. I don’t rate one yet. No one will give me any details. Most are too afraid of him. You think he’s the traitor? Makes sense except he’s a Gnome. Not exactly a super power and they’re known more for their integrity than treachery. Maybe he has an ally in that large tent. I mean, who goes to the Dark Market with good intentions?” He looked down at the electronic part in his hands. “Okay, good point, I’m here. It’s a hobby. But none of this comes as a surprise to you.”

  “It’s the artifact I found.”

  “The infinity symbol.”

  “It’s the mark of Rhazdon and now, his followers are playing hot potato with Prince Rolim’s necklace. They’re even managing to stay one step ahead of the Silver Griffins and an Atlantean agent they’ve hired. That shouldn’t be possible.”

  “Dark magic can be like that. It has a strong power all its own. Unpredictable though. At some point it always burns up the user.”

  “We had an encounter with an old dark Wizard who kicked our ass without breaking stride but we don’t think he’s in charge.”

  “And if someone like him is willing to follow whoever dreamed up all of this. Wow…” Perrom’s eyes widened.

  “Whoever this is, they’re almost as powerful as Rhazdon was in his day. All the stories I’ve heard… Even if someone had Rhazdon’s old artifacts, any of them, they’d still have to be able to use them without blowing themselves up.”

  “That’s not the Gnome. Gnomes aren’t that powerful even with an artifact. They’re usually smart enough not to play with them. Hell, they guard them so others can’t get them. Although, this guy seems to be going against type.”

  “I have to get back. I didn’t tell anyone I was coming here.” He hugged his old friend, hesitating to say the one thing that had pushed him to look for Perrom. He was the only person he could think of on Oriceran who would hear him out without calling him crazy. Even then, he was close to leaving without saying a word. I have to say it out loud.

  Perrom was already walking toward the opening to the market. “Perrom.” The look on Correk’s face drew Perrom back taking large strides. Correk hesitated again. “You know a little about dark magic. It’s alright. I’ve kept your secret.”

  “My wife would kill me if she knew. I figure it helps stay one step ahead to have an idea of everyone’s skill level.”

  “Do you… do you…” He finally blurted it out. “Do you think Rhazdon lives?” At last, the thought that kept tumbling around in Correk’s head came out. Perrom’s face dropped all expression and the squares on his skin kept flipping around, matching nearby settings and drawing attention. “Take a deep breath,” whispered Correk, nodding at a nearby Nicht who had raised his bat wings into position.

  “That can’t be possible,” hissed Perrom. “You know how much we lost the last time. Don’t even suggest it was all futile!”

  “Not saying it won’t change the truth and ignoring the possibility could be worse. Do you think it’s possible?”

  Perrom looked Correk in the eye, his jaw set. “For anyone but Rhazdon I’d say no but dark magic technically has no boundaries. It’s the user that can only go so far. If Rhazdon survived that fire then yes, he could still be alive. Don’t let that be so.”

  “Tell no one what I said but stay vigililant.”

  “Who would I tell that would even listen? Are you going to warn King Oriceran? Remember his father…”

  “Not without more proof. I have to go.” He put out his fist and Perrom put his fist on top. The old symbol of agreeing to fight side by side in a battle. It was the second time in his life that Correk had used it.

  “Always brother. Someday soon we may fight with honor and to the end.”

  “Even if it’s the last good thing we do.” Correk grimaced remembering the sight of the old king sacrificing himself.

  Perrom pulled back before anyone could see the battle sign. “I will find you even if I have to open a portal if I hear anything about Rhazdon. You have my word. Now go. We’ve stood here long enough.” Perrom turned without another word and hurried toward the open flap of the market.

  Correk walked away as fast as he dared without drawing attention. Saying it
out loud made it seem like it could be real. Rhazdon may live yet. We need to get that damnable necklace.


  General Anderson sat at a long table in front of the Senators that made up the Senate Armed Services Committee in a closed-door session that was already classified as no one needed to ever know.

  “Yes sir, that’s our understanding,” he said, his hat on the table neatly tucked at two o’clock, the usual spot. He liked order. These days he was not happy with how events were unfolding. “The Latvian government is believed to have been acting on behalf of the Russians with their backing in an attempt to grab the most powerful artifact on Earth at this time.”

  “But they failed.” A sour-faced Senator from Virginia scowled at the general, smacking his lips.

  “Yes sir. We did as well. The necklace remains in the hands of a group of rogue Witches and Wizards. Their intentions are at this point unknown but considered negative to our interests.”

  “Am I to understand that’s not the only artifact but in fact there are thousands of these things littering the world?” The Senator from Arizona sat up in her chair, drawing her mouth into an angry thin red line.

  “Correct as well and a poorly kept secret at this point. Different sites in older parts of the world are being ransacked as foreign governments search for artifacts they can stockpile. Some friendly to us, some not at all.”

  “An arms race but with magic,” said the Senator from Virginia, narrowing his eyes.

  “That is about the size of it. There are rumors that large corporations are getting into the business but they can’t be confirmed. They’re doing their level best to stay under the radar.”

  “So we can’t shut them down.” The Senator from Maine let out a snort and grimaced. “Well, hell, I suppose we’re about to engage in some kind of new age battle in plain sight.” He shook his head. “I thought I’d seen everything. I was clearly mistaken. Your request for funding is approved but remember these are hardworking taxpayer dollars. Make them count and get there first, more often than not. I don’t want to have to explain this one to the public. The backlash on social media would never end.”

  “Yes sir,” said the general. He took in a deep breath feeling some amount of relief.

  “What about this necklace?” asked the Senator from Arizona. “Is that worth chasing?”

  “As yet to be determined.” The general chose to not mention Leira or the warehouse that was a black ops site. No one else in this room knew anything about it. Better to leave it that way.

  “Then you have your directive. See that we win this race and soon.”


  Leira walked into the guest house after a long run, sweat running down the center of her back and took a deep breath to see what was cooking. She was hoping for Nana’s spaghetti sauce or Leira’s old favorite from childhood, spicy red lentil soup. No smell!

  She heard the sound of drawers opening and closing in the other room and looked down at Yumfuck sitting in the potted fern. He shrugged and held up his little paws.


  “Oh honey, you’re home!” Her mother came bustling out of the bedroom, her face flushed and shiny.

  “What are you two up to in there? Are you rearranging the furniture? That room is pretty small. Not too many ways you can fit a bed and a dresser.”

  “Ha! That’s a good one. No dear, we’re packing! We found a place!” Eireka smiled broadly, brushing a loose strand of hair out of place.

  “But… that fast? Is it in a safe neighborhood? Did you check to make sure it’s not in a flood plain? Not Onion Creek, right? Are you renting a townhouse?”

  Her grandmother cut her off, waving her hands. “You’d think the child thought she raised us! Your mother survived a psych ward. I survived the world in between. We’ve got this. We know how to pick out a two-bedroom apartment.”

  “It’s for the best.” Eireka grabbed Leira at the elbows, kissing her on her forehead. “We’re renting for now, maybe forever. Less to do and will leave us more time to do other things.”

  “She means date.” Mara let out a snort. “Maybe I’ll figure out how to swipe right myself. You can come visit anytime.” Mara packed the few clothes she had in a new suitcase from Costco and zipped it shut. “Good thing all of our stuff was in storage. Have I said thank you to you for not ditching everything? Not sure I would have held on to so much for four years. You didn’t even know if I was alive!” Mara wandered back into the bedroom to see if she forgot anything.

  Eireka looked at Leira and wrapped her arms around her, kissing her ear. “You’re more sentimental than you let on. It’s okay. It’s a good thing. Kept you from getting too angry all these years and boy, will it help your magic.” She whispered it in her daughter’s ear and stood back. “You never lost hope. That’s why you kept it all. You are more courageous than your grandmother and me put together. No, it’s true, don’t make a face. It takes so much courage to believe in something for that long, and I know you. Not hope, you believed. Hope is just the hole where belief needs to go. You kept all of Nana’s dishes and my jewelry stored away, except for this ring.” She picked up Leira’s hand and looked at the sapphire. “You didn’t use any of it because you were determined that we’d be back to use it someday. You have courage in pounds.”

  “I’m happy for you, Mom. This is the right thing to do. Too many people crammed into one small space, and you’ve waited long enough to have your own space.” Leira shrugged. “I guess I didn’t think it would happen so fast. I was kind of used to hearing you sing to yourself in the morning.” Her eyes shined as she lifted the bottom of her shirt to wipe across her face. She forgot all about the new scar on her chest, peeking out from the bottom of her shirt.

  Eireka winced when she saw it but quickly recovered, smiling at Leira. So full of heart. If I could take that away from you…

  “You’re not supposed to miss me before I’m even gone. What a wonderful thing. You don’t miss what you don’t treasure.” She stood back from Leira and nodded hard. “Well, good. Now I can go and still be sure you’ll come by and visit.” Eireka clapped her hands, her face lighting up. “We can do Sunday dinners! As long as you’re not called into some supernatural case! Even then, we’ll save you a plate. We’ll save one for Hagan on those nights too!”

  “What a good idea!” Mara came back out of the bedroom holding a glass dolphin. “Remember this thing? Bought it for you in Galveston at that aquarium. Forgot all about it. You had it in a box. Mind if I take it?”

  “Ooooooh,” trilled the troll. “Beautiful.” The troll shook his head. “Leira loves.”

  Leira’s mouth dropped open and she stared at the troll.

  Mara put her hands on her hips, still holding the dolphin. “Well, I wondered when you’d finally let everyone in on the secret. Trolls can talk when they want to. Little shit is full of wisdom. Just doesn’t usually have much to say.”

  Yumfuck looked up at Leira and shrugged again as Mara put down the dolphin. “Take what you love out of boxes and spread it around. Life is too weird and too short for that kind of behavior.”

  Eireka laughed and picked up her mother’s suitcase. “I’ll bet if we give you just a few more bits of advice that will help you get over missing us at least for now.”

  Leira was still staring at the troll, waiting for him to say something else. He stared back at Leira and blew her a raspberry. “Is that your wisdom showing itself?” The troll let out a trill and sat back, pulling out an old piece of macaroni from underneath the wash cloth next to him. “Oooooh.” He licked it and bit down with his sharp teeth, crunching away.

  The door to the guest house opened and Correk came in carrying a brown paper bag folded over at the top with a grease stain along the edge of the bottom. He stopped at the opening and looked at everyone standing around in the living room, the suitcases ready to go.

  “Moving.” Yumfuck winked at him.

  “He’s talking.” Correk raised his eyebrows
and put a hand under the warm bag.

  “Didn’t you know?” Leira put her hands on her hips looking back and forth between Correk and Yumfuck.

  “Only as folklore. Unlike you, most people on Oriceran manage to avoid bonding with them. Yumfuck has been an entirely new adventure for me.”

  “Nana, how did you know? You didn’t seem surprised at all.” She narrowed her eyes.

  “We should be going,” said Mara, arching an eyebrow. “Save some stories for when you visit. Besides the moving truck with all our things from storage will be at the apartment soon.”

  “I’m not going to forget.”

  “I have no doubt of that.” Mara kissed Leira on her cheek and smiled at her. “Yumfuck,” she said, nodding at the troll.

  “Motherfucker,” chirped Yumfuck, solemnly nodding back. Mara let out a whoop of laughter and walked out the door. Eireka smiled and followed her, hugging Leira one last time. “I suppose this is the new family goodbye.” She nodded to the troll. “Motherfucker,” she said, smiling before shutting the door behind her. Mara’s laughter could be heard all the way across the patio.

  Correk stared at the door and then shook his head.

  “You didn’t think that all that swearing started with me, did you?” Leira shrugged and put out her hands. “Nana has a potty mouth. She said I told someone in a grocery store to fuck off when I was only two.”

  “Like hearing a beloved bedtime story.”

  “You played me,” said Leira looking at the troll.

  “Followed the leader,” said the troll, letting out a soft trill. He pulled a pair of underwear up under his chin and curled up into a ball, shutting his eyes.

  “Could it be that a five-inch hairy troll is the cagiest one in the room?”

  “Size doesn’t count when it comes to outmaneuvering someone.” Correk went into the kitchen and put the bag on the table. “I got enough tacos at the truck for everyone.”

  “Good, I’m starving! I’ll get the plates.” Leira took two plates out of the cabinet and turned around to find the troll lifting a taco over his head, jumping from the table to the chair and down to the floor. “Hey, no one invited you.”


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