Empire of Lies

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Empire of Lies Page 29

by Guy Sorman

  Chapter Three: The Mystics

  Aikman, David, Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity Is Transforming China and Changing the Global Balance of Power, Regnery, Chicago, 2003.

  Bary, Theodore de, Asia Values and Human Rights: A Confucian Communication Perspective, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1998.

  Chapuis, Nicolas, Tristes automnes: Poétique de l’identité dans la Chine ancienne, Librairie You Feng, Paris, 2001.

  Chesneaux, Jean, Sociétés secrés secrètes en Chine, Juilliard, Paris, 1965.

  Ching, Julia, and Hans Küng, Christianisme et religion chinoise, Seuil, Paris, 1988.

  Claudel, Paul, Correspondance consulaire de Chine (1896-1900), Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, Besançon, 2004.

  Éloge de l’anarchie par deux excentriques chinois, polémiques du IIIe Siècle, translated and presented by Jean Lévi, L’Encyclopédie des nuisances, Paris, 2004.

  Entretiens de Confucius, translated from the Chinese by Anne Cheng, Seuil, Paris, 1981.

  Gernet, Jacques, Le Monde chinois, Armand Colin, Paris, 1972.

  ——L’Intelligence de la Chine, le social et le mental, Gallimard, Paris, 1994.

  Herrou, Adeline, La Vie entre soi: Les moines taoïstes aujourd’hui en Chine, Société d’ethnologie, Université Paris X Nanterre, 2005.

  Hsia Chang, Maria, Falungong, secte chinoise: Un défi au pouvoir, Autrement, Paris, 2004.

  Ladany, Laszlo, The Communist Party of China and Marxism, 1921- 1985: A Self-portrait, Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif., 1988.

  Lévi, Jean, Le Rêve de Confucius, Albin Michel, Paris, 1989.

  Needham, Joseph, La Science chinoise et l’Occident, Seuil, Paris, 1989.

  Palmer, David A., La Fièvre du Qigong: Guérison, religion et politique en Chine, 1949-1999, Éditions de l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 2005.

  Schipper, Kristofer, Le corps taoïste, Fayard, Paris, 1982.

  Schipper, Kristofer, and Franciscus Verellen, The Taoist Canon, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2004.

  Shang Yang, Le Livre du prince, Flammarion, Paris, 2005.

  Spence, Jonathan D., Le Chinois de Charenton, de Canton à Paris aux XVIIIe siècle, Plon, Paris, 1988.

  ——The Search for Modern China, Hutchinson, New York, 1990.

  Ter Haar, Barend J., The White Lotus: Teachings in Chinese Religious History, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1999.

  Tu Weiming, Milan Hejtmanek, and Alan Wachman, The Confucian World Observed: A Contemporary Discussion of Confucian Humanism in East Asia, Institute of Culture and Communication, the East-West Centre, Honolulu, 1992.

  Yang Huilin, Christianity in China, M. E. Sharpe, New York, 2004.

  Yuan Bingling, Chinese Democracies: A Study of the Kongsis of West Borneo (1776-1884), CNWS, Netherlands, 2000.

  Chapter Four: The Dispossessed

  Bernstein, Thomas, and Xiabo Lu, Taxation without Representation in Contemporary Rural China, Cambridge University Press, City 2003.

  Bianco, Lucien, Jacqueries et revolutions dans la Chine du XXe siècle, Éditions de la Martinière, Paris, 2005.

  Bobin, Frédéric, and Zhe Wang, Pékin en movement, Autrement, Paris, 2005.

  Fei-Ling Wang, Organizing through Division and Exclusion: China’s Hukou System, Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif., 2005.

  Scott, James C., The Moral Economy of the Peasant: Rebellion and Subsistence in Southeast Asia, Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn., 1976.

  Theroux, Paul, Sailing through China, Michael Russel, Salisbury, 1983.

  Chapter Five: The Downtrodden

  Cohen, Philippe, and Luc Richard, La Chine sera-t-elle notre cauchemar?, Mille et une nuits, Paris, 2005.

  Izraelewicz, Erik, Quand la Chine change le monde, Grasset, Paris, 2005.

  Jung Chang and Halliday, Mao: The Unknown Story, Jonathan Cape, London, 2005.

  Chapter Six: Skewed Development

  A Cheng, Le roman et la vie, Éditions de l’Aube, Paris, 1995.

  Bastid-Bruguière, Marianne, Aspects de la réforme de l’enseignement en Chine au début du XXe siècle, Mouton, Paris, 1971.

  Cayrol, Pierre, Hong Kong, dans la gueule du dragon, Philippe Picquier, Arles, 1997.

  Economy, Elizabeth C., The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenge to China’s Future, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 2004.

  Godement, François, Dragon de feu, dragon de papier: l’Asie a-t-elle un avenir?, Flammarion, Paris, 1998.

  The Korean Association for Communist Studies, “China’s Reform Politics, Policies and Their Implication,” Study Series No. 5, Sogang University Press, Seoul, 1986.

  Ma Hong, New Strategy for Chinese Economy, New World Press, Beijing, 1993.

  McGregor, James, One Billion Customers: Lessons from the Front Lines Doing Business in China, Free Press, New York, 2005.

  Oshima, Harry, Economic Growth in Monsoon Asia: A Comparative Survey, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1987.

  Qiu Xiaolong, Mort d’une heroine rouge, Points, Paris, 2003.

  Scalapino, Robert, The Politics of Development, Perspectives on Twentieth Century Asia, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1989.

  Smil, Vaclav, China’s Past, China’s Future: Energy, Food, Environment, Routledge Curzon, London, 2004.

  Xie Baisan, China’s Economic Policies: Theories and Reforms since 1949, Fudan University Press, 1991.

  Chapter Seven: Shadows of Democracy

  Balazs, Étienne, La Bureaucratie céleste: Recherche sur l’économie et la société de la Chine traditionnelle, Gallimard, Paris, 1968.

  Béja, Jean-Philippe, A la recherche d’une ombre chinoise: Le mouvement pour la démocratie en Chine (1989-2004), Seuil, Paris, 2004.

  Macciocchi, Maria-Antonietta, de la Chine, Seuil, Paris, 1971.

  Chapter Eight: The Savage State

  Attané, Isabelle, Une Chine sans femmes?, Perrin, Paris, 2005.

  Chen Lichuan and Christian Thimonier, L’Impossible Printemps: Une anthologie du printemps de Pékin, Rivages, Paris, 1990.

  Courtois, Stéphane, et al., Le Livre noir du communisme, Robert Laffon, Paris, 1997.

  Link, Perry, Evening Chats in Beijing: Probing China’s Predicament, W. W. Norton, New York, 1992.

  Mo Yan, Red Sorghum: A Novel of China, Penguin, New York, 1994.

  Nathan, Andrew, and Perry Link, The Tiananmen Papers: The Chinese Leadership’s Decision to Use Force against Their Own People, Public Affairs Books, New York, 2000.

  Sharping, Thomas, Birth Control in China, 1949-2000, Population Policy and Demographic Development, Routledge Curzon, Oxon, 2003.

  Xiaobo Lü, Cadres and Corruption: The Organizational Involution of the Chinese Communist Party, Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif., 2000.

  Xiran, Chinoises, Philippe Picquier, Arles, 2005.

  Yan Sun, Corruption and Market Relations in Post-Reform Rural China. A Micro-Analysis of Peasants, Migrants and Peasant Entrepreneurs, Routledge Curzon, London, 2003.

  Chapter Nine: The End of the Party

  Balme, Stéphanie, Entre soi, l’élite du pouvoir de la Chine contemporaine, Fayard, Paris, 2004.

  Dillon, Michael, Xingjiang—China’s Muslim Far Northwest, Routledge Curzon, London, 2004.

  Écrits édifiants et curieux sur la Chine au XXIe siècle. Voyage à travers la pensée chinoise contemporaine, supervised by Marie Holzman and Chen Yan, Éditions de l’Aube, Paris, 2003.

  Griesttays, Peter, China’s New Nationalism, Pride, Politics and Diplomacy, University of California Press, Berkeley, 2004.

  Mitter, Rana, A Bitter Revolution, China’s Struggle with the Modern World, Oxford University Press, City, 2004.

  Nathan, Andrew, and Bruce Giley, “China’s New Rulers: The Secret Files,” New York Review of Books, New York, 2002.

  Wang Hui, China’s New Order, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2003.

  Chapter Ten: The Republicans

  Ang Li, The Butcher’s W
ife, Peter Allen, New York, 2003.

  Bergère, Marie-Claire, Sun Yat-sen, Fayard, Paris, 1994.

  Bo Yang, The Ugly Chinaman and the Crisis of Chinese Culture, Allen & Unwin, London, 1980.

  Cabestan, Jean-Pierre and Benoît Vermander, La Chine en quête de ses frontières: La confrontation Chine-Taiwan, Presse de Sciences Po, Paris, 2005.

  Campbell, William, Formosa under the Dutch, SMC Publishing, Taipei, 1903.

  Chee Soon Juan, To Be Free: Stories from Asia’s Struggle against Oppression, Monash Asia Institute, City, 1998.

  Chen Ruoxi, The Execution of Mayor Yien and Other Stories from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Ind., 2004.

  Chu His-Ning, Chu T’Ien-Wen, and Chu T’Ien-Hsin, Le Dernier Train pour Tamsui et autres nouvelles, Christian Bourgois éditeur, Paris, 2004.

  Dumont, René, Taiwan: Le prix de la réussite, Seuil, Paris, 1987.

  Gao Xinjiang, Le Livre d’un homme seul, Éditions de l’Aube, Paris, 2004.

  K. T. Li, The Experience of Dynamic Economic Growth on Taiwan, Mei Ya Publications, Taipei, 1976.

  Kuo, Shirley, Gustav Ranis, and John C. H. Fei, The Taiwan Success Story: Rapid Growth with Intense Distribution in the Republic of China, 1952-1979, Westview Press, Boulder, Colo., 1981.

  Martin Ahern, Emily and Hill Gates, The Anthropology of Taiwanese Society, Caves Books, Taipei, 1981.

  Peng Ming-Min, A Taste of Freedom: Memoirs of a Formosan Independence Leader, Taiwan Publishing Co., 1972.

  Scobell, Andrew, China’s Use of Military Force, Cambridge University Press, City, 2003.

  Chapter Eleven: A Moral

  Gordon, Chang, The Coming Collapse of China, Random House, New York, 2001.

  Hu Ping, La Pensée manipulée, le cas chinois, Éditions de l’Aube, Paris, 1999.

  ——Chine: À quand la démocratie? Les illusions de la modernisation, Éditions de l’Aube, Paris, 2004.

  Author, State and Society in XXIst Century China: Crisis, Contention and Legitimation, published by Peter Hays, Gries and Stanley Rosen, Routledge Curzon, London and New York, 2004.


  Chinese Cross Currents, published by Macau Ricci Institute.

  Perspectives chinoises, published by the Centre français d’études de la Chine in Hong Kong

  Website: www.hrichina.org (Human Rights in China)

  Transcription of Chinese names: we have adopted the Pinyin system currently in use—Mao Tsé Tung becomes Mao Zedong. Canton become Guangzhou, and so on.

  Value of the yuan: ten yuan are worth about one dollar.

  Guy Sorman

  The Year of the Rooster

  Throughout 2005, the Year of the Rooster in the Chinese calendar, China was rocked by a series of rebellions: peasant revolts, religious uprisings, workers’ strikes, petitions by democratic activists, and environmental movements. As China opens up to the world, its people are becoming more aware, thanks especially to the Internet, and they are rebelling against the tyranny of the Communist Party. More and more Chinese are disenchanted with the growing injustice, corrupt officials, censorship, permanent surveillance, propaganda, and repression of the system. Both the educated classes and the billion peasants who have been bypassed by Party-driven industrialization are protesting loudly.

  Who, in the West, is listening to the voices of these Chinese up in arms? Statesmen and businessmen, as if mesmerized by the Party and its supposed successes, prefer dealing with it and ignoring the advocates of democracy. Such an approach is dangerously short-sighted, as it fails to take into account the reality of the country and makes a mockery of its future.

  Guy Sorman spent the Year of the Rooster in China, listening to these rebels in their quest for freedom; he let them speak during his journey into the innermost depths of China, its villages and provinces, far removed from the usual circuit.

  Guy Sorman lives in Paris and has published some twenty books on a wide range of issues confronting the contemporary world, including The Genius of India (2000); The Children of Rifah: In Search of Modern Islam (2003); and L’économie ne ment pas (2008). He is a contributing editor of City Journal and a columnist for Project Syndicate.


  A Cheng

  Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing)



  American Idol

  Andreu, Paul

  Anhui Province, Bengbu

  Aquino, Benito

  Aragon, Louis

  Argentina, parents of the missing in

  Aung San Su Ki

  Australia, Chinese diaspora in; imports from China of

  Balasz, Étienne

  Balme, Stéphanie

  Bangladesh; factories in; growth rates in

  Bao Jingyan, Master

  Barthes, Roland

  Béchu, Antoine

  Beijing, business delegates in; students in

  Beijing Academy of Social Sciences

  Beijing Opera

  Beijing University; Internet forums of

  Bernstam, Michael

  Bianco, Lucien

  Bird flu

  Bird Island

  Borneo, colonization by Dutch of

  Bourdieu, Pierre

  Boxer Uprising

  Brazil, democracy in; poverty in; voting in

  Buck, Pearl S., Peony

  Buddhism; associations in; of human-rights activists; in Taiwan



  Canada, Chinese diaspora in; Chinese high skilled labor from; imports from China of; voting in

  Cao Siyuan

  Carter, Jimmy

  Carter Center

  Catholic Inquisition

  Catholics, in China; -sponsored charities; incarcerations of; in Taiwan



  Chai Ling

  Chang Hingho

  Changsha, executions in

  Changzhou, court in

  Chavannes, Édouard

  Chen, Master

  Chen Guangcheng

  Chen Xichun

  Chen Xin

  Chengdu, academics in

  Chiang Kai-shek

  Chile, parents of the missing in; under Pinochet

  China, agriculture in; anti-Americanism in ; anticlericalism in; anti-Japanese feeling in; banks in; blood trade in; capital punishment in; capitalism in; Central Bank; child mortality in; confiscation of land in; Constitution of; cuisine of; desire for freedom in; democracy in; discrimination against peasants in; dissidents in; economy of; education in; embargoes against; evangelization of; export earnings of; expulsion of missionaries from; factories in; fake papers in; famines in; female infanticide in; first Republic of; five-year plans in; foreign investment in; Great Wall of; guanxi in; Han people in; health in; homosexuality in; hospitals in; human-rights activists in; human rights violations in; hygiene in; imitation rather than innovation in; and India; infrastructure of; Jews in; journalism in; “labor reeducation centers” in; lack of creativity in; Leninism in; life expectancy in; under Mao, see Mao; Marxism in; massacres in; migrant workers in; military; minister of construction; Ministry of Civil Affairs; Ministry of Health; modernization of; nationalism in; “New Harmony” in; newspapers in; nonrepayment of loans in; organ harvesting in; peasant revolts in; piracy in; pollution in; poverty in; pro-democracy advocates in; prostitutes in; Republican Revolution (1911); Revolution (1949); rural v. urban; sexology in; sexual repression in; silk; single-child policy of; sociologists allowed in; space program of; stock exchange of; as superpower; and taxes; textbooks in; theories of reforms in; traditions destroyed in; “transition” in; unemployment in; unpaid wages in; Western imports to

  China Daily

  China Labor Bulletin

  China Mobile

  Chinese National Museum

  Ching Cheong

  Chirac, Jacques



  Christianity, in China; of human-rights activists; in Taiwa

  Claudel, Paul

  Clinton, Bill

  Cohn-Bendit, Daniel

  Columbia University

  Columbus, Christopher

  Communist Party in China, against religion; Americanization of; brutality of; Central Commission for Discipline; Central Committee; corruption in; dehumanization of; destruction of old China of; fear of losing face in front of Westerners of; forced internal migrations of; impossibility of reform of; internal publications of; labor quotas of; and local elections; maltreatment of peasants by; manipulating statistics of; membership of; popular support for; privatization in; Propaganda Department ; regulating private life; reluctance to reform of; Security Department; and sex workers; stage management of; summary of problems in; suppressing individual liberties; surveillance of; “Three Represents” of; in Tibet; and tourism; treating AIDS; twisting traditional practices; against unions; views of Catholics; white paper on democracy of; women in

  Confucianism, Communist manipulation of; condescension toward the people of; in contemporary China; of the court; and economic success; ethics of; Jesuit interpretations of; mandarins in; ritualism of

  Confucius; against despotism; Analectstranslations of

  Courbet, Admiral

  Cuba, education in; health care in

  Cultural Revolution, admiration for; against Confucianism; destruction of temples during; discussions of; the left’s blindness about; legacies of; massacres during; post-; slogans from; treatment in textbooks of

  Czech Republic

  Dalai Lama

  Dang Guoying

  Daoism; compassion in; in Taiwan

  Daoist Patriotic Association

  Daqing oilfields

  Dari Rulai Zingyuan Buddhist temple

  De Bary, Theodore

  Demiéville, Paul

  Democracy Wall


  Deng Xiaoping; and Confucius; Four Modernizations of moves to liberate economy; 1979 Reform of; pluralistic democracy and; quotations from; and Tiananmen Square massacre


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