
Home > Romance > Maelstrőm > Page 34
Maelstrőm Page 34

by Michelle Love

  “I am going to cum, Angela,” he said while panting, a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead.

  “Come in my mouth, baby,” she said, in a sexy, sensuous voice.

  Anderson began to move his hips up and down, a sign that he was on the verge. Then his cock squirted hot semen into her mouth and down her throat. With every pulse, more and more cum made its way into Angela’s mouth. She savoured the taste and made a special effort to swallow all of it.

  She brought herself back up to the seat by his side and kissed him on the cheek. She ran a couple fingers through his hair.

  “How was that, baby?” she asked.

  “That was the best blow job I’ve had in a long while,” stated Anderson.

  Angela enjoyed the compliment. As they drove throughout the streets, Angela looked out the window. It was a busy night in the city. There were a lot of hot girls and guys going clubbing. She thought back fondly to the memories she had as a young woman in her twenties. When she was in college she would often go out partying with her friends. Now, she was riding past the clubs, in the back of a limo with the richest man in the city.

  Angela and Anderson talked about various things. They discussed how the local sports teams were doing. Then, Anderson mentioned his latest trip to Africa.

  “I was in South Africa on business, examining one of our new offices and getting feedback. We ended up going on a safari and saw some really interesting animals. One of the perks of owning a conglomerate, I suppose.”

  “That sounds wonderful. I don’t often get the chance to travel but when I do I like to go all over the place. I have a soft spot in my heart for Paris. I went there in my twenties and I’ve been dying to go back. I also like Hawaii.”

  “Paris is great. We don’t have any operations located in France, currently, but we are thinking of expanding our economic base to include it. A lot of our competitors do business over there.”

  As their conversation became more engrossing, they were interrupted by the driver, who announced that they had arrived at Carolina’s. The driver opened the door for Angela who exited the vehicle, and then took Anderson’s arm. He led her up to the glass front doors of the restaurant and approached the reception area. Angela had never been to this restaurant before but she had read about it. Nothing on the menu was under $100, and the bottles of wine averaged in the thousands of dollars.

  “This place looks great!” exclaimed Angela. “Thanks so much for picking it out and taking me here.”

  “It’s one of my favorite restaurants,” responded Anderson. “I’m glad to have the opportunity to introduce you to it.”

  They walked past the clientele to the far end of the restaurant. Their table was positioned in front of set of large windows. The night-time ambiance was palpable. A few tables away, there was a jazz band playing a Miles Davis cover. There was a dance floor, but it didn’t look as if anyone had gravitated towards it yet. Anderson decided to get the ball rolling.

  “Come, let’s have a dance, before our drinks arrive,” he said.

  Angela felt somewhat nervous. She loved to dance, but it had been a while since she had done it. She decided to let Anderson take charge and lead her on the dance floor. She stood up, and followed him towards it.

  “We’re going to have to get close,” he said, and put one hand on the small of her back, bringing her in closer so that there were only a few inches between them. Then, with his other hand, Anderson grabbed her ass. He squeezed forcefully, spreading her buttocks with his powerful hand. His fingers worked their way through the thin fabric of her dress and probed her crack.

  Angela could smell his expensive cologne. It was an intoxicating fragrance. She couldn’t pin point what it was but if she had to, she would have guessed that it was Hugo Boss. Either way, he smelled great. His strong arms held her very firmly and confidently.

  They danced together for several songs. When they had first set foot on the floor they were the only ones dancing. After a few moments, several other couples joined them. Angela looked around. The other dancers were mostly wearing expensive tuxedos and suits. The women were dressed very extravagantly as well, in fine evening-wear.

  “Do you know anyone else at this restaurant?” asked Angela. She wasn’t sure why she asked that question. She just figured that Anderson might have known people here, since it was a place that he frequented quite often. Someone in his position was likely very well connected, and so it was quite possible that he recognized a few faces.

  “Actually, yes, I have already made eye contact with a few acquaintances. Mostly bankers come to this place. It is a hot spot for financial-type people. Our firm is a client of a few investment banks in the city. The head of the national treasury also happens to be here tonight as well. His name is Frank Edwards. He is a great fellow. After we are done dancing I’ll introduce you to him and his wife.”

  “That would be wonderful, and thank you!” exclaimed Angela.

  They danced a few more songs together and then retreated back to their tables. A bottle of wine had been uncorked and left there by their waiter. Their wine glasses had already been filled as well.

  “A toast!” said Anderson, “To new relationships!”

  “To new relationships!” repeated Angela, and they leaned in for a kiss. His lips were once again very soft and she found it impossible not to get excited. She felt a yearning in her core every time his lips touched hers.

  They sipped their wine for a few minutes, not really engaging in any conversation. His eye contact made her feel like she was the only woman in the room. She had never felt sexier. As she reached for a breadstick that was in the middle of the table, Anderson also brought his hand forth and they grazed hands. Then Anderson clasped her hand confidently and they held hands for a while.

  Anderson and Angela were engaged in some small talk when Frank Edwards, a tall man with a round belly and strong limbs, approached their table. He was accompanied by his wife, an elegantly dressed woman in her forties, wearing an exquisite blue satin dress and high heels.

  “Frank!” exclaimed Anderson. “So good to see you!”

  Anderson reached out his hand and grasped Frank’s in a firm handshake.

  “I see you have brought you lovely wife,” continued Anderson. “Amanda, how lovely to see you.”

  “Likewise,” responded Amanda. Angela could detect a faint English accent in her tone.

  Anderson wasted no time in introducing Angela to the high-ranking couple.

  “Frank, Amanda, let me introduce to you my date. This is Angela Hayes. We met just the other day at our gym. She works for the legal firm that is doing the paperwork for our merger.”

  “It is such a pleasure to meet you both,” said Angela. “I have seen you on the news very frequently, Mr. Edwards. Your wife is just lovely.”

  “Please, call me Frank,” said Frank. “I saw you two on the dance floor just now. You make a very fine-looking couple. Say, after your date, perhaps you two would care to join my wife and I for a night cap at our new condo. It is actually only a few blocks to the north of here. Just head up Montgomery Street and it is the tall, silver building on the left. You can find our name in the directory and we’ll let you up.”

  “A great suggestion,” said Anderson. “I’ll get in touch with you if we decide to do that.”

  “Well it was wonderful bumping into you,” said Frank sincerely. “Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  Frank and his wife walked back over to their table at the other end of the room.

  “Would you like to hang out with them afterwards?” asked Anderson rather directly.

  “Sure, but perhaps we could drive around in your limo a bit beforehand, and have some more champagne and talk.”

  As Angela said this, underneath the table, she grazed Anderson’s leg and slowly moved up his pant leg to his crotch area and moved her sole in circles in the area. Anderson gulped. Then Angela’s toes moved around his cock, playing with his balls and shaft. She traced the outline of
his cock with her foot, quickly feeling it harden as a result of her touch.

  Their meal arrived moments later. It consisted of shrimp cocktail and sirloin steak, cooked to medium-rare. The wine kept coming as well and by the end of their second bottle, Angela was getting quite tipsy.

  “You know, I have a confession to make,” said Angela.


  “I thought you were cute the moment I saw you on TV. I talked about you with my girlfriend, Maxine. From the first time that I saw you I just knew I had to make an excuse to meet you.”

  Anderson laughed.

  “When I saw you at the gym, I knew instantly that I wanted you in my life. I didn’t know how or to what capacity, but I just knew that I wanted to date you!”

  Angela was very pleased to hear him say this.

  After the Date

  Her meal was one of the most delicious meals in recent memory. She devoured the perfectly-cooked steak and steamed vegetables, and they made it through a third bottle of the finest French cabernet. Angela was ready to get positively flirtations. Anderson paid the bill on one of his many credit cards and stood up, helping Angela up from her seat.

  “I am tipsy!” said Angela, and she giggled to herself.

  “Good! I am feeling it too. Let’s drive around a little. We don’t have to visit Frank but if you want to, we can.”

  “Can I call Maxine from the limo? I want her to know how much fun we are having.”

  “Of course!”

  They left the beautiful restaurant and got into Anderson’s limo.

  “While you are calling Maxine I am just going to send off a few work e-mails. Pat! Can you just drive us around a little? We need to calm down from dinner. Thanks.”

  Pat, the limo driver, nodded in response. Angela took out her cell phone and called Maxine.

  “Girlfriend! Guess where I am? That’s right! In the back of the limo with the sexiest man in the city! No wait, the sexiest man in the world!”

  Anderson laughed again. It was a nice, deep, masculine laugh. Angela and Maxine chatted for a bit. It turned out that Maxine wasn’t feeling very well lately. She had a bit of a cold. She had already been to the doctor and it turned out there was nothing she could really do about it but wait out the symptoms and take some Tylenol.

  Angela scooted over to Anderson and sat on his lap. He put his phone away and wrapped his arms around her waist. They engaged in deep, passionate kiss. They made out for a good long while as the driver drove them around various sites of the city. Anderson reached into the top of her dress and felt one of her firm, large breasts. He massaged it fervently, feeling the weight it had and enjoying how good it felt in his hand. Angela moaned in pleasure.

  Then Anderson was on top of Angela. He slid up her evening skirt and began playing with her pussy with his right hand. She was already getting wet from his touch. He rubbed her clit until she was noce and wet and then slid two fingers inside of her. Angela sighed as his fingers moved in and out of her, pressing against her g-spot with each thrust.

  His left hand removed the top of her dress entirely, exposing her pert, milky-white breasts. Angela raised her hips and slid her red, satin panties down her legs, exposing her moist mound. Anderson’s eyes lit up with desire at the sight of her cleanly-shaven pussy.

  He took off his pants, spread her legs wide, and positioned his stiff cock directly in front of her pussy. He moaned as he teased around the lips and the opening of her slit with the tip of his dick. Angela was so turned on, her juices of arousal were soaking the head of his cock.

  Finally, Anderson couldn’t take anymore and with one forceful entry he was inside of her. As he thrust himself deeply into her, over and over again, he licked and sucked on her supple breasts and kissed his way from her nipples back up to her lips. Every time Anderson penetrated her she felt closer and closer to ecstasy. As Angela began to reach her climax, her body stiffened, and she raised her hips upward, forcing Anderson’s cock deeper into her as her legs began to shake. She cried out Anderson’s name as her orgasm wracked through her body, grabbing Anderson’s ass and holding him there inside her. She breathed deeply as her climax began to subside and her body went limp.

  Anderson picked up the pace, pounding away at her tight, wet pussy until he, too, came in a monumental orgasm. He moaned loudly as he shot a huge, hot load of cum into Angela, squeezing her ass cheeks as his orgasm took control. As his climax subsided, he fell back into his seat, panting heavily. Without exchanging any more words, they got into their clothes again, and holding hands, they giggled wildly at each other.

  After driving around for a while Angela glanced at her phone and saw that it was already 11:00 pm. She told Anderson, and they decided it was time to visit Frank and Amanda. Pat took them back around the city and into the neighborhood where they’d just had dinner. He pulled up to Frank’s condo and, opening the door for them, let them out on the sidewalk.

  “Thanks, Pat,” said Anderson.

  “Thanks,” echoed Angela. Angela was smiling giddily from the drinking. She took Anderson’s arm and, still giggling to herself, walked with him up to the condo entrance. Anderson kissed her on the forehead in a loving, compassionate way.

  The happy couple buzzed up and took the elevator up to the thirty-second floor and entered Frank and Amanda’s condo. It was a beautifully decorated place with hardwood floors, a grand piano, a beautiful, large kitchen, and several bathrooms and bedrooms.

  Amanda walked up to Angela and hugged her warmly.

  “So great to see you! We were hoping you’d decide to stop by,” said Amanda. “Can I offer you a drink? We have wine, spirits, beer, juice, or my personal favorite, Spanish coffee.”

  “I’ll take one of those coffee thingies,” said Amanda, still awe-struck at the beauty of the condo and the quality of the company.

  The foursome sat down on one of the comfortable, leather sofas that were positioned to face the breathtaking view of the city streets and lights.

  “So, Angela, tell us about your current job,” said Frank in a non-threatening, fatherly-type way.

  “Well, I have been there for about five years. My boss, Eric, is wonderful. I do a lot of the legal work and fact-checking whenever a big client joins with us. I am one of the head people on the team that is handling Anderson’s merger. I look forward to doing some great work on that file.”

  “She is already doing a great job,” interjected Anderson. “We are very pleased with the level of legal support that our merger is receiving. It has barely been a few weeks but we can tell that it is going to be a smooth process, thank God.”

  “Has anyone ever made you any other job offers?” asked Frank of Angela.

  “Um, I’m not sure what you mean, sir. Work has been steady for me ever since I joined up with our firm. I do like it there.”

  “I’ll tell you what I mean, Angela. Our office has a position opening up, for a head legal counsel within the treasury. I was wondering if you’d like to interview for it. I am one of the people on the hiring committee so there would be at least one friendly face. I think you might be perfect for it.”

  Angela could tell that Frank was really good at sizing people up. He had not known her for very long, but this type of opportunity was something that Angela coveted. After all, she had been with her firm for five years, and things were getting kind of stagnant. Her raises over that term had been pretty underwhelming. She made good money, of course, but it was not as glamorous as working for Frank would be.

  “I am definitely going to consider that, Mr. Edwards – I mean, Frank. Can you leave me your card please?”

  Frank got up and walked across the room to the other end of the leather sofa. He sat down next to Angela and took out a card from his wallet, and gave it to her. Angela read the card.

  Frank Edwards

  Head of National Treasury

  (416) 555-8232

  [email protected]

  “Thank you very much, sir,” she said.

  “Just g
et in touch with me next week and we’ll arrange for you to come visit us. If you decide to stay at your current job, there will be no hard feelings. It’s just something to consider. I am pretty good at judging the merits of a person, and I think you’d fit in greatly with our team.”

  “Now,” interjected Amanda. “Who wants some tequila? Don’t get soft on me now, Anderson. Are you enjoying your Spanish coffee, dear?”

  “Very much so,” said Angela. She took another sip. It was very warm and tasted like strong whisky. It was the kind of beverage that could sneak up on you and make you even drunker than you were. Of course, tequila did that too.

  Amanda lined up some shots and the four of them downed a few rounds each. When it came time to take his first shot, Anderson sprinkled some salt on Angela’s cleavage, licked it off before downing his shot, and then sucked on a lime wedge to chase the effects. Angela was giddy and laughed very hard.

  “Who wants to see Angela’s panties?” asked Anderson.

  “I do!” cried Frank.

  Before Angela knew it, Anderson was lifting up her dress. Not only that, but he was taking her over his knee and spanking her ass. Then, he decided it would be appropriate for the three of them to get a look at Angela’s bare ass. So he yanked down her panties and spread her cheeks, exposing her cunt and asshole to the welcoming crowd.

  “No fair!” exclaimed Angela. “I’m drunk!”

  “That’s not an excuse,” said Amanda.

  All of a sudden, Amanda brought her hand down onto Angela’s bare cheek, swatting it in a spanking motion. She did this a couple more times, gently squeezing her cheek every time she brought it down.

  “I wanna see her cunt!” said Amanda. “Up close, that is.”

  Angela was just at the right state of being drunk where she didn’t really care to put up a fight any more. Besides, they all had been drinking, so what was the harm in getting a little playful?


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