Untainted Magic

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Untainted Magic Page 7

by Karen DuBose

  “I don’t know how to explain it. I’m not afraid of him. I should be, but I’m not. To answer your question Chase, I don’t think this is love. I think he is using me anyway he can to get me to let my guard down. I’m not going to let that happen. I need you guys by my side and help me figure out what is going on.”

  Mom is the next to ask me a question. “The pull you have for him, what is it like?”

  I think for a minute to figure out what the pull feels like. It’s hard to explain. “It’s like I know where he is or the direction he is in. Like my magic is sensing him and is alerting me of his presents. I have to admit when he was holding me it was like my magic was welcoming him and that’s what I don’t understand.”

  There is silence for a few minutes before Chase says something. “Skye, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions like that. I hope you will forgive me. Next time I will hear you out before jumping the gun.”

  The ache in my chest lesson with his words. I should have known they wouldn’t turn their backs on me. I’m being stupid and scared over nothing. Next time something like this happens, I’m not going to hold it in. They are my rock and my ground. “Chase, I forgive you. I understand you thought the worse, we are talking about the dark source here.” As soon as I say that the pull to him comes alive stronger than ever. “Um, guys he is close. I just want to warn you. So, let’s drop it for now.”

  Lex nods her head, Chase and mom don’t say a word either. I don’t know if he can hear our conversation or not. I wouldn’t be surprise if he could. “Look, we made it to Arkansas. One more state and we will be in Tennessee.” The excitement returns to me knowing we are almost there. The smile on my face isn’t forced this time.

  “I can’t believe we are almost there. This is so exciting. I’ve read a lot about the cities there. Did you know Nashville is the home of Country music and lifestyle? There is this thing called the Grand Ole Opry. It was said back in the day if you ever had the chance to sing on its stage you would be a big hit. There is also something called Gaylord Opryland. There are water parks and other fun activities. Chattanooga has Ruby Falls. It says, there is a 145-foot high underground waterfall located within Lookout Mountain. Lookout Mountain itself claims you can see seven U.S. states including: Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Oh, and Memphis is the home of the late Elvis Presley.”

  I watch her as she explains all these places to us. I couldn’t help but smile at her. The excitement pouring from her seeps deep inside of me. I don’t want to give my hopes up just yet. I want to make sure we will be safe from the Coven. Just because they haven’t shown up here lately doesn’t mean they can’t be far behind.

  Mom leans forward to join the conversation. “I hope we get to see all of those things one day. They sound amazing. Skye what do you say, should we venture out one day and travel Tennessee to see what it all has to offer?”

  Looking at my mom in the rearview mirror, I smile at her. For someone who wanted to stay hidden for so long, she seems to be wanting to spread her wings. “That’s sounds like an awesome plan to me.”

  Lex squeals next to me, I notice the book she has wrapped in her arms. “What are you reading over there?”

  She looks down like she didn’t even know she is holding anything. “It’s one of the books from the Wiccan store we went to. It has a lot of information on blocking and defensive spells. You should read it when I’m done. It might come in handy soon.”

  I couldn’t stop the dread that ran through me if I tried. How am I going to face him, if I can’t even get my emotions in check when I’m around him? “You might be right.”

  The rest of the ride Mom, Lex and Chase talk about all the things they want to see. I give them a yes or no answer when I am asked a question. I can’t get my mind off the dark source. Can I beat him? What kind of game is he playing? Is there a way for me to find out everything about him without actually talking to him again? Why hasn’t he brought me back to his realm?

  “Skye! Are you even listening to us? We need to stop and get gas before we run out. I have to pee.” Lex stares at me.

  I look at the needle for the gas and it’s close to empty. “Sorry, I was lost in thought. I will take the next exit with a gas station.”

  Mom leans over and wraps her arms around me from behind. “Are you ok? You seem a little on edge.” If she only knew where my thoughts have taken me.

  I still can’t get rid of this dread. It’s like something is about to happen and I don’t know what yet. “I just got a bad feeling for some reason. Just keep your eyes and ears open. If you see anything off, get back to the car without looking suspicious. If you happen to see Drik, do not engage with him. I don’t know his plans.”

  “Do you really think he would harm one of us?”

  “Lex, I don’t know. I don’t want to take that chance. Stay together at all times. Chase stay with my mom, Lex you stay with me. You guys will have one of us to help protect you.”

  “You’re scaring me, Skye. what if he takes both of us?”

  “I rather you be scared than naïve about any of this. You can’t trust anyone. We don’t know who the Coven has sent after us, and Drik, well you know about his powers.”

  “Skye’s right. We have no idea what he is thinking or what he will do. We will stay together. No point in trying to act brave. Do we all agree?” Mom says while looking at each of us. Chase and Lex nod their heads.

  I see the exit coming up for a gas station, and the dread I have been feeling intensifies. I know I should stop here, and if we don’t get at least some gas we will be sitting ducks on the highway. “I have a bad feeling so stay close to each other. Chase since Lex has to pee so bad, can you pump the gas?”

  “No problem. You will get her out if something bad happens, right?”

  “Yes Chase, I will get her out. You just stay here no matter what. I can’t have my focus distracted. I know you love her, so do I and I will make sure she gets out before I do.”

  With that I pull up to the pumps and we all get out. We know what we have to do and do it quickly.

  Chapter 12

  As soon I we step out of the car, a sick feeling courses through me. “Lex, I need you to stay close. Chase, hurry and pump the gas. Mom, watch your surroundings.” I wrap my arm around Lex dragging her with me. The faster we are back on the road, the better I will feel. I keep my magic ready for anything. I don’t want to be taken by surprise.

  “Skye, you’re hurting my arm.”

  I look over at her and loosen my grip. I didn’t realize I’m holding her that tight. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” I look around us watching the other people around us.

  In a whisper she asks, “Is it as bad as I think it is?” If she only knew the danger I just put us in to get gas.

  “No Lex, it’s worse than you think. Let’s just hurry up ok.”

  I don’t want to stay here to find out just how bad it will be. This time she is pulling me to the bathroom. Once we get there, I can’t help but laugh at myself for being so stupid. I should have just went to the next gas station. There had to be another one close. We finish as quick as we could. We wash our hands and walk back out to the car.

  We made it half way there when we are surrounded by men. Men I didn’t know. I could feel the power coursing off them. I grab Lex and put her behind me. If I’m going to fight, she isn’t getting into the cross fire. I whisper to her. “Stay behind me no matter what.” I hear her whimper in response. Looking for mom and Chase and they are being held by four huge guys. The despair is replaced with rage.

  “So, you’re the little witch we have been sent to find. Too bad you won’t live long enough to fight the Dark Prince. He will be very disappointed.”

  I put as much behavior as I can into my words. “Apparently you have no idea who I am. Let them go.”

  The guy who is talking bent over holding his side laughing. With him distracted, I push my magic out slamming
him to the ground. His men react. Hearing my mom whimper in pain, I look over to them. The men now have knives to their throats. I take a step towards them but stop dead in my tracks. There is blood running down both their necks. Tears are falling from my mom’s eyes.

  “You stupid bitch! You will pay for that. Kill them all!” The leader yells.

  I can’t let this happen. I bring forward all my magic and I’m about to release it when I fell the pull so strong, I fell to my knees.

  “Vic, do you really think that's a good idea?” Drik asks looking bored.

  “I have orders from the king. I don’t take orders from you.”

  “It’s a shame. I kind of liked you, but you won’t live long enough to follow my father’s orders out. is it really worth your life to go against me after I told you she is mine to deal with?”

  “You can't kill me; your father would not approve.”

  “Vic, how long have you known me, and when have I ever cared about disappointing my father?”

  Drik gives Vic an evil grin before all hell breaks loose. The magic that is flying in the air is more powerful than I have ever felt before. With them being distracted, I take that opportunity to get Lex, Mom and Chase out of here. I rush around them hoping they don’t notice me.

  I’m half way through the battle when one of the men grabs my hair yanking me to him. I let out a scream from the instant pain. I try to get him to release my hair. My magic surface to use it on the man holding me. He releases me just as fast as he grabbed me. I turn around to defend myself. To my surprise, I didn’t have to. The man is dead at my feet.

  I didn’t waste any more time. I grab Lex and run. The guys that were holding my Mom and Chase are also on the ground dead. The fighting hasn’t stopped and I’m not sticking around to watch it end. Opening the car door, I throw Lex in. Chase is already at the wheel waiting for us.

  I’m barely in the car when I yell at Chase to go. “GET US OUT OF HERE!”

  He squeals the tire and jerking the wheel, tossing us all over the car. I get a grip on the seat and watch through the back window to see if they are following us. After what seems like years, I bring my gaze to my mom.

  “Did you know the Dark source is a prince?”

  Mom shakes her head. “This is news to me. I never knew they were royal.”

  “Why would the king want me dead? Does he think I will kill his son? That’s the only reason I can think for him to send his men after me.”

  “You are the one the prophesy talks about. If I were in his shoes, I would figure a way to kill you too.”

  “How are you so sure it’s even talking about me?”

  “You are the most powerful Light source there has ever been. You’re not even into your full powers, and you can channel your magic without thought and project it without saying a word most times. You can take the whole Coven down if you really wanted to and not break a sweat. That’s how I know it’s you the prophesy is talking about. I knew the minute you were born it was you.”

  I didn’t know what else to say. I just nod my head. Turning to the window, I stare out at nothing. My mind is reeling in everything that has happened. What did he mean I was his to take care of? Why wouldn’t he let his dad’s men kill me, the prophesy wouldn’t come to pass, and he wouldn’t have to worry about me anymore? Of course, there was no way I wouldn’t have fought with everything I have. Who knows I could have taken them on by myself. But would that mean Mom and Chase would be dead right now? That last thought sends a chill throughout my body. I couldn’t even think about any of them being dead.

  “You have been quite over there. What’s on your mind?” Mom grabs my hand giving it a little squeeze. “Nothing and everything really. Why did the Coven have to ruin everything? Why are they even involved?”

  She takes a deep breath then begins to tell me why. “The Coven has been involved since the prophesy has been told. It is their job to protect you, but over the years their mind set changed as well. They thought it’s their job to raise you the way they saw fit. To use you to their advantage and hope you would join them after the fact. What they failed to realize that what they were doing wasn’t right. I should have seen it sooner and looked elsewhere for protection. I didn’t until it was too late to leave. I’m sorry for the way they have treated you. I wish I could have done anything to protect you from them. But to them I’m disposable.”

  My anger roars its little head, spots were forming in my eyes. “How dare they think you are disposable. They better hope they don’t find us. There will be nothing left of them. They want to rid the world of evil, but they are evil themselves.” I’m beyond fuming at this point and my magic is reacting to it. “Chase, pull over now please. I don’t want to hurt anyone in this car.”

  He slows down before coming to a complete stop on the side of the highway. Pushing my door open with more force than need be, I walk to the tree line. Stepping into them to be covered from prying eyes, I let lose the magic that is building up. I push into the ground that surrounds me. The rocks and branches start to shake from the force. I can see the ground start to crack open. I didn’t care I need it out of me before I hurt someone I love. I channel my anger and release it.

  Once it is under control, I stop the stream of magic. I didn’t pay any attention until now. There’s more destruction than I thought possible. The trees that surround me are dead. Their blacken trucks and brown leaves make my stomach churn. The ground has a gap the size of a car running across the woods for as far as I can see. All the other times I let my magic out, I brought life. I have never killed nature before. Is there something wrong with my powers? Is there something wrong with me? Did Drik’s touch somehow ruined the powers inside me?

  I run back to the car with tears streaming down my face. How could I have killed the one thing that always brought me joy? Mom spots me first, she opens her arms and I run into them. What kind of monster am I? How could my powers turn to evil?

  “It’s ok. Whatever is bothering you, we can work through it. Shh!” She rubs my back, trying to calm me down. I let guilt wash away for the time being.

  I need to figure out what is wrong with my magic. “Mom did your magic go crazy before it came in fully?”

  Her hand pauses on my back before she answers me. “Yes, I remember thinking my magic went evil on me. When I tried healing, I would kill it instead. Over time my healing power came back. It took me months to get control of my magic again. Why do you ask? Did something happen in the woods?”

  Her answer makes me feel a little better. At least the dark magic won’t stay altogether. “I destroyed the one thing that brings me peace. Can you go see if they can be saved? I don’t think they can, but it would make me feel better if you try.”

  “Do you want to go with me?”

  I shook my head no. I didn’t want to see it again.

  “Ok, I will be back in a few minutes.” She kisses my forehead before she walks away. I wasn’t alone for long. Lex brought me into her arms. I sure hope I can get my powers under control sooner than a few months. I don’t know how long Drik is going to let me be after my magic comes in fully.

  “I’m sorry your magic is being a jerk. We will practice every day until your drained. We will get it under control. Promise.” There is no point in being scared of my magic, it will just make it worse. “Practice makes perfect right?”

  “That sounds like a plan. We will start as soon as we get settled in.”

  Chase brings us both into his arms. “You know, your magic could come in handy when fighting the Dark source. He won’t be expecting you to use his own magic against him.”

  I never thought about that. “You know I think you may be right. If I can use both, it will definitely take him by surprise. I will have to practice when I know he isn’t near.” Without even thinking, I reach for the pull. To my surprise, he isn’t close to us. The pull is almost faint to non-existent. I don’t know if I like that or not. Is he trying to hide it from me or is he that far away from me?
  “I’m sorry Skye, I couldn’t bring them back to life. I did mend the ground though.”

  I sigh in defeat. I knew she couldn’t, but I hoped. “Thank you, Mom. Let’s go, the faster we get there the better.”

  I take one last look at the woods. The outer tree didn’t get touched and I’m thankful for that.

  Chapter 13

  The Tennessee State line comes into view. My excitement to be here is overwhelming. I can’t believe we made it in one piece. As we cross the bridge into Memphis, I couldn’t help but look out at the water. The boats and barges are going about their day. Not even knowing the danger they are in, if I don’t defeat Drik.

  “This is so exciting. I can’t believe we are here. I mean I knew we were coming here. Skye, do you want to drive from here. Since you kind of know where we are going?”

  I smile at my best friend. I love it when she’s chipper. Makes me be in a better mood. “Yeah, just take the next exit and we will switch.”

  I take one last look at the river before we are over the bridge. Something about the water calms me. Whatever it was I’m thankful. These last five days have been hell for all of us. I’m ready for life to settle down just a bit.

  Lex takes the next exit and pulls into the gas station. “We might as well fill up and use the restroom while we’re here. Do you guys want anything while I’m in there?”

  “I will go with you. I need to grab a few things too.” Grabbing my bag from the floor, I head inside with her.

  “You have been quiet since we pulled over. Are you still thinking about what happened?”

  “Not really I haven’t been thinking of much. I have been trying to stay positive.”


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