Everything Has Changed

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Everything Has Changed Page 29

by Mia Kayla

  “My leg is just fine,” he growled before nipping my ear.

  I laughed as my heart stammered in my chest and my skin prickled with goose bumps.

  He peered down at me, desire filling his eyes. “I’m cured. You have the magic touch,” he teased before sucking the tender spot below my ear.

  I trusted this man with my life, my heart. My tongue outlined the shell of his ear. “I want you, Jimmy,” I whispered. “Make love to me.”

  He stopped, pulled back, and searched my face. “Baby, are you sure?” His eyes seemed conflicted as he ran his fingers across my jaw. “I want…I want to make sure you’re ready.” His lips trembled as his eyes fell shut, and he kissed me. His lips trailed from my cheek to the corner of my mouth. “I want this but only on your terms, only when you’re ready.”

  A hunger for him filled my insides. I knew there wouldn’t be anybody else and that I wouldn’t regret giving myself completely to this man. He already owned my heart, and I wanted to relinquish control of my body.

  “I’m ready,” I whispered, parting my lips to let him in.

  It was as if those words cut the rope and let the beast out because his hands and lips advanced with more urgency.

  He attacked my mouth, and I could feel his hardness through his boxers, which frightened but exhilarated me all at once. He inched his hands to the hem of my shirt, lifted it above me, and tossed it to the floor. Desire flooded my veins. I peeled off his shirt and reached for the edge of his boxers, more than happy to assist him, as he was still sore from his injury.

  Both nearly naked, our mouths collided again, and then he tossed my shorts and panties to the floor. I could feel him, bare skin-to-skin, his length against my stomach.

  He pulled back, rested his forehead against mine, and he looked down at me through hooded eyes. His hand moved from my waist to my lower thigh. “Trust me?”

  Peering up at him, I kissed him hard in reply. He hadn’t needed to even ask. I ran my hands through his hair, tugging on the ends.

  My body was hypersensitive to his touch as his fingers moved from my outer thigh to my center. When he slipped a finger into me, I released his lips, and my head fell back against the pillow.

  “Relax,” he soothed. “Baby, I need you to relax. I have you.”

  He moved in and out of me, creating this sensual friction that sent currents of sensation throughout my body and made it hard for me to breathe. He dropped his head into the crook of my neck where I could feel his labored breaths, coming in through his mouth and out his nose.

  “You’re so tight,” he moaned against me.

  I tried to relax beneath him, but when he slipped a second finger into me, I closed my legs, tightening up automatically.

  “Baby, relax,” he whispered. “I’m going to make you feel good, I promise.” He pulled back until I could see his lust-filled eyes. “I love you. This is me, right here. Trust me,” he repeated.

  I took a deep breath, forcing myself to let him control the feeling coursing through my body. A sensation built in the deepest part of my belly. I could feel it rising and intensifying. The unfamiliar build-up had me mentally pushing the feeling down. I felt wet from the friction he was causing with the magic of his fingers.

  He extracted his hand from inside me and flicked his tongue against my lips. “I’m clean. I have to get tested every year. I’ve never had sex without a condom before.”

  “What?” I asked, out of breath. It took me a second to comprehend what he was saying.

  “I want to make love to you so bad with nothing between us, but we shouldn’t.”

  He pressed his bulge against my stomach, and my insides clenched.

  “I need a condom.”

  He pulled back to move off the bed, but I reached for his hand and tugged him toward me.

  “I’m on the pill,” I whispered. “My doctor put me on it for heavy periods when I was fifteen.”

  A seductive smile crept up his face as I shivered from anticipation.

  “Remember when I said I’d wait for you until my balls turned blue and fell off?”

  I smiled at his comment.

  “Well, my balls are about to fall off.”

  I touched the side of his face as he flushed on top of me. “Well, let’s make that better.” I moved to grab his length and positioned it at my entrance.

  He squeezed his eyes shut at my touch. “I love your hands on me,” he said huskily.

  I moved my fingers tightly up and down his length. I had no clue what I was doing, but the look of pleasure on his face told me to keep going.

  “Well, my hands will be the only hands on you from now on,” I said softly, my body tingling from anticipation.

  He peered down at me. His eyes locked with mine, and conviction shone through them. “Always.”

  I positioned myself underneath him and bit my lip as I felt his tip at my entrance. He reached for both of my hands and rested them against my pillow above me. When he pushed his hardness in farther, I gasped and then forced myself to loosen.

  “You feel so damn good,” he breathed. “I’m never going to be the same after this.”

  He pulled back and rocked farther into me. Wetness met his length, and after a couple of thrusts, a steady rhythm built between us.

  He whispered how much he loved me over and over again between kisses on my lips. Our connection was beyond anything I’d ever experienced before. I’d only known Jimmy on an emotional level until this, but this bond was beyond physical. Our intimacy was overwhelming as he filled me and moved inside me, peering down at me with such intensity in his eyes, telling me with his body what he’d already expressed with words.

  When his breathing became erratic, he asked, “You okay?”

  “Yes,” I moaned against his mouth. I ran my hands down his back to feel the muscles of his ass contracting every time he pushed into me.

  When his rhythm began to intensify, he rested on his elbows as he continued to pump into me, over and over again.

  “You’re so damn sexy. I’m never going to get enough of you.”

  I let the sensations building all over my body take control.

  All I could hear was the slapping of skin. The scent of sex, our passion, filled the air.

  When I opened my eyes, Jimmy’s glorious body and his handsome face consumed me. He was all I saw and felt, and I was immersed in everything that was my man.

  His touch was electric, causing a hypersensitivity that engaged a tingling feeling to wash over me.

  When the build-up was too much to take, contractions started from my core and overtook my body as Jimmy pumped into me, faster and faster. I let out a loud scream, experiencing ecstasy for the very first time. I gripped his back hard enough to pierce skin as a look of pleasure passed over his face. He stilled in me and met my lips, kissing me hard, as we came together.

  I turned to mush underneath him as we both tried to come down from our high. Finally, our breathing steadied, and my pulse returned to a regular tempo. I couldn’t tell if his had. Sweat stuck to our skin, but I welcomed it.

  When he pulled back, his eyes showed such reverence, such love. He cupped the sides of my face, and in that moment, I was overfilled with a feeling I couldn’t even put into words. He leaned down to sweetly kiss me. Then, his lips moved to my eyes and to my nose, and finally, they rested on my lips again.

  “I love you, only you, Boo. Forever you.” He pecked both of my cheeks and then my lips again.

  I felt so cherished and so loved in his arms. I was so consumed by what we had just shared, by our passion, that I started to cry. I closed my eyes, slightly embarrassed that I couldn’t stop the feelings from overflowing.

  “Baby, what’s the matter?” A look of concern crossed his face as he wiped my few tears with the tips of his fingers.

  It took me a second to compose myself before I was able to speak, “Nothing.” I caressed his beautiful face. “I’m just happy. You’re perfect.” I shook my head and tried to contain all the
emotions filling inside me because more tears would fall if I didn’t. “I’m just overwhelmed. You overwhelm me but in a good way.”

  He touched my brow with his finger. It was as light as a feather on skin. I couldn’t think of a moment more perfect than this instant. He cupped the sides of my face, and I molded to his hold.

  “Marry me, Boo.”

  Just like that, he had taken the most perfect moment and jumped it up a notch, making it unsurpassable. There would never be a time in my life that could be more memorable than this moment right here.

  I stared up at the man of my dreams, the man I knew above anybody else, the one who had been made specifically for me, the one I loved beyond comprehension.

  “Yes,” I replied without hesitation.

  A dimple set deep on his cheek at my answer. His eyes were shining as I’d never seen before.

  “Bliss,” he whispered, “is defined as a state of perfect happiness.” He closed the gap between us. “You’ve made this man the happiest man alive,” he said before leaning in to capture my lips with his.

  I threw my arms over my face to block the light from the morning sun peering through my curtains. My body ached when I moved, but I welcomed it because it brought me to thoughts of last night. I flipped over to see Jimmy’s handsome face in plain view. His eyes were open as he lay there, watching me.

  I smiled slightly, thinking about how our roles had reversed, and now, he was my secret stalker who watched me sleep.

  “You look like an angel when you sleep,” he said softly, running gentle fingers along my bare belly.

  I lifted an eyebrow. “What? Do I look like the devil when I’m awake?”

  He cupped my ass cheek as he nuzzled my neck. “No, I’m the devil, preying on an angel, waiting for her to wake up so that I can corrupt her.”

  My stomach clenched as his words awakened my body, and I laughed as his breath tickled my neck.

  He pulled back and ran his fingers through my hair. “I love that.”


  “Your laugh,” he said, smiling. “Do it again.” He poked my side, making me giggle.

  “Stop.” I reached for his hand and brought it to my lips.

  “Every day of my life, I’m going to make you happy. You watch.”

  There was conviction in his eyes, and a part of me thought that this proclamation, this promise, had something to do with his father.

  I touched his brow. “I know, Jimmy.”

  He tucked an escaping strand of hair behind my ear. “And I promise to make you breakfast on your birthday for the rest of your life.” He bent down to kiss my lips. “I promise to make you the best dancer there is—with practice,” he tacked on at the end.

  I wrinkled my nose at him, pleased with the breakfast part but not so much with the dancing part.

  He clenched his jaw as so many emotions passed through his eyes. “But most of all, I promise to be faithful to you, to put us above all else—above football, myself—”

  I didn’t let him finish. I pulled him in and kissed him with enough force to make him believe that there was no doubt in my mind that he would be faithful to me.

  When I released him, we were both breathless.

  He peered down at me and repeated what he’d said to me last night, “Marry me.”

  I shook my head and laughed. “I said yes.”

  A mischievous smile crept up his face, and before I said another word, he carefully climbed out of the bed. I watched his perfectly sculpted ass move through the fabric of his boxers as he headed to the living room. When he came back, he had his phone.

  “I want to do this right.” He moved his finger on the screen to unlock it.

  I rested my head on one elbow, wondering what he was up to. “What are you doing?” I asked, smiling up at him.

  He placed the phone on his ear. “Calling your mama.”

  I sat up at his words and glanced at the clock. “It’s eight thirty in the morning, Jimmy. She’s probably sleeping.”

  The heat I’d felt only moments ago dissipated from just thinking of my mother. Even though she didn’t know what we’d just been doing, picturing her made me feel like her eyes were on us. I pulled the covers over my bare breasts.

  “Mrs. Carrington, sorry to wake you.”

  I quirked an eyebrow at Jimmy.

  He continued, “This should only take a second. You know I love your daughter. I’ve never loved anyone before her, and there’s not going to be anyone after her. I promise I’m going to love her, be faithful to her, and take care of her. I give you my word.” A dimple peeked up from his cheek as he spoke, “I want to officially make her mine, Mrs. C. In my heart, I’ve always known she was mine. That’s why I’m calling. I want to ask you for her hand in marriage.”

  I gripped the blanket tighter around me as if my mother were in the room. I watched him nod at her words, but he remained silent on the phone. His smile slowly left his face as his look turned serious. I was curious to hear what she had said to change his mood.

  His eyebrows pulled together as he handed me the phone with his outstretched arm. “She wants to talk to you.”

  Hearing the nervousness in his voice, my stomach dropped.

  My hand shook as I reached for the phone. If she didn’t agree with us being together, I didn’t know what I would do. I loved my mother, and I couldn’t imagine doing something without her well wishes.

  “Mom?” My voice was barely a whisper. The silence was deafening as I listened to her breathing on the other side of the phone. When she didn’t speak, I broke the silence, “Mom, I love him.” I gripped the phone tighter.

  That was when I heard the first of her sobs. I held my breath, wondering why on earth she was sobbing. Could it be Jimmy’s reputation or the pictures of him with all those other women plastered on magazines?

  “Mom, he loves me, too, and only me,” I said, trying to reassure her.

  “I know,” she said finally through her uncontrollable sobs. “I know he loves you. I’ve seen it when you’re together. I saw the signs when you were in high school even though you didn’t.” She pulled herself away from the phone to blow her nose.

  “Why are you crying then?”

  “I’m thinking of your father.” Her sobs turned to soft sniffles. “I wish he were here, so Jimmy could have asked him.”

  Unshed tears formed in the corners of my eyes at the mention of my father, my favorite person, the person who had left life too early and wasn’t here to celebrate this moment with me. I bit my cheek as the emotions bubbled up to the surface.

  “You know what he would’ve said?” she choked out. “He would’ve said, ‘Finally.’” She exhaled audibly. “And he would’ve known that you would be taken care of.”

  Finally. I had uttered that same word to Jimmy when he revealed his feelings and told me he was in love with me. I was truly my father’s daughter. We were both one in the same, one with few words.

  Tears prickled my eyes as I felt his spirit, his presence surround me. My eyes moved to my desk where a picture of the four of us was held in a wooden frame. A slight smile graced my face as I knew that he would have approved of us. This was what he would have wanted—for me to be happy.

  Jimmy knelt beside me as I sat on the bed with light tears spilling down my face. He peered up at me with big brown eyes of concern. I shook my head and placed my hand in his, placating him.

  “Of course he has my blessing. You both do. I’m…I’m just so happy for you. I love him, too. He really is a good man, Bliss.”

  I took our entwined hands and kissed his palm. “Thanks, Mom. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “I couldn’t be happier. Bye, baby girl.”

  I placed the phone on the nightstand beside me while Jimmy waited patiently for me to speak.

  “What did she say?” He squeezed my hand a little tighter.

  I looked to our joined hands, feigning disappointment. “She said no.”

  His face fell. “Oh, shit.” He r
an his free hand through his hair, fisting it at the top. “Call her back. I’ll talk to her again.”

  I tried to keep a straight face but failed. “She said she loves you, Jimmy. Of course she said yes. You have her blessing.” I pulled him up from his kneeling position and wrapped my arms around his neck before kissing him on the lips.

  His face flooded with relief, and then he scolded me. “Don’t do that, Boo. You scared me.” He sat at the edge of the bed and pulled me next to him. “Why are you crying?”

  “I’m just thinking of my dad, wishing he were here to see us together.” I lifted my hand and touched his face. I could feel soft peach fuzz starting to replace his usually smooth skin. “He’d be happy to see us together. After all that teasing, it finally came true.”

  A melancholy smile came across his face. “I promised I would take care of you then, and I promise I’ll take care of you now. Now and forever, Boo.”

  I smiled and sealed his promise with a kiss on the lips. The kiss seemed to last forever until we were both breathless. He slowed our kisses to a stop, lightly pressing his lips against mine.

  “We need to get ready.” He pinched my thigh, making me jump. “I want to head out to buy your ring before lunch. We should shower together—you know, to save time.” His eyebrows danced with mischief.

  A ripple of excitement tore through me. “Save time?” I couldn’t hide the look of incredulity from my face.

  He sweetly pecked me on the lips. “Yes, the sooner we get going, the sooner I can make this official.” His kissed the top of my nose. “We can plan for the big wedding in the near future.”

  “Not before I finish law school,” I insisted.

  “Whatever you want, baby.” He grinned, flashing those damn sexy dimples. “All I know is, you’re getting the ring you deserve.” He lightly kissed me again.

  I wrinkled my nose. “You know me, I don’t even need a ring.” I shifted to straddle him. “Right now, all I need is breakfast. I’m hungry.” I nipped at the bottom of his earlobe and then whispered, “Why don’t we go out for breakfast and come back here, so I can have my before-lunch dessert?”

  A shudder ran through his body, and I smiled, loving that I could make him do that.


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