The Boy Next Door

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The Boy Next Door Page 5

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Oh shiiii,” he hissed but she muffled him with a kiss.

  As his hands moved to her hips to brace her, he began thrusting upward as his head arched back in ecstasy. Melanie kept a relentless pace as she continued to rock against him.

  “I’m not gonna last if you don’t slow down,” he groaned.

  “We’ve got all night,” she panted. “Stop holding back!”

  “Argggg,” he roared as she clamped her mouth over his, swallowing the sound.

  He spilled himself and dug his fingers into her hips as his body quaked under her. Within in a matter of seconds, he felt her tighten around him and shake as her orgasm ripped through her.

  She slumped against his chest, breathing heavy, “Wow. I’m liking this campout so far. What else do you have planned?”

  “I’m kinda liking it, too,” he chuckled. “Although I really didn’t plan that, that was all you.”

  She blushed and buried her face in his chest, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be so forward.”

  “Hey,” he lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “I’m not complaining. I’m glad that we still have this fire between us. I told you on our honeymoon that it was never gonna end.”

  “You were rather vocal, though,” she giggled. “I was worried someone down the street might hear you.”

  He scowled at her, “Well, maybe if I wasn’t under attack, I could have been better prepared.”

  “Austin,” she smacked his shoulder. “Wanna go inside now?” she began to slide off him and pull her shorts back on, “you can be as loud as you want in there.”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice,” he grinned.

  The two quickly made their way back into the house, tossing garments off as they chased each other down the hall to their room. Both were thinking that it was a good thing they had tomorrow off because little sleep would be accomplished tonight.

  Chapter 6

  Camping Trip - July 2016

  “Are we there yet?” Sam whined for the third time.

  “I’m never traveling with you again if you don’t stop,” Katie groaned. “This is supposed to be fun. You’re as bad as Joey is on a trip.”

  Sam crossed her arms over her chest in the back of the SUV and huffed, “This is taking forever.”

  “We’ve only been driving for an hour. Relax,” Hannah frowned at her.

  “Fine, I’m going to take a nap. Wake me up when we get there,” Sam turned to the side and pushed her pillow up against the window, trying to get comfortable.

  “I’m kinda wishing that I hadn’t borrowed my Dad’s car right now. Maybe driving separately was a better idea,” Patrick glanced over at Katie and whispered.

  “I tried to warn you,” she whispered back. “Traveling with Sam is like having a toddler along.”

  Patrick had asked his dad to borrow his Audi SUV so that the group could all travel together. He figured at least this way they wouldn’t have to worry about being separated. Although, he was wishing now that he could leave Sam at a rest stop. He was under strict orders from his dad that no one else was allowed to drive, and the car better make it back in one piece.


  By the time they’d reached Oakham, their destination, they were all ready to get out of the car and have some time away from one another.

  “Let me get us checked in and find out where our sites are,” Katie announced as she climbed out of the front seat.

  When she came back to the car with a map of the campground in hand, she pointed to their right, “We need to go that way. There’s three lake side sites reserved for us on the D loop.”

  “Sounds good. I want to get our tent set up before it gets too late,” Patrick sighed.

  As they drove along the windy road looking for campsite 3D, they began planning their evening.

  “I want to make sure we have enough firewood before it gets dark,” Patrick glanced back at Matt. “You can help me.”

  “Always the boy scout,” Matt mocked.

  Patrick gave him a warning glare, “Watch it or you’ll be walking home Sunday.”

  “Well, I’ll help you gather firewood, if you promise to lay off me. I’m not looking to be parented this weekend,” Matt shot back. “I’ve got my own supplies to check on.”

  Just then they rounded the bend to see their campsites come into view.

  “We’re here,” Katie squealed.

  The group climbed out of the SUV and began dragging their gear from the back. Matt, Anthony, and Patrick began putting up the tents, and the girls began taking stock of the food they had. They wanted to figure out dinner, and weren’t sure what the guys had packed.

  “I think I’ve got some hotdogs in the cooler, if you want to pull those out,” Patrick shouted over his shoulder as he continued to wrestle with the tent poles.

  “Sure, I’ll look,” Katie called back.

  She wandered over the row of coolers and cracked one open before Patrick could tell her his was the blue one.

  “What’s all this?” Katie asked as she observed the contents in the red cooler.

  “That’s mine,” Matt waved in her direction. “It’s for later around the campfire. You’re welcome to some if you want.”

  Katie glanced back at the cooler full of beer. “Um...maybe,” she shrugged.

  “Sweet, how did you get beer?” Sam grinned.

  “I have an older brother. He’s home from college right now,” Matt shrugged. “He owed me one.”

  Katie rolled her eyes, “Boys.”

  Patrick wandered over to where she was standing, “Are you ok with this?” He was pointing at the cooler and gesturing at the beer.

  “Yeah, it’s fine. I have drank before if that’s what you’re asking,” she rolled her eyes. “I’m not as perfect as you think I am.”

  “I don’t know about that,” he teased.

  “How often do you indulge?” she cocked her head to the side.

  “Not as often as you think,” he mumbled.


  Several hours later, the group was seated around a roaring campfire laughing and enjoying the evening. Several beer cans littered the ground near them, along with the leftovers from the makings for s’mores.

  “This has been so much fun,” Sam giggled as she wobbled on her chair.

  “I think you’ve had enough,” Anthony removed the beer from her hand.

  Sam stuck out her lip in a pout, “Yes, Dad.”

  “I’m tired,” Hannah yawned. “I think I’m going to go to bed.”

  She stood and headed for the tent to the far right of the group. After disappearing inside, the light went out shortly after.

  “You ready for bed?” Patrick mumbled in Katie’s ear as he kissed her neck.

  “Ummm, I guess so,” she shivered. “It is getting kinda cold.”

  “Come on,” Patrick stood and grabbed her hand, pulling her in the direction of the tent to the far left.

  When they reached the door to the tent, Katie gasped, “You want me to sleep in there with you?”

  “Sure,” he shrugged as if it was no big deal. “I put your bags in there when we unpacked. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  “Uh, mind?” she gulped.

  “Come on,” he coaxed as he entered before her, “You’ve got your own sleeping bag. I’m not going to touch you unless you want me to,” he winked.

  Sighing, Katie relented. She did like the idea of being so close, but Patrick had never done anything to make her uncomfortable before.

  “See,” he pointed to the red sleeping bag, “That’s your spot there.”

  She slid over and pulled her shoes off as she snuggled down in the sleeping bag. “Goodnight,” she mumbled as she pulled the soft fabric up around her chin and closed her eyes.

  Sighing, Patrick climbed in his own sleeping bag and turned where his back was pointed in her direction, mumbling his own, “Goodnight.” He lay awake for a while wondering if he’d overstepped his bounds by getting her to sleep in his tent. He wanted
her there, but wasn’t so sure now that she wanted to be there. After all, she didn’t even kiss him goodnight.


  The next morning while everyone was sitting around a campfire having breakfast, Katie lay in bed. Now that she was alone in the tent, she finally had time to let herself relax. It had been tense the night before. She wasn’t expecting Patrick to want to share a tent with her. Well, if she was honest, she knew he wanted to, she just didn’t think that he actually would arrange it. Shaking her head, she pulled herself to a sitting position and began to pull her shoes on.

  “You plan on sleeping all day?” Hannah called as she opened the tent flap.

  Katie jumped slightly. “You startled me!”

  “Sorry,” Hannah giggled. “Sam and I were planning on heading into town to grab some supplies. Did you want us to get you anything?”

  “No,” she shook her head.

  “Something wrong?” Hannah moved closer and sat down on the edge of the sleeping bag.

  “No…yes,” Katie sighed. “I don’t know. I think Patrick might be mad at me.”

  “What would make you think that?” Hannah nudged her.

  “Well, he just seemed kinda distant last night,” she placed her head in her hand. “I mean…I do want to be here with him, I just don’t want to lead him on.”

  “Well, you’ve set boundaries right?” she quirked her brow.

  “Well…yeah,” Katie nodded.

  “Then, what are you worried about? You need to trust him,” Hannah patted her on the shoulder. “Now come out here and eat some breakfast.”


  After Sam and Hannah had left to go into town, Matt convinced Anthony to go fishing with him. The guys had quickly grabbed the fishing gear and headed for the lake, all the while glancing over their shoulders at Katie and Patrick.

  Katie was sitting on a chair kicking at the dirt as she stared into the fire.

  “You ok?” Patrick sat down beside her and nudged her side.

  “Yeah,” she mumbled without glancing in his direction.

  “Are you mad about last night?” he looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

  “No, are you?” she turned to glance at him.

  “No, I just…never mind.” He stood and reached a hand out to her, “Wanna go with me on a hike?”

  “Sure, just let me go change my shoes,” she grinned up at him.


  It had been about an hour since they had left the campsite and both Katie and Patrick were sweating. They could hear rushing water in the distance, and sped up as they walked in the direction it was coming from.

  “What’s that?” Katie asked as she trailed behind him.

  “I’m not sure, but according to the pamphlet that I was reading last week, there’s suppose to be a beautiful waterfall around here somewhere,” he glanced at her over his shoulder.

  They walked a little further and climbed over an outcropping of rocks, and sure enough a beautiful waterfall came into view.

  Patrick stopped and wiped the sweat off his brow, “It’s suppose to be deep enough to swim.”

  “Ummm,” Katie looked around nervously. “I don’t have a suit.”

  “Neither do I,” Patrick shrugged.

  “I’m not skinny dipping with you,” she poked him in the side as a stern look crossed her face.

  “You don’t have to. We’ll swim in our underwear,” he wagged his brow and pulled his shirt off, tossing it to the side.

  “Ummm, I don’t know,” Katie mumbled nervously as she thought about the white lace bra she was wearing and how he’d be able to see right through it when it was wet.

  “Come on,” he begged. “I’m hot. I’ll turn around and not look if that will make you feel better.”

  “Oh…alright. Turn around,” she made a circular motion with her finger.

  Once Patrick had his back to her, she shucked off her shorts and t-shirt. After placing them in a neat pile beside her hiking boots, she took a flying leap into the water.

  “Ahhhh,” she screeched as she surfaced. “This is freezing!!!”

  Patrick chuckled, “It’s fresh water that’s constantly moving, did you really think that it’d be warm?”

  “Are you coming?” she teased.

  “Yeah, your turn. Cover your eyes,” he pointed to her and tried to glare.

  Katie put her hands up over her eyes, leaving a small crack between her fingers to peek through. She couldn’t resist watching him, and after all, he was wearing boxers.

  “No peeking,” he warned as he reached for the button on his shorts.

  “I’m not,” she whined and then giggled to herself.

  She couldn’t help but wonder what the big deal was for him. Maybe he’s turned on and worried I’ll see it she thought. Before she could continue with that train of thought, she saw Patrick toss his shorts to the side, and she couldn’t help but smirk. He was wearing Spongebob boxer shorts. She quickly suppressed the giggle and waited for him to jump in the water. When she heard the splash, she quickly turned, and let her laughter loose. When Patrick broke the surface and heard her gasping, trying to control her laughter, he glared at her.

  Katie’s only response was to sing to him. “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Patrick McKinley,” she chanted.

  “You looked,” Patrick pointed at her and scowled.

  She shrugged, “Only a little,” and swam away.

  “Max gave ‘em to me for Christmas,” he called after her and swam in her direction.

  She turned and faced him before she started giggling again, “Keep telling yourself that.”

  The two continued to splash and tease each other over the next half hour as they cooled off in the water, the tension from the previous night now gone between them.

  “So…I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable last night with the sleeping arrangements,” he moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I just wanted to be close to you as much as possible. Summer’s ending soon.”

  “It’s alright,” she sighed. “I’m better now.”

  “Good, I’m glad,” he whispered as he placed a kiss to her neck, suckling at the soft flesh.

  “Patrick,” she sighed as he moved the kisses up her neck to her jaw and finally her lips.

  “Shhh, relax,” he mumbled as he pressed a deeper kiss to her lips.

  As the kiss grew, Katie began to press her body into his. Her hands moved up around his shoulders and into his hair. His tongue snaked out and began tangling with hers as his arms tugged her impossibly closer.

  “You feel so good,” he groaned as he trailed a hand down to her backside.

  Katie moaned and rocked against him as he lifted her to wrap her legs around him. She could feel him harden under her. She gasped when his erection pressed against her thigh. With only a small layer of cotton separating them, little was left to the imagination of what their bodies wanted from one another.

  “Patrick,” she moaned, “I don’t want to go all the way,”

  “I know,” he panted. “We won’t.”

  Before he knew what was happening, Katie’s hand began its descent down his chest, heading for his waist. She tugged at the band of his boxers causing him to hiss.

  “What are you doing?” he gulped.

  “Let me help you,” she pleaded and plunged her tongue into his mouth.

  “But,” Patrick tried to stop her, but it felt too good to fight her off.

  “I don’t want you to do something that you don’t want to do,” he panted.

  “I feel bad always leaving you like this,” she continued to tug at the band and Patrick released his hold on her wrist.

  “Show me what to do,” she mumbled against his mouth as her fingers slipped into his boxers.

  He tugged the boxers down lower freeing himself and gently grabbed Katie’s hand in his. “Are you sure about this?” he gasped.

  She didn’t answer verbally, only deepened the kiss even more if possible. This spurr
ed him on. Patrick placed her hand on his rock hard cock and wrapped her fingers around it. Just the feeling of her doing this was going to cause him to lose it right there.


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