The Boy Next Door

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The Boy Next Door Page 17

by Heather D'Agostino

  Happy Birthday to the most beautiful woman in the world. I love you…see you in a bit. Enjoy your breakfast!!! <3

  Katie’s smile stretched across her face as she pulled the donut from the bag and began walking out to the kitchen. When she rounded the corner, Melanie was packing a cooler on the counter, while Austin gathered several items needed to grill out. Joey was running around half dressed, and Cora seemed to be perfectly happy sitting in her bouncy seat on the kitchen table.

  “Where are we going?” Katie questioned as she glanced at all the items scattered about. “I need to get dressed, and I have no idea what to wear.”

  “The beach,” Melanie smiled at her as she once again placed drinks in the cooler. “Go put on a swimsuit, and grab a change of dry clothes to pack.”


  After everyone was dressed, they piled into Austin’s Expedition, his latest purchase for the growing family, and headed for the beach. Sam, Anthony, and Patrick were going to meet the family there. Austin had packed the charcoal grill to cook lunch for everyone, and Melanie had rented jet skis from a local spot near where they were setting up. It would be a nice day at the beach for Katie, surrounded by everyone she loved.

  “Oh, this is so cool, Mom,” Katie hugged Melanie around the neck when she exited the truck and saw their destination. “Thanks, you’re the best.”

  Melanie smiled and returned the gesture, “You’re welcome, sweetie. I’m glad you still like having the family around for your birthday. I’m dreading the day when you think you’re too old for this kinda stuff.”

  “I’ll never be too old for this stuff,” Katie smiled as she spun to take in her surroundings.

  “A little help here,” Austin grunted as he began lifting items out of the back of the Expedition.

  Hannah and Katie began loading down their arms with supplies while Melanie helped Joey out of his car seat. Once he was on the ground, he took off for the water with Austin hot on his heels.

  “I doubt Dad is going to get any time to relax today,” Hannah giggled as she pointed to the pair.

  “Probably not,” Melanie laughed as she lifted Cora’s carrier out of its place.

  Melanie, and the girls began shuffling through the sand heading down toward the guys to set up the area.


  Just then Patrick pulled up in his new BMW with the rest of the group. They hopped out and came rushing down to the beach.

  “Help me unfold the blankets and get the awning up and you can go ride the jet skis with your friends,” Melanie requested as she looked over at the girls.

  “Sure,” they answered and began unpacking the bags.

  Patrick and Austin pulled the awning from the back of the Expedition and began putting together the poles. After a few minutes, they had it anchored into the ground and Austin began setting up the grill.

  “We’ll be back in a little while,” Katie shouted as they headed over to the rental spot.

  “I can’t believe my baby’s an adult now,” Melanie sighed as Austin crept up behind her.

  “Don’t worry, we’ve got two more that still need a lot of raisn’,” Austin chuckled.


  Just then Joey came running up to them, covered in wet sand.

  “Joe, what did you do?” Austin laughed.

  “I dump bucket,” he pointed to the pail that was lying nearby.

  “I see,” Melanie laughed as she looked at Austin with an amused smile on her face. “Why don’t you help rinse him off?”

  Austin stood up and huffed as he shook his head and chuckled at his son’s antics. He grabbed the edge of his shirt and stripped it off, then grabbed Joey by the waist, tossing him up on his shoulder. He jogged out to the water with Joey laughing as he bounced on his shoulder. When they got to the waist deep water, Austin brought him down and began lightly splashing him with water, attempting to get as much sand off his head as possible. Joey was splashing and laughing as Austin tried to keep from getting sand in his eyes. Melanie shook her head at their antics. It was times like these that she was so thankful she had a husband who was a child at heart. After placing a sleeping Cora on the blanket under the awning, she pulled out a towel from the bag, and plopped down to soak up some sun. Right then the jet skis went buzzing by in the distance. Anthony and Hannah were on one together as well as Katie and Patrick. Sam came by trailing behind them on one going solo.

  “You might have to go out there and help her,” Melanie yawned as she rolled over while pointing to Sam. “She’s having a hard time keeping up with the boys and their driving.”

  Austin laughed and smirked at her, “Are you trying to get rid of me? Cause I was thinking that maybe later…you and I could take a ride on one of them.”

  As he plopped down, he shook his head rather vigorously, causing water to sprinkle everywhere.

  “Ugh!!” she squealed. “You’re getting me all wet!”

  “That’s the plan,” he snickered. “You know we had a lot of fun on one of those on our honeymoon?” he whispered seductively in her ear.

  “Oh, I know,” she smiled saucily in return as she rubbed her face where the water had sprinkled her.

  “You can thank your son for that,” he laughed as she continued to brush droplets off.

  “So is he my son when he does something naughty, but your son when he does something nice? Is that how it works?” she cocked her head to the side and smirked.

  “No, he’s always your son. He smart and has a quick wit, and how could I forget his stubborn streak. He’s definitely YOUR son,” Austin chuckled and flopped back on his back as Melanie swatted at his belly.

  “Well, I remember you once telling me that you like those things about me,” she leaned down over his face as her hair fell forward, creating a soft curtain around them.

  “I wasn’t complaining,” he mumbled as she crept closer.


  Just as she was leaning in to give him a kiss, they heard a giggle beside them. Melanie froze and tilted her head to the side, only to come nose to nose with Joey.

  “Whatcha doin’? “ Joey grinned.

  “Nothin’ buddy,” Austin chuckled as Melanie groaned.

  “Remind me why we’re so sad that our daughters are growing up?” she laughed as Austin stood up. Cora soon joined the disruption as a cry escaped her, signaling that it was time for a feeding.

  Austin laughed and headed in the direction of the jet skis, “I’m off to help Sam. I’ll finish what we started later tonight,” he winked at her.

  She blushed and turned away from his gaze, “It’s a date.”


  After a few minutes, Melanie saw Austin wiz by with Sam on the back. He’d caught up to them and was right in the pack with Anthony and Patrick. She giggled once again at his childish antics.

  Just then Joey pointed to the water, “Look Mama, Daddy’s funny!”

  “He sure is,” she smiled. “He sure is.”


  After several hours of water play, the group made their way back to where Melanie had blankets spread out with snacks. They had worked up quite an appetite and were looking forward to devouring the food.

  “I guess I’ll get the burgers going now. Seems everyone is pretty hungry,” Austin chuckled as he watched the feeding frenzy.

  He pulled his shirt on and walked over to where the grill was set up a few feet from the awning. Patrick followed and offered to help. As Austin was placing the burgers on the grill, Patrick kept glancing off in the distance and fiddling with his hands. Austin grinned and chuckled as he watched Patrick’s discomfort. Something big was about to happen and he knew it had something to do with Katie.

  “So,” Patrick began as he glanced around. “I was wondering if I could talk to you in private.”

  “Sure, what’s on your mind, Son?” Austin flipped the burgers as he watched Patrick shift on his feet nervously.

  “Well, first off I want to tell you that I really love and respect your daughter. She’s the best
thing I have in my life right now,” he paused and swallowed. “I know we’re young, really young, but I would like your permission to ask her to marry me,” Patrick rushed the last part as he backed away slightly, ready for what he thought might be a bad reaction.

  “Well you’re right… You are young,” Austin glared at him for a minute, enjoying the fact that Patrick was slightly worried. “I don’t see why you can’t be engaged awhile, though,” he smiled as he reached up and patted Patrick on the back.

  Patrick released the breath he was holding, “Are you serious, Sir?”

  “Well like I said… Engaged. You’re not marrying her until you get out of school. You still have two years left, right? I mean you’re going to be a junior this next fall,” Austin raised his brow in question.

  “Yes Sir… two more years,” Patrick nodded as relief washed over him. “Thank you, Sir,” he was still in a haze over the realization that Austin had given his blessing. He had thought that he’d have a fight on his hands to try to convince him that they weren’t too young.

  “Oh and Patrick?” Austin touched him on the arm. “No more with the Sir, just call me Austin.”

  “Sure Sir, I mean Austin,” he grinned and reached to shake his hand.


  As Patrick walked back toward the awning to join the group sitting on the blankets, Melanie moved to stand with Austin over by the grill. He was silently running ways to tell her about the conversation he just had through his head. He knew she’d have a hard time letting go, but after all this was still two years away. A lot could happen in two years.

  “What was that all about?” she asked him as she leaned into his side.

  “Oh, he was just making sure I knew how much he loved our daughter,” Austin smiled.

  “Ummm huh, what aren’t you telling me?” she stared him down.

  He knew he couldn’t get around her on this one, so he tried to be as honest as he could without upsetting her. “Let’s just say, Patrick’s got big plans in the works for this birthday.”

  Realization began to dawn on her as she looked from Patrick to Katie and back to Austin.

  “Don’t worry,” he assured her. “They will wait until after he finishes school, that’s part of the deal,” he hugged her to his side and felt her relax a little. “Besides, didn’t you once tell me that you and Sean got engaged when you were nineteen? When you know, you know,” he shrugged. “Don’t worry. You’ve raised a responsible young woman.”

  “I guess you’re right,” she sighed.

  “Besides, it had to happen sooner or later,” he cocked his head to the side as he placed a kiss to her forehead.

  “Yes, I know that’s true… although I was hoping for later,” she sighed.

  Austin removed the burgers from the grill and made his way over to the group. As they sat there eating their dinner, Melanie couldn’t help but watch Katie and Patrick together. Even someone on the outside of their circle of friends would be able to see the love those two shared. She thought back to her days in college with Sean…how hard it was, how much she gave up, how her parents had reacted, how she ended up having a baby at twenty…the list went on.

  She vowed right there that she would not become her mother. She would support her daughter. A lot could happen in two years…

  Chapter 18

  When they got home from the beach, Katie retreated to her room to clean up for the night. She was tried and covered in sand. It had been a great day. Everyone had had a good time, and she had never felt happier...though she couldn’t escape a sort of nagging feeling. Something was off with Patrick. He hadn’t been his usual talkative self. He had been quiet and reserved most of the day, and almost acted like his mind was elsewhere.

  Soon, a soft knock at her door brought her out of her musings and caused her to jump slightly.

  “Just a minute,” she called. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself. Opening the door a crack she peered out. It was Hannah.

  “After your shower, you want to hang out?” she motioned to her room.

  “Sure. I need to talk to you about something anyway,” Katie smiled and moved back into the room to grab some pjs to put on after her shower.


  About thirty minutes later, Katie waltzed into Hannah’s room. Her hair was still wrapped in a towel as she flopped down on the bed and sighed.

  “What’s wrong?” Hannah looked at her.

  “I’m not sure. Patrick was acting weird today. He kept staring at Dad, and checking his phone constantly,” Katie rolled on to her back and stared at the ceiling. “What’s wrong with me? Why do I let things like this bother me so much?”

  “You need to trust him, Sis. He loves you. I’m sure you’re reading into this way more than you need to,” Hannah shrugged and moved to lie down beside her.

  Secretly, she knew what was going on, but she couldn’t say anything. Patrick had cornered her up at the bathhouses, asking her to go shopping with him the next day. At first she wasn’t so sure about it, but as soon as he mentioned Tiffany’s, she knew she needed to go. She and Katie had talked about their weddings all through their teenage years. Hannah knew what Katie’s dream ring looked like, and she knew she needed to help Patrick find it. Getting exactly what she wanted would be the best present ever.

  One problem, though, was Hannah was a horrible liar. Katie could always tell when she was trying to hide something. She only hoped she kept this secret safe for a few more days. If she didn’t, she knew that she would not only have Patrick mad at her, but also Katie, too.

  “What did he give you for your birthday?” Hannah smiled and turned her head to the side. “I saw you two walk off on your own. I figured that’s what he was doing.”

  “This,” Katie pulled the chain that she wore around her neck out so her sister could see it. “Isn’t it perfect?” she giggled.

  Patrick had given her another charm for the necklace she wore around her neck. The daisy charm he’d given her several years ago was still there, only now it was accompanied by a silver key.

  “That’s so pretty. What did he say when he gave it to you?” she giggled.

  “He said I had the key to his heart. Isn’t that sweet?” Katie gushed. “How did I get so lucky?”

  Hannah shook her head as she thought about how sweet Patrick was to Katie, “I don’t know. I mean, you’re not all that great, you know? Just smart, and pretty, and funny….” Hannah waved her hand in the air. “Do I need to go on?” she laughed and elbowed Katie in the side. “I only hope that I find someone that looks at me the way he looks at you.”

  “You have,” Katie smirked.

  “Uh…we are talking about me here, right?” Hannah propped herself up on her elbows. “Last I checked…I was still single.”

  “Not for long,” Katie grinned.

  “Katie Lewis, what are you up to?” Hannah glared.

  “How do you feel about a double date?” Katie’s smile went even wider.

  “With who?” Hannah’s mouth dropped open in shock.

  “Hello?” Katie shoved Hannah in the side. “Are you in there? Because this confused, dumb act that you’re playing right now is so not cool,” Katie rolled her eyes.

  “I don’t like fix ups,” Hannah groaned.

  “Who said anything about a fix up? I’m just helping things along…that’s all,” Katie smirked. “I talked to Patrick and we agreed…you need to go on a date with Matt. We’re tired of watching you two sniff around each other,” Katie sighed and flopped back down.

  Hannah gulped, “Sniff around each other?”

  “Yeah…you two have been flirting and joking for weeks now. Neither one of you has moved past that, so we’re going to give you two a little push,” she waved her hand in the air.

  “Great,” Hannah groaned. “Just what I need…a double date with my sister, who knows everything about me, and her perfect boyfriend.”

  “It’ll be fun…maybe he’ll even kiss you by the end of the night,” Katie giggled


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