The Boy Next Door

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The Boy Next Door Page 21

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Sure… I need to go home and shower. I’d like to get a nap in, too,” Patrick sighed.

  “Make sure you scrub well,” she giggled “you do kinda smell.”

  He rolled his eyes, “Is this what I have to look forward to?”

  She shook her head and laughed, “You know you love me.”

  “That I do,” he kissed her on the cheek and left.


  When Katie finished cleaning the loft, she grabbed her phone and called her mom.

  “Hello,” Melanie answered.

  “Hi mom. I got my letter from Harvard today!” she squealed in excitement.

  “I take it by the reaction I’m getting, that it was a good letter. Maybe a yes?” Melanie asked happily.

  “It was a yes,” Katie giggled. “Patrick and I are coming back to Boston.”

  “I’m so happy for you. You’ve worked so hard. Your dad and I are so proud. You deserve it,” Melanie praised.

  “Mom, do you really mean it? I mean, with the wedding coming up and everything. I’m just…I don’t know. I feel like everything’s going so fast,” Katie felt tears prick her eyes.

  “Oh sweetheart. Your dad and I love you so much. I’m happy that you’re happy. Patrick’s a great guy. I know you love him very much. I’m glad that you found someone who loves you as much as you love them. You’ve worked really hard for this, and Patrick’s done right by you. I couldn’t ask for more,” Melanie sighed into the phone. “So…when would you like our help moving your stuff out?”

  “Well, I need to be out by Friday. Maybe you could come by on Wednesday?” Katie questioned. “That will give me two days to clean this place up. It’s quite a mess right now.”

  “Sure sweetie. Austin or I will be by with the truck. Can you ask Patrick to come over to help lift the heavy things, too?” Melanie asked.

  “Yeah, he owes me,” Katie giggled. “I’ve been killing myself for the past two years to finish school. I think I can arrange his help in lifting heavy objects,” Katie laughed.

  “Alright. Well, Joey needs my help. He’s learning to tie his shoes and I think he’s made a mess of them. I’ll see you on Wednesday. Go out and have fun tonight. You deserve a night off,” Melanie’s voice exuded pride.

  “I will. I love you, Mom,” Katie laughed into the phone.

  “I love you, too,” Melanie answered back.

  Once Katie hung up, she went downstairs to toss the garbage in the dumpster. When she got back upstairs she texted Patrick to let him know, he should let himself in when he arrived. She walked back into the bedroom area of the loft and began tossing clothes onto the bed. She raced into the bathroom and jumped into the shower. Tonight was a night to celebrate, and that’s exactly what she planned to do. She and Patrick had everything that they wanted. They were graduating, going to Harvard, and getting married.

  What more could they possibly want? The future was theirs for the taking.

  Chapter 22

  “I think that’s the last one,” Katie huffed as she handed a box up into the bed of the truck.

  “I never realized this much stuff could fit into such a small space,” Austin shook his head. “You and your mother sure know how to collect things.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Melanie tossed her hand in the air.

  “Nothing honey,” he chuckled.

  Austin and Melanie had driven to New York for the day to help Katie move her things back home. Her lease was up, and she and Hannah had spent the last several days boxing up all of her things. Patrick had come over to join in the lifting, but he still had another week before he had to be out of his place. This gave him time to help Katie. Claire had volunteered to keep Joey and Cora, so that the family had plenty of time.

  “Well, we better get going if we’re want to make it back before dark,” Melanie moved to open the truck door and climb in.

  “I’ll put my stuff in the garage at Mom and Dad’s until next week. Once you have time, we’ll look for a place together if you want,” Katie raised up on her tiptoes and kissed Patrick on the cheek. “Thanks for your help. I’ll miss you these next few days.”

  “I’ll miss you, too. I love you,” he kissed her back and offered a hug.

  Katie climbed into the truck with Hannah, Melanie, and Austin, and headed back to her childhood home.


  Once they arrived back in Boston, they piled Katie’s belongings into the garage at the Montgomery’s and headed in the house to relax. Katie made her way to the back yard and plopped down on the edge of the back deck. She sighed and leaned into the railing, looking up at the stars that were beginning to appear. A soft spring breeze was blowing and the smell of cherry blossoms were in the air.

  “This is my favorite part of the day,” came a voice from behind her.

  She startled out of her day dream and turned to see her mom coming over.

  “Mind some company?” she glanced at the spot beside Katie.

  “Not at all,” Katie shifted over and began to stare back out into the yard.

  She sat in quiet contemplation for a while before turning away from her mom and mumbling, “I can’t believe he’s going to miss this.”

  A single tear ran down her face as she swiped at it and turned to face her mom.

  “I mean, I love Austin. He is like a father to me, but it’s not the same,” Katie sniffled.

  “I know, but Austin is really the only father you can remember. Your dad would want you to be happy about everything that’s happening in your life. You’ve got a lot going for you right now,” Melanie slid closer to her and wrapped her arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a sideways hug. “Your dad loved you very much. We’ve been blessed with having Austin in our lives and when you join with Patrick, your dad will be there. You may not be able to see him, but he’ll be there. He’s always been there, watching you grow into a beautiful, smart, young woman. He would be very proud of the person you’ve become,” Melanie smiled and kissed Katie on the temple. “Is that what’s been bothering you so much?”

  “Yeah…No, not really,” Katie shrugged. “I’ve been thinking about the wedding. Thinking about moving in my own place with Patrick. Starting a life with him…and other stuff,” she drifted off.

  “Well, the wedding is pretty much planned at this point. Your grandma has gone nuts. No expense has been spared. This will be the social event of the year. You know Grandma,” Melanie giggled. “She didn’t get to plan mine and Austin’s wedding, so now she’s making up for it with yours. Speaking of which, your final dress fitting is tomorrow.”

  Katie sighed and leaned her head against the deck rail, “I’m beginning to think that maybe we should have eloped.”

  Melanie snickered, “That would never happen. Anna Andrews would never let an event such as her youngest grand daughter’s wedding go by without making a big deal out of it.”

  “Yeah, I guess,” Katie shrugged.

  “What’s really bothering you?” Melanie prodded.

  “Well I…I just…why is this so hard?” Katie buried her face in her hands before mumbling, “I’m just worried I’ll do something wrong.” She lifted her face to look at her mom’s and then turned away quickly before muttering, “I knew this was a bad idea.”

  “Wait, something wrong?” Melanie slowly put two and two together and shook head as a sigh escaped her lips.

  Katie glanced at her with an imploring look and began to stand up. Melanie reached out and grabbed her by the wrist.

  “Wait, sit back down. This isn’t going to go away until you talk about it,” Melanie gave her a pleading look. “I felt the same way when I married your father. I think every woman has these feelings. Believe me when I tell you that he’s feeling the same way. Have you talked to Patrick about this?” she turned Katie to look her in the eyes.

  “No, I can’t do that. It’s too embarrassing,” Katie began to blush. “Besides…he’s done this before, he’ll know what to do.”

  “I’m sure he
’s just as nervous as you are. He may have experience…but he doesn’t have experience with you. Everybody’s different, sweetie,” Melanie offered a smile.

  “Just…help me?” Katie implored.

  “Well, I don’t know what I can really tell you that would help. There isn’t a wrong way. You just have to go by what you feel. Once you get to that point, instinct will take over, just don’t fight it,” Melanie blushed a dark shade of red. “I can’t believe I’m talking about this with you. I still remember teaching you how to ride a bike.”

  Katie smiled and nodded, “I know, but this helps. Really Mom, keep going.”

  “Well, you just need to make sure that you don’t force yourself to do anything that doesn’t feel right. If you’re not ready, then you need to speak up and tell him. He’ll understand, he loves you,” she smiled awkwardly. “No matter how much you think it won’t, there will be pain that first time. You know that from your medical studies. Don’t panic if you bleed a little, too.”

  Katie nodded and encourage her to continue. She remembered some of the things that Hannah had told her, but she didn’t want to bring that up seeing that their parents didn’t know that Hannah had had sex.

  “Timing will not be perfect for a while. That’s something that takes practice. You have to get to know each other’s bodies and pleasures before that will develop, and that first time will be brief. Patrick hasn’t been with anyone in several years, so he will have to work at controlling himself. He might be embarrassed about that, but it’s normal. Most men have trouble holding themselves back at first,” Melanie giggled as memories of her and Sean’s honeymoon flashed through her brain. “Just be patient and communicate with each other. That’s the best thing you can do,” she patted Katie on the arm. “I better go check on your brother. It’s close to his bedtime. If you ever want to talk about this again,” she turned toward Katie, “please come to me. I’ll always be there for you.”

  Katie nodded and turned back toward the yard, leaning on the railing again. Everything that Melanie had said to her was churning in her head. Nerves and excitement battled for dominance in her brain. She was so ready to be Patrick’s wife but not sure if she would please him. Her mom’s talk had helped some, but she still wondered if she would be able to relax and not let her nerves take over.

  Finally, after the chill of the night had made it too cold to stay out on the deck any longer, she stood, and made her way into the house. She needed to get some sleep. Tomorrow was her dress fitting, and then Patrick was coming back into town to shop for apartments with her. She had a busy day ahead.


  The next morning Katie, Hannah, and Melanie all met Anna downtown at Ella’s Bridal. Katie had picked out a dress when she was home over Christmas, and she’d already had two fittings. If everything was right today then she could take the dress home. The group made their way into the shop and headed back to the alterations department. Anna was already there, tapping her foot, waiting.

  “It’s about time,” she gasped as they rounded the corner.

  “Sorry Mother. Traffic was pretty bad this morning. We’re here though, aren’t we?” Melanie sighed and plopped down in a nearby chair.

  “Well now that we’re all here, let’s get you changed,” Valerie, the sales girl, laughed as she came striding up.

  “Sounds good. I’ve got lots to do today,” Katie rolled her eyes.

  Valerie and Katie disappeared into a changing room and Hannah moved over to the side of the room and took a seat. After several minutes, Valerie reemerged.

  “I think we’re ready,” she smiled.

  She held open the door as Katie came shuffling out. She moved over in front of the mirror and twisted from side to side looking at herself.

  “Well, how do I look?” she blushed as Melanie threw a beaming smile in her direction.

  “You look absolutely beautiful,” Melanie stood and moved over to hug her daughter.

  Katie had chosen a rather elaborate gown, the bodice of which had a sweetheart neckline, edged in small crystals. Ruching covered down to the dropped waist, and just below the hips a half inch wide band of crystals attached the bodice to the skirt. A single flower adorned one hip with a gathering of the skirt, and layers upon layers of lace and crystal-edged organza stood out in shimmering brilliance. The back of the dress was finished in a corset design with a wide satin ribbon lacing up the back. Katie had the figure of a model, with her father’s height and her mother’s slim build, and the ruching on the bodice further enhanced her tiny waist.

  She turned and looked at the group, “Well, what do you think?”

  “I think it looks great,” Hannah chimed in.

  “Put the veil on,” her grandmother begged.

  Valerie came over with a cathedral length veil. It had a lace edging and small crystals scattered throughout it. She pinned it in place and pulled the blush down over Katie’s face.

  “Absolutely beautiful,” Anna gasped.

  “I can’t wait for Patrick to see it,” Katie giggled.

  “You’re going to leave him speechless,” Hannah laughed.

  “Well, I think we can finally take it home,” Melanie smiled. “Why don’t you change out of that and I’ll take it back for you. You can call Patrick and see if he just wants to pick you up here.”

  “Thanks Mom. That’ll be great,” Katie walked back into the changing room and began to remove the gown.

  When they were standing at the register making the final payment, Katie’s phone chimed.

  From Patrick:

  Glad you’re done. I’ll come get you. Found a couple of places I want you to see. How about dinner afterwards? Love you!!!

  “Mom, is it alright if I bail on dinner tonight? Patrick wants to take me out,” Katie cocked her head to the side with a questioning look.

  “Sure, just call me if you’re going to be out late. I don’t want to worry about you,” she hugged her and then Katie walked out of the store.


  Patrick was just pulling up when Katie placed her hand over her eyes, shielding them from the sun.

  “Your chariot awaits, my lady,” he smiled and opened her door.

  “Thanks,” she offered him a small peck and climbed in.

  The two headed off for an afternoon of apartment hunting, hoping that they’d find the perfect place to start the rest of their lives in. After all, the wedding was only two weeks away.

  Chapter 23

  “I think you should wear it down,” Hannah slowly nodded.

  She and Katie had been at the hair dresser trying out hair styles for the last hour. Katie had yet to decide what to do with her hair for the wedding.

  “I don’t know. The reception’s going to be outside. I’m worried I might be too hot,” Katie groaned.

  “It’s at night, though,” Hannah reasoned.

  “That’s true, but with all those people...I’m sure it will be quite warm,” she sighed. “Besides, that dress is not cool by any means.”

  “Well, I’m sure the heat under that tent will be nothing compared to the heat in your hotel room afterwards,” Hannah giggled.

  Katie blushed and covered her face with her hands.

  Hannah glanced over, “Did you talk to Mom?”

  “Yes,” Katie mumbled.

  “And?” Hannah prodded.

  “And nothing, it’s private,” Katie shushed her.

  “Hey…I told you private stuff about Matt and me,” Hannah glared.

  “This is different,” Katie huffed.

  “Fine, I’ll drop it. You need to put your ‘big girl’ panties on and ‘man up’,” Hannah giggled.

  The stylist had just put Katie’s hair in a fancy braid that curled around the crown of her head and made its way to the base of her neck, finishing in a cascade of curls down her back.

  “I kinda like it like that,” Hannah smiled.

  “Yeah, me too,” Katie nodded.

  “I think this is what I’m gonna do,” she glanced u
p at the stylist.

  “Sure thing,” the stylist wrote some notes in her book and blocked out time for Katie to come back the morning of the wedding.


  “Let’s get outta here,” Hannah bounded out the door and headed for the car. “You wanna go grab something for dinner?”

  “I can’t,” Katie sighed. “I’m meeting Patrick. We have to sign the lease on our apartment. You can come with me if you want?”


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