The Boy Next Door

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The Boy Next Door Page 23

by Heather D'Agostino

  Today was going to be a whirlwind. As she stuffed a piece of toast into her mouth and downed the glass of juice that was set out on the counter, she took calming breaths and sighed slightly.

  “Something wrong?” Melanie turned and eyed her.

  “No, just nerves I think,” Katie mumbled. “My stomach’s been in knots since last night. I didn’t sleep well, and nothing sounds appealing for food at the moment. I know I need to eat, though,” she picked another piece of toast up and nibbled on it.

  Soon after breakfast, the girls piled into Melanie’s BMW and headed out to the salon, as Katie still needed to get her hair in order before heading to the church to dress. Austin stayed behind with Joey and Cora. Both he and Melanie knew that keeping Joey out from under foot was going to be a challenge. He had agreed that he would hold down the fort, and he and Joey would be at the church, ready, in plenty of time. As he cleaned the breakfast dishes up, he was lost in his own thoughts about his and Melanie’s wedding day. He still couldn’t believe that Katie was getting married.


  After finishing up at the salon, the girls headed to the church. Katie fidgeted in the backseat. She was a ball of nerves and was beyond the point of being able to calm down. The fact that she had two hours until she was going to walk down the aisle to Patrick was causing her stomach to do flips. She was excited beyond words that the day had finally come, but she was sure she wouldn’t remember much of it. She spent most of her time telling herself that she’d be fine, and he loved her.

  “You ok?” Melanie glanced in the rearview mirror.

  “Yeah, fine,” Katie grinned. “I think I have bats though, not butterflies. Or maybe dinosaurs?”

  “It’s normal,” Melanie smiled.

  “Could you please stop saying that?” Katie whined.

  “Ok, you’ll feel better once the ceremony’s over. Is that better?” she smiled.

  “A little,” Katie slumped down in the backseat.

  “Of course once the ceremony is over I’m sure you’ll have your mind on other things,” Hannah smirked. “Like maybe leaving?”

  Katie gave a murderous glance in Hannah’s direction, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “If you say so,” Hannah giggled.

  “Mom, please make her stop,” Katie whined.

  “Katie, get a grip. How old are you?” Melanie shook her head.


  Before they knew it, they were turning onto the street that the church was on. The Cathedral of the Holy Cross loomed in the distance.

  “Oh, it’s beautiful!” Hannah exclaimed.

  “Yes, this is where Grandma wanted Austin and me to marry,” Melanie sighed as she looked up at the beautiful building.

  There were several rooms available for Katie to dress in. Anna had spared no expense on this wedding. The girls got out of the car and walked around back to begin the process of dressing, when suddenly Katie’s phone chimed. Hannah pulled it out of her pocket and rolled her eyes as she looked at the caller ID.

  Katie begged, “Please give me that.”

  Hannah glared at her and then back at the phone before handing it over.

  “Hello,” Katie answered sweetly.

  “I thought I was going to get your sister again,” Patrick chuckled.

  “No it’s me, but you only have about thirty seconds before she wrestles this away from me,” Katie giggled.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I got your note and I can’t wait for the next hour to go by so I can kiss you and hold you in my arms,” Patrick whispered seductively into the phone. “You have no idea the thoughts that have been running through my head today. Thinking about you…naked, moaning my name as you…”

  “Patrick, you can’t say stuff like that over the phone,” Katie interrupted blushing a deep red and turned away from the group.

  “Why? You’re thinking about it aren’t you?” he pushed. “Aren’t you? Your silence is speaking volumes,” he grinned and clicked his tongue. “Don’t worry, I’ve been thinking about it for months now. I’m sure the real thing will be so much better though.”

  “Stop!” Katie begged. “You’re embarrassing me!”

  “I don’t think you’ll be saying that later,” he whispered.

  She could feel her face redden as his words enflamed her more than she could bear.

  “I have to go,” she mumbled.

  “See you at the altar,” he chuckled. “Keep your phone away from Hannah. I would hate for her to hear a conversation like this one.”

  “Love you,” she hung up the phone. “Alright, let’s do this,” she called in the direction of the group.


  Once they had dressed, Katie stood with her back to the door admiring her profile in the mirror.

  “Are you sure we need this?” Katie flipped her fingers at the blush veil.

  “Of course we do,” Anna rounded the corner and stopped at the sight of her granddaughter. “You look absolutely beautiful.”

  “Thanks,” Katie wiped at her eye as a tear threatened to fall. “No tears, this is a happy day,” she whispered more to herself than to anyone else.


  When everyone was seated in the church, and the priest was ready to begin, the group made their way outside to walk around to the front doors. As soon as the organ began to pump music into the air, the set of doors on the right was pulled open. Katie was hiding behind the left set to stay out of view of the procession. Canon in D filtered through the air as Melanie was seated and the wedding party began to make the march down the aisle.

  One by one all of their friends made their way down the aisle. Joey and Max, Patrick’s little brother, were the last to enter as they each carried a pillow. One with Katie’s ring, and one with Patrick’s. Katie took a few deep, calming breaths as the doors closed preparing for her entrance. Austin sidled up next to her offering his arm.

  “You ready?” he leaned into her ear.

  With a quick nod she threaded her arm through his and the doors opened. A trumpet sounded as she began to slowly walk towards the altar. The ushers at the door fluffed her train as she passed, making sure she was the epitome of perfection.

  As she moved down the aisle, the pipe organ swelled to fill the church. Smiling faces turned to greet her, and Patrick stood stark still as he watched her float toward him. She gripped Austin’s arm tighter than she needed to, but as she moved further into the fantasy that was a reality, she grew weak in the knees.

  “Relax,” Austin whispered into her ears. “You’re going to pass out if you don’t.”

  Once they reached the front, Austin flipped Katie’s veil back and kissed her on the cheek before passing her hand to Patrick and moving to join her mother in the first pew. The rest of the ceremony passed by in a blur as Katie and Patrick said their vows, exchanged rings, and finally sealed their bond with a kiss. Katie’s smile was so wide her cheeks were beginning to ache. After the priest pronounced them husband and wife, Patrick sighed, “Finally.” He reached up and grasped Katie’s neck with one hand as he wrapped the other arm around her waist. Pulling her flush to him, he sealed their vows with a soft kiss. When they broke apart, Katie gazed up at him with starry eyes before they turned and smiled at their guests.

  Once the service was over, she was finally able to take in the beauty of her surroundings. A white runner ran down the center aisle of the cathedral, which was adorned in beautiful white flowers and candles with bows made of white tulle fastened to the ends of the pews. Candles of all different heights were covering the altar.

  “It’s like a dream,” she whispered. “I couldn’t have pictured it more perfect in my head.”

  Patrick glanced at her as he continued to grin, “It’s not over yet.” He offered her his arm as they stepped down from the altar and began lead the procession.

  As they continued down the aisle at a slow pace, taking in everything around them, they couldn’t help but feel like this was a day that could have o
nly been dreamed about. Katie had no idea that her grandmother would go to such lengths to make this day so perfect. The rest of the wedding party soon followed behind them, including Austin, Melanie, Jason, and Suzanne. They all needed to wait for the guests to clear out so that they could get pictures taken before they left the church.


  Once they were alone, Patrick leaned into Katie’s ear, “So are you happy?”

  “I can’t believe that you’re even asking me that!” she gasped.

  “Just making sure,” he chuckled and then leaned in and brushed his lips over hers.

  She turned in his arms and lifted hers to wrap around his neck, pressing her body into his and deepening the kiss. Patrick groaned slightly as he felt her hips press into his.

  She pulled back slightly to break to kiss and mumbled against his mouth, “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too,” he whispered “for eternity,” he added as he reached for her left hand that was now adorned in diamonds.

  She glanced down at the wedding band he’d given her, another surprise of which she’d been unaware. When they had gone to pick out rings, she’d selected a simple gold band. She’d used the excuse that her engagement ring was fancy enough that she didn’t need something extravagant for a wedding band. Apparently Patrick thought otherwise. He’d gone back without her and exchanged it for a diamond eternity band. He’d said that this was forever, and he meant it. They would last an eternity. Today he hadn’t missed the small gasp that had escaped her lips as he slid it on her finger during the ceremony.

  “We better go back in there before they come looking for us,” Patrick pointed at the door. “We still have pictures and then a reception to get through. I hope you took a nap today, because I plan on keeping you up all night,” he smirked and leaned in to place a quick kiss to the side of her neck.

  The happy couple made their way back into the church, ready to face the firing squad of cameras for their moment in the spot light.

  Chapter 25

  May 2019- The Reception

  After what felt like hours, the wedding party along with the happy couple piled into the waiting limos to be driven to the reception. Anna was hosting this in her backyard. Most people would frown on the idea of hosting such an extravagant event at their house but not Anna Andrews. Her yard looked like something out of a magazine. All of the trees and flowers were in bloom, and once you walked through the gate to the backyard, it was almost like you’d disappeared into a private park.

  Opulent and regal were only a few of the words used to describe this event. When the cars pulled up to the driveway, attendants walked up to open the doors for guests. Anna had hired a valet service to park cars down the street since her drive would not accommodate the large crowd. After all, this was a big event. They were expecting close to three hundred people.

  A large white tent had been erected in the backyard with the sides tied back to let the cool spring breeze flow through. Pink and white paper lanterns hanging in the trees glowed in the darkening sky. It was dusk, and before long evening would be upon them. White twinkle lights twisted in the rafters of the tent, and small votives placed in the center of high top tables situated sporadically throughout the surrounding yard, provided a soft ambient glow. A dance floor had been placed at one end of the tent with a deejay off to the side. On the opposite end was a long table for the wedding party. Guests were currently milling around, sipping wine, and nibbling on snacks while waiting for the wedding party.


  As they climbed out of the limo, they could hear soft jazz music wafting through the air as it made its way out to the street. Anna smiled as she surveyed her work.

  “Perfect,” she nodded with a quick snap of her head.

  “Yes, it’s beautiful Grandma,” Katie smiled as Patrick offered his hand to help her out of the vehicle.

  She offered him a sideways smile as he helped her wrestle with her dress in order to stand.

  “You look absolutely beautiful, but this dress won’t stop fighting with me,” he whispered in her ear.

  She blushed and tapped on his chest, “I’m only going to wear this once, so I want to enjoy it.”

  The rest of the wedding party made their way back to the gate leading to the backyard, while Katie and Patrick stayed behind. Anna wanted the deejay to announce their entrance and lead right into their first dance. Then once they finished, they would be seated and dinner would be served. Katie’s knees shook slightly as excitement took over her nerves. Patrick had his arm wrapped tightly around her waist as he drew small circles on her side with his fingers.

  “You ready, Mrs. McKinley?” he glanced at her as they began the trek to the gate.

  “Yes,” she grinned. “I like the sound of that, say it again?”

  “Mrs. McKinley,” he mumbled and kissed the side of her neck.

  Suddenly the deejay could be heard over the drone of people in the yard.

  “I’d like to present to you for the second time today, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McKinley,” came the booming voice.

  Patrick and Katie came waltzing through the gate arm and arm, grinning at each other like fools. Happiness radiated off them so thick you could feel it. They made their way to the dance floor and waited for the music to start as the deejay announced, “Please have a seat while Patrick and Katie have their first dance as husband and wife. Then they ask that you enjoy the food, beverage, and evening.”

  As Katie and Patrick took to the dance floor arm and arm, Graham Colton’s, “The Best Days” filled the air. Candles flickered in the distance and a breeze blew softly through the trees. Nothing around them could match the beauty of them swaying to the music and the love that radiated on their faces. Patrick’s arms encircled her waist as Katie leaned into his embrace.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I love you so much,” she smiled back as a single tear trickled down her face.

  Patrick’s brow wrinkled as he brushed the tear away with his thumb. “I hope these are happy tears,” he chuckled.

  “Yes, very happy tears. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy,” she leaned in to place a soft kiss to his lips as her body pressed even closer into his.

  Yeah let’s make the best of tonight

  Here comes the rest of our lives

  “The rest of our lives,” Katie sang along with the music as Patrick buried his face in her neck.

  “That’s right baby, here comes the rest of our lives,” he grinned.

  Here comes the rest of our lives


  The song and their first dance came to an end. The couple began to come out of their daze and wander off the dance floor, making their way to the head table as guests offered their congratulations. Melanie and Austin watched from the parent’s table as Katie and Patrick were seated.

  “I can’t believe my baby’s all grown and married, “Melanie sighed as Austin offered a loving caress to her shoulder.

  “Well, at least she’s staying here in Boston, and you’ll see her at the hospital all the time,” Austin offered.

  “I know, but it’s not the same. She’s an adult now. I’m still getting used to the idea of her being married,” she glanced at him and then back at Katie.

  “Patrick’s a good boy. He’ll make her happy,” Austin kissed her on the cheek. “Let’s eat. I’m starved.”

  “You, all you think about is food,” she giggled.


  Waiters in white tuxes began bringing out tray after tray of plated dinners. Everyone was seated in the tent and enjoying their food. Before long, Hannah stood and began clinking her glass with a fork in order to get everyone’s attention.

  “Hi,” she stood and picked up her glass. “As most of you know, I’m Hannah Montgomery, Katie’s sister. Katie and I met in the tenth grade and became close friends. We quickly found that we had so much in common, people assumed we were sisters. After all, we hung out together all the time and shared
our own private jokes that no one else understood,” she smiled at Katie and continued. “After several covert operations, we convinced our parents that they needed to go on a date. After lots of prodding and help, they eventually saw the error of their ways and decided to marry. Low and behold, we did become sisters. One Christmas after a big snow storm, Katie and I went out to play in the snow in the backyard. As we were walking, a rogue snowball came flying through the air, smacking Katie in the middle of her back. This one,” she pointed at Patrick, “came around the corner laughing and taunting us. Little did he know that Katie never loses and he was in for it. After pelting him with snow and giving him a little attitude, Katie flounced off into the house. I knew,” she pointed between them, “that this was inevitable. They fought it for years. Dancing around one another, dating other people, claiming they were “just friends.” Anyone who saw them together knew they were perfect for each other. Finally,” she pointed at Patrick, “this one decided to come to the mountain. He makes his move only weeks before this one,” she pointed at Katie, “decides to leave town for school. Anyway, I’m sure you see the result here. And I have to say it’s about time. So everyone raise your glasses and join me when I say, “to Katie and Patrick, these are the best days, make the most of it.”


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