The One Awakened

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by Yvette M Calleiro

  The One Awakened:

  Chronicles of the Diasodz, Book 5

  By Yvette M. Calleiro

  Copyright 2017 Yvette M. Calleiro

  Kindle Edition

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  The Chronicles of the Diasodz Series

  The One Discovered

  The One Enlightened

  The One Betrayed

  The One Revealed

  The One Awakened

  Table of Contents


  Prophecies Told

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  About Yvette M. Calleiro

  Connect with Yvette M. Calleiro



  To Liz, Ana, and Bina,

  You are the angels who complete me.

  Thank you for being the truest friends a person could ask for.

  Prophecies Told

  Angel’s Prophecy:

  The earth cannot survive without water, just as fire cannot flare without air.

  Ar’ch’s Prophecy:

  You will love like never before when you discover the one is for you.

  Damiana’s Prophecy:

  You will make a great sacrifice to bring a savior to our people.

  Drake’s Prophecy:

  Your child, born from love, will have the power to redeem our people.

  Liana’s Prophecy:

  Your influence will provide life for the savior of our people.

  Sofia’s Prophecy:

  When the time is upon you, you must give of yourself to save those you love most.

  Valerie’s Prophecies:

  Your child must be raised by another or the savior of our people will be lost forever.

  One brother will love the child, while the other brother will be in love with another. The child will also love the other. The brothers must join forces or the other will be lost, and so will the savior of our people.

  Chapter One

  Ar’ch jolted awake under his and Sofia’s golden willow tree. His heart raced, and he frantically looked around, hoping to see Sofia, but he only saw Angel looking at him with concern. It had just been a dream, he realized.

  “What’s happened?” Angel asked.

  Ar’ch sat up, deflated. He placed his elbows on his knees and ran his hands through his pitch-black hair. “You were right about coming here, Angel. I saw her. Sofia was here, and I held her. She tried to tell me where she was, but then she faded away, and I couldn’t hold on to her.”

  Angel placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “You will find her again. Just keep reaching out to her.”

  It had been over a month since Rafe had kidnapped Sofia, and Ar’ch was no closer to finding her than when she disappeared. He leaned against the willow tree and looked up to the sky through its golden branches to the sun rising and prayed. “Goddess, please help me find her. I will do whatever it takes to bring her home safely. Please.”

  Just then, the branches rustled, and Ar’ch looked up to see Rafe walk through them. He couldn’t believe that the Goddess had heard him so quickly and had delivered the person responsible for Sofia’s disappearance straight to him. He reached for his tattoos to release his swords, but Rafe quickly encased him up to his shoulders in earth. Because he used his affinity to earth to imprison Ar’ch, Rafe’s green eyes crackled with brown branches running through his irises.

  “How dare you show your face here!” Ar’ch yelled. His own eyes began to transform from their calm, sky blue with white sparks to show angry swirls of white tornados mixing with his blue irises.

  “I come in peace. Hear me out, please.” While his eyes returned to normal, Rafe held his hands in front of him to show that he did not hold a weapon.

  Ar’ch blasted through the earth, used his speed to get to Rafe, and began choking him. “Did you think that would hold me? You are no match for me.”

  Angel cautiously approached Ar’ch. “Stop! You’re going to kill him!”

  “Good. He deserves much worse.”

  Rafe’s usually tanned face lost its color. “That is not our way, brother,” Angel said.

  “He took Sofia!” Ar’ch yelled and used his affinity to air to slowly pull the oxygen out of Rafe’s lungs.

  “He’s our only hope of finding her,” Angel pleaded. Rafe began to turn blue. “Ar’ch, please.”

  Ar’ch reveled in watching his enemy’s life begin to fade away. He would drain Rafe’s mind of the information he needed to find Sofia, and then he would finish draining his lungs of the air he needed to live. Rafe would pay for taking Sofia; he would make sure of it.

  “Ar’ch,” Angel whispered.

  Ar’ch hated to agree with his brother; he wanted to take revenge on Rafe for all the misery he had caused their family. He rolled his eyes. “How do we know that he will help us?”

  Angel’s dark blue eyes began to ripple with light blue waves, letting Ar’ch know that he was tapping into his affinity to water to read Rafe’s emotions. “He’s here, and I feel no anger coming from him. Plus, he could easily use earth to pull your attention away from him.”

  “He could try,” Ar’ch challenged.

  “Brother, please.”

  “And if he attacks?”

  “Then I will solidify every drop of his blood in his body.” Angel turned to Rafe. “Do you understand?”

  Rafe nodded emphatically.

  Ar’ch roughly released Rafe who collapsed to his knees and began sucking in air as quickly as his lungs would allow. Rafe looked angrily at him. Ar’ch knew that if he gave Rafe the opportunity, he would be dead, but he had no intention of letting his guard down. He’d let Rafe speak, but then he’d make he suffered for taking Sofia away from him.


  Damiana stood in front of the throne room being erected in her backyard and marveled at its gran
deur. Her demons and deminions had put all their efforts into building the perfect chapel of adoration for her. When they won the war, leaders from all over the universe would visit her and kneel at her feet in both reverence and fear. All would stand before her in awe of the sheer magnificence of the structure. She would rule them all, and no one would ever question her worth again.

  She admired the painting that had been hung to the right of the entrance. She and Drake stood together regally. The demon who had painted it had captured all her curves, which pleased Damiana immensely. Her long, black, curly hair cascaded over her shoulders to caress her breasts. The sleek and slender red dress complemented her olive-toned skin. Drake looked sexy in his black suit that seemed to pulsate against his muscles. He wore his shoulder-length, brown hair in a ponytail as usual, though she much preferred to see it loose. The painting truly depicted how great of a couple they made. If only real life could emulate the painting, she thought.

  “What is this monstrosity?” Drake said as he walked up to her.

  Damiana sighed. “Obviously, it’s a throne room. Once the war is over, we will need a place for our people to meet with their king and queen.”

  “Did it have to be so close to home?” He walked inside to explore it. “I have to admit that it is fit for a king.”

  “And queen,” she added. She took the lead to show off her creation. “It will have its own portal room when it is done and will be heavily guarded so that our visitors cannot leave the throne room to explore our property without our consent.”

  Drake nodded in approval. He walked around the room and looked at the hole that had been created at the base of one of the thrones. “What is that for?” he asked.

  Damiana smiled. “That will be a holding cell for our most valued prisoner. It will contain a very special cell made of the purest crystal so that it can drain the prisoner of his or her powers.” She decided to keep to herself that the cell would also allow her to absorb every ounce of power drained from her prisoner. Those little details were best kept a secret for now.

  Drake studied the cell. It was large enough for a person to stand and move around. She could almost see him processing why he would need or want a cell in this room when he had a completely secure dungeon below his home. She knew that the Dimension of Redemption had draining cells, and she had no doubt he had learned of them during his imprisonment there.

  His eyes widened ever so slightly, and he narrowed his eyes at her before saying, “Interesting. And who exactly do you plan to put in there?”

  She shrugged. “Whoever earns it, I guess.” She tried her best to hide her smile, but she could not contain her excitement about their first occupant.

  “You are not seriously considering putting our daughter in there, are you?”

  She shrugged again. “If she chooses not to cooperate, why not?”

  “Are you insane?” he yelled. Then, he shook his head. “You have to be. Damiana, you are losing it. How can you even consider putting our daughter down in that hole?”

  “Our daughter has immense powers, Drake. All of us have gained powers because of her. If she refuses to help us, then we need have a way to contain those powers.” Or better yet, I can use those powers for my own purposes, she thought to herself.

  “That will be unnecessary. I am sure Rafe will convince her to join us.”

  “I’m sure you are right,” she replied, laughing inside because she knew that Rafe had no intention of helping Sofia after she had tried to leave him without even a goodbye.

  “Where is my son?” Drake asked.

  “With Khameel somewhere, I’m sure,” she replied, already losing interest in having a conversation with him.

  “I’m off to find him. I want to spend some time with him before I have to leave again.”

  “Have fun,” she said dismissively and then admired the creation before her.

  Damiana salivated at the idea of absorbing the amount of power within her daughter. Once she had Sofia’s powers, there would not be a Diasodz in the universe who could win a battle against her. This war was over, and no one had any clue. Soon, they would all be begging her for mercy, even Drake. She looked forward to finally having everything that she had always wanted. She took one last look around and left in search of her demons to make sure that they picked up the pace.


  Rafe massaged his throat and attempted to stand. His shoulder-length, dark brown hair fell in front of his face which gave him some time to control his countenance.

  “I suggest you rise very slowly,” Ar’ch warned.

  He stood and cleared his throat. “Before you kill me, I know where Sofia and Liana are, and I need your help to save them.”

  “Save them? You kidnapped her!”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I thought -”

  “Where is she?” Ar’ch interrupted. Ar’ch angrily turned toward Angel. “Will you stop trying to manipulate me? I have a right to be angry.”

  “If you weren’t so angry, you’d realize that he’s asking for our help.”

  “And if you didn’t have some sadistic crush on him, you’d realize that he’s the enemy!”

  Rafe looked at Angel who looked away. He hated that Ar’ch embarrassed Angel, though he didn’t want to focus on what Ar’ch had said. “If you weren’t so obnoxious, you’d realize that I do not have my shield in place, and you could just read my mind.”

  Ar’ch went to argue but then paused. Rafe felt Ar’ch enter his mind and begin reading his memories. His eyes grew wider with every revelation.

  Rafe put his hands up in defense. “Just hear me out, please. You have a right to be angry, but for Sofia, for Liana, please give me a chance to explain.”

  Angel looked from Rafe to Ar’ch. “What is he talking about?”

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” Ar’ch said.

  The willow tree branches brushed against one another, and Rafe watched a man walk toward them with ten guards. He had never met him before, but his short black hair and his blue eyes with light blue specks floating within them led Rafe to believe that he was Ar’ch and Angel’s father. He stood as tall as Rafe’s father but not as muscular. The man and his guards approached, and Rafe stood his ground. The man looked at Ar’ch and Angel before focusing on Rafe. His breath caught in his throat. “Oh, my Goddess. This can’t be!”


  Rafe followed Nolan, Ar’ch, and Angel into their house. With Rafe’s wrists secured in unbreakable chains, Nolan dismissed all the guards but one when they reached the foyer. A woman rushed toward them and stopped abruptly when she reached them.

  “Where’s Sofia?” she asked.

  Nolan slowly moved to the side to reveal Rafe.

  The woman looked at him and then back to Nolan, confused. “I don’t understand. I feel it in my core that you brought my child home, but…who is he?”

  Rafe smiled angrily at his seed mother. He had studied Valerie from the moment that she had come toward them. He hated her beauty and the calmness that he felt by her proximity. She had long, straight, brown hair and light green eyes with dark green specks in them. Except for her pale skin, Rafe recognized himself in her features. “Hi, Mom.”

  Ar’ch punched his side. “You have no right to call her that.”

  After coughing, he said, “I have every right, and you know it.”

  Valerie looked at each of them before turning to Nolan. “What is he talking about?”

  Nolan took her hand. “Let’s go to the conference room, love, so we can sort this out.”

  After everyone sat around the conference table, Valerie said, “Here we are. I want answers.”

  Everyone looked at Rafe, who turned to Ar’ch. “Do you want the pleasure of telling my story, or shall I?”

  “Go for it. I’ll fill in wherever I feel that you left something out.”

  “Fine,” he said and then turned toward Nolan and Valerie. “I am Drake’s son. Damiana raised me. Once I had my death day, Damiana told me that I was the
savior of the Raizyns. I realize now that that is not true, despite the prophecy.”

  “I don’t understand,” Valerie said.

  “The prophecy says that your child would be the savior, right?”

  Valerie looked to Nolan and her sons. “Yes.”

  “Well, I am your son, and I am not the savior.”

  Valerie closed her eyes and held on to the table. Nolan touched her arm. She opened her eyes and shook her head. “How is that possible? Liana gave birth to -”

  “Me,” Rafe interrupted. “Apparently, before Sofia and I were born, Damiana convinced Liana that I would be safer if I were raised by her. That way if anyone came searching for me, they would not know where to find me.”

  “Why would Liana ever trust her with my child?”

  “She didn’t know what Damiana looked like,” Ar’ch said.

  “Oh, Goddess!” Valerie slumped back in her chair.

  Rafe continued, secretly enjoying upsetting his seed mother. “Both Sofia and I are Drake’s children, so Damiana convinced Liana to raise us to become best friends. Of course, Liana didn’t know at the time that we were related. She shared with me later that she realized her mistake when Sofia started showing signs of being the savior. By then, it was too late to switch us again. Plus, Sofia is the savior, so she didn’t want to just hand her back to Damiana.” Rafe laughed sarcastically, still feeling the hurt of rejection.

  “Anyway, long story short, Damiana knows the truth now. She knows that Sofia is the savior, but she still thinks that I want to help her destroy you all, so she sent me here to infiltrate your family as your long-lost son to gain your trust. And here I am, but I have my own agenda. I want to save Sofia from that crazy woman before she hurts her. So, now you all need to figure out if you want to trust me or let Sofia suffer.”


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